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Posted: April 26 2005 at 18:21 |
Well that was interesting...
As an ex-Marine, I'm against a draft simply because an all volunteer armed force is better motivated. However, I would venture that the world would be a better place if service were compulsory.
My reasoning for this is simple. When you join your put through "boot camp", which is designed to break you down. The objective is to get everyone to the same level, your no longer black, white, asian or hispanic - your a scumbag. Then they build you back as a team, you learn how to rely on each other- you become a Marine.
Most important, you get past race or whether the guy is gay (and there are and they fight just as good as the straight guys). You develop a code of comaradarie that every Marine carries with him/her the rest of their life.

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Posted: April 26 2005 at 18:28 |
the world isnt a war zone and it just doesnt work that way outside of the military and sports teams
James Lee
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Posted: April 26 2005 at 18:42 |
are you:
1. trying to provoke an argument? you see what it gets- you end up with the morons that agree on your side, versus the idiots yelling back who haven't figured out yet that it's pointless because you can't be reasonable for more than two posts at a time.
2. so burdened with emotional problems that this is a convoluted cry for help? Even if you did know yourself well enough to ask, this is not the place for psychiatric assistance.
3. Just really, really in need of attention and don't care how you get it? Well, you got it. It's not that satisfying, though, is it? I mean, the rough picture of yourself that you've drawn of yourself isn't likely to encourage respect or empathy, even if the decreasing number of folks who you haven't yet alienated were willing or capable of such feelings.
Edited by James Lee
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Posted: April 26 2005 at 18:43 |
Crimson Prince wrote:
I get uncomfortable around gays (I am not one despite some of my stupid posts and PMs) because a) I think they might be "checking me out" . |
Coming from a Straight guy our age who has actually been asked out by a homosexual, dont worry about it. If they actually do confront you if they are checking you out, all you have to do is say no because your straight. thats it, its easy.
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Posted: April 26 2005 at 20:22 |
James Lee wrote:
are you:
1. trying to provoke an argument? you see what it gets- you end up with the morons that agree on your side, versus the idiots yelling back who haven't figured out yet that it's pointless because you can't be reasonable for more than two posts at a time.
James Lee,
I expected a retort such as Hopelevre's, however I'd like to know which camp I fall into (moron or idiot?).

James Lee
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Posted: April 26 2005 at 20:34 |
gleam: if you're still involved in this discussion, you're as much of an idiot as me.
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Posted: April 26 2005 at 20:37 |
James Lee wrote:
gleam: if you're still involved in this discussion, you're as much of an idiot as me.  |
Thanks for clarifying, for some strange reason I feel better.

Rob The Good
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Posted: April 26 2005 at 21:21 |
I HATE political correctness!! We have so much of it down here, and it makes freedom of speech slightly difficult
We have serious problems with minorities down here: for some reason, I'm the hated enemy of many gays or people of varying ethnic backgrounds, simply because I apparently "hate" them - load of sh** if you ask me.
At University here in NZ, in order to get into Law you need an A average...if you have a Maori (minority ethnic group in NZ) background, you can get in on a C average. If THAT'S not racism, what is it? Do you really want to end up with C-Grade lawyers doing damage in society? There IS the odd one who makes the most of his opportunity, but believe me, they're difficult to find.
Sorry everyone, possibly the wrong thread to rant against PC-ness.
Edited by Rob The Good
And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.
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Posted: April 26 2005 at 21:28 |
hopelevre wrote:
how grammar english and spelling are tiptop asshole, a typo isnt a fault in one's education, and why is it necessary to punctuate forum posts |
because otherwise your posts will look like this and after awhile it gets mind numbing to read dont you agree because i know i sure as hell do but then again its entirely possible that i have no idea what im talking about and you can read this easily so dont listen to me i guess
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Posted: April 27 2005 at 05:26 |
Useful_Idiot has kindly explained why you should write your posts clearly. Its so that people can read them. Obviously.

Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
Sean Trane
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Posted: April 27 2005 at 05:49 |
I will not take part into the fight/dispute in this thread but Useful and Blacksword are right!
Your posts are difficult to read as you systematically ignore capitals , punctuation and never use paragraphs. They come off as a block and are not aerial enough! So your ideas/opinions might have a difficult time coming across clearly this bulky text!
Nobody suggested anything at your grammar or sentence structures.
PS Thank you for erasing my name when asked!
Edited by Sean Trane
let's just stay above the moral melee prefer the sink to the gutter keep our sand-castle virtues content to be a doer as well as a thinker, prefer lifting our pen rather than un-sheath our sword
Forum Guest Group
Posted: April 27 2005 at 07:31 |
sorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorrysorryitwonthappenaga in
Edited by hopelevre
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Posted: April 27 2005 at 12:21 |
Snow Dog wrote:
Well first of all you are quoting me and I didnt say that! I was quoting Hopelerve. But what you say is his point anyway, if you dislike a gay man you can be accused of disliking him because hes gay(being the reason) At least thats what I think Hopelerve was saying.
There you go, as clear as mud
Ahhhh I understand. I just read it out of context, you see. I should think I do dislike a greater proportion of gay people than straight people though, simply because a greater proportion are camp and I find camp people incredibly irritating.
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