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    Posted: October 06 2021 at 17:28

If I had to pick a single favorite band, and only one, it would be Tangerine Dream.

I’ve been tempted over the last couple of years to give a focused, chronological re-listening to their music, and lay some thoughts down on paper – a short, personal review and reflection on each track as I go through their catalog.

[Not their *entire* catalog, because that would be silly and I probably don’t have enough time left on planet earth to take on such a gargantuan task.  I’ll just be blogging on my own personal library of TD - which is extensive enough.]

Since this forum has a sub-forum for such an endeavor with this ‘prog blog’ section, I think I’ll give this idea a shot.

I’ll also include whatever solo albums I have from TD band members (the “Big 4” anyway… Froese, Franke, Baumann, Schmoelling), just for my own fun.

The listening equipment:  AKG K240 headphones  |  Onkyo CR-N755 bookshelf CD player  |  U-Turn Orbit Special turntable with Ortofon 2M red stylus  |  Nakamichi CR-1A cassette deck

Edited by ProfPanglos - October 06 2021 at 22:37
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My first purchase of/exposure to Tangerine Dream’s music was in 1981 with the release of “Exit.”

I was already a big fan of Vangelis, Kraftwerk, Jean-Michel Jarre, Klaus Schulze, Kitaro, and a few others – but for whatever reason I had not been exposed to Tangerine Dream yet.

In 1980 a friend of mine who lived abroad sent me a cassette tape of Peter Baumann’s “Trans Harmonic Nights” and in his letter he mentioned that the guy had been from a band called Tangerine Dream.  He recommended I get “Stratosfear” and “Force Majeure” - so these names and titles were in my head, but it wasn’t until a year later that I saw “Exit” in the ‘New Releases’ section of the record store and bought it.

I was immediately hooked, and thus began a lifelong love affair with this incredible band.  I hit every record store in town, made lots of special order import purchases (I waited six solid months for my copy of the ’70-’80 Box Set to arrive!) and continued collecting, listening, and enjoying the music throughout the years.

Okay, enough introduction... it’s time to don the headphones and listen to: ELECTRONIC MEDITATION.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ProfPanglos Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 06 2021 at 19:04

Tangerine Dream


 Track List:

 Genesis  |  Journey Through A Burning Brain  |  Cold Smoke  |  Ashes To Ashes  |  Resurrection

I first bought this LP around ’81 or ’82, after having already become familiar with several other titles of the Froese/Franke/Baumann and Froese/Franke/Schmoelling recordings.  At the time, I was certainly intrigued by the wild, white & orange record cover with the headless baby doll and all the patch cables… and had high hopes - but initially (and for many years afterward) found the music boring and unlistenable.  It wasn’t until later in life that the early Tangerine Dream recordings began to really resonate with me.

10-6-2021  |  Listening state of mind: Calm, serene, sober.


Starts out a bit ambient and spooky, but quickly morphs out of the ambient and into the psychedelic arena with some free-form, effect-heavy cello, violin, flute - and a young Klaus Schulze banging away on the drums as if there was no tomorrow.  Froese’s weird guitar noises (I would not call them “riffs” haha) come in, and then the piece ends [too soon, in my opinion] with an abrupt transition into track two.

Journey Through A Burning Brain:

Edgar’s guitar noises continue to be in the forefront on this longer piece, where there are actually moments of organ melody/chord progressions… the organ chord progressions then shares center stage with the electric guitar, but there is still plenty of dissonance.  About 5 minutes into the piece, a rhythmic guitar fires up in the background, and Klaus comes in with some radical drumming.  Still plenty of weirdness and processed noises going on throughout the piece, but the track maintains a bit of structure and melody throughout.  (I use the word “melody” in its loosest possible sense.)  The structure seems to cavitate around the 9 minute mark, and it gets more free-form and frantic.  Around the 11 minute mark, the drums drop out, and the organ and flute become center, and the piece mellows out (and ultimately fades out).  Good stuff.

Cold Smoke:

Another longer piece, which begins ambient-ish, with abrupt moments of discord frequently interrupting a more mellow organ background.  At about 3.5 minutes in, the organ starts pulsing a bit, with Klaus doing some faster-tempo drum work.  The organ begins to rock steady with Klaus, and at 6 minutes or so into the piece, things build (and continue to build) with Edgar bringing the electric guitar back into the mix.  Some weird vocal noises appear after the 9 minute mark.  Maybe the most “rocking” piece on the album… and at the height of the heavy rocking, the piece cuts out entirely and the odd beginning of track 4 begins.   

Ashes To Ashes:

The immediate drop of the cacophonous ending of track 3 is juxtaposed here with 4 deep human breaths, in and out, before a slower paced groove of organ, drums, guitar, and various weird noises commences.  I really like this piece, I think it may be my favorite track on the album.  The flute I’m hearing, in the background and panned right, is high-register and wild, and a subtle but integral component.


Organ and backward voice open this final track.  The voice drops out after a minute or so, the organ fades, and the piece returns to the opening Genesis sounds, completing the circle.

Some brief thoughts after this re-listening:  I adore this album.  When I’m in the mood for weird psychedelic music, this is definitely one of my go-to recordings.  It’s really grown on me over the years.  It’s definitely not the album I’d play for someone to *introduce* them to the band, but it is a great debut for the very young and experimental band - and has stood the test of time with a vengeance, in my opinion.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote verslibre Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 06 2021 at 19:37
"Chimes and Chains" is a great title. I suspect we're on the same page with regard to most things Tangerine Dream (you can probably tell by my avatar).

The funny thing is, while I didn't buy it new on arrival, Exit was also my first proper Tangerine Dream purchase (followed by Firestarter and Le Parc). I find the music on Exit as compelling, as captivating, to this day — though I now prefer Side B to Side A. The overall sonic palette effected by the gear they used in that 1980-1983 window remains my overall favorite.

Looking forward to reading your musings.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ProfPanglos Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 06 2021 at 22:36
Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

"Chimes and Chains" is a great title. I suspect we're on the same page with regard to most things Tangerine Dream (you can probably tell by my avatar).

The funny thing is, while I didn't buy it new on arrival, Exit was also my first proper Tangerine Dream purchase (followed by Firestarter and Le Parc). I find the music on Exit as compelling, as captivating, to this day — though I now prefer Side B to Side A. The overall sonic palette effected by the gear they used in that 1980-1983 window remains my overall favorite.

Looking forward to reading your musings.

Hi, verslibre - and thanks for posting!

Yes indeed I noticed (and highly approve of) your avatar!  Stuntman is an interesting, complex album, and my second-favorite Froese solo album, right behind Epsilon In Malaysian Pale.

Agreed on the sonic palette of those years, absolutely stunning!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ProfPanglos Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 00:03

Tangerine Dream


Track list:  Sunrise In The Third System  |  Fly And Collision Of Comas Sola  |  Alpha Centauri

“Alpha Centauri” was another LP I purchased in '81 or '82 - though it was a special import from Europe and when it arrived, it was a 2LP with "Atem" as the 2nd album.  For a few years I thought they were released together like that, and didn't realize they were separate recordings with "Zeit" in-between them.  Again, in those early days of my immersion into Tangerine Dream's music, all I wanted was minor-key bad-ass sequencing with ominous (but harmonious) chord progressions, and the early experimental recordings didn't do anything for me until many years later.  

10-6-2021  |  Listening state of mind:  A little tired but not ready for bed, and still calm & sober.

Sunrise In The Third System:

This opening track begins with a delicate, sublime plucking sound; shortly thereafter, organ, synth, and [what I think sounds like] electric guitar emerges.  It’s a short, relatively harmonious piece and more ambient and meditative than anything on “Electronic Meditation.”  A nice opener, but too short!

Fly And Collision Of Comas Sola:

Okay, *now* we’re getting into some serious “space music.”  A faint electric guitar-strummed melody resides in the background – the foreground is all spacy oscillating synth, LOL.  An organ joins the guitar melody after a couple of minutes, and then a flute to compliment them.  So far, it’s a mellow piece of music, far less frantic than anything on its predecessor LP, until about the 8 minute mark, where the drums come in and take over the forefront from the VCS synth.  At the 10 minute mark, it’s primarily drums and flute in front, with the guitar and synth taking a back seat.  Franke’s drumming seems a bit better (yet similar in its overwhelming, full style) than Schulze’s.  The piece closes with the guitar dropping out, the drums and VCS taking us back into outer space, and the piece can no longer be called “mellow” – it gets busier, with the drums creating more of a ‘wall’ (or a ‘wash’) than a ‘beat.’  The ending is abrupt.

Alpha Centauri:

The longest track on the album, at just over 22 minutes.  Another spooky, spacy ambient-like opening, no semblance of melody or structure.  After 2-3 minutes, flute sounds coalesce over an organ drone, with some synth weirdness thrown in for good measure, sounding more like sirens than synths.  The background drone is maintained, but begins to fluctuate and change pitch here and there, the flute departs, and a little after 7 minutes, that droning organ starts ascending and descending all over the place.  After the 9 minute mark, some electric guitar notes appear, but nothing that resembles a melody or riff – just plucked notes sliding down the fretboard.  The flute returns to the front to join the guitar sounds, but the guitar is short-lived; the flute remains.  The piece seems rather free-form and random at this point; still fairly mellow – albeit spooky, with the high-register synth voices going everywhere and back, like some choir on LSD.  Some German recitation begins around the 18 minute mark, and a low drone returns.  Voices emerge, but this time in a minor-key undulating melody with the organ – a strong and majestic 4-minute finish to the composition.


Some brief thoughts after this re-listening:  Of the 4 early and experimental studio albums, I think this one’s my favorite.  It’s that closing 4 minutes of the title track – just phenomenal!  [I actually have not heard “Zeit” or “Atem” in quite a while, so it’ll be interesting to me to see if I still favor “Alpha Centauri” after tomorrow’s listening excursion.]

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ProfPanglos Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 12:17

Tangerine Dream


Track list:  Ultima Thule (Part 1)  |  Ultima Thule (Part 2)

This 7” was not something I had ever heard of until the late 1990’s.  I had saved up several hundred dollars for a music shopping spree, and had been told that there was a CD shop in Burien, WA (“Soundwaves”) that specialized in prog.  One Saturday morning, I went there with my wallet full of cash to get some good new titles for the collection.  Sure enough, it was a really great CD shop.  There was only one other person in the store when I got there, some younger kid, clearly high on something… jittery and talking to himself.  I had already picked out a dozen or more titles, and had a stack at the counter I was going to purchase.  The kid was watching me flip through the music, and soon came over to chat.  I happened to be flipping through PFM CDs, and the kid scoffed, “Everyone’s heard of PFM.  That’s not prog.  The only true prog band is Brainticket.”  I was trying to be polite, but also really did not want to engage with him much.  The store clerk spoke up from the counter – “Don’t bother the paying customers!”  (Which got a slight chuckle out of me.)

Anyway, after having browsed through the whole place, and after picking out a couple tall stacks of CDs to buy, I asked the clerk, “Do you have any… oddball recordings behind the counter?”  (My way of trying to be discreet about bootlegs.)  He asked what bands I was looking for, and I said “Tangerine Dream, Jethro Tull, and Kate Bush.”  He pulled out a brand new 4 CD bootleg of TD called “Electronic Orgy,” and said “80 bucks for this one.”  He also pulled out some live Tull stuff that I also bought.  He didn’t have any unique Kate Bush stuff.

Those familiar with TD bootlegs will know that “Electronic Orgy” was a treasure trove of previously unreleased & rare material.  So that’s where I first heard these two short songs.

[It ended up being a good investment.  I burned myself a copy, and put the original on eBay and got $250 for it.  My days of collecting for the sake of collecting rarities is long gone.  I’m just interested in listening to the music.]

Ultima Thule (Part 1):

The track definitely has some charm as a non-traditional Tangerine Dream “rock jam.”  I honestly don’t know what else I can say about it, it’s short, structured, and simple… but kind of fun.

Ultima Thule (Part 2):

Less driving and forceful than Part 1, and more in-line with what one would expect from TD in 1971.  More reliance on the organs than the guitar – in fact, I’m not even sure if I heard *any* guitar in it.  I think I hear an electric bass in the background, toward the end of the piece.  Still pretty energetic, though.

I don’t have any real comments or conclusions on this one.  It doesn’t blow me away by any means, but it’s not… bad.  Just sort of an unusual nugget from them.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote verslibre Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 12:20
Originally posted by ProfPanglos ProfPanglos wrote:

Some brief thoughts after this re-listening:  I adore this album.  When I’m in the mood for weird psychedelic music, this is definitely one of my go-to recordings.  It’s really grown on me over the years.  It’s definitely not the album I’d play for someone to *introduce* them to the band, but it is a great debut for the very young and experimental band - and has stood the test of time with a vengeance, in my opinion. 

Hear! Hear! This is a special one, and there really isn't anything else like it out there. Logan likes this record a lot, too. For me, it's a toss-up between "Journey" and "Cold Smoke." I used to wonder if Klaus had any idea he'd be operating on a wavelength much closer to Edgar's just a few years hence.

Originally posted by ProfPanglos ProfPanglos wrote:

Some brief thoughts after this re-listening:  Of the 4 early and experimental studio albums, I think this one’s my favorite.  It’s that closing 4 minutes of the title track – just phenomenal!  [I actually have not heard “Zeit” or “Atem” in quite a while, so it’ll be interesting to me to see if I still favor “Alpha Centauri” after tomorrow’s listening excursion.]

I prefer Atem to Alpha Centauri by a hair, because the former is the first record by the line-up of Froese, Franke and Baumann, and it's the dawn of their "sound." But both are essential.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 12:22
A excellent topic. I'm a big admirer of Tangerine Dream (one of my favourites) and related projects and am really appreciating reading through this, and will continue to follow it. By the way, I started with Phaedra and it did not resonate with me, and then heard the debut a couple of years later and it worked for me first try. I love it. I then got into all of the pre-Phaedra ones but still wasn't much into later things I knew, and then I appreciated Pheadra and later material. Ricochet really got me on first listen.

Edited by Logan - October 07 2021 at 12:28
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote verslibre Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 12:27
Originally posted by ProfPanglos ProfPanglos wrote:

Anyway, after having browsed through the whole place, and after picking out a couple tall stacks of CDs to buy, I asked the clerk, “Do you have any… oddball recordings behind the counter?”  (My way of trying to be discreet about bootlegs.)  He asked what bands I was looking for, and I said “Tangerine Dream, Jethro Tull, and Kate Bush.”  He pulled out a brand new 4 CD bootleg of TD called “Electronic Orgy,” and said “80 bucks for this one.”  He also pulled out some live Tull stuff that I also bought.  He didn’t have any unique Kate Bush stuff.

Those familiar with TD bootlegs will know that “Electronic Orgy” was a treasure trove of previously unreleased & rare material.  So that’s where I first heard these two short songs.

I also sold mine. When it first showed up, a friend who was working at a shop got us two copies (they didn't even make it out of the stock room). He quickly described the title and the cover photos, and I thought he was joking. Then I saw them. LOL

Of course, Electronic Orgy is pretty much obsolete now, but 25 years ago, it packed a wallop!

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ProfPanglos Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 12:41
Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

Of course, Electronic Orgy is pretty much obsolete now, but 25 years ago, it packed a wallop!

True.  Kind of a monumental bootleg.  I still pull my copy off the shelf on occasion, just to hear "Octahedron I" - which I understand isn't really a "TD" composition, but all Haslinger.  Regardless, I love that one.

Now, even the rarest items are searchable, orderable, or available to listen to on YT.  Sometimes I get nostalgic about the old days, hunting for those good "finds" at obscure little record stores.  It was a lot more fun than just clicking a mouse and putting a recording in my Amazon cart. 

Edited by ProfPanglos - October 07 2021 at 12:49
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 13:54
It took some finding, but I knew I'd written an albums tribute to TD somewhere in the distant past, and just as Tangerine Dream uses sequencers to make albums, I used a sequencer to arrange their albums in chronological order. Wink

Phaedra was a princess of Crete in Greek mythology, and that's where we begin our journey as we cross the Rubycon with the music of Tangerine Dream. This legendary German electronica band have been with us seemingly forever, and their wonderful music reverberates and resonates through the years like a Ricochet bouncing endlessly off the walls through eternity. Tangerine Dream are best-known for their classic 1970's albums on the Virgin label and they really soared to the heights of the Stratosfear and beyond with the success of their fourth Virgin album in 1976. The trio of Tangerine Dream were led by the electronic Sorcerer of the keys Edgar Froese (1944-2015) with Chris Franke and Peter Baumann completing the line-up in the early years, until Johannes Schmoelling replaced Peter Baumann in 1979. The band had a very successful concert tour of the USA in 1977 where they were often asked to perform an Encore and they stormed from coast to coast across the United States with all the power of a Cyclone in an unstoppable Force Majeure of energy and strength. The music of Tangerine Dream has all the colour and versatility of a Tangram puzzle, and can often be as  grand and imposing as the Pergamon Museum in Berlin. Tangerine Dream are well-known for their soundtrack albums too, most notably with the score to the James Cann movie Thief in 1981. It's in their stunning concert performances where Tangerine Dream really excel though, and fans are always guaranteed a long concert set before the band finally Exit the stage. The magnificent music of Tangerine Dream soars with the grace and beauty of a White Eagle and their music is just as distinctive as the Logos on their album covers. In fact, Tangerine Dream are almost as legendary as the mystical land of Hyperborea in ancient Greek folklore.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ProfPanglos Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 13:55
As an aside, and jumping momentarily from 1971 to 2021:

I was visiting the link BaldJean posted in regard to James McGaw's repose, and found this, just released today - apparently TD have a new "EP" coming out.  I thought "Raum" was actually a pretty good track!

Edited by ProfPanglos - October 07 2021 at 13:57
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^I'm on Eastgate's mailing list; today they sent the update for the new EP Probe 6-8.

It has three new tracks and two remixes (of those tracks). Interestingly, there's this tidbit (bold areas are theirs — underlined is mine):

Quote During the last months, Tangerine Dream were working on the EP 'Probe 6-8' in their Berlin studio space. Classic studio productions and late night real time compositions became the blueprint for slowly evolving ambient structures. The band’s sequencer driven sound in the tradition of the early '70s work was combined with lush 1980s crystalline bliss. Thorsten Quaeschning, Hoshiko Yamane and Paul Frick composed and produced with full access to Edgar Froese's Cubase arrangements and Otari Tape Archive with recordings from 1977 – 2013.

For the first time in decades, Tangerine Dream’s tracks can not exactly be re-created for a live performance. An EP, which was not meant to be performed live, as a direct response to the many canceled shows of the last months. 'Probe 6-8' is the band’s preview to their upcoming album in March 2022, the second studio album after the passing of the founder Edgar Froese.

Composed by Edgar Froese, Thorsten Quaeschning, Hoshiko Yamane & Paul Frick. Remixes by Grand River and Sam Barker.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote verslibre Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 14:37
Originally posted by ProfPanglos ProfPanglos wrote:

Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

Of course, Electronic Orgy is pretty much obsolete now, but 25 years ago, it packed a wallop!

True.  Kind of a monumental bootleg.  I still pull my copy off the shelf on occasion, just to hear "Octahedron I" - which I understand isn't really a "TD" composition, but all Haslinger.  Regardless, I love that one.

Now, even the rarest items are searchable, orderable, or available to listen to on YT.  Sometimes I get nostalgic about the old days, hunting for those good "finds" at obscure little record stores.  It was a lot more fun than just clicking a mouse and putting a recording in my Amazon cart.

Copy that. I loved "the hunt." Now it's mostly online. Nothing beats sifting through scores of records and discs. That's how I discovered Mark Shreeve in 1988.

Haslinger's "Octahedron I" was available only on a compilation CD, which I eventually sold. Solid track.

A few years ago, Peter Baumann released his first new instrumental electronic solo album since Trans Harmonic Nights, titled Machines of Desire. If you don't already have it, I recommend it. It's quite good.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ProfPanglos Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 14:43
Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

A few years ago, Peter Baumann released his first new instrumental electronic solo album since Trans Harmonic Nights, titled Machines of Desire. If you don't already have it, I recommend it. It's quite good.

I'll put M.O.D. on my list to listen to.  I've known of it since it came out, but (amazingly, really) have not yet heard it.  I am presuming you have heard the Neuland recording?  I do like that one quite a bit.  
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Originally posted by ProfPanglos ProfPanglos wrote:

I am presuming you have heard the Neuland recording?  I do like that one quite a bit.  

I tried to like that one. Never quite gets going. It's missing...something. I didn't expect it to sound like Tangerine Dream, just a little more developed, I guess.
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Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

It's missing...something. I didn't expect it to sound like Tangerine Dream, just a little more developed, I guess.

It's missing Franke and Schmoelling, LOL.  I'd love to see some sort of 'conglomerate' of past members put out some high level epic new Berlin-School with a nod to TD/EF.

Edited to add: Though I've been pretty disappointed with Franke's output.  I thought Pacific Coast Highway had some good moments, and I thought Klemania was pretty good (I haven't heard either one of those recordings in ages), but a lot of the other stuff I've heard is pretty bland and too soft and new-agey for my tastes.

Edited by ProfPanglos - October 07 2021 at 15:30
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote verslibre Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 07 2021 at 16:08
Originally posted by ProfPanglos ProfPanglos wrote:

Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

It's missing...something. I didn't expect it to sound like Tangerine Dream, just a little more developed, I guess.

It's missing Franke and Schmoelling, LOL.

Truth. LOL

Originally posted by ProfPanglos ProfPanglos wrote:

I'd love to see some sort of 'conglomerate' of past members put out some high level epic new Berlin-School with a nod to TD/EF.

For a while, I thought we would get exactly that within the first few years of Edgar's passing. I guess not. Peter Baumann did join up with Ulrich and Thorsten to complete some of Edgar's ideas, but it didn't work out. Then Peter recorded Machines of Desire, so no complaint here!

Thorsten and Ulrich then went and recorded an album removed from the Tangerine Dream umbrella, Synthwaves. It's a winner.

Originally posted by ProfPanglos ProfPanglos wrote:

Edited to add: Though I've been pretty disappointed with Franke's output.  I thought Pacific Coast Highway had some good moments, and I thought Klemania was pretty good (I haven't heard either one of those recordings in ages), but a lot of the other stuff I've heard is pretty bland and too soft and new-agey for my tastes.

The London Concert remains my favorite of Franke's — I freely admit because it's the most TD-esque of his solo output! KLEMania was pretty cool for the time.

The best post-departure surprise that involved Franke was the unveiling of the bonus disc with four long pieces in the Dream Roots box set. "Valley of the Sun" is a closet classic if I ever heard one.
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Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

Thorsten and Ulrich then went and recorded an album removed from the Tangerine Dream umbrella, Synthwaves. It's a winner.

I'm adding it to the list to explore!

Originally posted by verslibre verslibre wrote:

The best post-departure surprise that involved Franke was the unveiling of the bonus disc with four long pieces in the Dream Roots box set. "Valley of the Sun" is a closet classic if I ever heard one.

Right???  How did *that* one not make it to a studio album?  Valley Of The Sun is one of my ALL-TIME favorite TD pieces!

Speaking of Dream Roots, I know a lot of people/purists had heartburn about the "Tangentized" TD tracks on both Tangents and Dream Roots (I am also one of those who didn't appreciate the additions) - but I did sort of groove on what they did with the early experimental pieces on Disc 1 of Dream Roots.  I haven't heard those Dream Roots discs in forever, and have [finally] come to love the originals of those early years, so I may not appreciate the Dream Roots CD1 additions anymore.  I'll probably get there to review it on this blog in about 20 years.

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