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Rock Progressivo Italiano • Italy

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Sithonia biography
SITHONIA are another early Italian styled band with modern equipement who do a job better than usual. The roots of this music lay in the English progressive rock 1970/74 and in the Italian rock of the same years with elements of traditional music, Italian folk songs and jazz atmosphere. Their music is definitely influenced by the 70's GENESIS and probably some of their Italian predecessors like PFM. The result is a personal sound marked by simple touching melodies and swift changes heavy or symphonic. The musicanship is very good and full of the dynamics and surprises that characterizes Italian music.

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SITHONIA discography

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SITHONIA top albums (CD, LP, MC, SACD, DVD-A, Digital Media Download)

3.36 | 20 ratings
Lungo il sentiero di pietra
3.09 | 28 ratings
Spettacolo annullato
3.59 | 26 ratings
3.48 | 23 ratings
Hotel Brun
3.99 | 28 ratings
La Soluzione Semplice

SITHONIA Live Albums (CD, LP, MC, SACD, DVD-A, Digital Media Download)

3.27 | 11 ratings
Folla di passaggio

SITHONIA Videos (DVD, Blu-ray, VHS etc)

SITHONIA Boxset & Compilations (CD, LP, MC, SACD, DVD-A, Digital Media Download)

SITHONIA Official Singles, EPs, Fan Club & Promo (CD, EP/LP, MC, Digital Media Download)


Showing last 10 reviews only
 Confine by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 1995
3.59 | 26 ratings

Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by kenethlevine
Special Collaborator Prog-Folk Team

2 stars There seems to be unanimity, albeit with a small sample size, amongst reviewers that the first track on this 1995 release is some sort of a mini epic, truly the best thing since Banco/PFM that isn't certified by those early RPI pioneers, and that one can only be sated by listening to it several times before giving the rank and file pieces a chance. Well, I think I have listened dozens of times and I just don't get the love for "Albi Di Spagna". Yes it's a pretty almost folky start and a bombastic but ultimately predictable middle section and some pleasant piano in the outro but it doesn't seem very distinctive or well developed to me, just a few good but not great if disjointed ideas that don't really bring out the best in each other. Well, let's move on from that, shall we? OK, the rest, for the most part, isn't quite that good.

The fanfare returns here and there but "Confine" doesn't seem to know whether to romance us or rock the boat, so does neither very well, which "Piccole Vele" and "un Altro Momento" respectively illustrate. Most just passes by inoffensively, though the spoken parts of "sinergie.." are very irritating. At some point even a tease has to "put out", and this album only has two tracks that really move me, and dramatically so, in very specific passages. The first is "Pentole Sullo Scaffale", with its emotional guitar/keyboard flourishes that ultimately serenade it offstage, and the second is the closing and title cut, with similar pyrotechnics that give way to a reprise of the opening theme. "Porto D'Inghilterra" offers probably the most appealing vocal themes but I don't see them keeping me company too often.

I suppose if you are seeking RPI options that are still young enough to be respectably dwelling in their parents' basements, you could do settle for SITHONIA who did manage to buck the solo release trend, but better options must exist even within those confines. 2.5 stars rounded down

 La Soluzione Semplice by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 2011
3.99 | 28 ratings

La Soluzione Semplice
Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by andrea
Prog Reviewer

5 stars La soluzione semplice (The simple solution) is the fifth studio album by Sithonia, an Italianprog band from Bologna whose roots date back to the mid-eighties. It was released in 2011 on the independent label Lizard Records, after a long hiatus and a hard studio work, with a line up featuring Paolo Nannetti (organ, Mellotron, synth, backing vocals), Roberto Magni (guitar, mandolin), Oriano Dasasso (piano, synth), Orio Cenacchi (drums), Valerio Roda (bass) and Marco Giovannini (lead and backing vocals). The final result of their efforts is a good mix of vintage atmospheres and new musical flavours and I'm sure that fans of Italian prog will appreciate this concept album about dreams and time passing by, where the music and lyrics draw an imaginary bridge across past and present. But maybe the art work by Roberto Magni describes the content of the album better than my words...

The opener 'Treni di passaggio' (Passing trains) begins by some hypnotic piano notes and the noises of a railway station in the background. Then the music and lyrics depict a commuter who is coming home after a working day. All according to routine, it's just another day in his life. But suddenly something happens and you can experience a kind of emotional short circuit: the man has always fought against his dreams but now he realizes that he might be wrong while time is passing by... Then the rhythm rises and whirling waves of vintage keyboards draw him in the past where he gets lost for awhile like a child in a fairy-tale wood. After the instrumental middle section the vocals come back and the atmosphere becomes calmer... The commuter comes out from his dream with a new awareness: now he can accept his dreams and get along with his present life. Now he runs to catch his train, a new day can't separate what we are from what we were or what we had wanted to be... 'But we live, it's sure / There's nothing to dream / I'm running fast, there's a train waiting for...'.

What kind of magic made change the protagonist's mind? The second track, 'Tornando' (Coming back), is a beautiful short instrumental that starts with the sound of a tape in reverse. Now you have to set your watch back forty years, you're in a time warp... The following 'Cronaca persa' (Lost chronicle) is a long, complex suite divided into six parts that tells about a lost summer full of music, colours and glances towards the sky. An obsessive voice repeats that those days can't come back and that you can't go back in time. Nonetheless there are moments that seem everlasting, imagines that you can't forget, memories that can't melt into the mist of the daily grind and dreams that keep on flying through the clouds of a rainy day... 'The music goes, can't you hear it? / It soars through the brambles, it dances among the flowers and then it will remain... It comes from afar and plays with us / It won't go away...'. Those lost days now seem be running along the banks of a river, searching for a bridge to cross it while time is just a face on the water... Now you look in a mirror and see just a stranger, but sometimes memories come back with an overwhelming force and you have the illusion to be back there, just for a last time, just for a last stolen look... 'The last time, just a last time / I do not want to ask for more... Nothing can change if you can't change a bit...'.

The short, evocative instrumental 'Il tram del topo' (The tram of the mouse) leads to the title track that tells in music and words of a clash between different feelings in front of a difficult choice. The protagonist is now on the edge of an immense abyss and he's going to take a risk that he has never taken before... 'I will not be asking from you the simple solution / You will not be the one who will look with me for all the answers we have never asked...'.

The short, delicate instrumental 'Passeggiata' (Walk) leads to the conclusive 'Il vento di Nauders' (The wind from Nauders), another long, complex track that conjures up the memories of a beautiful day of music and friendship spent in the Alps (Nauders is a lovely place in Austria, near the border with Italy and Swiss). Now the air is redolent of the smell of the woods and you get lost among sweet sounds and warm colours... Then the dream comes to an end, the mist of time disappears and you can listen again to the same hypnotic notes of piano that opened the album. The circle is closed, the protagonist is back to reality on the train that takes him home...

On the whole, I think that this is an excellent album, a real must for Italian prog lovers!

 Hotel Brun  by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 1998
3.48 | 23 ratings

Hotel Brun
Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by apps79
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator

3 stars In mid-90's Sithonia went through their most difficult period.Many hours of rehearsals, lack of time due to daytime jobs and an insignificant impact to the markets brought lack of passion and enthusiam for new recordings.Additionally original guitarist Roberto Magni decided to leave the band.However the remaining members along with new guitarist Sauro Musi found the strength for a last shot.A new album entitled ''Hotel Brun'' was released in 1999, again the band was supported by Mellow Records.

The difficult period the band went through was somehat mirrored on this new effort.Although having this typical romantic and slightly old-school Italian Prog sound, ''Hotel Brun'' contains the less risky and nervous arrangements the band had put on.Swirling around a smooth and careful sound and with a limited focus on the ( nevertheless always light) interplays, the album relies much on melody ans song-based material, not unlike ATON'S.However it is still better than most of the amateur recordings some Italian Prog-wannabees throw in the market.The keyboards have a nice symphonic sound and the guitars of Musi burst out some very interesting melodies.The combination of the polished instrumental ideas and the passionate Italian vocals remains very attractive and additionally Sithonia colored their sound with the addition of a violin player (Paolo Zuntini), now sounding a lot like IL CASTELLO DI ATLANTE.Still the listener may become a bit nostalgic over the more professional and energetic effort in ''Confine''.

Immediately after the album was released Sithonia disbanded as silently as they entered the prog world.But even through these hard circumstances they managed to put up a very decent last show with ''Hotel Brun'' being a fine work of light Italian Symphonic Rock, respecting all of the fundamentals of the style.Recommended.

 La Soluzione Semplice by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 2011
3.99 | 28 ratings

La Soluzione Semplice
Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by Finnforest
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator

3 stars Full circle

Sithonia are a band of long time friends from Bologna, some of whom began playing in the mid 70s. As Sithonia the story begins in the 1980s and like so many other Italian bands their albums have become something of a diary of lives and friendships. The period prior to this album was that long hiatus where members go their own way for a while, after a busy 1990s they were pretty much off for over a decade, walking life's other avenues. And thus "La Soluzione Semplice" (The Simple Solution) sounds very much like the reunion of old friends that it is. The band sounds fresh and reinvigorated, enthusiastic, and playing music for the love of it more than anything else. The songs came to life quickly and the recording process was smooth. Lizard Records wisely grabbed this 2011 release from Mellow and it will prove a nice addition to their high quality catalogue, one that will grow in popularity over time as prog fans find it.

Musically Sithonia is an amalgam of 1970s English and Italian symphonic prog influences (Genesis and Banco oft mentioned) with Euro folk music flavors. Despite the 70s leanings there is also a hefty sheen of Neo-prog evident in the pacing and accessibility of certain sections, just as the occasional snarls of electric power chords suggest a modern and heavier influence. But mostly Sithonia seems to possess their own knack for beautiful, melodic prog that will satiate fans of similar 90s/00s RPI like Il Castello di Atlante, Eris Pluvia, Lost Tales, Nuova Era, and Prowlers.

From short interludes to 20-plus minute epics it's all here: grand upbeat synths and warm melancholic piano pieces, lofty mellotrons, drop-dead gorgeous passages of Ant Phillips-like acoustic guitar, rippin' melodic electric leads, and hearty Italian vocals. The combination of the earthy sunset mellotron and the bucolic acoustic guitar segments give the album a truly gorgeous feel, contrasted with occasional feisty elements. The opening of the title track is such a hauntingly beautiful wash of keys and acoustic, it soon develops into an organ groove that has a sinister growl! Sithonia break no new boundaries and seek not to impress via technical ecstasy, instead, this is an album of lovingly crafted tales which seep into you over time. More than anything else this is progressive rock with tons of heart, a passionate pastoral world of folksy musical storytelling and vibrant rock. Their website has English translations and photos suggesting the lyrical themes play on the passing of time, the changing of seasons. This is my first Sithonia experience and while I've not heard their early material, I strongly suspect that this album is their pride and joy. Sure sounds like they'd feel that way. Recommended to fans of RPI, Symph, and Neo of the pastoral/folk vibe. 7/10

 Confine by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 1995
3.59 | 26 ratings

Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by apps79
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator

4 stars Mellow Records seemed to believe in Sithonia and the band ,after two studio albums, releases the live album ''Folla di passaggio'' in 1994,most part of which was recorded in Genoa.Time was a friend for the band,as the sextet established in ''Spettacolo annullato'' had now spent a couple of years together and became more tight.During the first half of 95' Sithonia recorded and presented the new third studio album ''Confine''.

One of the most mature Sithonia works,''Confine'' offers a great experience of modern Italian Symphonic Rock with obvious glances in the glorious prog past of 70's Italy.Even the vocal work seems now more varied with a bit of a theatrical twist here and there.Musically the band remains at a high level with magnificent keyboard work and melodic guitars leading the way.But the style is more complex with great guitar breaks and more intricate arrangements,always mixed with romantic warm symphonic passages.The synths are always on the front,but some organs and mellotrons throughout are still pretty good and well- used.Alternating between more challenging and adventurous parts and mellow moments,the album keeps a great balance from the start to the very end.My only complaint propably is the presence of some short tunes,sounding as filling the album to my ears...but these are just a few minutes of the whole.

There are some bands around,where you know what you will get of them.Sithonia start to belong to this category.Another great delivery of fabulous Symphonic Rock with good Italian vocal performance,highly recommended to any progressive rock fan.

 Spettacolo annullato by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 1992
3.09 | 28 ratings

Spettacolo annullato
Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by toroddfuglesteg

3 stars The second album from this Italian band.

Sithonia was always much more symponic and ELP inspired by most other Rock Progressivo Italiano bands. On Spettacolo annullato, they moves past ELP and more into an almost avant-garde/RIO landscape. The material is very complex and a massive departure from their more melody orientated debut album. Spettacolo annullato is almost baroque RIO in it's build up with some atonal music with a symphonic complexity. Some of this album sounds like Univers Zero. This atonal material is also twinned with some very melodic melodies too. There is plenty of Rock Progressivo Italiano stuff here too.

The vocals and the instrumentation is very good throughout. I did not expect what comes out of my speakers at all, I have to admit. A shock was delivered and received. But I like this album better and better for each time. It is sorely missing some great melodies though. It feels like some parts of this album is complexity for the sake of complexity and to shed of the skin the band was carrying on their debut album. But this album is still a good album though. But not on par with their debut album, I am afraid.

3 stars

 Lungo il sentiero di pietra  by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 1989
3.36 | 20 ratings

Lungo il sentiero di pietra
Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by toroddfuglesteg

3 stars The debut album from this very interesting "new generation" Rock Progressivo Italiano band.

The Rock Progressivo Italiano genre is mostly known for their 1970s bands and outputs. But it can be argued, with good reasons, that the more present days bands has released better albums. An interesting debate.... Anyway, this is the debut album from Sithonia, one of these new bands.

It is obvious that Sithonia has taken their inspirations from the old Rock Progressivo Italiano scene + Genesis albums like Trespass and Foxtrot. Well, after a shaky first two minutes of the album which would throw anyone of the scent of a good Rock Progressivo Italiano album. But after these two minutes, the album opens up into a lush Rock Progressivo Italiano scenario.

Lungo il sentiero di pietra is not as heavy as many Rock Progressivo Italiano albums are. There is no heavy prog guitars here. Instead, you get Paolo Nino Marcheselli's excellent vocals. This is some of the best vocals I have ever heard on a Rock Progressivo Italiano and they can be compared to Angelo Branduardi's vocals. But there are still a lot of excellent instrumental melodies here. They are performed with lush keyboards, flutes and acoustic/electric guitars. All with a vintage sound.

My gripes with this album is the lack of some great tracks. The sound and the musicians + vocals is great. But no great songs here makes it impossible to label this as a great album. But this is still a very good debut album from a great band.

3.5 stars

 La Soluzione Semplice by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 2011
3.99 | 28 ratings

La Soluzione Semplice
Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by toroddfuglesteg

4 stars Another find from Italy. Where is the end of this long and plentiful smorgasboard ?

Sithonia is back again from a 13 years long album break. I bought a couple of their earlier albums some months ago when I interviewed them (see interview). I have yet to listen to them. But if they are in the same style as this, I will most definate give them some spins in the near future.

Their music is very much classic Rock Progressivo Italiano. But there is an added element of a very rich texture of Keith Emerson like tangents. The same sound, in fact. The Mellotrons throughout this album can make a stone cry in sheer joy (yes, I am crying now). Add that to Rock Progressivo Italiano and you get a heady mix which goes straight to my heart........... and stays there. On the top of this, add some absolute excellent vocals too. Some mandolin and guitars adds a lot of texture too. The bass and drums is excellent too.

The songs are mellow, dense, folky and symphonic at the same time. Pastoral is the word I am looking for. It is classic, classic Rock Progressivo Italiano.

Add some superb songs too. These mellow and not immediate accessible songs takes time to sink in though. This is a typical "needs time" album. The twenty two minutes long epic Cronaca Persa is not immediate there too. But given some hours and a day, all songs on this album sinks in like a boulder hits the ocean floor. The epic Cronaca Persa is superb, no less.

It is gales and the rain comes sideways outside. But this album has given me a warm feeling. This is the best Rock Progressivo Italiano album I have heard since the Il Tempio delle Clessidre album from last year. I love this album although it is lacking a killer track or two. But this is still a superb album which will figure high on mine and I guess some others annual best album rankings.

4.5 stars

 Spettacolo annullato by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 1992
3.09 | 28 ratings

Spettacolo annullato
Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by Mellotron Storm
Prog Reviewer

2 stars I think the best part of this album is the pictures in the liner notes of the band members when they were kids. Funny but the two most humerous pictures are of the two keyboard guys. Conicidence ? I think not. Unlike the other reviewers I had a hard time getting into this one. It just never clicked with me at all. I don't like the sound of the synths and there are few moments that I actually enjoyed.

"La Recita Del Silenzio" is led by piano and vocals early.The tempo picks up and the sound gets fuller.The guitar is fairly heavy before 2 1/2 minutes but it's brief. A calm before 4 minutes with piano. Different people are speaking then those synths I don't like arrive. Vocals are back after 6 minutes. Another calm before 11 1/2 minutes then the tempo picks up quickly with vocals. More of those synths before 19 minutes. "Pannolino" is uptempo with guitar to start. A calm arrives quickly then it builds as vocals join in. Not a fan. "Spettacolo Annullato Pt 2" is my favourite track and it's an instrumental.

"Il Canto Notturno Della Stella" is vocal led and the drums and guitar become prominant too.The tempo picks up after 2 minutes then it settles back. A good instrumental section ends it. "Giorno Per Giorno (Represa)" is a very short acoustic guitar tune. "Il Racconto Di Una Sosta Imprevista" has a fairly heavy intro followed by a wimpy section as contrasts continue until 2 minutes in when the vocals arrive. Organ, piano and guitar lead after 3 minutes. "La Danza Del Gatto Sul Tetto" opens with organ then it kicks in. Sampled mellotron with guitar take over 6 minutes in and it's building.This is the best part of the whole album.

Not enough here to offer up that third star. Fans only.

 Spettacolo annullato by SITHONIA album cover Studio Album, 1992
3.09 | 28 ratings

Spettacolo annullato
Sithonia Rock Progressivo Italiano

Review by apps79
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator

3 stars 3.5 stars actually...

After releasing the fabulous ''Lungo il sentiero di pietra'' in 1989, which recieved very postive critics,SITHONIA moved on to the rehearsals of new material.Due to work commintments bassist Andrea Guglielmi decided to quit,replaced by guitarist Roberto Magni's friend Valerio Roda.Soon after great singer Paolo Marcheselli left and new vocalist Marco Giovannini enters the picture.Through a common friend SITHONIA came in touch with Mario Moroni from Mellow Records,who agreed to release the new album of the band on his label. ''Specttacolo annullato'' sees the light in autumn of 1992.

A few things have changed compared to the band's junior release.SITHONIA insist on playing their beloved Symphonic Rock style with many references on the great 70's bands.Maybe the biggest difference is the addition of a grand epic (''La recita del silenzio''), which clocks at over 22 minutes.The familiar elements of SITHONIA are always there: tons of melodic guitars,some grandiose piano parts,romantic vocals and a beautiful atmosphere,but some chessy-sounding keys as well, result a very nice track of changing moods.The rest of the tracks continue in a similar style but a bit more keyboard/piano-driven with distinctive yet inspired guitar parts and over-emotional vocals by new member Marco Giovannini,always wrapped up in a haunting symphonic orientation. Additionally the extensive instrumental parts create sensitive and imaginative soundscapes,which is what SITHONIA are best at.Overall this was another strong release for the band in a typical but always loving Italian Symphonic Prog approach,which only the chessy-keys spoil at some moments.Easily recommended!

Thanks to ProgLucky for the artist addition. and to Joolz for the last updates

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