Peter and All:
As a matter of policy, no subject will be considered "verboten" on this site. Yes, it is a music site. However, that is why we have a category called "discussions not related to music": for discussions related to anything else, including politics, religion, etc.
In this regard, and pursuant to the guideliines for the site, if any unnecessary or inappropriate "nation-bashing" - i.e., enough to rise near or to the level of "personal attack" (though that would seem difficult) - is found in "regular" threads, those posts may be edited or deleted. However, if someone wants to start a political or religious thread in the proper place - here, at "discussions not related to music" - they can do so, and "nation-bash" to the heart's content. That's what we call "protected free speech," and this site will not be put in a position of undue censorship or repression.
If someone is offended by that speech, they have two choices: (i) participate in the thread via defense or otherwise, or (ii) ignore the thread and not participate. No one is "forcing" anyone to participate in any particular thread, or to endure hurtful comments: personal ones are not permitted at any time, and anything not personal is, by definition (at PA), "free and protected speech."
We hope that our members will be courteous and respectful toward each other. However, while we monitor and will edit or delete if necessary, we are not "thought police" or "speech police"; if a member becomes "obstreporous" in their attitude or approach, they will be permitted to do so as long as any "negative" comments are not personal in nature.
Thus, keep threads on non-music - and especially controversial - topics in the "discussions not related to music," and all will be well.
I hope this clears up any misunderstanding in this regard.
Edited by maani