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Witchwoodhermit View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2006 at 03:31

Beautiful words, thank you, I was about to break out my T.S Eliot, but the lateness of the evening leaves me in a reticent state.You're correct with you're left brain observations of this site. More facts than feelings. Isn't that what music is about?

Keep your metaphysics warm

OK, Eliot got in there

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hamham View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2006 at 04:18
Originally posted by dojonane dojonane wrote:

Originally posted by Hierophant Hierophant wrote:

How Danny Carey (Tool) sets up his drums...

"Danny then set up his drums into proportions utilizing the circle
and square of the New Jerusalem and uttered a short prayer relating to
the principles of the ace of swords from the book of Thoth. He then
performed a ritual utilizing his new found knowledge of the unicursal
hexagram to generate a pattern of movement in space relating to
Fuller's vector equilibrium model. The resulting rhythm and gateway
summoned a daemon he has contained within "the Lodge" that has been
delivering short parables similar to passages within the Book of Lies.
Danny recommends as a device of protection and containment a thorough
study and utilization of the underlying geometry of the Temple of
Solomon for anyone purchasing their next record."

Hahahaha, I had a feeling the tone of this might take a turn for the
absurd. Not that it offputs me, there's obviously a lot to laugh at in how
seriously some of these metaphysical madmen take themselves. Still
though, how do YOU feel about this business? Frankly, I'm amazed by
mankind's mythic past.

i think the danny carey thing is a joke (they like to joke around with stuff like that and see how seriously people take them)
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MorgothSunshine View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2006 at 04:47

I think it's a way of personal development that can touch many different religions, cultures and philosophies...

IMO the concept is to know ourselves using every way possible, so oriental religions, metaphysics, mysticism are all in the same way to find an answer...

..of course an eclectic person that leads his interests in so many different ways for a strictly personal development could be considered "pagan" in a certain way... you agree?

For every truth even the contrary is true...
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Witchwoodhermit View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2006 at 05:07

Strickly speaking anybody who isn't Christian is pagan. According to the church that rules. To be pagan is to have your own belief, whether structured or not. It is a personal value, on life and beyond. I've gone through many changes in philosophy over the years, one thing that is certain, we all believe in some creative force. Be it destructive or not, the need for "a God" is omni present to our development as a human race.

All creations are reflections of their creators.


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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2006 at 11:09
Originally posted by Witchwoodhermit Witchwoodhermit wrote:

Strickly speaking anybody who isn't Christian is pagan. According to the church that rules. To be pagan is to have your own belief, whether structured or not. It is a personal value, on life and beyond. I've gone through many changes in philosophy over the years, one thing that is certain, we all believe in some creative force. Be it destructive or not, the need for "a God" is omni present to our development as a human race.

All creations are reflections of their creators.

Not exact, it depeds in the era (For Medieval Church any non Catholic was Pagan, but this has changed) and the country, for the Romans (Politeists) the Germanic cultures were Pagans because they didn't shared their Religion.

For the Jewish, the term gentile is almost an equivalent or Pagan, those who don't share their Religion. The Moslems claim that anybody who doesn't believe in the Coran is a Pagan.

I don't know too much about most Christian Religions (There are so many and the differences between them are so subtle in most cases), but at least Catholic Church proclaim that any church who believe in any God deserve respect and veneration, the term Pagan in our contextis more related to different forms of Stanism and non traditional cults.

The Dalai Lama, Ghandi,  a lot of Moslem Priests, Jewish Religious leaders, etc have been recieved in the Vatican with great respect, so your first phrase is not accurate.


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Witchwoodhermit View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2006 at 13:44

Well, I'm not splitting hairs on the churchs definition of Pagan. However, I need to say that the one big mistake to make, when talking about Paganism is too demonize it. Its not about Satanism (as I believe you were trying to say?) or cults. Pagan religions are primarilly earth based and polythesist. A more "primal" view of the world about us and less dogmatic. The freedom to dance around the circle stones.

Here I'm shadowed by a dragon fig tree's fan
ringed by ants and musing over man.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2006 at 14:00
Originally posted by Witchwoodhermit Witchwoodhermit wrote:

Well, I'm not splitting hairs on the churchs definition of Pagan. However, I need to say that the one big mistake to make, when talking about Paganism is too demonize it. Its not about Satanism (as I believe you were trying to say?) or cults. Pagan religions are primarilly earth based and polythesist. A more "primal" view of the world about us and less dogmatic. The freedom to dance around the circle stones.

Well,I know  it's a mistake, even when it's the most common perception of Paganism today, but in no way "anybody who isn't Christian is pagan", except for some fundamentalists.



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Witchwoodhermit View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 25 2006 at 21:53
Ivan, I think you misunderstood my statement. I was making a generalization about the Christian churchs attitude towards non-Christians. I,m glad that the church-Catholic in particular- have broadened their attitudes towards other faiths. Lets not fight over this my friend.
Here I'm shadowed by a dragon fig tree's fan
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 01:26

Originally posted by Witchwoodhermit Witchwoodhermit wrote:

Ivan, I think you misunderstood my statement. I was making a generalization about the Christian churchs attitude towards non-Christians. I,m glad that the church-Catholic in particular- have broadened their attitudes towards other faiths. Lets not fight over this my friend.

Will never fight about an issue as this, I am also aware of this tendency of SOME Fundamentalist groups, but not only Christians, the problem has spread all over the worls, everybody seems to believe their faith is the only truth and that the rest of Religions are just a  Pagans.


Edited by ivan_2068
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BaldFriede View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 04:03
There are only 14 non-pagans in the world, the members of the religion Jean and I are High Priestesses of. The rest of you are pagan unbelievers, and we will persecute you all with Holy War!!!!

BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
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Zweck View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 04:28
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Originally posted by Witchwoodhermit Witchwoodhermit wrote:

Ivan, I think you misunderstood my statement. I was making a generalization about the Christian churchs attitude towards non-Christians. I,m glad that the church-Catholic in particular- have broadened their attitudes towards other faiths. Lets not fight over this my friend.

Will never fight about an issue as this, I am also aware of this tendency of SOME Fundamentalist groups, but not only Christians, the problem has spread all over the worls, everybody seems to believe their faith is the only truth and that the rest of Religions are just a  Pagans.


But dedicating yourself to a philosophy generaly means that you're fairly certain that it's "the sh*t", and that others are not quite as much "the sh*t". Many here often write as though the only true form of music is prog(Whatever the Hell that is), which is a paralell to faith, in that both faith and music base themselves on intuition rather than some pseudo-objective sh*t.

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Rocktopus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 05:49
Originally posted by dojonane dojonane wrote:


And one more thing, Rocktopus, our minds are bred from the same stuff!
I'm so pleased to find someone who responds positively to my own weird
muse, consistently. I checked out your paintings, absolutely inspiring,
indellible technique and such subtly bizarre subjects. Are you a fan of
Max Ernst? (my personal god, in the pagan sense )

I'm listening to your music from your website. Very good. It reminds me a lot of what Aphex Twin  sounded like in the late nineties. (in his his more beautiful moments, you are probably well aware of it?)

Your posts (and others) here woke me up. I was only planning to use this site as a (prog)music fan. Now this has become an inspiring place far beyond that. I'm still summoning my thoughts on paganism and what it means to me. Looking at different societies, reading about utopian ideas/religions, the rise and fall of civillications through history etc..., is how I try to understand our own time and existence. 

My website sorely needs an updating (Lost contact with the webdesigner, or he lost contact with everyone). On this adress you (or anyone else) can find  ca. 20 newer paintings: (after clicking on the image, press 'vis stort bilde')

19-46 is of course my work. No. 19-31 starting with the Hammill quote, is meant to be seen as a suite of small paintings related. I think theres quite a few you could relate to this topic there.  

Fan of Max Ernst's work. Never seen better collages than the ones he did 80 years ago, and he's paintings are great as well. I'm sure you know and love 'Europe After the Rain' and 'Dechalomania'.

'The Wicker Man' should be very easy to get. It's well known in Europe, I think.

I would very much reccomend the swedish film 'Songs From the Second Floor' by Roy Andersson. Modernism going primitive, at the end. Very existential. Every scene is jawdroppingly complex, painful and beautiful. 

Sorry for the late reply. I can only use the net a couple of hours now and then when I'm home. 

Edited by Rocktopus
Over land and under ashes
In the sunlight, see - it flashes
Find a fly and eat his eye
But don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
Don't believe in me
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 11:11
Originally posted by Zweck Zweck wrote:

But dedicating yourself to a philosophy generaly means that you're fairly certain that it's "the sh*t", and that others are not quite as much "the sh*t". Many here often write as though the only true form of music is prog(Whatever the Hell that is), which is a paralell to faith, in that both faith and music base themselves on intuition rather than some pseudo-objective sh*t.

I hoinestly doubt many people here believe Prog' is the only true form of music, most of us listen, like and talk about different genres of music..

Does some people here believe  Prog  is the best musical expression for our taste?

Probably yes, we are here stealing time from our work, studies  and families because we love Progressive Rock, so what's the problem about this?


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walrus333 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 11:13
Well some would say Vintersorg are prog-metal and they are heavily influenced by Norse mythology. I havent noticed to many prog bands into paganism. I guess "viking metal" and some black metal pretty much has that down.
If anyone knows where I can get a copy of some Flute and Voice (Indo-Prog/Raga Rock) albums please PM me! Many thanks!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 12:09
Originally posted by dojonane dojonane wrote:

anthropomorphic qualities for natural forces,

 I bet there is quite a bit of that.
  I understand more fully now what you were asking about. I think it has much to do with the emotional response pure music invokes in us. I can't quantify this in any way. Let's suffice it to say (as we all already know) that different musical passages give us different emotions AND that in general a certain music will cause a similar emotion in most people of similar musical background. I'm mainly meaning eastern background vs western background. That being clarified I can now say that the music involved in most prog just lends itself to deeper complex sojourns into existential territories. Those are the kinds of feelings the music invokes so obviously the themes in art/lyrics surrounding the music will gravitate that way. 
 If for whatever reason the music in prog that we are drawn to made black dark murderous feelings in us then the art and lyrics of prog would show it. Having paganistic themes in prog, IMHO, are no more mysterious or grand than rock songs/art being about sex,drugs,&rocknroll. No more mysterious than death metal being infused with themes of...uh...death. It's just natural. It fits.

 It's interesting to me think about what came first, the theme or the music. Looking back at the begginings of prog proper I'd have to say the music came first. I can't think of any overt pagan earmarks in the earliest days. But as it grew the natural feelings gained from listening to prog type music came along and pagan themes in the genre strengthened. Im just brainstorming here.. havent thought much about it.

 Wanted to add something about religions. I really only see the trio of muslim/judism/christianity as being intolerant. Either aggressive like muslim and christain or cloistered like judism.The other major religions of the world are very tolerent. Its one of the main tenants of Buhdism I hear that you respect the beliefs of others. So I can't aggree that when you pick a philiosophy you automatically have disdain for others who pick otherwise. Thats just the way the trio works things.
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Drew View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 12:13

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 12:37
Originally posted by Drew Drew wrote:

Does the art cover designer has an obsession with Stargate, or does Pagan Mind makes the music for the show? Because:

Seems obvious.


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 12:44

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Zweck View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 14:54
Originally posted by ivan_2068 ivan_2068 wrote:

Originally posted by Zweck Zweck wrote:

But dedicating yourself to a philosophy generaly means that you're fairly certain that it's "the sh*t", and that others are not quite as much "the sh*t". Many here often write as though the only true form of music is prog(Whatever the Hell that is), which is a paralell to faith, in that both faith and music base themselves on intuition rather than some pseudo-objective sh*t.

I hoinestly doubt many people here believe Prog' is the only true form of music, most of us listen, like and talk about different genres of music..

Does some people here believe  Prog  is the best musical expression for our taste?

Probably yes, we are here stealing time from our work, studies  and families because we love Progressive Rock, so what's the problem about this?


Somehow I don't feel that the one who questioned the artistic qualities of Madvillian on grounds of his use of samples has so much to say. And before you go "well that was one incident, I still listen to other stuff than prog, yaddayaddayadda" you must know this: I generalized. Though it often dilutes the expression slightly it's very functional for getting a point across, without going through all the degrees of something, which would make most people abstain from reading the post.

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2006 at 15:09

Originally posted by Zweck Zweck wrote:

Somehow I don't feel that the one who questioned the artistic qualities of Madvillian on grounds of his use of samples has so much to say. And before you go "well that was one incident, I still listen to other stuff than prog, yaddayaddayadda" you must know this: I generalized. Though it often dilutes the expression slightly it's very functional for getting a point across, without going through all the degrees of something, which would make most people abstain from reading the post.

I won't start a discussion again but I will say it once and for all.

The fact that I dislike and find no merit in two determined pseudo musical genres, doesn't mean I believe Prog is the only valid form of music, there are hundreed of genres that have enough value.

The fact that he uses samples is not the main reason why I don't believe his albums are musically valid, I don't believe in Rap or Hip Hop as a valid form of MUSIC, I believe is repetitive, lack of imagination and musical quality, and I have to apologize with nobody about my opinions, as far as I know this is a free opinion forum.

If you like it ok with you, and if you don't, honestly I can't care less.

But remember, you are in a PROGRESSIVE ROCK FORUM and you must accept that HERE the majority of people doesn't like Rap and Hip Hop and some like me don't believe it's a valid form of music, and this is what people believe here about Rap:

Prog Polls
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< name=frmPoll =poll_cast_vote.asp method=post>
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20 [64.52%]

If you want to start a Rap or Hip Hop thread, you can use the Non Prog Musical lounge which is the right place and I promnisse I won't even loose my time reading it, but I (As the majority) come to  Prog Archives to discuss Progressive Rock in the Progressive Rock Lounge not Rap or Hip Hop.

I give this argument as ended, because seems that Hip Hoppers and Rappers are trying to use this forum as a vehicle to promote their favorite style of music, and I won't fall in the game again.


Edited by ivan_2068
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