ProgBob wrote:
The Hemulen wrote:
The completist in me shudders at the thought, but I may just get a digital copy from amazon/itunes once it's released on those platforms. It would certainly be cheaper.
I've done that before now. The "Londres 1974" was one example where I wanted to hear it but couldn't justify the cost of the CD vs the download. If I recall, because it was only 2 tracks, on Amazon it was only £1.98 or something! The thing is that I loved it so much I ended up having to buy the CD anyway!
Yeah, I fear feeling the same way. I've got Studio Zundh and E-Re on CD so if I do go digital for FT sooner or later that gap is probably going to gnaw away at me.
Trouble is, I'm crazy-poor and only really get to buy CDs twice a year, with whatever birthday/xmas pounds my loved ones happen to toss in my direction. There are already a ton of new releases I want to get in addition to FT (namely the new albums from Anglagard, Field Music, Alamaailman Vasarat and Thinking Plague. the upcoming miRthkon DVD and some stuff I missed out on last year like Bob Drake's latest) and there will doubtless be a load more by the end of the year. If the price difference is at least £4/5, which I fully expect it to be, then that could go some way towards those other essential purchases. Not an easy decision.