Adams Bolero wrote:
Peter is certainly giving mixed signals on the chance of a reunion. On a BBC talk show he said ''the door is not locked'' on a Genesis reunion. I wish he make up his mind. You can watch the interview here:
The logistics of doing a Genesis show nowadays would be crazy and it might just take too long to decide what they want to do, and Phil Collins apparently is not doing too well physically, and in fact looks the least healthy of all the members.
But if they did this I would like to have Anthony Phillips in there with them for a couple of songs at the start, because he was a part of the early vision that helped define the group that became Genesis, and PG was doing the costumes before Steve Hackett got there.
Personally, I have given up on these ... I would like to see, for example, ELP do an accoustic version, unplugged, if you will without the lights, so you could highlight the music, not the "show" in the Hollywood style. Genesis would probably be more fun for me IF they did do all these in teh accoustic style, to show how they have become great musicians instead of just another band out there ...
But re-hashing the same thing ... it's like saying that Verdi or Puccini or Mozart were better in their day than they are today ... and that's stupid and a crazy comparison. The instrumentation might be tighter and more metronomic today, but I doubt that it would have a lot of differences otherwise.
Appreciate the music and the art ... stop with the commercial/fan side of it. otherwise it will just look like an old man that is losing his strength and wits about himself ... and he will look sad and not very good on the stage.