First of all, Hello to all prog fans, my name's Diego and I'm a 19 years old prog-metal fan. I also dig some traditional prog from the 70's, but lately prog-metal is my addiction.
I like Queensryche and Fates Warning a lot, they're my favorite bands.
I'm looking for prog-metal bands, or even prog bands, with middle-eastern touches, like male/female chanting vocals, sitars and flutes... to give everyone a pointer, let me use QR's Desert Dance from Tribe, and FW's River Wide Ocean Deep from FWX as examples, and in the pop side Sting's Desert Rose from Brand New Day.
Well, I think I made a clear idea of what I'm looking for. If anyone knows of bands, specially progressive metal bands that use middle-eastern influences in their songs please let me know.
Thanks a lot in advance,
The Drifter