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BaldFriede View Drop Down
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    Posted: December 02 2019 at 11:40
Are you sometimes extremely disappointed that no-one appears to react to something you posted on this forum that you find totally exciting and awesome, let's say some musical news or a music video? You think everyone should find this totally awesome, but for some reason no-one seems to share your excitement and you feel really... well, what exactly? Frustrated? Angry? Disappointed? Stupid? Whatever it is, it certainly happens to me occasionally.

If this happens to you too, how do you deal with it? Do you sulk? Do you just shrug it off? What is your reaction?

BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 11:51
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

Are you sometimes extremely disappointed that no-one appears to react to something you posted on this forum that you find totally exciting and awesome, let's say some musical news or a music video? You think everyone should find this totally awesome, but for some reason no-one seems to share your excitement and you feel really... well, what exactly? Frustrated? Angry? Disappointed? Stupid? Whatever it is, it certainly happens to me occasionally.

If this happens to you too, how do you deal with it? Do you sulk? Do you just shrug it off? What is your reaction?
Good question. Thumbs Up Yes, my Mixed Herbs & Spices thread has only received 13 views and no posts so far, over two months on from being posted in the Just for Fun forum. It doesn't bother me though because I didn't write it especially for this website, so I just shrug it off and say "Heigh-Ho. C'est La Vie". I'll copy & paste it here then it might receive a few more views. Smile
Mixed Herbs & Spices
I was lying in bed listening to CINNAMON Girl by Neil Young when I had a call at 9am preCICELY from my girlfriend ANGELICA in SAFFRON Walden. She SAGEly advised me to wrap up warm because it's CHILI outside today. We're in a VANILLA relationship. She earns a good CELERY in the city and does paper-folding, or "OREGANO" in her spare time. She's CUMIN 'round later, so I'd better not waste THYME by DILLy-dallying. I need to CURRY favour with her because I'm GINGERly going to ask if I can borrow her favourite Simon & Garfunkel album, PARSLEY, SAGE, ROSEMARY & THYME. It's one of her rare albums from the arCHIVES which is in MINT condition. I dabbed on some ALLSPICE aftershave. I'd lost my comb so I MUSTARD left it in my car overnight. If I don't hurry up, the police will tow my CAR AWAY as it's in a No Parking zone. I want to try out a new spicy recipe from NIGELLA Lawson, so I need to pick up some NUTMEG, TURMERIC, TARRAGON vinegar and TABASCO sauce while I'm out. It's Mother's Day soon, so I need to buy some LAVENDER talc and a CARD A MOM will enjoy. ANGELICA & I are going to watch a crime CAPER on TV some THYME later, where she'll no doubt PEPPER me with questions about the plot. We both like Fawlty Towers, so we'll be watching BASIL Fawlty after the movie.

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - December 02 2019 at 11:58
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presdoug View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote presdoug Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 13:06
Yes, this had happened to me, and more than just occasionally, and I am glad you started a thread on this, it needs to be addressed.
         The truth of the matter is that there is a small clique of about a dozen PA members on the forum that tend to dominate with their favorite bands, attitudes towards music, and if you don't fit in, which I feel I don't, then you get ignored, or attacked, psychologically.
           There are a few members, some of the most established members of the forums even, of this small group that are bullies, and doing what bullies do best, either attacking people who don't fit their mold, or ignoring them, and, yes, being ignored is a form of bullying.
             Now, I am not going to name names, because that won't change a thing-a bully  is a bully, no matter what, but I am being honest in what I have just noted about the PA forums.
                Anyhow, I do have to into work now, but please think about what I have remarked upon.
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 13:29
^^ I get along well with everyone here, although not everyone gets along well with me. Smile
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Odvin Draoi View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Odvin Draoi Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 13:53
In my 20s, such things were huge disappointments.

In my 30s? I've gradually been accustomed to ignoring being ignored.

In my 20s, I was very egocentric. Now, not so.

Who knows what will happen in the future...
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 14:03
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

Are you sometimes extremely disappointed that no-one appears to react to something you posted on this forum that you find totally exciting and awesome, let's say some musical news or a music video? You think everyone should find this totally awesome, but for some reason no-one seems to share your excitement and you feel really... well, what exactly? Frustrated? Angry? Disappointed? Stupid? Whatever it is, it certainly happens to me occasionally.

If this happens to you too, how do you deal with it? Do you sulk? Do you just shrug it off? What is your reaction?
At least this thread hasn't been ignored. Smile
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BaldFriede View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote BaldFriede Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 14:45
I posted a video of Barbara Dennerlein and her band consisting of guitar player Fabiano Pereira and drummer Drori Mondlak teaming up with sax and flute player Karolina Strassmayer (who happens to be married to Drori Mondlak). All of them are awesome musicians, and the video is awesome too, yet no-one reacted (except for Jean, but since she is my wife she does not really count). I find this really disappointing. Are all of you here really such musical morons?

BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
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micky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 14:47
Originally posted by presdoug presdoug wrote:

Yes, this had happened to me, and more than just occasionally, and I am glad you started a thread on this, it needs to be addressed.
         The truth of the matter is that there is a small clique of about a dozen PA members on the forum that tend to dominate with their favorite bands, attitudes towards music, and if you don't fit in, which I feel I don't, then you get ignored, or attacked, psychologically.
           There are a few members, some of the most established members of the forums even, of this small group that are bullies, and doing what bullies do best, either attacking people who don't fit their mold, or ignoring them, and, yes, being ignored is a form of bullying.
             Now, I am not going to name names, because that won't change a thing-a bully  is a bully, no matter what, but I am being honest in what I have just noted about the PA forums.
                Anyhow, I do have to into work now, but please think about what I have remarked upon.

interesting POV..  compare this forum to others and it is remarkably free of cliques..  I had the last one .. the last serious one but that was over a decade ago when my genre teams doubled as finger brakers and knee busters and unofficial law around these parts and policing the forum and ridding it of good taste and modesty. Most either ended up in shallow graves, got married and retired to the 'burbs, or just retired.. one even became respectable and became a f**king admin which was the funniest damn thing.. as we were the bane of the classic admin teams existence.. or their greatest source of entertainment..  likely both I suppose.

sure there are black hats, bullies and the occasional freak of modern chemistry.. but they really just add a bit of character to the forum. Otherwise it would be even more dull than it can be.

and as far as bullies.. I would be curious to know who you were thinking of.  Naturally as I was one of the biggest the site ever saw.. I have have an eye out for them.. but haven't really any around..  at least any that compare the classic days of the site where they were a dime a dozen around here. 

the site today is remarkably well behaved and respectful..  if a bit on the dull side..  
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 14:56
^^ I did it the other way around - I used to be an admin and forum moderator on a music site (You Tube Episodes & Music) and now I'm just a forum minion again. Smile
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micky View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 15:03
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

I posted a video of Barbara Dennerlein and her band consisting of guitar player Fabiano Pereira and drummer Drori Mondlak teaming up with sax and flute player Karolina Strassmayer (who happens to be married to Drori Mondlak). All of them are awesome musicians, and the video is awesome too, yet no-one reacted (except for Jean, but since she is my wife she does not really count). I find this really disappointing. Are all of you here really such musical morons?

as the proud owner of the title of  'Forum Moron #1' I'll take that Friede..

the classic posters who have been around for years have seen the stuff you have posted.. either dug it or didn't..

what I have noticed more and more over the years is the newer posters... seem less interested in discovery than we were.. and really are more interested in talking about what they like.. fans of certain groups rather than the music itself..

so topics like yours are bound to not get much love I suppose
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
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AFlowerKingCrimson View Drop Down
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Not everyone has to respond to everything. I sometimes find myself acting like a monkey feeling like I have to respond to everyone but it's silly. We all have different opinions and different takes on things. If you have a strong conviction in what you believe in or what you like it shouldn't matter what others think. Lot's of people on here don't like some of my favorite bands(especially Yes). Should I cry about it or even second guess my admiration for these bands? I've liked Yes(and symphonic prog in general)for over 30 years. Am I going to stop liking that stuff now just because someone on here doesn't like them? Probably not. Lol. In this day and age it seems like everyone else is just liking what everyone else likes. Fragile by Yes used to be considered their best or one of their best albums. THen after seeing all the discussions about it others seem to not like it so much so now it seems consensus says it's not. Well, gee wiz. I still like it. It turns into this groupthink thing where everyone has to like what everyone else likes. Screw that. Like what you like and don't worry about what others think. No one is going to like the same stuff anyway. Like Duke Ellington(or whoever it was)said "if it sounds good it is good."

Edited by AFlowerKingCrimson - December 02 2019 at 15:08
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Grumpyprogfan View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Grumpyprogfan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 15:19
Most of my posts or threads are ignored (lack of interest), or members tell me what I did wrong. I may try a sarcastic reply a few times and then move on. People here just don't have good taste, like me. Ha.
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 15:26
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

I posted a video of Barbara Dennerlein and her band consisting of guitar player Fabiano Pereira and drummer Drori Mondlak teaming up with sax and flute player Karolina Strassmayer (who happens to be married to Drori Mondlak). All of them are awesome musicians, and the video is awesome too, yet no-one reacted (except for Jean, but since she is my wife she does not really count). I find this really disappointing. Are all of you here really such musical morons?
To be Frank with you Friede, calling us all musical morons won't win you many admirers here. Wink

Edited by Psychedelic Paul - December 02 2019 at 15:29
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Psychedelic Paul View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote Psychedelic Paul Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 15:28
Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Most of my posts or threads are ignored (lack of interest), or members tell me what I did wrong. I may try a sarcastic reply a few times and then move on. People here just don't have good taste, like me. Ha.
This post hasn't been ignored and you haven't done anything wrong. Smile
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jayem View Drop Down
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Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

what I have noticed more and more over the years is the newer posters... seem less interested in discovery than we were.. and really are more interested in talking about what they like.. fans of certain groups rather than the music itself..

so topics like yours are bound to not get much love I suppose

I hope this "era" won't last, now my guess is most of us know what we want and where to find it so on rare occasions we'll check new stuff (at least that's what I do). It's like there's a lot of food we enjoy on the table and we don't need more...

What often strikes me is, there might be hundreds of visitors checking the threads dedicated to presenting music with links and vids, they'll read the post but will very rarely click on the links !
I'm not like this: either I won't check, or if check I always listen, even if it takes only three seconds... I wonder why so many people read and hardly one percent will listen.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote micky Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 16:54
yeah.. I have riffed on this topic longer than Duane did at the Fillmore East.

what the forum is today is reflective of what of what has been going on in the larger community for the last 6 or 7 years. Will it end? Sure I suppose so but with it will be the forum itself as one half .. the one dying off.. is the one that primarily supports and uses this site and they in general know what they want to hear and listen to and don't really care about much else.

exceptions to that abound of course.. but as a generalization.. you bet your ass it does apply. It is that is known to be going on, and  something I've been watching, observing and discussing with musicians for the last few years. The divorce between the prog and progressive camps. .and poor Friede is trying to get people on a forum with rather conservative tastes that go ape sh*t over the latest retread 'prog' album that has pretty much zero notion of being progressive.  No wonder her entreaties get little attention..  and the people that might find it of interest. They don't really visit here.. the stink of prog rock pervades this place hahaha

Edited by micky - December 02 2019 at 16:59
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

I posted a video of Barbara Dennerlein and her band consisting of guitar player Fabiano Pereira and drummer Drori Mondlak teaming up with sax and flute player Karolina Strassmayer (who happens to be married to Drori Mondlak). All of them are awesome musicians, and the video is awesome too, yet no-one reacted (except for Jean, but since she is my wife she does not really count). I find this really disappointing. Are all of you here really such musical morons?

Gotta give people some time.  I saw your post in the morning yesterday but was stuck at work all day. Didn't have the time to get to it.
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Barbu View Drop Down
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It sometimes happen but, honestly, I don't care.

I've been asked to write album reviews (in French) for a local paper but always declined the offers...I don't want to receive promo copies and feel any kind pressure..I buy my music and listen to it when I want to.

It's only music and a hobby for me so if others don't share my enthusiasm, it doesn't matter at all.

Edited by Barbu - December 02 2019 at 18:14
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moshkito View Drop Down
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I'm no saint. 

I'm also no devil!

All in all, I do get disappointed when a bunch of my posts get ignored, and worse, not even read, because some folks automatically tune them out ... they were the members we didn't get along with around 50 years ago ... and my joke is that they were the ones that came to the bay wearing fake flowers in their hair, so they could get laid.

I have no issues with the different ideas, thoughts and comments ... what I have an issue with is a handful of folks, and immediately their "posse" comes along to augment the comments, when it is plain obvious that some of those folks did not even bother anything in the original or the replies, at all ... that is shameful in my estimation, and a sad comment that "progressive music" and "prog", is in the hands of folks that are not in it for the music and/or the art at all, and this is disappointing ... to me, the arts are the one of the most important things in life, and the one thing that can uplift us all more than anything else ... we can talk about love, and "f**king (as Micky would say) ... all day long, and in the end, it's like ... what else?

I don't want to feel bad or angry at anyone or what they believe in ... but sadly, the tendency in this world, and here is no different, these dame folks are the first to throw the stones, because they are right, and no one else could possibly be right, and come up with such amazingly stupid stories all the time ... heck, there are more pulp writers here in these forums than the rest of the world combined!

My only thoughts are ... that there is a time, and place for everything, and my time is coming to an end here, because there is no need, and nothing I can say will ever be heard, thought, or understood ... because I refuse to "support" the commercial attitudes, and posts, for a top ten ... our music came out of "nothing" (so to speak) and it became meaningful for its existence and what was done with it, not just a bunch of lyrics sitting on a riff ... that some folks think is "music" and Follakzoid (sp..)  is just recycled old German stuff ... a little harder perhaps, but nice and good all the same for my tastes.

It's OK ... it is said that every dog has his day ... I've had mine, and it will be all published soon enough ... so things like PA will not even realize how much they helped me grow and get stronger inside ... there is a saying in the movie/arts business ... that every NO makes you stronger ... and I usually say, it also gets you closer to the truth ... and I can tell you that the truth and the ending are not the stones that were thrown at you at all ...

Take heart, ladies, you, at least, have a friend and someone that appreciates your point of view, and your knowledge of music, and some understanding of it, is certainly far more interesting than the favorite banter around here.

With care, love, and Happy Holidays everyone ... may your food, be the soul of your future!
Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote The Dark Elf Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 02 2019 at 19:52
^ The prime reason no one pays attention. Prolixity.
...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
to take the place of the mud shark in your mythology...
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