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Progressive Rock Top Albums / 19 - 1 - all years - all countries

Based on members ratings & PA algorithm

Here is some details about how we calculate the average rating of an album and the rank of an album.

  • Average rating: The classic calculation of the average but more weight is affected to the ratings of collaborators and to ratings with reviews:
    - Rating only: Weight = 1
    - Review by members : Weight = 10
    - Review by PA Collaborators : Weight = 20
  • Rank of an album: We use a calculation that compare an album average ratings and number of ratings over all others albums in the query using this theory ( to create a variable every query "QWR" (AKA: Query Weighted Rating) use for ordering.

  • By default, only albums with the average ratings above the average ratings of the requested query are displayed in theses lists, you can control this value in the filters
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# Cover Title
Record Type, Year
1 Metropolis Part 2 - Scenes from a Memory
Dream Theater
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1999
4.32 | 3322 ratings
QWR = 4.3075
2 Images and Words
Dream Theater
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1992
4.31 | 3257 ratings
QWR = 4.2993
3 Second Life Syndrome
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2005
4.25 | 1909 ratings
QWR = 4.2368
4 Remedy Lane
Pain Of Salvation
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2002
4.25 | 1309 ratings
QWR = 4.2259
5 Operation: Mindcrime
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1988
4.24 | 1239 ratings
QWR = 4.2225
6 The Perfect Element - Part 1
Pain Of Salvation
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2000
4.23 | 1357 ratings
QWR = 4.2121
7 Anno Domini High Definition
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2009
4.22 | 1448 ratings
QWR = 4.2042
8 Out of Myself
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2003
4.20 | 1338 ratings
QWR = 4.1856
9 The Human Equation
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2004
4.20 | 1262 ratings
QWR = 4.1827
10 Six Degrees of Inner Turbulence
Dream Theater
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2002
4.16 | 2232 ratings
QWR = 4.1496
11 Awake
Dream Theater
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1994
4.16 | 2386 ratings
QWR = 4.1489
12 Let the Truth Speak
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2023
4.36 | 93 ratings
QWR = 4.1312
13 Into the Electric Castle
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1998
4.15 | 826 ratings
QWR = 4.1226
14 V - The New Mythology Suite
Symphony X
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2000
4.15 | 809 ratings
QWR = 4.1193
15 A Pleasant Shade Of Gray
Fates Warning
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1997
4.16 | 461 ratings
QWR = 4.1177
16 Strangers
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2020
4.36 | 84 ratings
QWR = 4.1174
17 The Divine Wings of Tragedy
Symphony X
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1996
4.14 | 662 ratings
QWR = 4.1062
18 Temple of Shadows
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2004
4.17 | 296 ratings
QWR = 4.1060
19 The Art of Navigating by the Stars
Sieges Even
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2005
4.15 | 428 ratings
QWR = 4.1042
20 The Fullness of Time
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2005
4.15 | 331 ratings
QWR = 4.0907
21 Perfect Symmetry
Fates Warning
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1989
4.13 | 480 ratings
QWR = 4.0899
22 Liquid Tension Experiment 2
Liquid Tension Experiment
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1999
4.11 | 645 ratings
QWR = 4.0848
23 Paradox
Royal Hunt
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1997
4.19 | 178 ratings
QWR = 4.0791
24 Into The Everflow
Psychotic Waltz
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1992
4.15 | 263 ratings
QWR = 4.0737
25 Bilo 3.0
David Maxim Micic
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.26 | 98 ratings
QWR = 4.0696
26 Viva Emptiness
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2003
4.25 | 103 ratings
QWR = 4.0683
27 Room V
Shadow Gallery
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2005
4.11 | 462 ratings
QWR = 4.0665
28 Be
Pain Of Salvation
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2004
4.08 | 962 ratings
QWR = 4.0633
29 Entropia
Pain Of Salvation
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1997
4.09 | 637 ratings
QWR = 4.0623
30 Love, Fear And The Time Machine
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2015
4.08 | 892 ratings
QWR = 4.0596
31 Disconnected
Fates Warning
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2000
4.10 | 403 ratings
QWR = 4.0568
32 Shrine of New Generation Slaves
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.07 | 1174 ratings
QWR = 4.0546
33 The Black Halo
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2005
4.10 | 335 ratings
QWR = 4.0514
34 Parasomnia
Dream Theater
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2025
4.13 | 223 ratings
QWR = 4.0505
35 The Towers of Avarice
Zero Hour
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2001
4.19 | 124 ratings
QWR = 4.0494
36 A Social Grace
Psychotic Waltz
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1990
4.10 | 283 ratings
QWR = 4.0381
37 Theli
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1996
4.12 | 203 ratings
QWR = 4.0380
38 Holy Land
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1996
4.10 | 256 ratings
QWR = 4.0377
39 Songs for Insects
Thought Industry
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1992
4.47 | 40 ratings
QWR = 4.0374
40 Parallels
Fates Warning
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1991
4.07 | 438 ratings
QWR = 4.0355
41 Streets - A Rock Opera
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1991
4.10 | 267 ratings
QWR = 4.0353
42 Pacifisticuffs
Diablo Swing Orchestra
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2017
4.14 | 160 ratings
QWR = 4.0318
43 Critical Mass
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2002
4.08 | 327 ratings
QWR = 4.0289
44 Mods Carve The Pig - Assassins, Toads And God's Flesh
Thought Industry
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1993
4.52 | 34 ratings
QWR = 4.0270
45 Vovin
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1998
4.11 | 195 ratings
QWR = 4.0226
46 Sympathetic Resonance
Arch / Matheos
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2011
4.07 | 320 ratings
QWR = 4.0211
47 The Fox and the Bird
Ok Goodnight
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2023
4.25 | 72 ratings
QWR = 4.0207
48 The Theory of Everything
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.04 | 678 ratings
QWR = 4.0203
49 I Have Little to No Memory of these Memories
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2022
4.27 | 64 ratings
QWR = 4.0157
50 Nightfall In Middle-Earth
Blind Guardian
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1998
4.06 | 324 ratings
QWR = 4.0142
51 A Gentleman's Hurricane
Mind's Eye
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.09 | 202 ratings
QWR = 4.0118
52 The Dance Of Light And Shade
Soul Doubt
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2017
4.16 | 109 ratings
QWR = 4.0116
53 The Tide, the Thief & River's End
Caligula's Horse
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.07 | 257 ratings
QWR = 4.0115
54 Tyranny
Shadow Gallery
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1998
4.06 | 341 ratings
QWR = 4.0099
55 Gritaré
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2004
4.18 | 90 ratings
QWR = 4.0091
56 March of Progress
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2012
4.04 | 477 ratings
QWR = 4.0062
57 The Origins of Ruin
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.07 | 224 ratings
QWR = 4.0024
58 Last Fair Deal Gone Down
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2001
4.14 | 108 ratings
QWR = 3.9982
59 The Stage
Avenged Sevenfold
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2016
4.36 | 42 ratings
QWR = 3.9956
60 The Great Escape
Seventh Wonder
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2010
4.05 | 274 ratings
QWR = 3.9955
61 Ritual
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2002
4.13 | 106 ratings
QWR = 3.9894
62 Dividing Lines
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2022
4.18 | 79 ratings
QWR = 3.9893
63 In Search of Truth
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2001
4.06 | 205 ratings
QWR = 3.9862
64 Rage For Order
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1986
4.02 | 419 ratings
QWR = 3.9860
65 The Fall Of Hearts
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2016
4.04 | 245 ratings
QWR = 3.9833
66 Christ 0
Vanden Plas
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2006
4.04 | 261 ratings
QWR = 3.9821
67 Hypothetical
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2001
4.02 | 315 ratings
QWR = 3.9752
68 Sing-Along Songs for the Damned & Delirious
Diablo Swing Orchestra
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2009
4.04 | 217 ratings
QWR = 3.9751
69 Burn The Sun
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2001
4.03 | 270 ratings
QWR = 3.9738
70 Invent the Universe
Sithu Aye
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2012
4.56 | 24 ratings
QWR = 3.9714
71 Legends of the Shires
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2017
4.02 | 289 ratings
QWR = 3.9699
72 Celestial Entrance
Pagan's Mind
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2002
4.05 | 174 ratings
QWR = 3.9692
73 Edge of Thorns
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1993
4.04 | 208 ratings
QWR = 3.9690
74 Mi Kubbesi
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1996
4.14 | 82 ratings
QWR = 3.9689
75 Mental Torments
Spheric Universe Experience
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2005
4.13 | 87 ratings
QWR = 3.9661
76 A Sense Of Change
Sieges Even
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1991
4.04 | 179 ratings
QWR = 3.9653
77 Gutter Ballet
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1989
4.03 | 219 ratings
QWR = 3.9644
78 Calling The Earth To Witness
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2007
4.05 | 153 ratings
QWR = 3.9635
79 Mercy Falls
Seventh Wonder
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2008
4.03 | 202 ratings
QWR = 3.9588
80 Delusions
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2008
4.07 | 117 ratings
QWR = 3.9550
81 Section X
Beyond Twilight
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2005
4.07 | 110 ratings
QWR = 3.9525
82 Underworld
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2003
4.04 | 145 ratings
QWR = 3.9512
83 Charismatic Leaders
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2024
4.16 | 61 ratings
QWR = 3.9500
84 Tales of the Sands
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2011
4.00 | 279 ratings
QWR = 3.9488
85 Cassini
Sithu Aye
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2011
4.63 | 19 ratings
QWR = 3.9479
86 The Little Boy's Heavy Mental Shadow Opera About the Inhabitants of His Diary
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2004
4.05 | 123 ratings
QWR = 3.9477
87 Harvest Moon
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.02 | 178 ratings
QWR = 3.9448
88 To Dimension Logic
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1994
4.21 | 47 ratings
QWR = 3.9431
89 Promised Land
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1994
3.97 | 425 ratings
QWR = 3.9420
90 ID.Entity
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2023
3.98 | 305 ratings
QWR = 3.9417
91 Wasteland
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2018
3.96 | 594 ratings
QWR = 3.9398
92 Hopium
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2024
4.23 | 43 ratings
QWR = 3.9386
93 The Odyssey
Symphony X
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2002
3.96 | 622 ratings
QWR = 3.9379
94 Jeremias - Foreshadow of Forgotten Realms
Circle of Illusion
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.01 | 161 ratings
QWR = 3.9363
95 Transcendence
Crimson Glory
Progressive Metal
Studio, 1988
4.00 | 183 ratings
QWR = 3.9296
96 Beyond Daylight
Vanden Plas
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2002
3.99 | 198 ratings
QWR = 3.9289
97 Theories of Flight
Fates Warning
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2016
3.96 | 320 ratings
QWR = 3.9261
98 Intelligent Design
Shaolin Death Squad
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2006
4.07 | 83 ratings
QWR = 3.9258
99 Human (The Facts)
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2013
4.17 | 48 ratings
QWR = 3.9254
100 The Ghost Xperiment - Illumination
Vanden Plas
Progressive Metal
Studio, 2020
4.07 | 80 ratings
QWR = 3.9232

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