Progarchives, the progressive rock ultimate discography

Progressive Rock Top Albums / all subgenres - all record types - 2007 - all countries

Based on members ratings & PA algorithm

Here is some details about how we calculate the average rating of an album and the rank of an album.

  • Average rating: The classic calculation of the average but more weight is affected to the ratings of collaborators and to ratings with reviews:
    - Rating only: Weight = 1
    - Review by members : Weight = 10
    - Review by PA Collaborators : Weight = 20
  • Rank of an album: We use a calculation that compare an album average ratings and number of ratings over all others albums in the query using this theory ( to create a variable every query "QWR" (AKA: Query Weighted Rating) use for ordering.

  • By default, only albums with the average ratings above the average ratings of the requested query are displayed in theses lists, you can control this value in the filters
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# Cover Title
Record Type, Year
1 Fear of a Blank Planet
Porcupine Tree
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2007
4.29 | 2898 ratings
QWR = 4.2780
2 Hiromi's Sonicbloom: Time Control
Hiromi Uehara
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2007
4.28 | 351 ratings
QWR = 4.2189
3 Doomsday Afternoon
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
4.22 | 1087 ratings
QWR = 4.2002
4 Sola Scriptura
Neal Morse
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2007
4.19 | 729 ratings
QWR = 4.1663
5 Night
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
4.14 | 672 ratings
QWR = 4.1131
6 Precambrian
The Ocean
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2007
4.26 | 119 ratings
QWR = 4.1074
7 Ziltoid The Omniscient
Devin Townsend
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2007
4.13 | 650 ratings
QWR = 4.1047
8 Empires Never Last
Studio, 2007
4.11 | 494 ratings
QWR = 4.0741
9 The Apocalypse Inside of an Orange
Omar Rodriguez-Lopez
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2007
4.22 | 106 ratings
QWR = 4.0630
10 The Hemulic Voluntary Band
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
4.11 | 294 ratings
QWR = 4.0547
11 Colors
Between The Buried And Me
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
4.08 | 476 ratings
QWR = 4.0488
12 Sleeping in Traffic - Part One
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2007
4.08 | 573 ratings
QWR = 4.0477
13 Shadows of the Sun
Post Rock/Math rock
Studio, 2007
4.10 | 311 ratings
QWR = 4.0444
14 Viides Luku - Hävitetty
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
4.21 | 86 ratings
QWR = 4.0287
15 A Gentleman's Hurricane
Mind's Eye
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.09 | 202 ratings
QWR = 4.0164
16 The Machinations Of Dementia
Blotted Science
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
4.10 | 167 ratings
QWR = 4.0143
17 Act II: The Meaning of, & All Things Regarding Ms. Leading
The Dear Hunter
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
4.05 | 333 ratings
QWR = 4.0080
18 Quantum
Planet X
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2007
4.08 | 198 ratings
QWR = 4.0064
19 The Origins of Ruin
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.07 | 224 ratings
QWR = 4.0061
20 Songs From The Bilston House
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2007
4.16 | 91 ratings
QWR = 3.9989
21 Frames
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2007
4.04 | 334 ratings
QWR = 3.9978
22 Indígena
Mar De Robles
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2007
4.13 | 98 ratings
QWR = 3.9850
23 Grindstone
Studio, 2007
4.17 | 76 ratings
QWR = 3.9838
24 Si, Partie II - L'Homme Idéal
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2007
4.05 | 183 ratings
QWR = 3.9730
25 Calling The Earth To Witness
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.05 | 153 ratings
QWR = 3.9656
26 Fas - Ite, Maledicti, in Ignem Aeternum
Deathspell Omega
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
4.08 | 119 ratings
QWR = 3.9636
27 Burning Off Impurities
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2007
4.14 | 76 ratings
QWR = 3.9619
28 Virtual Vinyl
Tribe Of Cro
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2007
4.84 | 15 ratings
QWR = 3.9591
29 The Great Divide
Steve Unruh
Prog Folk
Studio, 2007
4.24 | 46 ratings
QWR = 3.9578
30 Supervillain Outcast
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
4.28 | 40 ratings
QWR = 3.9550
31 Sound of the Apocalypse
Black Bonzo
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2007
4.03 | 173 ratings
QWR = 3.9546
32 Fables From A Mayfly - What I Tell You Three Times Is True
Fair To Midland
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
4.09 | 94 ratings
QWR = 3.9486
33 Concerto Grosso - The Seven Seasons
New Trolls
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2007
4.05 | 119 ratings
QWR = 3.9467
34 Leaving Eden
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2007
4.05 | 107 ratings
QWR = 3.9356
35 Two Hunters
Wolves In The Throne Room
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
4.13 | 61 ratings
QWR = 3.9313
36 A Time of Day
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2007
3.95 | 457 ratings
QWR = 3.9232
37 Neo
La Torre Dell'Alchimista
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2007
4.04 | 93 ratings
QWR = 3.9141
38 Buenos Aires - Free Experience, Volumen 2
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2007
4.08 | 68 ratings
QWR = 3.9114
39 Cortical Tectonics
Canvas Solaris
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
4.04 | 84 ratings
QWR = 3.9068
40 Stromatolite
Outer Limits
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2007
4.08 | 68 ratings
QWR = 3.9065
41 Endangered
Far Corner
Studio, 2007
4.08 | 64 ratings
QWR = 3.9043
42 Six Litanies for Heliogabalus
Moonchild Trio
Studio, 2007
4.14 | 45 ratings
QWR = 3.8959
43 5th Season
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.06 | 69 ratings
QWR = 3.8949
44 The End Is Begun
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
3.97 | 142 ratings
QWR = 3.8942
45 2nd Hands
The Gourishankar
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2007
3.95 | 183 ratings
QWR = 3.8938
46 Elil
Fall Of Efrafa
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2007
4.39 | 22 ratings
QWR = 3.8908
47 The Black Tomato
Øresund Space Collective
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2007
4.04 | 76 ratings
QWR = 3.8907
48 The Eclectic Measure
Hypnos 69
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2007
3.97 | 133 ratings
QWR = 3.8894
49 Voice In The Light
Amaran's Plight
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
3.94 | 182 ratings
QWR = 3.8820
50 Nula Jedan
Prog Folk
Studio, 2007
4.21 | 31 ratings
QWR = 3.8758
51 Ire Works
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
3.97 | 106 ratings
QWR = 3.8749
52 Sea Of The Dying Dhow
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2007
4.12 | 42 ratings
QWR = 3.8711
53 Pilgrim
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2007
3.98 | 97 ratings
QWR = 3.8698
54 Of All The Mysteries
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
4.11 | 43 ratings
QWR = 3.8691
55 Hope
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
3.94 | 144 ratings
QWR = 3.8680
56 Circus Of Life
Magic Pie
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2007
3.90 | 299 ratings
QWR = 3.8650
57 Paramount
Sieges Even
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
3.92 | 198 ratings
QWR = 3.8643
58 The Divine Conspiracy
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
3.93 | 141 ratings
QWR = 3.8632
59 Volume 7
Violeta De Outono
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2007
4.05 | 53 ratings
QWR = 3.8597
60 Sangrou
Satanique Samba Trio
Studio, 2007
4.41 | 18 ratings
QWR = 3.8563
61 What We Have Sown
The Pineapple Thief
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
3.89 | 267 ratings
QWR = 3.8534
62 Chain of Foods
Anti-Depressive Delivery
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2007
4.04 | 52 ratings
QWR = 3.8514
63 Blessed Are The Bonds
The Pax Cecilia
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2007
4.06 | 46 ratings
QWR = 3.8501
64 L'Homme-Loup
Prog Folk
Studio, 2007
4.21 | 26 ratings
QWR = 3.8435
65 The Ritual Fires Of Abandonment
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2007
4.18 | 28 ratings
QWR = 3.8420
66 Vyakhyan-Kar
Art Metal
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2007
4.33 | 19 ratings
QWR = 3.8402
67 Oblivion Sun
Oblivion Sun
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2007
3.93 | 102 ratings
QWR = 3.8376
68 Into The Night
Studio, 2007
3.87 | 279 ratings
QWR = 3.8345
69 Maahan
Alamaailman Vasarat
Studio, 2007
3.92 | 105 ratings
QWR = 3.8307
70 Eidolon
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
3.93 | 88 ratings
QWR = 3.8304
71 We Are Him
The Angels of Light
Prog Folk
Studio, 2007
4.58 | 12 ratings
QWR = 3.8292
72 In Rainbows
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2007
3.84 | 664 ratings
QWR = 3.8266
73 Dinero y Terminación Nerviosa
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2007
4.07 | 36 ratings
QWR = 3.8255
74 The Stolen View
Post Rock/Math rock
Studio, 2007
4.03 | 43 ratings
QWR = 3.8254
75 13th Star
Studio, 2007
3.85 | 299 ratings
QWR = 3.8201
76 EGO
Alex Argento
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.30 | 18 ratings
QWR = 3.8199
77 More Skin With Milk-Mouth
Giraffes? Giraffes!
Post Rock/Math rock
Studio, 2007
4.02 | 43 ratings
QWR = 3.8173
78 In Glorious Times
Sleepytime Gorilla Museum
Studio, 2007
3.88 | 140 ratings
QWR = 3.8165
79 Under a New Sign
Knight Area
Studio, 2007
3.86 | 196 ratings
QWR = 3.8157
80 Purgatory Dance Party
Polkadot Cadaver
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.47 | 13 ratings
QWR = 3.8136
81 Senogul
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2007
3.93 | 75 ratings
QWR = 3.8125
82 Waterline
Alex Carpani Band
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2007
3.97 | 54 ratings
QWR = 3.8123
83 Sei Lacrime d'Ambra
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2007
3.99 | 49 ratings
QWR = 3.8122
84 Proof Of Concept
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2007
3.98 | 51 ratings
QWR = 3.8110
85 The Sum of No Evil
The Flower Kings
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2007
3.82 | 644 ratings
QWR = 3.8107
86 Andromeda Unchained
Anubis Gate
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
3.88 | 112 ratings
QWR = 3.8074
87 A Great Divide
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.15 | 24 ratings
QWR = 3.8057
88 Morbus
Electric Orange
Studio, 2007
3.97 | 50 ratings
QWR = 3.8040
89 Once We Were Born ...
The Divine Baze Orchestra
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2007
3.97 | 48 ratings
QWR = 3.8032
90 Rapid Eye Movement
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
3.81 | 1006 ratings
QWR = 3.8012
91 After Forever
After Forever
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
3.89 | 86 ratings
QWR = 3.7949
92 Beneath the Veil of Winter's Face
Studio, 2007
3.83 | 212 ratings
QWR = 3.7939
93 The Latter Rain
In Vain
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
4.12 | 24 ratings
QWR = 3.7934
94 The Great Maddening
Le Grand Guignol
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2007
4.58 | 10 ratings
QWR = 3.7931
95 Far From Refuge
God Is An Astronaut
Post Rock/Math rock
Studio, 2007
3.87 | 92 ratings
QWR = 3.7887
96 Ugisiunsi
Quantum Fantay
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2007
3.85 | 119 ratings
QWR = 3.7886
97 Rational Diet
Rational Diet
Studio, 2007
3.96 | 45 ratings
QWR = 3.7884
98 Drosophila Road
Polytoxicomane Philharmonie
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2007
4.14 | 22 ratings
QWR = 3.7880
99 Paradise Lost
Symphony X
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
3.80 | 564 ratings
QWR = 3.7879
100 Mirrored
Post Rock/Math rock
Studio, 2007
3.84 | 141 ratings
QWR = 3.7862

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