^^^ The Melvins?
I heard an interesting perspective the other day on another forum. Bascially someone said there should never be a referendum on the issue of the UK's EU membership, because it is impossible to inform the public, in an unbiased way of the pro's and con's. The poster said "We pay politicians and their civil servants to make these kind of decisions on our behalf"
I thought, what a fantastic way of looking at things. Perhaps we should do away with elections altogether. After all, how can the peasants really understand monetary policy and the process of policy and lawmaking? We are mere debt slaves to the elites, why the hell should we even be allowed out after dark?
Our membership to the EU is complex. My instincts tell me you don't ask to jump on a sinking ship. Europe is big market for the UK, but not the only market, and it's immediate and mid term future looks pretty bleak to me. The PIIGS nations are up to the eyes in a level of debt that cannot be paid back, and yet the technocrats who have been undemocratically put in charge of some of these places are hell bent on driving their respective populations into the ground with austerity measures. There was even talk of the European parliament being able to veto the public spending plans of member states.
Anyone who has sat through a session (televised) of the EU parliament, may believe it all to be a case of the emperors new clothes; loads of men and women all agreeing and slapping each other on the back. When one person stands up and says "But look, the tw&t's naked" the whole assembly looks the other way, blocks their ears and shakes their collective heads in disgust and disapproval. This cabal of gravy trainers, and some sympathetic media have long nurtured a culture where questioning the validity of this collectivist plot is at best dismissed as right wing racist lunacy, and at worst almost an act of treason against the union. This has not helped the debate.
Nah, looks like a load of bollox to me, and for that reason...I'm out..