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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2019 at 15:25
Originally posted by Polymorphia Polymorphia wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I'll try to keep this short since i can easily go on a tangent :)

Fiendish Freuds works for me! (good 1! HI 5 ;)

Climate change is related to dark psychology because the drive to keep the power differntials in place results in keeping technologies centralized so that those who have been in power can remain so.

Dark psychology has to do with hypnotizing humanity to forget the cosmic laws of the universe. Natural law is the universal, non-humanmade, binding and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior.

Natural law is a body of universal spiritual laws which act as the governing dynmaics of consciousness.

Historically those who have held the secrets of spirtual laws have kept them from the masses in order to give them a power differntial over the majority of humanity and have used these to reign with impugnity.

The methods of centralized power control are the polluting forces of the planet that are destroying it. 

All solutions such as free energy and the like have been invented long ago therefore science is not the issue at hand. It is the power differential that disallows greener technologies from being implemented.

These power differentials result from one side, the elite, believing they are superior and sent here to control us, therefore disillusion and greed are the driving forces of consciousness (thus dark or evil or service to self)

The other side of the equation is the majority of humans that buy into the systems of control ie. governments, corporations etc that have been calling the shots. This results from a sense of inferiiority. 

The dark psychologists are masters of wielding these mind games and creating "daddy" issues for the masses who need to look to a higher power to survive because the majority lacks the vital knowledge of these univeresal principles.

It is therefore imperitive for the survival of the planet for the masses to understand the occult laws and principles that have been kept from them in order to balance out the power differential into one that is an even playing field and only then can we implement the more sustainable ways of living on this planet.

In short, climate change and other environmental issues are a SYMPTOM of this psychological and spiritual war that is coming to a final showdown therefore the solution is to de-occult the world so that the masses can take back their power which will result in a restructuring of all systems.

I apologize if my years of research condensed into short rants doesn't resonate. It's not exactly easy to condense a wealth of connecting the dots into a few blurbs. Hopefully i gave you somewhat of a clue where i'm coming from. This is why i don't chime in too often on topics like this but it is becoming more essential than ever that humanity breaks free from the clutches of those who have steered us for waaaaaay too long.

So, if I understand it correctly, you're just synthesizing the idea that those in power are manipulating people psychologically in order to stay in power and substance dualism, which is to say that the effect they have is what we'd understand as psychology which you, because you believe the mind is spiritual, consider a spiritual discipline rather than a purely physical one, and has little to do with an idea of a supernatural form of magic as it is traditionally conceived. Climate change, to you, is a physical, natural process, not necessarily being directly caused by some spell, but rather we are contributing to climate change and are unable to exact the proper measures against it (which would involve switching to greener energy and some of the traditionally accepted solutions to climate change, albeit disregarding CO2 as the cause) because of the games which the people in power are playing to stay in power and gain power, manipulating us to forget our rights. They, to you, are accelerationists who seek to advance capitalism and climate change to further usurp power. Is this correct? 

Pretty much correct. I could get into more details and make it all even more confusing. There are supernatural forces at work. Magic is real. Demonic forces are real etc. But in a nutshell, we have been ruled by psychopaths and  yes, they will do whatever it takes to maintain power using any methods necessary. I could even get into a lengthy discussion about how they are PURPOSEFULLY destroying the environment so that they can usher in a new world order. This is all documented and not theory in the least bit. I just wanted to add some food for thought to this discussion since i have done my homework on all of life's disciplines. Things are intricately connected and you cannot separte climate change from everything just like you can't diagnose a patient who has cancer without taking the other bodily systems into consideration.
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Tillerman88 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Tillerman88 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2019 at 15:54
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Tillerman88 Tillerman88 wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Dark psychology has to do with hypnotizing humanity to forget the cosmic laws of the universe. 
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

This furthermore connotates a universal cause and effect known as the wheel of karma however it is very prevelent that those who allow themselves to be controlled are also using their freewill in this case to avoid responsbility but are still karmically responsible for the actions they carry out whether they understand it or not   ................

Sorry but "hypnotising humanity" does not apply to those allowing themselves to be controlled (unless you intended to mean unconsciously allowing themselves to be controlled.) 
Would you please explain this incongruence?

Certainly does. You don't think hypnotism can't be voluntary? For anything to work in the universe, EVERYTHING must be voluntary. That seems to be one of the tenets of cosmic law. Hollywood and the entertainment business is the perfect example. They put out a product to distract the masses from what's really going on and further studies into the esoteric wisdom that isn't really occulted at all but rather just difficult to learn. The way it is all framed is to point the immature into the system of control where the power differentials reign with impugnity. You could look at it as "unconsciously" but at a higher level of what is YOU, there is a form of consent even if your conscious mind doesn't understand it. This is a form of dark psychology. Creating a rift between the higher self and the individual.
Okay, now I better get your point. But, I am afraid we're short of time to break that ferocious impugnity you referred to, which inexorably ruins every possible solution that people who still keep their integrity would come up with ... 
I guess our species as a whole is not far from the dead end where there is no return at all ......
The overwhelming amount of information on a daily basis restrains people from rewinding the news record archives to refresh their memories...
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2019 at 15:59
^ i used to be quite pessimistic and fatalistic about the state of the world having been an ecological science major in college but once i learned to look beyond the 3D my soul expanded. Yes, doom and gloom is all around however there are waves of energy and we choose which ones upon which we are the silver surfer :D

In other words, our phsycal perceptions of reality are a tiny sliver of the energetic possibilities and it is possibly to simply evolve yourself into another dimension. Sounds like BS i know but consciousness defaults into the eternal pool of awareness. These were even tentets of the Christian faith until the Vatican removed them hundreds of years ago. It's all so wicked but i have never felt more optimistic about a polarity shift of reality. 

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Ride the see saw
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Tillerman88 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2019 at 16:53
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Yes, doom and gloom is all around however there are waves of energy and we choose which ones upon which we are the silver surfer :D

Let us hope so. I have to say that in order to be a good surfer time is gold to me though...

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

It's all so wicked but i have never felt more optimistic about a polarity shift of reality
Oh ... sure as hell you're a big of an optimistic guy, one of those big dreamers! ;)

Edited by Tillerman88 - August 10 2019 at 16:55
The overwhelming amount of information on a daily basis restrains people from rewinding the news record archives to refresh their memories...
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Frenetic Zetetic View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frenetic Zetetic Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 11 2019 at 02:05
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I do keep up with Mark. I don't buy into every aspect of his philosphy. He's far too 3D for my tastes but nevertheless he is a gifted orator who does do a lot of the info he espouses justice. Keep in mind what he's saying is nothing new under the sun, he's simply recycling mystery school teachings of which i've studied myself.

To be honest, i came to many of the same conclusions before ever coming across Passio's works. I have been following countless dozens of spirtual teachers, whistleblowers, esoteric scientists, mainstream figures etc for years. Passio has made me question a lot of my own assumptions but i question many of his as well.

One of the things i dislike about him is his contempt of anyone questioning some of his philosophies particularly when it comes to things like violent revolution and the likes. Don't write the dude off by all means. His teachings perfectly line up with many others of the same. Not sure how much you check him out but i've viewed probably most of his output but like i said he's just one person i follow and i never agree with anyone in total. 

Having said that, the natural law principles are probably his best contribution for teaching human morality that i've come across. It doesn't matter if you approach it from the Chrisitan point of view, Hinduism, The Law of One: Ra or any other esoteric texts. It all points to the same golden rules. I do like how he's broken it down for easier digestion for the masses. Also i share his affinity with true anarchy, a term very few actually understand.

Also as a ten year priest of the Church of Satn, Passio offers a perspective of the dark underworld that few have experienced. When compared to others such as multigenerational Satanic ritual abuse victims like Jay Parker, Cathy O'brien and many others, there's a lot of common ground. When someone refers to the "illuminati" or the cabal that rules the world, they are really talking about a cult. This cult has a belief system that worships Lucifer. There are literally countless out there who have narrated similar tales even deeper in this cult than Passio himself so not sure why you find his works so out of the ordinary.

Passio, Icke, Maxwell, Tsarion = planted shills sent in to muddy the waters of independent researchers getting close to objective, empirical Truth regarding world conspiracy.

Think of it like running a gauntlet; you've made it 9/10 of the way through, then the above guys get you to stop and trust that they have the answers, instead of continuing on with your own research (assuming you're not corroborating information, which you seem smart enough to do; most people will NOT do this and simply let authority take over for their epistemological assumptions). They are like Jehova's witnesses attempting to sell you their idea when you already damn well have a bigger picture grasp of things. Still, their story is addicting and pushes all the right bias buttons about the matrix etc.
It's precisely the reason you stated that I don't trust jack sh*t from Passio; his entire network is disinfo agents. I'm very surprised someone of your level isn't aware of this. You quite literally cannot trust any alternative popular mouth piece at this point. It's ALL controlled. More than independent researchers understand nor believe. 

Passio is an absolute SHILL. He has some good information but his purpose is to mislead people who halfway understand something is up. Honey pot disinfo agent like Icke. Establishment drone set up to look like an independent researcher cracking the walls of the Matrix itself.

His natural law stuff is only half correct and his premises are very, very flawed. If you can sift strongly you'll get the good out without the bad discoloring your perception of information. He appeals to extra terrestrials with no additional proof; something I used to be enamored by until my reason tempered strongly enough now this is like someone showing me cardboard and claiming it's glass.

Great excerpt from an article this site won't let me link for some reason;

"In the fall of 2012, I was asked to check out an emerging conspiracy researcher named Mark Passio, former member of the Church of Satan, who claimed to have uncovered the secret mind control formulas being employed by the Illuminati to secretly manipulate the world. I couldn’t make it through to the end of his extremely long, extremely lightweight video simply because Passio is so full of crap, starting with his acknowledgements towards the “masters” who taught him most of everything he knows, especially David Icke, an obvious fraud and professional disinfo artist. Icke pretends the world is controlled by shape-shifting aliens from another dimension? And somehow, thousands are hookwinked into believing this transparent nonsense? Obviously Passio is one of Icke’s hoodwinked true believers.

If you are looking for the trail into the real Illuminati, it runs through Yale University’s Brotherhood of Death, aka the Order of Skull & Bones, as proven by Antony Sutton’s America’s Secret Establishment. Sutton did real research on real people and his mind wasn’t clouded by occult dogmas. The dogmas are just what is used to hoodwink the true believers. Real history is the study of economic forces, not occult wisdom, which is just the flip side of fundamentalism and no more credible, and both sides of that dialectic are controlled by spooks.

Just looking at the evolution of the distribution of wealth, it should be obvious there’s a concentration of power that is increasing power through the generations, an operation going on for the last 2,000 years. In a true participatory democracy the opposite would be taking place: wealth should become better distributed over time and not monopolized by the already rich.

In Europe, some of the wealthiest families can trace their ancestors through 30 or more generations, while in the United States, some of the wealthiest families are descendants of the Robber Barons who emerged after the Civil War. The biggest international corporations have interlocking boards of directors and these people live in a world of secret clubs, secret societies and secret monopolies.

They don’t want us investigating this world because they don’t want the masses to start conspiring to vote away their wealth, so they create a lot of fake, garbage, click-bait to confuse the subject, much of which involves trying to scare you with magic symbols and spooky soundtracks, the same way some religions try to scare you with imaginary concepts. Occultism and Fundamentalism are flip sides of the same coin, and equally controlled. All divisive issues are carefully mined with spooks on both ends, who drive the conversation between two designated poles, thus establishing the center of gravity on that issue. Left and right are an illusion because both sides work for the same masters.

All of Passio’s work is a continuation of a long line of counterintelligence disinfo, and the mere act of watching hours of his video is the equivalent of undergoing mind control, so my suggestion would be to avoid his scary stories.

One thing I pointed out a year and a half ago is Passio’s four major influences are all tied to the UFO community, a meme likely orchestrated as an intel rabbit hole op. UFO’s have been used as cover during MK/Ultra brainwashing experiments, something done to hide the identity of the real perpetrators doing the brainwashing, while providing a backstop no serious person would swallow. When you start accepting the tall tale that powerful aliens are among us, you immediately lose all credibility in the real world and pretty soon will be rendered unable to effectively investigate anything because you’re too busy looking for little green men from outer space.

And that is precisely where intel wants to lead potential citizen researchers. What they don’t want are serious investigations into 9/11 that involve tracking real forensic evidence into Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to uncover CIA, MI6 and Mossad links to the event.

The first person who questioned my original blog of Passio was a credible researcher and publisher who complained I’d dragged UFO’s into the conversation, while Passio didn’t mention UFOs in his original videos. I predicted that would soon change, based solely on Passio’s source material.

You see, Passio’s “research” is built on the backs of notorious frauds and disinfo artists, which is why I can dismiss it so easily. You cannot construct anything real based on “research” of people like David Icke and expect anything but bullsh*t to emerge the other end, because Icke is pushing total bullsh*t. Yes, I know some of the stuff Icke says is real, like there really is a conspiracy of power at the center of the banking industry. That’s obvious. But it’s not being run by aliens from outer space. That’s a hoodwink rabbit hole that serves only to protect the perpetrators by placing a false mirror over them. If you’re busy looking for shape-shifting aliens, you can look for a long time, because there aren’t any, and if there were, they would have killed people like Icke and Passio a long time ago.

For those who didn’t believe my prediction Passio would soon be pushing “aliens are here,” check out this recent comment I found on his website:

“Mark links ancient accounts of extraterrestrial visitation to our planet with the manifestation of the psychological conditions in which the human species currently finds itself. Questions explored include: Were we actually created by non-human entities as a hybrid slave species? Did our extraterrestrial “parents” inadvertently create a slew of genetic anomalies in the human species, including primary psychopathy, as a result of their imprecise genetic modifications? Did our extraterrestrial forbearers provide to us our systems of government, money, and religion; and to what ends did they do so? What effect did our “cosmic parents” sudden disappearance have upon the collective human psyche? What does humanity need to understand to rectify the deeply-seated psychological trauma that it has amassed over eons, as a direct result of our troubled origins?”

I can assure you none of these questions matter and I don’t need to pay $10 to attend this lecture to know everything in it is bunk. The only point of material like this is to lead people into a rabbit hole and make them feel powerless to control anything, because how could you affect a system being run by all powerful aliens? In truth, Passio knows little about the real oligarchy that runs the Central Banks, because if he did, he’d have real info involving real people to share, and not just a bunch of hocus pocus nonsense based on imaginary evidence.

So free your mind from this crap and climb out of the rabbit hole and start dealing with reality. It’s a lot more interesting than this garbage.
Of course, you could prove me wrong by just providing some real forensic evidence of an alien invasion. But please, no pictures of gargoyles, dragons or reptiles from ancient cultures, because that sort of stuff doesn’t prove anything. Just post a link to some video of a real shape-shifting alien in action and if the video is authentic, I will take back everything I’ve said. And if what Icke says is true, that footage should not be hard to locate. After all, Icke claims to have seen these shape-shifters many times before. And if that’s true others must be seeing them as well. So how hard is it to whip out a smart phone and shoot some video? And why hasn’t that video emerged after all these years? And please, don’t bother sharing that ridiculous video of Justin Beiber’s snake eyes. Justin is neither an alien nor a member of the Illuminati, because if he was, he wouldn’t have to take sh*t from anyone, and that is obviously not the case."*t/

Edited by Frenetic Zetetic - August 11 2019 at 02:20

"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 11 2019 at 10:13
^ Nice rant but...... i disagree with almost all of it. Sometimes it's better to hear half-truths that initiate the hermetic principles than not to hear them at all and you are assuming with no way of proving that the teachings of those individuals are all incorrect. I've personally cross-checked many claims and found they check out.

I'll keep this waaaay short. Not everything in life is based on research, scientific inquiries and testimonials on a second hand basis. Sometimes knowledge can be ascertained from REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. As i've already said, i came to many of the same conclusions as Icke, Passio, Tsarion etc through my own life experience before ever hearing one word of their stuff although they are much more advanced in the research departments.

I've had a wild ride since i was 5 years of age with unexplainable phenomena happening to me at every turn and spontaneous downloads coming from absolutely nowhwere. In order to understand much of this stuff one has to unite the functions of the right and left brain. Once a higher sort of connection to the spiritual world is initiated, experiences begin to happen that prove aspects of the universe that cannot be proven by conventional methods. In other words, the universe only reveals itself to those who have taken the proper preparations otherwise occulted phenomena will simply come off as woo woo to those who don't.

After investigating the likes of Passio, Icke and countless others for years, i personally have come to the exact opposite conclusion of whoever wrote the rant above. Perhaps they do not have all the answers as no individual does but they are certainly initiated on a path of seeking which is more important than the actual results according to many spiritual practices. No one should only follow one guru. Everyone has a piece of the truth occulted from the rest and only through diligent understandings of various teachings can we hope to achieve any understanding of where researchers are coming from.

I've read more than my share of naysayers like Steven Hager and their greatest flaws are that they are so busy trying to debunk everyone else's experiences that they lose sight that the universe is not only greater than we imagine but it is far greater than we are capable of imagining therefore when higher beings decide to reveal themselves to certain individuals who have dedicated themselves to a higher purpose then of course it will go over the heads of those who haven't even considered such things.

Perhaps what some interpret as a shill is actually an incomplete presentation that initiates interest so that when the initiates are strong enough, they can let loose with the higher teachings.

I remember such feelings in science classes. They would teach us certain things that weren't actually true on a higher level but served the function of establishing overall patterns that would be exounded upon in more advanced fields. More to it than the skeptics want to tackle ;)

Edited by siLLy puPPy - August 11 2019 at 10:58
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 11 2019 at 10:25
Sorry for steering this subject off track. My mind tends to connect dots which is detrimental to trying to carry on a conversation about a single topic.

Getting back to the climate change debate, this article sums up a lot of how i feel about the matter. There are too many varying opinions to really take any one too seriously. The .lamestream media focuses on one side of the spectrum to build up support for the agendas of the billionaires of the world.

This is well worth the read. Lots of sources includes and side links:
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frenetic Zetetic Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 12 2019 at 02:00
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

^ Nice rant but...... i disagree with almost all of it. Sometimes it's better to hear half-truths that initiate the hermetic principles than not to hear them at all and you are assuming with no way of proving that the teachings of those individuals are all incorrect. I've personally cross-checked many claims and found they check out.

I'll keep this waaaay short. Not everything in life is based on research, scientific inquiries and testimonials on a second hand basis. Sometimes knowledge can be ascertained from REAL LIFE EXPERIENCE. As i've already said, i came to many of the same conclusions as Icke, Passio, Tsarion etc through my own life experience before ever hearing one word of their stuff although they are much more advanced in the research departments.

I've had a wild ride since i was 5 years of age with unexplainable phenomena happening to me at every turn and spontaneous downloads coming from absolutely nowhwere. In order to understand much of this stuff one has to unite the functions of the right and left brain. Once a higher sort of connection to the spiritual world is initiated, experiences begin to happen that prove aspects of the universe that cannot be proven by conventional methods. In other words, the universe only reveals itself to those who have taken the proper preparations otherwise occulted phenomena will simply come off as woo woo to those who don't.

After investigating the likes of Passio, Icke and countless others for years, i personally have come to the exact opposite conclusion of whoever wrote the rant above. Perhaps they do not have all the answers as no individual does but they are certainly initiated on a path of seeking which is more important than the actual results according to many spiritual practices. No one should only follow one guru. Everyone has a piece of the truth occulted from the rest and only through diligent understandings of various teachings can we hope to achieve any understanding of where researchers are coming from.

I've read more than my share of naysayers like Steven Hager and their greatest flaws are that they are so busy trying to debunk everyone else's experiences that they lose sight that the universe is not only greater than we imagine but it is far greater than we are capable of imagining therefore when higher beings decide to reveal themselves to certain individuals who have dedicated themselves to a higher purpose then of course it will go over the heads of those who haven't even considered such things.

Perhaps what some interpret as a shill is actually an incomplete presentation that initiates interest so that when the initiates are strong enough, they can let loose with the higher teachings.

I remember such feelings in science classes. They would teach us certain things that weren't actually true on a higher level but served the function of establishing overall patterns that would be exounded upon in more advanced fields. More to it than the skeptics want to tackle ;)

To each their own, good sir. We're at different points in our research, is all. Keep doing what you're doing if you feel it's lining up with the way the picture takes shape for you.

"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2019 at 07:47
^ it certainly is. I've already been where you're at. First red flag about Hagar is that he worked for High Times a known vehicle masterminded by the Tavistock Institute of Public Relations which promoted a drug culture in order to keep the population easier controled. Certainly worked. If you can argue any specific points about Passio, Tsarion, Icke etc i'm all ears but generalities without substance are pretty much worthless. I have always made it a point to explore all sides of the issues before coming to any conclusions.

There are many great points this video that cites the diversity of scientific conclusions not reported in the lamestream media. If only you follow the money trail of different sources it becomes obvious who's a shill for the billionaire class. This is only 24 minutes long but chock full of supressed research.
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OK this time I took the time, but...
The very first thing they come up with is a supposed contradiction between a survey among scientists from the Guardian and a UN document, but if you read you can see that what they find in the document is a definition not a conclusion, so there is no contradiction whatsoever. They go on to accuse "Alarmists" to claim that human behaviour is the sole cause of climate change. Saying it is a cause doesn't imply that it's the sole cause. No scientist will deny that there are other causes and no scientist will deny that climate has been changing in the past as they imply (by the way with occasionally catastrophic consequences; they seem to hold the view that because it has happened in the past it must be all good). So they're attacking a straw man that doesn't exist (or may exist but certainly not in science mainstream).

Further on I find that there is no evidence for or against anything, it's just all "Alarmists say X but Prof. D. Enier says the opposite." Which is most likely true but doesn't have any argumentative value. If you know how big science is, there's no problem to find 20 people backing up any random point, at least regarding a controversial issue like this.

Regarding conspiracies, as hard as they try I still find far more straight and obvious to understand why big money has an interest to tell us that CO2 doesn't cause any harm and in fact does something good for nature (how did plants arrive at contemporary richness without flying and car driving humans around one may wonder) than what they come up with. (Which of course as an argument doesn't in fact prove that CO2 causes harm, I'm well aware of that.).

Still: 1.4 stars, collectors only.

Edited by Lewian - August 15 2019 at 11:25
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2019 at 11:37
^ exactly my point. While i don't agree with every little thing presented in the video it certainly brought up the fact that there are differing opinions so the case that CO2 is definately the culprit has been put to rest. 

Everything about government and the corporate world is based on conspiracies. The term conspiracy theory was created by the CIA to create a psychological wagging of the finger to try to keep those who bring any contradictory information into the limelight off the table.

BTW, a definition IS a conclusion, no? And that's the other point that many alarmists DO cite CO2 as the sole cause. 

Just food for thought and some extra tidbits for those who want to dig deeper. Not the gospel for sure.

Thanks for watching and commenting, Lewian!
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Lewian Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 15 2019 at 12:49
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

BTW, a definition IS a conclusion, no?

No. If I start a paper by saying, "in the following I call any change of climate "climate change" regardless of what's caused it" (simplified), this contains no implications or conclusions whatsoever (positive or negative) regarding what caused the specific climate change we're observing now (accepting that there have been others in the past). It doesn't even imply that I wouldn't make such conclusions either way later in the document. A definition fixes a term within a specific context, that's all.
And that's the other point that many alarmists DO cite CO2 as the sole cause.
Well, those alarmists are not proper scientists then, maybe journalists? Anyway, talk to proper climate scientists, even those who do think CO2 is a major problem, they all know it is just plain stupid to claim there is nothing else going on.

Edited by Lewian - August 15 2019 at 12:52
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