Genesis - "Supper's Ready" - 8 votes - 
Yes - "Gates of Delirium" - 5 votes
Yes - "Close to the Edge" - 5 votes
Pink Floyd - "Echoes" - 4 votes
Rush - "2112" - 3 votes
Yes - "The Revealing Science of God" - 3 votes
Jethro Tull - "Thick as a Brick" - 2 votes
The Mars Volta - "Cassandra Gemini" - 2 votes
Yes - "Awaken" - 2 votes
Echolyn - "Mei" - 2 votes
King Crimson - "Starless" - 2 votes
King Crimson - "The Court of the Crimson King" - 2 votes
Yes - "Starship Trooper" - 1 vote
King Crimson - "Fracture" - first vote!
ELP - "Karn Evil 9" - 1 vote
Kansas - "Song for America" - 1 vote
Rush - "Xanadu" - 1 vote
SBB - "Z których krwi krew moja" - 1 vote
Triumvirat - "Lucky Girl" - 1 vote
Can - "Bel Air" - 1 vote
Camel - "Lady Fantasy" - 1 vote
Univers Zero - "Jack the Ripper" - 1 vote
Spock's Beard - "The Great Nothing" - 1 vote
Can - "Mother Sky" - 1 vote
Transatlantic - "The Whirlwind" - 1 vote
VdGG - "La Rossa" - 1 vote
Genesis - "Dancing with the Moonlit Knight" - 1 vote
U.K. - "Nevermore" - 1 vote
Locanda delle Fate - "Forse le lucciole non si amano pił" - 1 vote
Soft Machine - "Moon in June" - 1 vote
Genesis - "Fountain of Salmacis" - 1 vote
IQ - "The Seventh House" - 1 vote
Rush - "Limelight" - 1 vote
Introitus - "The Hand That Feeds You" - 1 vote
Max Webster - "In the World of Giants" - 1 vote
Planet Gong With the Here And Now Band - "Allez Ali Baba Blacksheep Have You Any Bull sh*t" - 1 vote
Brian Eno and Harold Budd - "Steal Away" - 1 vote
Dream Theater - "Metropolis pt. 1" - 1 vote
Frank Zappa - "Inca Roads" - 1 vote
Discipline - "Canto IV (Limbo)" - 1 vote
Utopia - "The Ikon" - 1 vote
Harmonium - "Depuis L'Automne" - 1 vote