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Progressive Rock Top Albums / all subgenres - all record types - 2013 - all countries

Based on members ratings & PA algorithm

Here is some details about how we calculate the average rating of an album and the rank of an album.

  • Average rating: The classic calculation of the average but more weight is affected to the ratings of collaborators and to ratings with reviews:
    - Rating only: Weight = 1
    - Review by members : Weight = 10
    - Review by PA Collaborators : Weight = 20
  • Rank of an album: We use a calculation that compare an album average ratings and number of ratings over all others albums in the query using this theory ( to create a variable every query "QWR" (AKA: Query Weighted Rating) use for ordering.

  • By default, only albums with the average ratings above the average ratings of the requested query are displayed in theses lists, you can control this value in the filters
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# Cover Title
Record Type, Year
1 The Raven That Refused to Sing (and Other Stories)
Steven Wilson
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.32 | 2446 ratings
QWR = 4.3100
2 The Mountain
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2013
4.21 | 1346 ratings
QWR = 4.1989
3 The Snow Goose (Re-recording)
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.15 | 655 ratings
QWR = 4.1237
4 Multipurpose Trap
Birds And Buildings
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.15 | 394 ratings
QWR = 4.1171
5 English Electric (Part Two)
Big Big Train
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.13 | 934 ratings
QWR = 4.1150
6 Bilo 3.0
David Maxim Micic
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.26 | 98 ratings
QWR = 4.1109
7 La Crudeltà di Aprile
Unreal City
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
4.14 | 407 ratings
QWR = 4.1045
8 Ritual
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2013
4.14 | 421 ratings
QWR = 4.1022
9 Monomyth
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2013
4.28 | 62 ratings
QWR = 4.0686
10 Colored Sands
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2013
4.15 | 153 ratings
QWR = 4.0635
11 Shrine of New Generation Slaves
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.07 | 1173 ratings
QWR = 4.0584
12 Um Himinjǫður
Prog Folk
Studio, 2013
4.25 | 66 ratings
QWR = 4.0561
13 Of Things That Never Were
The Worm Ouroboros
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.15 | 134 ratings
QWR = 4.0538
14 Prophecy
Studio, 2013
4.20 | 78 ratings
QWR = 4.0416
15 The Tide, the Thief & River's End
Caligula's Horse
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.07 | 256 ratings
QWR = 4.0278
16 The Theory of Everything
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.04 | 678 ratings
QWR = 4.0271
17 Fanfare & Fantasy
Comedy Of Errors
Studio, 2013
4.04 | 538 ratings
QWR = 4.0190
18 Armenia
Life Line Project
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.13 | 99 ratings
QWR = 4.0177
19 Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep
Spock's Beard
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.03 | 733 ratings
QWR = 4.0169
20 Snack(s)
Studio, 2013
4.15 | 85 ratings
QWR = 4.0159
21 Evidence
Taylor's Universe
Studio, 2013
4.14 | 89 ratings
QWR = 4.0135
22 Chapter One
I Know You Well Miss Clara
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2013
4.28 | 40 ratings
QWR = 4.0035
23 alieNatura
Il Tempio Delle Clessidre
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
4.05 | 230 ratings
QWR = 4.0028
24 Days Of Summer Gone
Christiaan Bruin
Studio, 2013
4.08 | 140 ratings
QWR = 4.0026
25 Architexture of Silence
Alpha Wave Movement
Progressive Electronic
Studio, 2013
4.39 | 28 ratings
QWR = 4.0016
26 Mad Fellaz
Mad Fellaz
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.13 | 83 ratings
QWR = 3.9991
27 The Eldritch Dark
Blood Ceremony
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2013
4.12 | 88 ratings
QWR = 3.9972
28 Le Sacre du Travail
The Tangent
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.01 | 412 ratings
QWR = 3.9825
29 Book of Souls - Folio A
Secret Chiefs 3
Studio, 2013
4.27 | 35 ratings
QWR = 3.9817
30 In Hoc Signo
Ingranaggi Della Valle
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
4.02 | 286 ratings
QWR = 3.9800
31 Human (The Facts)
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.17 | 48 ratings
QWR = 3.9707
32 Le Porte Del Domani
La Maschera Di Cera
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
4.00 | 347 ratings
QWR = 3.9702
33 Still Life With Eggplant
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.01 | 215 ratings
QWR = 3.9692
34 Guérison
Studio, 2013
4.07 | 92 ratings
QWR = 3.9653
35 Coal
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2013
3.98 | 510 ratings
QWR = 3.9649
36 Not a Good Sign
Not A Good Sign
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.01 | 235 ratings
QWR = 3.9647
37 LMR
Levin - Minnemann - Rudess
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2013
4.04 | 123 ratings
QWR = 3.9645
38 Harvest Moon
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.02 | 178 ratings
QWR = 3.9635
39 Le Ver Dans Le Fruit
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2013
3.99 | 319 ratings
QWR = 3.9616
40 Passing Through The Wall
Studio, 2013
4.51 | 17 ratings
QWR = 3.9585
41 After The Exhibition
The Wrong Object
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2013
4.05 | 102 ratings
QWR = 3.9572
42 Jeremias - Foreshadow of Forgotten Realms
Circle of Illusion
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.01 | 161 ratings
QWR = 3.9560
43 Pirut
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2013
4.86 | 10 ratings
QWR = 3.9511
44 An Ocean Held Me
Mice On Stilts
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.05 | 94 ratings
QWR = 3.9508
45 Machines Dream
Machines Dream
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.12 | 53 ratings
QWR = 3.9506
46 Use And Ornament
Regal Worm
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.07 | 79 ratings
QWR = 3.9505
47 The Tale Of The Golden King
The Psychedelic Ensemble
Studio, 2013
3.98 | 268 ratings
QWR = 3.9498
48 Euporie Tide
Causa Sui
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2013
4.07 | 71 ratings
QWR = 3.9475
49 The Path of Least Existence
Jet Black Sea
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.07 | 72 ratings
QWR = 3.9427
50 Desolation Rose
The Flower Kings
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
3.95 | 675 ratings
QWR = 3.9390
51 Reaching Places High Above
Persona Grata
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.19 | 34 ratings
QWR = 3.9388
52 Suono!
Distillerie di Malto
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
4.17 | 38 ratings
QWR = 3.9383
53 Caillou
Studio, 2013
4.31 | 23 ratings
QWR = 3.9378
54 Master
Teeth Of The Sea
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2013
4.10 | 53 ratings
QWR = 3.9371
55 Wilderness
Midas Fall
Post Rock/Math rock
Studio, 2013
4.59 | 13 ratings
QWR = 3.9350
56 A Feast of Consequences
Studio, 2013
3.95 | 465 ratings
QWR = 3.9347
57 One Of Us Is The Killer
The Dillinger Escape Plan
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2013
4.07 | 65 ratings
QWR = 3.9346
58 In Extremis
Days Between Stations
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2013
3.96 | 270 ratings
QWR = 3.9314
59 Sensitività
La Coscienza Di Zeno
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
3.97 | 206 ratings
QWR = 3.9311
60 Hubardo
Kayo Dot
Studio, 2013
3.99 | 138 ratings
QWR = 3.9280
61 1974 & The Death Of The Herald
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.76 | 10 ratings
QWR = 3.9276
62 Entities
Pomegranate Tiger
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.15 | 37 ratings
QWR = 3.9276
63 Out Of The Barnyard
Fright Pig
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
3.95 | 264 ratings
QWR = 3.9237
64 Thou Shalt Boogie!
Bushman's Revenge
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2013
4.67 | 11 ratings
QWR = 3.9236
65 The Final Breath Before November
Edison's Children
Studio, 2013
3.96 | 244 ratings
QWR = 3.9226
66 Hystero Demonopathy
Antonius Rex
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
4.05 | 64 ratings
QWR = 3.9221
67 Secrets of Disguise
The Samurai Of Prog
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
3.98 | 139 ratings
QWR = 3.9205
68 Protocol II
Simon Phillips
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2013
4.54 | 13 ratings
QWR = 3.9197
69 Silhouette Moon
Vienna Circle
Studio, 2013
3.96 | 176 ratings
QWR = 3.9187
70 In This Life
Virgil Donati
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2013
4.14 | 36 ratings
QWR = 3.9184
71 The Legend Of The Holy Circle
Three Monks
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
4.04 | 66 ratings
QWR = 3.9177
72 Worn Out
Taylor's Universe
Studio, 2013
4.05 | 58 ratings
QWR = 3.9161
73 When Time Stops
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.31 | 20 ratings
QWR = 3.9145
74 Spiral Meditations
Steve Roach
Progressive Electronic
Studio, 2013
4.79 | 9 ratings
QWR = 3.9139
75 Aurora Lunare
Aurora Lunare
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
4.11 | 39 ratings
QWR = 3.9128
76 Frozen Galaxies
Psychedelic/Space Rock
Studio, 2013
4.40 | 16 ratings
QWR = 3.9125
77 Il Falso Centro
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
4.18 | 29 ratings
QWR = 3.9123
78 Vertikal
Cult Of Luna
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2013
3.97 | 126 ratings
QWR = 3.9121
79 Das Geheimnis
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
3.97 | 127 ratings
QWR = 3.9115
80 All My Friends
Jack O' The Clock
Prog Folk
Studio, 2013
3.99 | 102 ratings
QWR = 3.9114
81 History Of The Visitation
Studio, 2013
3.99 | 93 ratings
QWR = 3.9111
82 Liminal
Tech/Extreme Prog Metal
Studio, 2013
4.00 | 74 ratings
QWR = 3.9003
83 A Space Odyssey, Part One - Monolith
Rock Progressivo Italiano
Studio, 2013
3.97 | 101 ratings
QWR = 3.8998
84 A Billion Years of Solitude
Sky Architect
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2013
3.93 | 195 ratings
QWR = 3.8975
85 Alchemy
Clive Nolan
Studio, 2013
3.94 | 155 ratings
QWR = 3.8971
86 The Greatest Show On Earth
Studio, 2013
3.91 | 450 ratings
QWR = 3.8968
87 Himlabacken Vol. 1
Moon Safari
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
3.92 | 360 ratings
QWR = 3.8964
88 Big Sur
Bill Frisell
Jazz Rock/Fusion
Studio, 2013
4.50 | 12 ratings
QWR = 3.8962
89 Requiem
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.13 | 31 ratings
QWR = 3.8954
90 Ulver & Tromsø Chamber Orchestra: Messe I.X - VI.X
Post Rock/Math rock
Studio, 2013
3.94 | 167 ratings
QWR = 3.8945
91 Fanfare Du Chaos
Studio, 2013
4.00 | 65 ratings
QWR = 3.8944
92 Anthology
Bader Nana
Studio, 2013
4.09 | 36 ratings
QWR = 3.8943
93 Lost in Time
Flamborough Head
Studio, 2013
3.94 | 152 ratings
QWR = 3.8919
94 The Beauty of Our Youth
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.03 | 49 ratings
QWR = 3.8906
95 Teethed Glory And Injury
Altar of Plagues
Experimental/Post Metal
Studio, 2013
3.99 | 68 ratings
QWR = 3.8890
96 Altered State
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
3.92 | 238 ratings
QWR = 3.8880
97 Soma White
Soma White
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
4.14 | 28 ratings
QWR = 3.8878
98 The Continuation
The Windmill
Heavy Prog
Studio, 2013
3.92 | 241 ratings
QWR = 3.8878
99 Gone Through Years
Crossover Prog
Studio, 2013
3.97 | 86 ratings
QWR = 3.8875
100 Sodom and Gomorrah
Eclectic Prog
Studio, 2013
3.94 | 128 ratings
QWR = 3.8865

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