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Progressive Rock Top Albums / 4 - 1 - all years - all countries

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Here is some details about how we calculate the average rating of an album and the rank of an album.

  • Average rating: The classic calculation of the average but more weight is affected to the ratings of collaborators and to ratings with reviews:
    - Rating only: Weight = 1
    - Review by members : Weight = 10
    - Review by PA Collaborators : Weight = 20
  • Rank of an album: We use a calculation that compare an album average ratings and number of ratings over all others albums in the query using this theory ( to create a variable every query "QWR" (AKA: Query Weighted Rating) use for ordering.

  • By default, only albums with the average ratings above the average ratings of the requested query are displayed in theses lists, you can control this value in the filters
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# Cover Title
Record Type, Year
1 Close to the Edge
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1972
4.68 | 5239 ratings
QWR = 4.6500
2 Selling England by the Pound
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1973
4.65 | 4802 ratings
QWR = 4.6229
3 Foxtrot
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1972
4.62 | 4172 ratings
QWR = 4.5832
4 Fragile
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1971
4.47 | 4183 ratings
QWR = 4.4362
5 Mirage
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1974
4.42 | 3169 ratings
QWR = 4.3871
6 Nursery Cryme
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1971
4.42 | 3691 ratings
QWR = 4.3856
7 Moonmadness
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1976
4.40 | 2691 ratings
QWR = 4.3608
8 Relayer
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1974
4.38 | 3587 ratings
QWR = 4.3485
9 Hybris
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1992
4.34 | 1905 ratings
QWR = 4.2899
10 The Yes Album
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1971
4.32 | 3412 ratings
QWR = 4.2887
11 The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1974
4.31 | 3443 ratings
QWR = 4.2824
12 The Snow Goose
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1975
4.31 | 2678 ratings
QWR = 4.2710
13 Scheherazade and Other Stories
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1975
4.33 | 1452 ratings
QWR = 4.2609
14 A Trick of the Tail
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1976
4.28 | 3029 ratings
QWR = 4.2485
15 From Silence to Somewhere
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2017
4.35 | 916 ratings
QWR = 4.2460
16 Depois do Fim
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1983
4.30 | 963 ratings
QWR = 4.2038
17 Emerson Lake & Palmer
Emerson Lake & Palmer
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1970
4.24 | 2425 ratings
QWR = 4.1991
18 Viljans Öga
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2012
4.26 | 1198 ratings
QWR = 4.1851
19 Ashes Are Burning
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1973
4.28 | 919 ratings
QWR = 4.1818
20 Hamburger Concerto
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1974
4.25 | 1169 ratings
QWR = 4.1784
21 Leftoverture
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1976
4.24 | 1345 ratings
QWR = 4.1706
22 A Drop of Light
All Traps On Earth
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2018
4.29 | 589 ratings
QWR = 4.1489
23 Brain Salad Surgery
Emerson Lake & Palmer
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1973
4.18 | 2184 ratings
QWR = 4.1444
24 Dwellers of the Deep
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2020
4.31 | 492 ratings
QWR = 4.1404
25 Bridge Across Forever
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2001
4.21 | 981 ratings
QWR = 4.1228
26 ? [Aka: Question Mark]
Neal Morse
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2005
4.23 | 700 ratings
QWR = 4.1171
27 Trilogy
Emerson Lake & Palmer
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1972
4.15 | 1902 ratings
QWR = 4.1103
28 To Shatter All Accord
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2011
4.22 | 716 ratings
QWR = 4.1057
29 Trespass
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1970
4.13 | 2717 ratings
QWR = 4.1014
30 V
Spock's Beard
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2000
4.18 | 911 ratings
QWR = 4.0951
31 Point of Know Return
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1977
4.18 | 923 ratings
QWR = 4.0938
32 Unfolded Like Staircase
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1997
4.25 | 468 ratings
QWR = 4.0910
33 Sola Scriptura
Neal Morse
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2007
4.19 | 729 ratings
QWR = 4.0887
34 Wind & Wuthering
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1976
4.12 | 2303 ratings
QWR = 4.0849
35 Marsbéli Krónikák (Martian Chronicles)
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1984
4.25 | 412 ratings
QWR = 4.0686
36 Song for America
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1975
4.15 | 859 ratings
QWR = 4.0618
37 Turn of the Cards
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1974
4.15 | 770 ratings
QWR = 4.0573
38 The Six Wives of Henry VIII
Rick Wakeman
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1973
4.13 | 937 ratings
QWR = 4.0522
39 Blomljud
Moon Safari
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2008
4.17 | 577 ratings
QWR = 4.0464
40 The Neal Morse Band: The Similitude of a Dream
Neal Morse
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2016
4.18 | 521 ratings
QWR = 4.0444
41 The Snow Goose (Re-recording)
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.15 | 656 ratings
QWR = 4.0406
42 Tarkus
Emerson Lake & Palmer
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1971
4.07 | 2152 ratings
QWR = 4.0389
43 Going for the One
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1977
4.06 | 2446 ratings
QWR = 4.0320
44 Rajaz
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1999
4.10 | 1019 ratings
QWR = 4.0289
45 Focus II [Aka: Moving Waves]
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1971
4.11 | 828 ratings
QWR = 4.0240
46 SMPT:e
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2000
4.10 | 888 ratings
QWR = 4.0221
47 The Whirlwind
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2009
4.07 | 1057 ratings
QWR = 4.0120
48 Banks of Eden
The Flower Kings
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2012
4.08 | 909 ratings
QWR = 4.0088
49 Triana (El Patio)
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1975
4.25 | 264 ratings
QWR = 4.0044
50 One
Neal Morse
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2004
4.12 | 553 ratings
QWR = 4.0011
51 Between Flesh And Divine
Asia Minor
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1980
4.16 | 406 ratings
QWR = 4.0007
52 Epilog
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1994
4.09 | 754 ratings
QWR = 4.0003
53 Suffocating the Bloom
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1992
4.17 | 373 ratings
QWR = 3.9986
54 In the Region Of The Summer Stars (1984)
The Enid
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1984
4.25 | 253 ratings
QWR = 3.9985
55 10.000 Anos Depois Entre Vénus E Marte
José Cid
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1978
4.27 | 227 ratings
QWR = 3.9870
56 Mei
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2002
4.13 | 384 ratings
QWR = 3.9740
57 The Flower King
Roine Stolt
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1994
4.16 | 337 ratings
QWR = 3.9731
58 Fire Fortellinger
Lars Fredrik Frøislie
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2023
4.29 | 182 ratings
QWR = 3.9623
59 Who's the Boss in the Factory?
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2008
4.07 | 516 ratings
QWR = 3.9529
60 Nostradamus Book Of Prophecies
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1999
4.17 | 266 ratings
QWR = 3.9523
61 Brief Nocturnes and Dreamless Sleep
Spock's Beard
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
4.03 | 733 ratings
QWR = 3.9522
62 The Geese and the Ghost
Anthony Phillips
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1977
4.08 | 473 ratings
QWR = 3.9511
63 Back in the World of Adventures
The Flower Kings
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1995
4.03 | 729 ratings
QWR = 3.9477
64 Refugee
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1974
4.15 | 284 ratings
QWR = 3.9450
65 Echoes from Within Dragon Island
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2019
4.11 | 348 ratings
QWR = 3.9446
66 Los Delirios Del Mariscal
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1976
4.20 | 230 ratings
QWR = 3.9446
67 Testimony
Neal Morse
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2003
4.05 | 522 ratings
QWR = 3.9427
68 Nattfiolen
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2019
4.14 | 296 ratings
QWR = 3.9420
69 Slow Dance
Anthony Phillips
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1990
4.20 | 215 ratings
QWR = 3.9374
70 Echolyn
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2012
4.04 | 571 ratings
QWR = 3.9369
71 Blå Vardag
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1979
4.18 | 230 ratings
QWR = 3.9366
72 The Songs & Tales of Airoea Book I: The Tale of Father Robin (State of Nature)
The Chronicles of Father Robin
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2023
4.29 | 162 ratings
QWR = 3.9364
73 Kansas
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1974
4.01 | 743 ratings
QWR = 3.9330
74 Camel
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1973
3.96 | 1574 ratings
QWR = 3.9214
75 Rites at Dawn
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2011
4.01 | 649 ratings
QWR = 3.9207
76 Testimony 2
Neal Morse
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2011
4.00 | 637 ratings
QWR = 3.9152
77 Fish Out Of Water
Chris Squire
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1975
4.00 | 542 ratings
QWR = 3.9055
78 Martian Chronicles II
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2014
4.07 | 321 ratings
QWR = 3.9054
79 The Absolute Universe - Forevermore (Extended Version)
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2021
4.10 | 277 ratings
QWR = 3.9051
80 Tales from Topographic Oceans
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1973
3.92 | 2861 ratings
QWR = 3.9046
81 Song of the Marching Children
Earth And Fire
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1971
4.12 | 236 ratings
QWR = 3.8995
82 Glory Of The Inner Force
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1975
4.14 | 213 ratings
QWR = 3.8965
83 Concerto for Piano and Electric Ensemble
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2012
4.08 | 271 ratings
QWR = 3.8914
84 A Nod and a Wink
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2002
3.95 | 812 ratings
QWR = 3.8893
85 L'araignée-mal
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1975
4.11 | 225 ratings
QWR = 3.8872
86 Inget Nytt Under Solen
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1976
4.08 | 258 ratings
QWR = 3.8833
87 Stardust We Are
The Flower Kings
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1997
3.95 | 733 ratings
QWR = 3.8808
88 Tardigrade
Simon Says
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2008
4.10 | 225 ratings
QWR = 3.8801
89 Flower Power
The Flower Kings
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1999
3.96 | 615 ratings
QWR = 3.8788
90 Desolation Rose
The Flower Kings
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2013
3.95 | 675 ratings
QWR = 3.8788
91 Metanoia
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2001
4.12 | 204 ratings
QWR = 3.8782
92 Illusions on a Double Dimple
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1974
3.98 | 493 ratings
QWR = 3.8776
93 The Way
Anima Mundi
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2010
4.05 | 274 ratings
QWR = 3.8758
94 El jardín de los presentes
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1976
4.13 | 192 ratings
QWR = 3.8738
95 666
Aphrodite's Child
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1972
3.96 | 548 ratings
QWR = 3.8710
96 Ciclos
Los Canarios
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1974
4.14 | 180 ratings
QWR = 3.8689
97 Momentum
Neal Morse
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 2012
3.96 | 501 ratings
QWR = 3.8635
98 Cornonstipicum
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1978
4.21 | 133 ratings
QWR = 3.8611
99 Aerie Faerie Nonsense
The Enid
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1977
4.44 | 81 ratings
QWR = 3.8607
100 Pollen
Symphonic Prog
Studio, 1976
4.10 | 195 ratings
QWR = 3.8573

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