About two years ago, I came up with "Gladiators." It proved to be successful (85 pages), but it
got a little out of hand and I got busy with life.
I want to relaunch it, so I give you "Gladiators II."
For those who are familiar
with the old game, here is what's different:
1. No narratives. I'm sorry- I
know people liked this, but there are only so many ways to say
"stabbed" and "blocked."
It got challenging and made each match too taxing on me.
2. This is huge: All official "business" regarding the game MUST BE IN BOLD. This is what made me shut down from the old
game. Too much gab and I couldn't tell
who was challenging whom and it got out of control. So, any official business (transactions,
challenges, wagers- ANYTHING) must be in bold for it to count. Continue to gab and talk trash to other
players (with respect to PA rules), but only use bold for official game
business. This helps me.
3. Each weapon will now have a special property. If a character has no Weapon Proficiency,
there is no special property. In other
words, a WP no longer affects attack roll.
WP gives a unique bonus to each weapon.
4. Equipment is no longer on “infinite supply.” This will make the game far more frustrating
and (therefore) far more interesting. Be
vigilant- one never knows when a much desired item will appear in the original supply
5. You no longer challenge individual warriors. Instead, you challenge an owner with your
warrior and equipment, who either denies your challenge or responds with his
chosen warrior and chosen equipment. If
he accepts, the battle will commence and there will be no cancellations.
For those who are not
familiar with the old game, here is how this works:
Each participating owner (that’d be you, if you’d like) buys warriors
and equipment. You make and accept
challenges from other owners. My role
(roll?) here is simply the god who throws the dice (ranging from four sided to
twenty sided) to determine the outcome.
I promise I do not fudge dice rolls (doing so would rob the game of its
fun for me).
Each warrior has these attributes:
A (Attack) – A modifier (+/-) to the 1d20 attack roll
D (Defense) – A modifier (+/-) to the 1d20 defense roll
C (Constitution) – The amount of damage a warrior can sustain before
WP (Weapon Proficiency) – A bonus that gives a warrior a unique ability
with his weapon; these are cumulative but max out at five points.
Value – This is the initial value of a warrior; this disappears after
the warrior is bought, since subsequent values are based on the “free market”
(between you and the buyer, if you choose to sell him).
How do I start?
Each potential player begins with 20 gold pieces in seed money.
To get started, all you must do is post (in bold) the following:
(Warriors purchased)
(Equipment purchased)
And you’re in. Good luck. Your status (warriors, equipment, gold, and
training points) will be recorded on the front page.
What Then?
Once you have a warrior (or three hundred- no limit on how many you
control), you may issue a challenge to another owner. A challenge must be in Bold and have the following information:
“I challenge (USERNAME) to a
match with (WARRIOR) using (THIS EQUIPMENT) in (ARENA).”
All living warriors, their stats, their owners, and available equipment
will be available on the front page.
The challenged owner should either reply:
“I deny your challenge,
“I accept your challenge,
(USERNAME). I will send (WARRIOR) using
Please adhere to this format.
Failure to do so will likely result in the match not happening. Also, please only make one challenge to one
username at a time.
In combat, if an attack roll is higher than the defense roll (considering
modifiers), this is a hit, and the defender incurs damage (according to the
weapon used).
A critical hit (natural 20) occurs if a 20 is rolled while attacking, no matter
what. This causes immediate double damage. A critical defense
(natural 20) occurs if a 20 is rolled on defense, no matter what, and this
causes an immediate (and free) counterattack. A botch (natural 1) occurs if a 1 is rolled while attacking no matter what. This causes the defender to receive a free counterattack.
Once a warrior reaches 0 constitution, he is knocked out and the match is
over. If a warrior falls below -3 constitution (i.e., -4 and below), he
is dead and lost forever.
After each battle, both contestants get a training point (if the loser
survived, that is). The training point
can be assigned any way as follows:
1. Raise attack by one
2. Raise defense by one
3. Raise constitution by three
4. Raise a weapon proficiency (this is maxed at 5)
I will calculate the odds for each match and post them in the "Pending Matches" post below.
For example, if the listing is Warrior X vs. Warrior Y (1:4), a better who wagers 4 gold on Warrior X will get a return of 1 gold if Warrior X wins (plus the original bet of 4 gold). A better who wagers 4 gold on Warrior Y will get a return of 16 gold if Warrior Y wins (plus the original bet of 4 gold).
All decimals are rounded.
So wait, I can just gamble
without actually buying anything or fighting?
Yep. Just start by posting (in bold) “I want my money.” This puts
you in the game. This also goes for
those who want to play, but don’t know what (or whom) they would like to
buy. Some of you may want to get in the game to buy weapons just to sell them to needy warriors!
Can I sell?
You may buy and sell anything by asking anyone (in bold) if you can buy or sell something from or to them. They may (in bold) accept or decline your offer.
You are free to sell warriors, sell weapons, barter, make challenges,
accept or deny challenges, or challenge a champion. All wagers, transactions, challenges (and an
accepting post) must be posted (in bold)
by 5PM EST to be included in that night’s round of activity.
Champions are warriors who have earned their freedom but stay in the
Arena. Each champion possesses his own
special item. If your warrior defeats a
champion (no easy feat!), then you gain control of that item. And these items are one of a kind. The champions list will be in red and you may
challenge a champion at any time. Your
challenge is automatically accepted, so beware!
Champions will be listed in red and eliminated once they are beaten.
Arenas are the setting for the fight. There are currently five arenas,
each with special situations.
This is the standard and default arena of all one-on-one matches. The
winner takes home 10 gold.
In the Cage
This is a gruesome cage match. Each hit scores an additional +1d4 in
damage. The winner gets 15 gold.
The Gates of Delirium
Made for team matches. Two on two, five on four, one on three, two on twelve- anything. The pot to be divided by the winning team is equal to the number of participants times eleven. Warriors need not be alive to win gold for their masters! Multiple owners are welcome, or an owner may challenge another owner's entire roster with his!
The Pinnacle
The Pinnacle is a 300 foot structure with an open square plane at the top for
battle. There is always a 20% chance that upon a successful hit, you send
your opponent flying off the arena and to certain death. The victor of
this match wins 17 gold.
The Octavarium is the setting for scheduled epic fights. All one must do
to sign up to an Octavarium battle is say so. Once eight owners have pledged to fight, they will specify a warrior and his equipment. After eight gladiators
have been volunteered, and the Emperor (that's me) is available for such a
massive match, it will commence- every man for himself. Make note: Once
you have committed yourself to the Octavarium, there is no
withdrawal! Each player will be given specific odds for winning the overall event. The victor of the Octavarium takes home an astounding 80 gold.
May fortune be in your favor! 
Edited by Epignosis - July 13 2012 at 15:13