I in fact picked the "No fasting at all - eat 6 meals a day!" option, not as a joke either. I quite literally do eat 6 meals a day, a meal every 3 hours or so. And yet I'm not unhealthy at all, in fact quite the opposite, "How?" some may ask? Well it's pretty much as simple as hitting the weights 3 times a day, and then doing some cardio. Of course if you're not doing a weight training regime like me, eating that much is not necessary, in fact it's actually quite detrimental to one's health I'd imagine. Yes, I do eat a lot, but it's not ridiculous junk food. I eat very carefully and eat in a way that's conducive to building muscle mass.
I'm sick of people who make excuses for not exercising. "I DON'T HAVE TIME!". Blargh, in my experience most of the people that say that often end up in front of the TV for hours just wasting away or just playing games on their gaming console or some crap like that. I could easily do that too if I wanted too, but I'm simply just not a lazy, excuse making slob, so I don't. Find a reason to do something, not an excuse not too. Obviously, weights aren't for everyone, well at least not in the way I'm doing it. You can train for endurance, or for strength or in my case but in my case I'm training for muscle mass (although that obviously does bring about usable gains in strength too, which is also what I want). But just find a workout suitable for you and then get stuck into it and you'll feel 100000 times better, seriously.
You may be in a totally different situation than me though ... back when I was your age, I was rather skinny and thought that everything was as simple as working out and not eating too much. Now, 15 years later, a few months ago I found myself in a situation where that simply did not work anymore. Believe it or not, but for various reasons - some of which I have mentioned in my thread about low-carb - your metabolism can change in a way that leads to weight (or rather: fat) gain even though you're working out and not eating too much.
BTW: I'm not saying that you can't lose weight at 6 meals a day, or that it's not healthy. I'm merely saying that some people might find it hard to lose weight that way, or might find it much easier when they throw in the occasional fasting day.