Zarquino wrote:
Ahm, now that I remember. SOme forms of sathanism are nearly 'carpe
diem'. To believe in oneself and live your live. Not all satanics think
bad and believe in thathorny man...
You are right, many "satanists" consider Christianity a myth. However, when I think of Black Metal I do not think of the music as much as the imagery, Church Burnings, the murder of Euronymous and the rivalry between the Swedes and Norwegians.
Enslaved even said they were Viking Metal because they wanted to distance themselves from that. No one told them they needed to check with Crushed Aria to see what category of metal they fit under I guess. I think some Black Metal is pagan and not neccesarily satanic. A lot of it is associated with violence and hate. Some of it is not. I think
In The Woods are respectable. Some other BM bands have made interesing music with thought provoking lyrics, some are just slime.