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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:23
^ Well I will at least go take a listen....I was never a big Metallica fan, I don't like Hetfield. One is a cool song.....I like the MTV video on it too.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:24
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

I didn't even know Metallica had issued a new album....seriously...I didn't.

Same.  Sorry the new album is bad, but you should have stopped paying attention to this band 20 years ago.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:30
The Metallica album is a collaboration with Lou Reed.  Lou Reed wrote the vocals, Metallica wrote the music, and Lou Reed and James Hetfield share the lead vocal duties. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:39
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I don't listen to bad albums so I'd have no idea.  And if you don't like what I like you are a doo doo head.   Furthermore, when I hear people putting down stuff I don't listen to then I also know you had bad taste in music in the first place.

I like to get some "so good they're bad kind of albums", which I can thoroughly enjoy, but haven't got an album I didn't like in a long time.  Even used records where the cover piqued my curiosity I've really enjoyed.  That said, I have had some disappointments over the last five years (very rare).  About the only time I will hear a, I won't call it bad, but bad for me  album, is if a friend plays it.  I do try to politely listen in those cases.  And I did hear a couple of albums I really didn't like due to being on a genre team for evaluation purposes (one I really did think pretty bad).

Here's a list I found:

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:40
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

I didn't even know Metallica had issued a new album....seriously...I didn't.

I didn't either. How could I miss that?
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:43
I didn't say the new DT album was bad. I said it made me sick to my stomach. Not anybody else's stomach. I hate everything from DT since 1999, and even then...

But that's me. I could at least find bits and pieces off of Octavarium or Systematic that I somewhat enjoyed, but these past two left me aggravated, with a blinding headache. I was bored beyond reason, and It nearly gave me a panic attack forcing myself to listen to the whole thing through. 

But in none of this do I ever ever EVER say they are bad albums. Here: Dream Theater sucks and A Dramatic Turn of Events is one of the worst albums I've ever heard. NOW you can accuse me of being an ignorant, mentally-deficient, inconsequential child with no wisdom or common sense.

Edited by Alitare - October 25 2011 at 13:46
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:47
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

I didn't even know Metallica had issued a new album....seriously...I didn't.

I didn't either. How could I miss that?
Snow Dog - Errors & Omissions Team......I think that's how Wink
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 14:04
To everyone who didn't know about it: you can listen to it here. It really is quite awful. But I Hate Music is so hipster that they actually like it...
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 14:17
I think it's another one of those Lou Reed 'jokes', like Metal Machine Music. He doesn't see Metallica as a notably artistic group. He's using them to kill his kareer once again. Maybe the negative spotlight will invigorate him in some measure, he may think. The poor Hetfield and Ulrich chaps - I don't know. 
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richardh View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 25 2011 at 15:58
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

I didn't say the new DT album was bad. I said it made me sick to my stomach. Not anybody else's stomach. I hate everything from DT since 1999, and even then...

But that's me. I could at least find bits and pieces off of Octavarium or Systematic that I somewhat enjoyed, but these past two left me aggravated, with a blinding headache. I was bored beyond reason, and It nearly gave me a panic attack forcing myself to listen to the whole thing through. 

But in none of this do I ever ever EVER say they are bad albums. Here: Dream Theater sucks and A Dramatic Turn of Events is one of the worst albums I've ever heard. NOW you can accuse me of being an ignorant, mentally-deficient, inconsequential child with no wisdom or common sense.
so why do you keep punishing yourself?
I like Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulance but since then I've completely lost interest and didn't bother with their latest release so I've no idea whether its 'vomit inducing' and will probbaly never find out.
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Henry Plainview View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 02:50
if you own a sodastream i hate you
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DavetheSlave View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 04:09
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

I dunno, Dramatic Turn of Events made me vomit it was so bad.
You said in your later post that you didn't say that the album is bad - don't quite know what the above sentance means then and by your own admission in your later post I don't know what you are actually saying there.
A bad album - to me - is one where the mix is all wrong, one that was badly recorded, one where the musicians have little clue what they are trying to achieve, etc etc.
The thing that worries me is that should a prog newbie visit us here and see an album unfairly slated by a respected member of our group  - which you are Alitare - then that newbie could, in the short term, be denied the pleasure that he may derive from what is in fact a very very good album by taking what we say into account. Sure most of us don't like or positively abhor some or other band here that is adored by others and we are obviously welcome to state our opinions but then those opinions must be known to be opinions and not factual statements.
We seem to enjoy a lot of similar music Alitare and other than the above thing - your opinions are valued by me truth be told.
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 04:22
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

I dunno, Dramatic Turn of Events made me vomit it was so bad.
You said in your later post that you didn't say that the album is bad - don't quite know what the above sentance means then and by your own admission in your later post I don't know what you are actually saying there.
A bad album - to me - is one where the mix is all wrong, one that was badly recorded, one where the musicians have little clue what they are trying to achieve, etc etc.
The thing that worries me is that should a prog newbie visit us here and see an album unfairly slated by a respected member of our group  - which you are Alitare - then that newbie could, in the short term, be denied the pleasure that he may derive from what is in fact a very very good album by taking what we say into account. Sure most of us don't like or positively abhor some or other band here that is adored by others and we are obviously welcome to state our opinions but then those opinions must be known to be opinions and not factual statements.
We seem to enjoy a lot of similar music Alitare and other than the above thing - your opinions are valued by me truth be told.

If somebody is going to pay some much attention to the opinion of one person, he is an idiot, in my opinion, and is going to miss out on a lot of music anyway.  If people can't form opinions for themselves, it's nobody's fault and no reason to impose censorship in any form.  What Alitare said still reads only as if the album was bad for his taste and he has not actively dissuaded others from listening to it.  Sorry to butt in, but you just sound like another Dream Theater fan who cares too much about what the world thinks about his favourite band.
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 04:24
Although...yes, I really don't see how it can realistically be as bad as this trainwreck:

I checked it out because descriptions such as in that review piqued me and I wanted to see how bad it was. I don't think there is any other reason why one would want to listen to that *ahem* collaboration.

Edited by rogerthat - October 26 2011 at 04:25
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DavetheSlave View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 04:33

Yeah rogerthat I am a Dream Theater fan - and I do enjoy their latest album. However it may then be surprising that the two albums that I personally rate most highly this year are the new Sean Filkins and Anubis releases.

Most disappointing to me so far has been the new Queensryche although I do understand what they were trying to achieve.
and as for Metallica with Lou Reed - dunno that I'm even going to try that one on Big smile

Edited by DavetheSlave - October 26 2011 at 04:35
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uduwudu View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 05:01
Butting in too... I don't mind opinions, so long as someone tells me why they think something is not a good album. What is actually wrong with it? Etc.

Otherwise I get the impression of a rock fan equivalent of a 2 year old saying something is yuky.

Or is it yucky?

Not yuKCy?  ;)

,er.. back to The Shaggs... (seen that poll / topic?. It (Shaggs) was news to me. Most amusing to think that a bunch of girls who have never heard music, then given instruments may actually be superior in output to the vastly more experienced Lou Reed and Metallica.

I liked that Grantland review. The mention of Bob Rock parking his Lexus 10 minutes later was most amusing.

Still, I have no idea what the content of this album is like. Lou droning on over Metallicariffs? Mettallica Machine Music.

P.S. I suppose nowadays an album rating should be measured in bandwidth consumed to download it (for free of course.)
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 10:04
As a metal band, I enjoyed what DT were doing in 1991. Images and Words and Awake? Those were great, consistent metal albums with an opened mind. A Change of Seasons? That's a great long song. But everything they've done since, including the cheese-fest SFAM, have left me mostly cold. I'm not a cardboard cutout of an a****le band-hater. Even my least favorite groups, like Rush or ELP, I can find some redeeming qualities, like that first half of Moving Pictures, or the major aspects of ELP's debut that don't bore my pants off (Lucky Man, mainly).

That's why I hate Dream Theater. You'd never find a song like "Pull Me Under" or "Space-Dye Vest" on a new DT album. It's just endless streams of faceless riffs and complex, derivative jam sessions. As long as the make their music hard to play, and Petrucci lets loose with some blindingly fast solo to impress all the teen potheads, they don't give a damn. Maybe it's because my heart demands an acute sense of melody. Maybe it's because I've been burned out on complex music for the sake of complexity. How many awkward time signatures can a man withstand before he says 'screw this, I wanna weep in the corner.' 

That's why I listen to music, to have my heart blown to bits, to be reduced to a crippled, tear-soaked shell in the corner. I want music so inarguably beautiful, so insurmountably universal, so sincere and honest and life-affirming and despairing and scathing and horrifying and psychologically brutal and emotionally resonant that my heart has no choice but to crack and force me to a trembling shamble. Other things, like punchy, memorable, concise, and to-the-point grit metal that doesn't recycle riffs or moods, that's fine too. I really like soulful gospel metal and pop/rock melded with doo-wop (like great post-Beatles Lennon. I love Just Like Starting Over to death). But you tell me - would any new Dream Theater album give me what I'm looking for?

When it comes to metal, I prefer stuff like Savatage, Judas Priest, Queensryche, or Rainbow. When it comes to prog, I prefer stuff like Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, Comus, (some) King Crimson (basically most of Court and most of Red), and such. 

I like surreal diversity, so I fell in love with maudlin of the Well. Where's the melodic sense, resonant sense, diverse sense, or surreal sense to the new DT album? Isn't just another technical metal album? Geez, it's not like Petrucci's Richard Thompson or anything. Labrie's no Antony Hegarty or Thom Yorke on the clean end. He's no Waits or Dylan on the dirty end. And he's no Halford or Gildenlow or King Diamond or Dio on the powerful end. What's the goddamn point is all I'm asking. Why should I give them the care? Don't tell me an album like Dramatic Turn goes over my head or that I don't 'get it'. That's ridiculous. Were they trying to save their souls with that album, like with Antony's I Am a Bird Now? Were they trying to bare their souls like with Pet Sounds or Soft Bulletin or Perfect Element? Were they trying to show the world the dark side of life like Rain Dogs or Bone Machine or ? No-no-no. They were just trying to look cool without working hard for it. I don't know. I hated it.

I didn't like Harvest or The Hunter, either. Both of them left me terribly cold. I tolerated King of Limbs, and Road Salt Two was meandering. It was inconsequential to me. Every album I've heard this year, from the new Devin Townsend two to Radiohead's new one, left me cold and bored. The only record, and this is because I'm horribly biased, that hit me and forced me to pay attention was Tom Waits' Bad as Me. The fifteen or so records I've heard otherwise didn't do anything for me. Out of all the newer releases, I haven't found an album I really liked since Part the Second, and haven't found an album I love to death since 2004 (the last great year in music for me - Modest Mouse's The Moon and Antarctica, Ayreon's The Human Equation, etc.)

In shorts, I'm too hairy and sometimes my pasty skin seems-

In short, I don't give half a sh*t about anything new coming out except in a couple places (none of which are a formal aspect of prog). No, I haven't heard Fly From Here. I won't for some time. Where are the important, original, heart-wrenching masterpieces? Where's the Abbey Road for 2011? Where's the Mollusk or the Soft Bulletin or The PEt Sounds or the Highway 61 or the Blood on the Tracks or the Small Change or the Dark Side of the Moon or the "Melt" or the Hounds of Love or the Dummy for 2011? Where's the Kid A or OK Computer for 2011? Hell, I'd settle for a comparable Bringing it All Back Home or Sgt. Pepper for 2011. I just don't see it there. I detest Porcupine Tree. Phideaux bores me (except one short instrumental!) Opeth's mood has NEVER changed. Even my favorite bands, like Pain of Salvation and Devin Townsend have faltered in my eyes and fallen into self-caricatures and derivative repetitiveness. 

Okay, so I was really bored and in a rambling mood. I wrote this inbetween a few cups of coffee and an excitedly screaming and jumping 3-year old. Yep, my son turned 3 a week ago. We're trying to download some movies about planets and trains and cowboys and pirates for him. He tried to tell me a knock knock joke:

Him: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Him: Nothin'............knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Him: Orange banana

I hate the band 'HIM'. I hate Poisonblack, Turbonegro, 69 Eyes, HIM, Evanescence, and I really dislike Nightwish. What do you call a Christ that whips himself? an 'Autopilate'. 
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 10:10
Good post, Alitaire...pretty elaborate, I should say, about what you like and don't like in music. Wouldn't have expected anything less. Smile Also agreed in the main with the idea that Dream Theater are technically more ambitious and creatively less so. But I do think they tried to get back the sharpness and brevity of their Images & Words days although they didn't entirely succeed and my own reaction was more of it being a decent but unmemorable, unremarkable album.

Edited by rogerthat - October 26 2011 at 10:15
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Textbook View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 19:48
Henry: That was almost a brilliant review but the final paragraph about Tebow nearly sunk the ship. It had no business being there.

And as for the DT controversy, I was simply taking exception to the remark that you are "moronic" to call ADTOE a poor album, as if it's some kind of moral/intellectual failure and oughtn't be allowed.

Right now on RYM, Lulu is #2 on the worst albums of the year list. Number one is Justin Bieber's remix disc but as that is almost certainly blind hate and not any kind of genuine reaction to the music, Lulu may be the real number one.
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TheMasterMofo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 26 2011 at 20:08
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Looks like some people have sore bottoms about us discussing how poor the Dream Theater album is. The problem isn't that people exist who think ADTOE is an embarrassment. The problem is those who think such people shouldn't exist. Alternative opinions are inevitable, accept them.

On the flip side, there are people who hold the opinion that anyone who likes a new Dream Theater album shouldn't exist. It's unfortunate, but much like Freddy Mercury, it goes both ways.
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