Well I was going to buy Alphataurus, Ys, Bubu, and Wobbler.
However, Bubu is out of print, and so I replaced it with Moon Safari.
Mezquita will have to wai for next time.
I was gonna leave Ys to the next time but given the responses and listening to the album again, I understood I should make it a high priority. Its too bad about Bubu though... I'll try at Ebay.
Given that a stupid troll voted for Wobbler over 300 times I think it went well. I'm also surprised that Moon Safari got 7 votes (assuming its not an act of the same troll). What do you think of this album?
We can still continue voting though. It is an interesting competition anyway.
One competition can be bertween the two modern vintage prog acts Wobbler and Moon safari.
The other competition can be between Bubu and Balletto di Bronzo.
The third between Alphataurus and Mezquita.
Thanks to all the participants of the contest, I appreciate your contributions.