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Global Climate Change Camp

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omphaloskepsis View Drop Down
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    Posted: August 03 2019 at 08:35
     Scores of celebrities and the rich have arrived in Sicily for a Google conference. They came in 114 private jets and a flotilla of super yachts.  As the party drew to a close on Thursday, newspaper columns and social media were awash with criticism for the three-day, billionaire-packed event — which saw more than 200 of the world’s richest and most famous names take private jets to the Italian island and stay on mega yachts while also talking about stopping climate change.  114 flights from Los Angeles to Palermo, Italy, where Camp guests landed, would spew an estimated 100,000 kilograms of CO2 into the air.  Katy Perry, Obama, Orlando Bloom and DiCaprio were among the guests.

 Logic-  Either these celebrities believe in Global Warming,  or they don't. What were they thinking? 

     If they don't believe, then the answer is obvious.  They're narcissistic elite, believing they can fool you, while partying like there's no tomorrow!  

     If they believe in Global Warming, then why fly pollution spewing private jets to a Google Global Warming Conference?   If they passionately believe the Earth is in danger, then what are they thinking? Can they be that shallow and  tone deaf?   Are they psychopaths?   Which is it?  Do they believe in Global warming or NOT?

Edited by omphaloskepsis - August 03 2019 at 09:06
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Logan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2019 at 10:36
One can believe in lots of things and still act in a way that is detrimental to one's beliefs/ cause. Perhaps, they might have video-conferenced instead as that would have less environmental impact, but that might not so easily have reached the people they wanted to get on board.

For me being vegan would be morally virtuous, yet one will find me eating cheese and meat. I may be a hypocrite and immoral, but that doesn't mean that I'd be diagnosed with psychopathy which refer to specific psychological traits.

I worry about anthropogenic climate change, but I still drive a Honda Civic that runs on petrol, I still pollute and buy throw away plastic products despite once starting on a campaign against plastic packaging. And I had children despite worrying about overpopulation, I guess I'm a sh*t.

Edited by Logan - August 03 2019 at 10:43
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Jaketejas Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2019 at 12:56
It really is hard to beat a liquid hydrocarbon fuel for heating value.  If you drive electric, it depends on how your electricity is generated.  If it is derived from nuclear okay but you now have to deal with all of those spent fuel rods.  If it is from coal or natural gas, then you are just moving the emissions to a different place, although natural gas is cleaner because methane is packed with hydrogen.  Wind is intermittent.  Even with biofuels, you have to be careful with how intensive you are growing the plants.  Hey, that fertilizer, pesticide, and fuel to harvest must come from somewhere.  And, you've got to worry about removing oxygen from the biooil because it makes it lose heating value, as well as being corrosive and unstable.  So, it is a difficult issue with no real silver bullet, but rather a basket of options depending on your locality, and driving a Honda Civic is a pretty conscientious choice methinks.  I also own one.  I also try to eat less meat (at one point I was eating no meat but then I moved to a place that knows how to cook meat), and eat more vegetables.  Beans, beans!!  Video-conferencing is a great idea, too.  I do that with my band mate.  I think you're on the right track.
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AZF View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AZF Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2019 at 13:17
Are the figures for the carbon footprint of the military available?
That is the biggest kick. All media about how much one baby and one flight does and still a piss against the moon compared to the Jets and Tanks on training exercises alone let alone active duty.
This "lower your standard of living to save the environment" message has clearly been set to make unequal as the well off will try and always bring it down to percentages.
There is something in reducing footprint and we'd be first to complain at flytipping etc, but if it's humanity saving the planet, every part of it has to play it's part.
As no land is being distributed this isn't happening.
All talk and whatever actions may come (too late anyway) it will not affect the attendees or their immediate families.

Edited by AZF - August 03 2019 at 13:21
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omphaloskepsis View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote omphaloskepsis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2019 at 15:02
Originally posted by AZF AZF wrote:

Are the figures for the carbon footprint of the military available?
That is the biggest kick. All media about how much one baby and one flight does and still a piss against the moon compared to the Jets and Tanks on training exercises alone let alone active duty.
This "lower your standard of living to save the environment" message has clearly been set to make unequal as the well off will try and always bring it down to percentages.
There is something in reducing footprint and we'd be first to complain at flytipping etc, but if it's humanity saving the planet, every part of it has to play it's part.
As no land is being distributed this isn't happening.
All talk and whatever actions may come (too late anyway) it will not affect the attendees or their immediate families.

I'm wondering if they believe it.   

Me?  I don't necessarily believe the Earth is heating in a dangerous way.  Antarctica recently set a record for the most ICE EVER!  Where I live...Having coldest summer since 1973.   Isn't carbon good for forests and plants?  The Earth has been much warmer in far past, then it is now.  There are temperature cycle 400 years and longer.  Even if Global Warming is bad and man has caused it ALL,  how do we know the government won't steal carbon tax dollars.    Me?  I ride a bicycle.  I spend about 1500 miles a year in a car.  That's it. 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Easy Money Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2019 at 15:24
^ "The coldest summer since 1973", need to study long range weather patterns over decades and centuries, one year is all you need.
Help the victims of the russian invasion:
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ForestFriend View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote ForestFriend Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2019 at 15:50
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Isn't carbon good for forests and plants?

Water is great for you too, but it's not so good for your health when someone is holding your head underwater.
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someone_else View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote someone_else Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2019 at 16:09
At first I thought this article was a hoax, but this event has been reported by a variety of sites. Global warming is quite a trendy theme, so Google organized an event about it and invited a bunch of celebs to tinkle tinkle over it, a banal travesty of Bilderberg, which some of Google's top level mucky-mucks have seen from the inside. 114 of those celebs were setting the jets for a fashionable chat about how to save the world, most of them without any capability to handle the subject, in the beautiful surroundings of Agrigento or Segesta. The good news is: what these people add to global warming, even if it involves a 5-digit number of tons of CO2, is negligible.

Yet I think I am growing a tiny bit of respect for Gretel Thunberg, who tends to practise what she preaches.

Edited by someone_else - August 04 2019 at 08:01
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2019 at 18:37
I spent ten years in college learning biology and ecological issues before i came to the conclusion it's all rigged. If you trace back the educational system in the US and Canada it emerged from the Prussian model of thought control which was the proto-model of Nazi-ism.

The elites of the world decided a long time ago that they would actaully destroy the environment so that they could usher in a new world order under the guise of saving the planet from environmental catastrophe much as they have the ultimate false flag of a hostile alien invasion up their sleeves. 

The whole climate change issue has become nothing more than a profit driven carbon based money making scheme. I've met my share of souless millionaires who are playing this game. If one is to actually delve into the research it becomes apparent quite quickly that it's all a sham. Not that the climate is changing but how it is being sold to us, the public.

But of course investigative research means dealing with unconfortable emotional responses, time away from alcohol and other drugs of choice and actually wrapping one's mind around the possibilities that evil not only exists but has the upper hand in the world at all levels. Denial of reality is always much easier than admitting one has been duped. Been there, done that, moved on. All the better for it.

Edited by siLLy puPPy - August 03 2019 at 18:38
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twseel View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote twseel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 03 2019 at 23:46
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Originally posted by AZF AZF wrote:

Are the figures for the carbon footprint of the military available?
That is the biggest kick. All media about how much one baby and one flight does and still a piss against the moon compared to the Jets and Tanks on training exercises alone let alone active duty.
This "lower your standard of living to save the environment" message has clearly been set to make unequal as the well off will try and always bring it down to percentages.
There is something in reducing footprint and we'd be first to complain at flytipping etc, but if it's humanity saving the planet, every part of it has to play it's part.
As no land is being distributed this isn't happening.
All talk and whatever actions may come (too late anyway) it will not affect the attendees or their immediate families.

I'm wondering if they believe it.   
Who the hell ever seriously knows or cares about what they believe?
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Me?  I don't necessarily believe the Earth is heating in a dangerous way.  Antarctica recently set a record for the most ICE EVER! 
Which is basically as expected when increased precipitation worldwide meets a huge landmass that's way, way below freezing temperature. Meanwhile, the less cold Greenland icecap has way more than compensated for the gains of Antarctica, leading to a global net loss that's also the biggest 'EVER!' by your standards.
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Where I live...Having coldest summer since 1973.
And where I live the all-time heat record has been smashed for a couple of consecutive years. But that doesn't make it contradictory as climate change was always predicted to create temperature swings in both directions.  
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Isn't carbon good for forests and plants? 
This one was already tackled but still, yeah in a closed environment CO2 can help plants grow when there's also sufficient other plant food, but when the vast majority of CO2 just rises up into the atmosphere and destabilizes a bunch of climate factors the net result is clearly a loss of plant life, at least in the coming centuries. Agriculture is already noticing this.
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

The Earth has been much warmer in far past, then it is now.  There are temperature cycle 400 years and longer. 
Yes, there are a couple of well-understood and predictable cycles depend on a few obvious factors which we can also measure independently, but they have been ruled out because the current trends deviate very strongly from what has been expected and the factors that cause those cycles have not shown such deviations, thus they cannot be cause.
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Even if Global Warming is bad and man has caused it ALL,  how do we know the government won't steal carbon tax dollars.
They might do that, but it will be clearly noticeable. But it's not like you have to raise taxes just because you believe in scientific knowledge, there are plenty of ideas about how a free market could deal with the predicted consequences.  
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Me?  I ride a bicycle.  I spend about 1500 miles a year in a car.  That's it. 
Nice, I don't have a car either.

As for Sillypuppy, I still was planning to respond to your post in the other thread but I haven't been home in the past few days, would it be alright if I quote your response from there to this thread later for further discussion? So far neither of you are telling me any new talking points so it should be fun.

Edited by twseel - August 03 2019 at 23:47
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Frenetic Zetetic View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frenetic Zetetic Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 04 2019 at 02:50
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I spent ten years in college learning biology and ecological issues before i came to the conclusion it's all rigged. If you trace back the educational system in the US and Canada it emerged from the Prussian model of thought control which was the proto-model of Nazi-ism.

The elites of the world decided a long time ago that they would actually destroy the environment so that they could usher in a new world order under the guise of saving the planet from environmental catastrophe much as they have the ultimate false flag of a hostile alien invasion up their sleeves. 

The whole climate change issue has become nothing more than a profit driven carbon based money making scheme. I've met my share of souless millionaires who are playing this game. If one is to actually delve into the research it becomes apparent quite quickly that it's all a sham. Not that the climate is changing but how it is being sold to us, the public.

But of course investigative research means dealing with unconfortable emotional responses, time away from alcohol and other drugs of choice and actually wrapping one's mind around the possibilities that evil not only exists but has the upper hand in the world at all levels. Denial of reality is always much easier than admitting one has been duped. Been there, done that, moved on. All the better for it.

Correct, prepare to be called a conspiracy theorist, downvoted, and criticized by people whose entire arguments are built around appeals to authority (versus thinking for themselves and working it out), moving the goal posts, and arguing mutually exclusive concepts as compatible. 

My degree and continued education is in philosophy, and I'm not using hyperbole when I say the majority of people walking, voting, and reproducing have no understanding of epistemology (how we know what we know, and how to actually prove that knowledge is valid), how to actually test the veracity of claims, and thus simply conclude someone else with money is doing the right research/has the answers. 

People do not understand how to reason anymore. 

The world is infinitely more complex and "rigged" than the average person will avail themselves the genuine reason to perceive clearly, let alone accept and admit on a deep emotion level (I.E. the part that actually matters and creates change on the personal level).

You know the person you're "debating with" has no leg to stand on when they start throwing ad hominem attacks, violating reason while simultaneously claiming truth, and/or refuse to acknowledge the root assertions and presumptions from which they are (most often cluelessly) trying to logically reason.

My main point being, if there were (and there definitely are, folks) conspiracies running rampant, the average person is so mentally out of shape they can't tell an apple from an orange when it comes to the application of critical thinking and reasoning, they are the last person in line to have ANY say as to what the hell is going on, for real, in this insane world.

Armchair quarterbacks don't actually have experience on the field.

It's so easy to trick people using basic psychology; this is why most things are written at an 8th grade level, people are dense and need sh*t spelled out (literally) for them for marketing to have any efficacy. The average IQ is 100. You think those same people are going to have the intelligence and gumption(let alone the focus) to question mainstream scientific claims, and have well structured research to back up their counter claims? 

Most people can't even take control of their diet and fitness on a regular basis - and that directly impacts their daily lives, health, and longetivity. 

You think they give a sh*t about longterm, deep thinking-based questions and solutions...and then actually ACT on them and implement them? 

I'm reminded of the time I sold phones one summer between gigs:

Everyone is using phones all day, and there are actually people, despite using their phone all day, whom still manage to lock themselves out of the phone they are staring at all day, and not understand how or why.

This is not a joke. 

Then, they actually have a person on staff, being paid by the hour, to "solve" the problem of already-clueless and inept people being somehow worse than they already are. That makes MONEY, though. LOTS OF MONEY!!! It also reinforces the illusion of demand for stupid sh*t, because inept people are in abundance, and the more products and services that distract them from thinking straight for more than three seconds, the better!

People screaming "The science is settled!!!" are the least scientific, directly assisting in the continued propagation of bullsh*t arguments and philosophy, and are the most corrosive to the advancement of any sort of future society, of which, I'm gradually losing hope of any sort of positive outcome for.

So, you're spot on, SP.

Edited by Frenetic Zetetic - August 04 2019 at 03:24

"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
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BaldFriede View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote BaldFriede Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 04 2019 at 03:20
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

Originally posted by AZF AZF wrote:

Are the figures for the carbon footprint of the military available?
That is the biggest kick. All media about how much one baby and one flight does and still a piss against the moon compared to the Jets and Tanks on training exercises alone let alone active duty.
This "lower your standard of living to save the environment" message has clearly been set to make unequal as the well off will try and always bring it down to percentages.
There is something in reducing footprint and we'd be first to complain at flytipping etc, but if it's humanity saving the planet, every part of it has to play it's part.
As no land is being distributed this isn't happening.
All talk and whatever actions may come (too late anyway) it will not affect the attendees or their immediate families.

I'm wondering if they believe it.   

Me?  I don't necessarily believe the Earth is heating in a dangerous way.  Antarctica recently set a record for the most ICE EVER!  Where I live...Having coldest summer since 1973.   Isn't carbon good for forests and plants?  The Earth has been much warmer in far past, then it is now.  There are temperature cycle 400 years and longer.  Even if Global Warming is bad and man has caused it ALL,  how do we know the government won't steal carbon tax dollars.    Me?  I ride a bicycle.  I spend about 1500 miles a year in a car.  That's it. 

Ahem. I suggest you read this:

Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began a long-term satellite record to map sea ice extent in the late 1970s. The upward trend in the Antarctic, however, is only about a third of the magnitude of the rapid loss of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean.

The new Antarctic sea ice record reflects the diversity and complexity of Earth’s environments, said NASA researchers. Claire Parkinson, a senior scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, has referred to changes in sea ice coverage as a microcosm of global climate change. Just as the temperatures in some regions of the planet are colder than average, even in our warming world, Antarctic sea ice has been increasing and bucking the overall trend of ice loss.

“The planet as a whole is doing what was expected in terms of warming. Sea ice as a whole is decreasing as expected, but just like with global warming, not every location with sea ice will have a downward trend in ice extent,” Parkinson said.

Since the late 1970s, the Arctic has lost an average of 20,800 square miles (53,900 square kilometers) of ice a year; the Antarctic has gained an average of 7,300 square miles (18,900 sq km). On Sept. 19 this year, for the first time ever since 1979, Antarctic sea ice extent exceeded 7.72 million square miles (20 million square kilometers), according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The ice extent stayed above this benchmark extent for several days. The average maximum extent between 1981 and 2010 was 7.23 million square miles (18.72 million square kilometers).

The single-day maximum extent this year was reached on Sept. 20, according to NSIDC data, when the sea ice covered  7.78 million square miles (20.14 million square kilometers). This year's five-day average maximum was reached on Sept. 22, when sea ice covered 7.76 million square miles (20.11 million square kilometers), according to NSIDC.

This year, Antarctic sea ice reached a record maximum extent while the Arctic reached a minimum extent in the ten lowest since satellite records began. Why are these trends going in opposite directions?

A warming climate changes weather patterns, said Walt Meier, a research scientist at Goddard. Sometimes those weather patterns will bring cooler air to some areas. And in the Antarctic, where sea ice circles the continent and covers such a large area, it doesn’t take that much additional ice extent to set a new record.

“Part of it is just the geography and geometry. With no northern barrier around the whole perimeter of the ice, the ice can easily expand if conditions are favorable,” he said.

Researchers are investigating a number of other possible explanations as well. One clue, Parkinson said, could be found around the Antarctic Peninsula – a finger of land stretching up toward South America. There, the temperatures are warming, and in the Bellingshausen Sea just to the west of the peninsula the sea ice is shrinking. Beyond the Bellingshausen Sea and past the Amundsen Sea, lies the Ross Sea – where much of the sea ice growth is occurring.

That suggests that a low-pressure system centered in the Amundsen Sea could be intensifying or becoming more frequent in the area, she said – changing the wind patterns and circulating warm air over the peninsula, while sweeping cold air from the Antarctic continent over the Ross Sea. This, and other wind and lower atmospheric pattern changes, could be influenced by the ozone hole higher up in the atmosphere – a possibility that has received scientific attention in the past several years, Parkinson said.

“The winds really play a big role,” Meier said. They whip around the continent, constantly pushing the thin ice. And if they change direction or get stronger in a more northward direction, he said, they push the ice further and grow the extent.  When researchers measure ice extent, they look for areas of ocean where at least 15 percent is covered by sea ice.

While scientists have observed some stronger-than-normal pressure systems – which increase winds – over the last month or so, that element alone is probably not the reason for this year’s record extent, Meier said. To better understand this year and the overall increase in Antarctic sea ice, scientists are looking at other possibilities as well.

Melting ice on the edges of the Antarctic continent could be leading to more fresh, just-above-freezing water, which makes refreezing into sea ice easier, Parkinson said. Or changes in water circulation patterns, bringing colder waters up to the surface around the landmass, could help grow more ice.

Snowfall could be a factor as well, Meier said. Snow landing on thin ice can actually push the thin ice below the water, which then allows cold ocean water to seep up through the ice and flood the snow – leading to a slushy mixture that freezes in the cold atmosphere and adds to the thickness of the ice. This new, thicker ice would be more resilient to melting.

“There hasn’t been one explanation yet that I’d say has become a consensus, where people say, ‘We’ve nailed it, this is why it’s happening,’” Parkinson said. “Our models are improving, but they’re far from perfect. One by one, scientists are figuring out that particular variables are more important than we thought years ago, and one by one those variables are getting incorporated into the models.”

For Antarctica, key variables include the atmospheric and oceanic conditions, as well as the effects of an icy land surface, changing atmospheric chemistry, the ozone hole, months of darkness and more.

“Its really not surprising to people in the climate field that not every location on the face of Earth is acting as expected – it would be amazing if everything did,” Parkinson said. “The Antarctic sea ice is one of those areas where things have not gone entirely as expected. So it’s natural for scientists to ask, ‘OK, this isn’t what we expected, now how can we explain it?’”

Note the passage I bolded; it appears to be the most likely explanation to me. But of course research still continues.

Edited by BaldFriede - August 04 2019 at 03:27

BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 04 2019 at 07:15
Originally posted by Frenetic Zetetic Frenetic Zetetic wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I spent ten years in college learning biology and ecological issues before i came to the conclusion it's all rigged. If you trace back the educational system in the US and Canada it emerged from the Prussian model of thought control which was the proto-model of Nazi-ism.

The elites of the world decided a long time ago that they would actually destroy the environment so that they could usher in a new world order under the guise of saving the planet from environmental catastrophe much as they have the ultimate false flag of a hostile alien invasion up their sleeves. 

The whole climate change issue has become nothing more than a profit driven carbon based money making scheme. I've met my share of souless millionaires who are playing this game. If one is to actually delve into the research it becomes apparent quite quickly that it's all a sham. Not that the climate is changing but how it is being sold to us, the public.

But of course investigative research means dealing with unconfortable emotional responses, time away from alcohol and other drugs of choice and actually wrapping one's mind around the possibilities that evil not only exists but has the upper hand in the world at all levels. Denial of reality is always much easier than admitting one has been duped. Been there, done that, moved on. All the better for it.

Correct, prepare to be called a conspiracy theorist, downvoted, and criticized by people whose entire arguments are built around appeals to authority (versus thinking for themselves and working it out), moving the goal posts, and arguing mutually exclusive concepts as compatible. 

My degree and continued education is in philosophy, and I'm not using hyperbole when I say the majority of people walking, voting, and reproducing have no understanding of epistemology (how we know what we know, and how to actually prove that knowledge is valid), how to actually test the veracity of claims, and thus simply conclude someone else with money is doing the right research/has the answers. 

People do not understand how to reason anymore. 

The world is infinitely more complex and "rigged" than the average person will avail themselves the genuine reason to perceive clearly, let alone accept and admit on a deep emotion level (I.E. the part that actually matters and creates change on the personal level).

You know the person you're "debating with" has no leg to stand on when they start throwing ad hominem attacks, violating reason while simultaneously claiming truth, and/or refuse to acknowledge the root assertions and presumptions from which they are (most often cluelessly) trying to logically reason.

My main point being, if there were (and there definitely are, folks) conspiracies running rampant, the average person is so mentally out of shape they can't tell an apple from an orange when it comes to the application of critical thinking and reasoning, they are the last person in line to have ANY say as to what the hell is going on, for real, in this insane world.

Armchair quarterbacks don't actually have experience on the field.

It's so easy to trick people using basic psychology; this is why most things are written at an 8th grade level, people are dense and need sh*t spelled out (literally) for them for marketing to have any efficacy. The average IQ is 100. You think those same people are going to have the intelligence and gumption(let alone the focus) to question mainstream scientific claims, and have well structured research to back up their counter claims? 

Most people can't even take control of their diet and fitness on a regular basis - and that directly impacts their daily lives, health, and longetivity. 

You think they give a sh*t about longterm, deep thinking-based questions and solutions...and then actually ACT on them and implement them? 

I'm reminded of the time I sold phones one summer between gigs:

Everyone is using phones all day, and there are actually people, despite using their phone all day, whom still manage to lock themselves out of the phone they are staring at all day, and not understand how or why.

This is not a joke. 

Then, they actually have a person on staff, being paid by the hour, to "solve" the problem of already-clueless and inept people being somehow worse than they already are. That makes MONEY, though. LOTS OF MONEY!!! It also reinforces the illusion of demand for stupid sh*t, because inept people are in abundance, and the more products and services that distract them from thinking straight for more than three seconds, the better!

People screaming "The science is settled!!!" are the least scientific, directly assisting in the continued propagation of bullsh*t arguments and philosophy, and are the most corrosive to the advancement of any sort of future society, of which, I'm gradually losing hope of any sort of positive outcome for.

So, you're spot on, SP.

While i whole-heartedly believe in the scientific process, many have turned it into a religion which is now called scienticism where the Rothchild / Rockerfeller funded big league scientists are the new high priests that we bow to. The separation of science and spirituality is actually sort of a new phenomenon that was ramped up in the western world especially with Darwin's theories in order to justify European colonization and conquering the "inferior ones." 

All the dumbing down has been systematically planned by the black magicians who rule the world. A better term for black magician would probably be dark psychologist but it has been said that they do indeed summon demons to do their bidding through complex rituals and blood sacrifices which dates back to antiquity actually. The problem with science these days is that it is a one dimensional discipline and therefore only really studies one onion peel layer. This has begun to change with quantum mechanics and far reaching scientists like Rupert Sheldrake whose morphogenic field theories resonate with me.

Yes, everything is manufactured to keep humanity at a lower frequency which is well below the 1% who fully understand the occult principles of natural cosmic law and they use every weapon they have to keep us apathetic, unhealthy and uninterested in taking back our power. Unfortunately it really does take years to understand how everything works and the more questions answered results in a hundred more unanswered but there is really no other reason to live other than to decipher the mysteries of the universe that have conspired to give us consciousness at this location in this period of time.
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Frenetic Zetetic View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frenetic Zetetic Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 04 2019 at 07:54
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by Frenetic Zetetic Frenetic Zetetic wrote:

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I spent ten years in college learning biology and ecological issues before i came to the conclusion it's all rigged. If you trace back the educational system in the US and Canada it emerged from the Prussian model of thought control which was the proto-model of Nazi-ism.

The elites of the world decided a long time ago that they would actually destroy the environment so that they could usher in a new world order under the guise of saving the planet from environmental catastrophe much as they have the ultimate false flag of a hostile alien invasion up their sleeves. 

The whole climate change issue has become nothing more than a profit driven carbon based money making scheme. I've met my share of souless millionaires who are playing this game. If one is to actually delve into the research it becomes apparent quite quickly that it's all a sham. Not that the climate is changing but how it is being sold to us, the public.

But of course investigative research means dealing with unconfortable emotional responses, time away from alcohol and other drugs of choice and actually wrapping one's mind around the possibilities that evil not only exists but has the upper hand in the world at all levels. Denial of reality is always much easier than admitting one has been duped. Been there, done that, moved on. All the better for it.

Correct, prepare to be called a conspiracy theorist, downvoted, and criticized by people whose entire arguments are built around appeals to authority (versus thinking for themselves and working it out), moving the goal posts, and arguing mutually exclusive concepts as compatible. 

My degree and continued education is in philosophy, and I'm not using hyperbole when I say the majority of people walking, voting, and reproducing have no understanding of epistemology (how we know what we know, and how to actually prove that knowledge is valid), how to actually test the veracity of claims, and thus simply conclude someone else with money is doing the right research/has the answers. 

People do not understand how to reason anymore. 

The world is infinitely more complex and "rigged" than the average person will avail themselves the genuine reason to perceive clearly, let alone accept and admit on a deep emotion level (I.E. the part that actually matters and creates change on the personal level).

You know the person you're "debating with" has no leg to stand on when they start throwing ad hominem attacks, violating reason while simultaneously claiming truth, and/or refuse to acknowledge the root assertions and presumptions from which they are (most often cluelessly) trying to logically reason.

My main point being, if there were (and there definitely are, folks) conspiracies running rampant, the average person is so mentally out of shape they can't tell an apple from an orange when it comes to the application of critical thinking and reasoning, they are the last person in line to have ANY say as to what the hell is going on, for real, in this insane world.

Armchair quarterbacks don't actually have experience on the field.

It's so easy to trick people using basic psychology; this is why most things are written at an 8th grade level, people are dense and need sh*t spelled out (literally) for them for marketing to have any efficacy. The average IQ is 100. You think those same people are going to have the intelligence and gumption(let alone the focus) to question mainstream scientific claims, and have well structured research to back up their counter claims? 

Most people can't even take control of their diet and fitness on a regular basis - and that directly impacts their daily lives, health, and longetivity. 

You think they give a sh*t about longterm, deep thinking-based questions and solutions...and then actually ACT on them and implement them? 

I'm reminded of the time I sold phones one summer between gigs:

Everyone is using phones all day, and there are actually people, despite using their phone all day, whom still manage to lock themselves out of the phone they are staring at all day, and not understand how or why.

This is not a joke. 

Then, they actually have a person on staff, being paid by the hour, to "solve" the problem of already-clueless and inept people being somehow worse than they already are. That makes MONEY, though. LOTS OF MONEY!!! It also reinforces the illusion of demand for stupid sh*t, because inept people are in abundance, and the more products and services that distract them from thinking straight for more than three seconds, the better!

People screaming "The science is settled!!!" are the least scientific, directly assisting in the continued propagation of bullsh*t arguments and philosophy, and are the most corrosive to the advancement of any sort of future society, of which, I'm gradually losing hope of any sort of positive outcome for.

So, you're spot on, SP.

While i whole-heartedly believe in the scientific process, many have turned it into a religion which is now called scienticism where the Rothchild / Rockerfeller funded big league scientists are the new high priests that we bow to. The separation of science and spirituality is actually sort of a new phenomenon that was ramped up in the western world especially with Darwin's theories in order to justify European colonization and conquering the "inferior ones." 

All the dumbing down has been systematically planned by the black magicians who rule the world. A better term for black magician would probably be dark psychologist but it has been said that they do indeed summon demons to do their bidding through complex rituals and blood sacrifices which dates back to antiquity actually. The problem with science these days is that it is a one dimensional discipline and therefore only really studies one onion peel layer. This has begun to change with quantum mechanics and far reaching scientists like Rupert Sheldrake whose morphogenic field theories resonate with me.

Yes, everything is manufactured to keep humanity at a lower frequency which is well below the 1% who fully understand the occult principles of natural cosmic law and they use every weapon they have to keep us apathetic, unhealthy and uninterested in taking back our power. Unfortunately it really does take years to understand how everything works and the more questions answered results in a hundred more unanswered but there is really no other reason to live other than to decipher the mysteries of the universe that have conspired to give us consciousness at this location in this period of time.

You've got it. It's refreshing to know another PA member gets it. Thank you for taking the time to articulate and share, there's not enough serious discussion about this stuff in my honest opinion.

"I am so prog, I listen to concept albums on shuffle." -KMac2021
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 04 2019 at 08:17
^ I haven't chimed in on these complex issues on PA because i'm slowly working on my own website and will be producing my own podcasts. Still trying to get my act together for recording my own music as well. Life is filled with one curve ball after another. The only thing i can seem to accomplish on a consistent basis is writing music reviews!

I'm an insatiable student of this stuff. Probably studying 4 hours a day on average by watching videos, reading etc. This is certainly an interesting time to be alive as we are seeing the defeat of the dark forces or at least a retreat. There is by no means a guaranteed outcome which is why i've had to step up out of the shadows as a perpetual student of life and start realizing i've accumlated enough knowledge to be a teacher of sorts. We no longer have the time to luxuriate in our own little worlds without sharing the gifts we were given. Mine happens to be a gift of language skills that i can articulate clearly. I'll certainly let you know when i have my site up (hopefully this year). It will cover all this stuff and more with links and videos and the like :)
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote twseel Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 04 2019 at 10:32
Okayyyy I'm butting out of this one. What do blood sacrifices and brainwashing have to do with the plain simple and obvious link between CO2 emissions and changing weather conditions? How have you even tried to contradict any of that?
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote omphaloskepsis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 04 2019 at 10:58
Originally posted by twseel twseel wrote:

Okayyyy I'm butting out of this one. What do blood sacrifices and brainwashing have to do with the plain simple and obvious link between CO2 emissions and changing weather conditions? How have you even tried to contradict any of that?

Why is that a bad thing?  Why should we pay trillions of dollars to stop it?   Plants need CO2 like we need Oxygen.   Plants like it.  The ice caps have melted completely before.   The Sun is getting brighter over time and will continue to brighten for billions of years.  Should we tax the sun? China leads the world in spewing carbon.  No attempt has been made to stop China.  The USA lowered it's carbon emissions.  

The Earth's ice caps were completely melted from:
-The early Ediacaran period (about 620 million years ago) to the late Ordovician (about 445 million years ago),
-The early Silurian period (about 444 million years ago) through the Devonian period (about 350 million years ago)
-The early Triassic period (240 million years ago) through the early Miocene epoch (until about 15 million years ago)
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Easy Money Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 04 2019 at 12:40
^ Well I certainly wouldn't want you looking after anything that lives or breathes, CO2 is good to a point, but excessive amounts are not good to say the least.
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Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

^ Well I certainly wouldn't want you looking after anything that lives or breathes, CO2 is good to a point, but excessive amounts are not good to say the least.

CO2 atmosphere rates have been much higher in the past.  Five times as much when dinosaurs roamed the earth.  Somehow, the earth made it to this point.   Do you stay awake at night, worrying about CO2 and Russia?   Do you?

Edited by omphaloskepsis - August 04 2019 at 13:47
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (1) Thanks(1)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 04 2019 at 13:53
The CO2 aspect of climate change is a TOTAL SCAM! Media saturation to propogate elite agendas to create a new world order. Watch this Washington state hearing in the Senate by Dr Don Easterbrook. Scientific data is useless unless you understand a) who's funding it b) the long term agenda c) the critieria for its relevance

If you have a long enough attention span to watch this hour and a half video check it out. Scroll to the bottom of this site.
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