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Worst Album Of The Year

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Topic: Worst Album Of The Year
Posted By: Textbook
Subject: Worst Album Of The Year
Date Posted: October 24 2011 at 22:49
I'm undecided about best and there's room for maneuver there but I would say that Metallica have this category pretty tightly sewn up with Lulu. An absolute shocker and possibly the most egregious double discer of all time.
Unbelievable. Come back St Anger, all is forgiven.

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 24 2011 at 23:06
I dunno, Dramatic Turn of Events made me vomit it was so bad.

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 01:53
For me the worst of a very good bunch this year is Magenta - Chameleon. Big dissapointment but certainly not terrible. If thats the worst it gets then I'm going to be very happy with this year.

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 03:44
Haven't heard the Magenta. Dramatic Turn Of Events is a truely awful album, but it's not as pull-your-own-ears-off bad as Lulu.

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 05:09
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

I dunno, Dramatic Turn of Events made me vomit it was so bad.
How to make friends and influence people  LOL

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 05:30
Hmmm. I only heard "The View" from Lulu and didn't dislike it (well, it could do without the Hetfield vocals). How does the rest of the album compare?
Didn't really hear a "bad" album this year. The least good have been Atrium's 2011 and Arnioe's Ate My Words.

Bigger on the inside.

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 05:38
These sorts of threads are never going to end well. I agree about different tastes in music, but some people just canīt resist to be utter dicks about it.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 06:41
The people that can't resist being utter dicks about it are quite juvenile in that they are trying to elicit a response so that they have someone to argue with. Alernatively the person presumes to have profound thought patterns that are quite different to everyone elses. Personally I have never had music induce vomiting in me or even the will to vomit which would be indicitive of some kind of illness or derangement and I would have to seek some kind of professional help if that had to occur.
That said I know who not to take seriously here on PA because they prove their irrelevance to me here every chance that they get.

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 06:45
Looks like some people have sore bottoms about us discussing how poor the Dream Theater album is. The problem isn't that people exist who think ADTOE is an embarrassment. The problem is those who think such people shouldn't exist. Alternative opinions are inevitable, accept them.

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 06:53
Alternative opinions are fine - the vomit thing needs medical attention. For anyone to say they dislike an album like ADTOE is all good and well. To call it a poor album is moronic. To me anything with growls in it is something I dislike yet I don't call the albums concerned embarrasments or vomit inducing - why?  simply because differing opinions are what makes the world go round. Common sense however..............

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 06:55
I don't listen to bad albums so I'd have no idea.  And if you don't like what I like you are a doo doo head.   Furthermore, when I hear people putting down stuff I don't listen to then I also know you had bad taste in music in the first place.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 06:58

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 07:01
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Alternative opinions are fine - the vomit thing needs medical attention. For anyone to say they dislike an album like ADTOE is all good and well. To call it a poor album is moronic. To me anything with growls in it is something I dislike yet I don't call the albums concerned embarrasments or vomit inducing - why?  simply because differing opinions are what makes the world go round. Common sense however..............
Yes, a little bit of common sense would teach you to ignore figures of speech.

Posted By: Anthony H.
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 07:45
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

These sorts of threads are never going to end well. I agree about different tastes in music, but some people just canīt resist to be utter dicks about it.


Posted By: AtomicCrimsonRush
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 07:53
Originally posted by Anthony H. Anthony H. wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

These sorts of threads are never going to end well. I agree about different tastes in music, but some people just canīt resist to be utter dicks about it.



Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 07:58
But wouldn't it be boring if every music thread here was unanimously positive? Variety I say!  

-------------" rel="nofollow - New album!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:06
To call ADTOE a poor album is moronic? Why exactly? Sounds like fanboyism to me.

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:13
I didn't even know Metallica had issued a new album....seriously...I didn't.
I like pretty much everything that has been issued in 2011......but I am sure I have not heard all of it Big smile
And yes this thread will only lead to bad bathroom humor


Posted By: sleeper
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:15
^Especially when it is a poor album.Wink

Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

Posted By:
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:21
We are definitely keeping an eye on this thread and flaming will lead to locking. 

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:23
^ Well I will at least go take a listen....I was never a big Metallica fan, I don't like Hetfield. One is a cool song.....I like the MTV video on it too.


Posted By: Padraic
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:24
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

I didn't even know Metallica had issued a new album....seriously...I didn't.

Same.  Sorry the new album is bad, but you should have stopped paying attention to this band 20 years ago.

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:30
The Metallica album is a collaboration with Lou Reed.  Lou Reed wrote the vocals, Metallica wrote the music, and Lou Reed and James Hetfield share the lead vocal duties. 


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:39
Originally posted by Slartibartfast Slartibartfast wrote:

I don't listen to bad albums so I'd have no idea.  And if you don't like what I like you are a doo doo head.   Furthermore, when I hear people putting down stuff I don't listen to then I also know you had bad taste in music in the first place.

I like to get some "so good they're bad kind of albums", which I can thoroughly enjoy, but haven't got an album I didn't like in a long time.  Even used records where the cover piqued my curiosity I've really enjoyed.  That said, I have had some disappointments over the last five years (very rare).  About the only time I will hear a, I won't call it bad, but bad for me  album, is if a friend plays it.  I do try to politely listen in those cases.  And I did hear a couple of albums I really didn't like due to being on a genre team for evaluation purposes (one I really did think pretty bad).

Here's a list I found:" rel="nofollow - The 25  - 2011

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:40
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

I didn't even know Metallica had issued a new album....seriously...I didn't.

I didn't either. How could I miss that?

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:43
I didn't say the new DT album was bad. I said it made me sick to my stomach. Not anybody else's stomach. I hate everything from DT since 1999, and even then...

But that's me. I could at least find bits and pieces off of Octavarium or Systematic that I somewhat enjoyed, but these past two left me aggravated, with a blinding headache. I was bored beyond reason, and It nearly gave me a panic attack forcing myself to listen to the whole thing through. 

But in none of this do I ever ever EVER say they are bad albums. Here: Dream Theater sucks and A Dramatic Turn of Events is one of the worst albums I've ever heard. NOW you can accuse me of being an ignorant, mentally-deficient, inconsequential child with no wisdom or common sense.

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 13:47
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

I didn't even know Metallica had issued a new album....seriously...I didn't.

I didn't either. How could I miss that?
Snow Dog - Errors & Omissions Team......I think that's how Wink


Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 14:04
To everyone who didn't know about it:" rel="nofollow - you can listen to it here . It really is quite awful. But I Hate Music is so hipster that they actually like it...

if you own a sodastream i hate you

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 14:17
I think it's another one of those Lou Reed 'jokes', like Metal Machine Music. He doesn't see Metallica as a notably artistic group. He's using them to kill his kareer once again. Maybe the negative spotlight will invigorate him in some measure, he may think. The poor Hetfield and Ulrich chaps - I don't know. 

Posted By: richardh
Date Posted: October 25 2011 at 15:58
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

I didn't say the new DT album was bad. I said it made me sick to my stomach. Not anybody else's stomach. I hate everything from DT since 1999, and even then...

But that's me. I could at least find bits and pieces off of Octavarium or Systematic that I somewhat enjoyed, but these past two left me aggravated, with a blinding headache. I was bored beyond reason, and It nearly gave me a panic attack forcing myself to listen to the whole thing through. 

But in none of this do I ever ever EVER say they are bad albums. Here: Dream Theater sucks and A Dramatic Turn of Events is one of the worst albums I've ever heard. NOW you can accuse me of being an ignorant, mentally-deficient, inconsequential child with no wisdom or common sense.
so why do you keep punishing yourself?
I like Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulance but since then I've completely lost interest and didn't bother with their latest release so I've no idea whether its 'vomit inducing' and will probbaly never find out.

Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 02:50" rel="nofollow - This is a truly excellent review.

if you own a sodastream i hate you

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 04:09
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

I dunno, Dramatic Turn of Events made me vomit it was so bad.
You said in your later post that you didn't say that the album is bad - don't quite know what the above sentance means then and by your own admission in your later post I don't know what you are actually saying there.
A bad album - to me - is one where the mix is all wrong, one that was badly recorded, one where the musicians have little clue what they are trying to achieve, etc etc.
The thing that worries me is that should a prog newbie visit us here and see an album unfairly slated by a respected member of our group  - which you are Alitare - then that newbie could, in the short term, be denied the pleasure that he may derive from what is in fact a very very good album by taking what we say into account. Sure most of us don't like or positively abhor some or other band here that is adored by others and we are obviously welcome to state our opinions but then those opinions must be known to be opinions and not factual statements.
We seem to enjoy a lot of similar music Alitare and other than the above thing - your opinions are valued by me truth be told.

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 04:22
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

I dunno, Dramatic Turn of Events made me vomit it was so bad.
You said in your later post that you didn't say that the album is bad - don't quite know what the above sentance means then and by your own admission in your later post I don't know what you are actually saying there.
A bad album - to me - is one where the mix is all wrong, one that was badly recorded, one where the musicians have little clue what they are trying to achieve, etc etc.
The thing that worries me is that should a prog newbie visit us here and see an album unfairly slated by a respected member of our group  - which you are Alitare - then that newbie could, in the short term, be denied the pleasure that he may derive from what is in fact a very very good album by taking what we say into account. Sure most of us don't like or positively abhor some or other band here that is adored by others and we are obviously welcome to state our opinions but then those opinions must be known to be opinions and not factual statements.
We seem to enjoy a lot of similar music Alitare and other than the above thing - your opinions are valued by me truth be told.

If somebody is going to pay some much attention to the opinion of one person, he is an idiot, in my opinion, and is going to miss out on a lot of music anyway.  If people can't form opinions for themselves, it's nobody's fault and no reason to impose censorship in any form.  What Alitare said still reads only as if the album was bad for his taste and he has not actively dissuaded others from listening to it.  Sorry to butt in, but you just sound like another Dream Theater fan who cares too much about what the world thinks about his favourite band.

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 04:24
Although...yes, I really don't see how it can realistically be as bad as this trainwreck:" rel="nofollow -

I checked it out because descriptions such as in that review piqued me and I wanted to see how bad it was. I don't think there is any other reason why one would want to listen to that *ahem* collaboration.

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 04:33

Yeah rogerthat I am a Dream Theater fan - and I do enjoy their latest album. However it may then be surprising that the two albums that I personally rate most highly this year are the new Sean Filkins and Anubis releases.

Most disappointing to me so far has been the new Queensryche although I do understand what they were trying to achieve.
and as for Metallica with Lou Reed - dunno that I'm even going to try that one on Big smile

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: uduwudu
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 05:01
Butting in too... I don't mind opinions, so long as someone tells me why they think something is not a good album. What is actually wrong with it? Etc.

Otherwise I get the impression of a rock fan equivalent of a 2 year old saying something is yuky.

Or is it yucky?

Not yuKCy?  ;)

,er.. back to The Shaggs... (seen that poll / topic?. It (Shaggs) was news to me. Most amusing to think that a bunch of girls who have never heard music, then given instruments may actually be superior in output to the vastly more experienced Lou Reed and Metallica.

I liked that Grantland review. The mention of Bob Rock parking his Lexus 10 minutes later was most amusing.

Still, I have no idea what the content of this album is like. Lou droning on over Metallicariffs? Mettallica Machine Music.

P.S. I suppose nowadays an album rating should be measured in bandwidth consumed to download it (for free of course.)

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 10:04
As a metal band, I enjoyed what DT were doing in 1991. Images and Words and Awake? Those were great, consistent metal albums with an opened mind. A Change of Seasons? That's a great long song. But everything they've done since, including the cheese-fest SFAM, have left me mostly cold. I'm not a cardboard cutout of an a****le band-hater. Even my least favorite groups, like Rush or ELP, I can find some redeeming qualities, like that first half of Moving Pictures, or the major aspects of ELP's debut that don't bore my pants off (Lucky Man, mainly).

That's why I hate Dream Theater. You'd never find a song like "Pull Me Under" or "Space-Dye Vest" on a new DT album. It's just endless streams of faceless riffs and complex, derivative jam sessions. As long as the make their music hard to play, and Petrucci lets loose with some blindingly fast solo to impress all the teen potheads, they don't give a damn. Maybe it's because my heart demands an acute sense of melody. Maybe it's because I've been burned out on complex music for the sake of complexity. How many awkward time signatures can a man withstand before he says 'screw this, I wanna weep in the corner.' 

That's why I listen to music, to have my heart blown to bits, to be reduced to a crippled, tear-soaked shell in the corner. I want music so inarguably beautiful, so insurmountably universal, so sincere and honest and life-affirming and despairing and scathing and horrifying and psychologically brutal and emotionally resonant that my heart has no choice but to crack and force me to a trembling shamble. Other things, like punchy, memorable, concise, and to-the-point grit metal that doesn't recycle riffs or moods, that's fine too. I really like soulful gospel metal and pop/rock melded with doo-wop (like great post-Beatles Lennon. I love Just Like Starting Over to death). But you tell me - would any new Dream Theater album give me what I'm looking for?

When it comes to metal, I prefer stuff like Savatage, Judas Priest, Queensryche, or Rainbow. When it comes to prog, I prefer stuff like Jethro Tull, Pink Floyd, Comus, (some) King Crimson (basically most of Court and most of Red), and such. 

I like surreal diversity, so I fell in love with maudlin of the Well. Where's the melodic sense, resonant sense, diverse sense, or surreal sense to the new DT album? Isn't just another technical metal album? Geez, it's not like Petrucci's Richard Thompson or anything. Labrie's no Antony Hegarty or Thom Yorke on the clean end. He's no Waits or Dylan on the dirty end. And he's no Halford or Gildenlow or King Diamond or Dio on the powerful end. What's the goddamn point is all I'm asking. Why should I give them the care? Don't tell me an album like Dramatic Turn goes over my head or that I don't 'get it'. That's ridiculous. Were they trying to save their souls with that album, like with Antony's I Am a Bird Now? Were they trying to bare their souls like with Pet Sounds or Soft Bulletin or Perfect Element? Were they trying to show the world the dark side of life like Rain Dogs or Bone Machine or ? No-no-no. They were just trying to look cool without working hard for it. I don't know. I hated it.

I didn't like Harvest or The Hunter, either. Both of them left me terribly cold. I tolerated King of Limbs, and Road Salt Two was meandering. It was inconsequential to me. Every album I've heard this year, from the new Devin Townsend two to Radiohead's new one, left me cold and bored. The only record, and this is because I'm horribly biased, that hit me and forced me to pay attention was Tom Waits' Bad as Me. The fifteen or so records I've heard otherwise didn't do anything for me. Out of all the newer releases, I haven't found an album I really liked since Part the Second, and haven't found an album I love to death since 2004 (the last great year in music for me - Modest Mouse's The Moon and Antarctica, Ayreon's The Human Equation, etc.)

In shorts, I'm too hairy and sometimes my pasty skin seems-

In short, I don't give half a sh*t about anything new coming out except in a couple places (none of which are a formal aspect of prog). No, I haven't heard Fly From Here. I won't for some time. Where are the important, original, heart-wrenching masterpieces? Where's the Abbey Road for 2011? Where's the Mollusk or the Soft Bulletin or The PEt Sounds or the Highway 61 or the Blood on the Tracks or the Small Change or the Dark Side of the Moon or the "Melt" or the Hounds of Love or the Dummy for 2011? Where's the Kid A or OK Computer for 2011? Hell, I'd settle for a comparable Bringing it All Back Home or Sgt. Pepper for 2011. I just don't see it there. I detest Porcupine Tree. Phideaux bores me (except one short instrumental!) Opeth's mood has NEVER changed. Even my favorite bands, like Pain of Salvation and Devin Townsend have faltered in my eyes and fallen into self-caricatures and derivative repetitiveness. 

Okay, so I was really bored and in a rambling mood. I wrote this inbetween a few cups of coffee and an excitedly screaming and jumping 3-year old. Yep, my son turned 3 a week ago. We're trying to download some movies about planets and trains and cowboys and pirates for him. He tried to tell me a knock knock joke:

Him: Knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Him: Nothin'............knock knock
Me: Who's there?
Him: Orange banana

I hate the band 'HIM'. I hate Poisonblack, Turbonegro, 69 Eyes, HIM, Evanescence, and I really dislike Nightwish. What do you call a Christ that whips himself? an 'Autopilate'. 

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 10:10
Good post, Alitaire...pretty elaborate, I should say, about what you like and don't like in music. Wouldn't have expected anything less. Smile Also agreed in the main with the idea that Dream Theater are technically more ambitious and creatively less so. But I do think they tried to get back the sharpness and brevity of their Images & Words days although they didn't entirely succeed and my own reaction was more of it being a decent but unmemorable, unremarkable album.

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 19:48
Henry: That was almost a brilliant review but the final paragraph about Tebow nearly sunk the ship. It had no business being there.

And as for the DT controversy, I was simply taking exception to the remark that you are "moronic" to call ADTOE a poor album, as if it's some kind of moral/intellectual failure and oughtn't be allowed.

Right now on RYM, Lulu is #2 on the worst albums of the year list. Number one is Justin Bieber's remix disc but as that is almost certainly blind hate and not any kind of genuine reaction to the music, Lulu may be the real number one.

Posted By: TheMasterMofo
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 20:08
Originally posted by Textbook Textbook wrote:

Looks like some people have sore bottoms about us discussing how poor the Dream Theater album is. The problem isn't that people exist who think ADTOE is an embarrassment. The problem is those who think such people shouldn't exist. Alternative opinions are inevitable, accept them.

On the flip side, there are people who hold the opinion that anyone who likes a new Dream Theater album shouldn't exist. It's unfortunate, but much like Freddy Mercury, it goes both ways.

Posted By: TheMasterMofo
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 20:09
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

But that's me. I could at least find bits and pieces off of Octavarium or Systematic that I somewhat enjoyed, but these past two left me aggravated, with a blinding headache. I was bored beyond reason, and It nearly gave me a panic attack forcing myself to listen to the whole thing through.

You'd think it would have been Octavarium that gave you a Panic Attack!

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 21:12
Oh, the only thing I liked from Octavarium was the first fifty seconds of Panic Attack - I was being generous. I'd actively say that Images and Words was great. Awake was good, and A Change of Seasons (as an album) wasn't too bad. Other than the first couple minutes off of Home, or ten seconds of Dance of Eternity jamming, I'd rather sniff farts than listen to Scenes. Never since Pull Me Under were they as concise and powerful.

Posted By: Slaughternalia
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 21:16
Definitely that horrible lou reed metallica thing.

I'm so mad that you enjoy a certain combination of noises that I don't

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 23:00

While Octavarium the album is generally terrible- The Answer Lies Within and I Walk Beside You are insufferable- the title track itself is one of the best prog songs of its decade.

Posted By: Textbook
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 23:12
Fun fact: While we're on the eternal Dream Theater controversy, I thought I'd mention Pitchfork's policy to never ever ever mention Dream Theater on the site. In its 16 years they have never had a news item, review, or mention of the band, highly unnatural given that Dream Theater have been one of the more significant non-mainstream bands of the past two decades. Their front page story at the moment is Coldplay btw.
This is just one of a series of anti-prog moves Pitchfork has made that has made it notorious on PA, but in this case it's funny because it's Dream Theater ;)

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 23:16
They DID interview Will Oldham. Maybe they're not all yuppie hipster c**ksucker trash worshipping stupid lo-fi garbage like Slanted and enchanted. Or maybe they really DO like Kanye West, the fat fag banker trash neandertal kublah-khan and a ringadingadominic I dont
You know the bacon ones and the hey momma.

Goob goob guh jews are smelly. Strawberry wedding cake. 
Cake is like cock for the 
Strawberry longco---

Texaco's spilling.

This is your conscience. You can't spell conscience without science (or cocc). Ever heard of a band called the Flaming Groovies? I haven't. I read it on the internet.

Outernot. Do not ah-just your telemarking set. You are being beamed with an L. Frank Beam.

A tattoo of a butt on a butt on my butt. Washing the dog washing the dog!

I really hated Iced Earth.

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: October 26 2011 at 23:57
Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:" rel="nofollow - This is a truly excellent review.

It truly is.


Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 00:03
Oh come on, the album can't be that bad. It sounds pretty ambitious.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Any Colour You Like
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 00:10
Originally posted by The Truth The Truth wrote:

Oh come on, the album can't be that bad. It sounds pretty ambitious.

Hitler sounded pretty ambitious too.

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 00:17
ADToE is objectively bad.


Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 00:18
Yea, it is the pan-dimensional truth. Preach it, Brother Beavis.

Posted By: The Truth
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 00:27
Originally posted by Any Colour You Like Any Colour You Like wrote:

Originally posted by The Truth The Truth wrote:

Oh come on, the album can't be that bad. It sounds pretty ambitious.

Hitler sounded pretty ambitious too.

Point taken, I'll stream Lulu and see how it goes.

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 02:38
Originally posted by The Truth The Truth wrote:

Oh come on, the album can't be that bad. It sounds pretty ambitious.
Metallica haven't had the wherewithal to execute something ambitious well for a long time now.  S&M was glossy and overblown but at least it was listenable, not least because some of the original compositions had their merits, but Lulu is just Dead

Posted By: irrelevant
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 04:05
Originally posted by Henry Plainview Henry Plainview wrote:" rel="nofollow - This is a truly excellent review.   

I beg to differ. I couldn't get through it all because it was so far up its arse. 
And what I've heard from the album is terrible. 

-------------" rel="nofollow - New album!" rel="nofollow -

Posted By: TheMasterMofo
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 19:04
I'm terrified to actually listen to "Lulu" because I've been a Metallica fan since I was 10 years old, started playing guitar because of James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett, and I'm pretty positive that this album will be absolutely horrible. St. Anger wasn't good as an album, but it at least had a few redeemable qualities.

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 19:07
^That it made a handy table coaster? 

Can't say the same for the internet Lulu streaming. Can't even break the disc in anger (unless you manually extract the files as .mp3 and burn them to a cd, and then you're just torturing yourself in a roundabout manner).

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 19:56
You know, I'm starting to get a feeling that that might be a Metallica album I should actually check out, but I'm a bit too busy at the moment.

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: dtd350
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 20:30
We should re-name this thread as "Let's beat up on the same 2 albums constantly and not really make a point."  Let the bands make the music THEY want to do and some people will like it and some people will not...who cares.


Posted By: zappaholic
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 20:33
Originally posted by TheMasterMofo TheMasterMofo wrote:

I'm terrified to actually listen to "Lulu" because I've been a Metallica fan since I was 10 years old, started playing guitar because of James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett, and I'm pretty positive that this album will be absolutely horrible. St. Anger wasn't good as an album, but it at least had a few redeemable qualities.

To me, Metallica ceased to exist when Newsted left (I know, for most people the dividing line was Cliff's death).  The people calling themselves Metallica now are impostors.

And with the possible exception of New York, Reed hasn't done anything to merit my attention in many, many years.

"Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard." -- H.L. Mencken

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 20:36
We all care, or else we wouldn't be wasting time talking about it. I REALLY hate the new Dream Theater, Opeth, Mastodon, and Metallica albums. f**k Porcupine Tree. There, I said it. Steve Wilson's about as untalented as Brian Wilson was talented. I want juice! To hell with CSI: Miami. It's free-floating hostility week here at Prog "full-of-sh*t" Archives. Winners receive lifetime tickets to all upcoming Glass Hammer concerts. Proceeds will be spent toward resurrecting Fran(z)k "Cough-ka" Zappa(holic) for the sole purpose of farting in President Obama's milk-bowl. 

I hate them so much it makes me pee on my socks. Can't you just feel the importance of this rising up from my pasty white-ass skin, homie?

Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 20:42
The new Blackfield


Posted By: Drew
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 20:43
Originally posted by irrelevant irrelevant wrote:

But wouldn't it be boring if every music thread here was unanimously positive? Variety I say!  

Thank you

If you don't like 'negative' threads- then don't read them!


Posted By: Luna
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 20:44
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

We all care, or else we wouldn't be wasting time talking about it. I REALLY hate the new Dream Theater, Opeth, Mastodon, and Metallica albums. f**k Porcupine Tree. There, I said it. Steve Wilson's about as untalented as Brian Wilson was talented. I want juice! To hell with CSI: Miami. It's free-floating hostility week here at Prog "full-of-sh*t" Archives. Winners receive lifetime tickets to all upcoming Glass Hammer concerts. Proceeds will be spent toward resurrecting Fran(z)k "Cough-ka" Zappa(holic) for the sole purpose of farting in President Obama's milk-bowl. 
I hate them so much it makes me pee on my socks. Can't you just feel the importance of this rising up from my pasty white-ass skin, homie?

Were you trying to make a point?

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 20:48
Solar, let me clearify so that you maye undersit.

The Message: We all care, or else we wouldn't be wasting time talking about it.

Not the message: Anything with swear words.

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 22:06
Originally posted by dtd350 dtd350 wrote:

  Let the bands make the music THEY want to do and some people will like it and some people will not...who cares.
If nobody cared, they wouldn't buy flight tickets to travel a thousand miles or so to catch Metallica. They wouldn't scream their throats out the way we did when we saw Iron Maiden for the first time. If I didn't care, I wouldn't have gone into such a wild state of ecstasy after a performance of Beethoven's Ninth as to walk over to a nearby sea facing promenade and embrace the breeze with outstretched arms.  People do care, and some care a lot. If they didn't, artistic engagement loses all meaning and relevance, like this Lulu album. Post modernism is a highly destructive illusion and I wish people would pay no heed to these bookish philosophers and just pursue what they believe in with zest because it's nothing to be ashamed of.

Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 22:09
I like that last post some.

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 27 2011 at 22:13
I'd like to the absence of any sense of intrinsic value, money eventually becomes the measuring rod of worth and that in turn is decided by the marketplace and what it seeks to pay for something.  And the marketplace is not always fair or correct but it votes with its feet.

Posted By: Any Colour You Like
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 00:14
Originally posted by Drew Drew wrote:

The new Blackfield

It's pretty mediocre, but it's hardly prog. It's still good pop rock.

Posted By: Kotro
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 07:46
Got to hear Lulu via streaming twice now (second time on headphones), and I have to say I really don't understand the hatred. It's no masterpiece (and that is more because of lenght than content), but it's hardly a bad album. It has great tracks and it has lesser tracks, like your average record. I could do without James Hetfield, but apart from that, not much to point out. Personally it's the best album I've heard featuring Metallica, and I will definitly be listening to it again.

Bigger on the inside.

Posted By: TheMasterMofo
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 16:41
Originally posted by zappaholic zappaholic wrote:

Originally posted by TheMasterMofo TheMasterMofo wrote:

I'm terrified to actually listen to "Lulu" because I've been a Metallica fan since I was 10 years old, started playing guitar because of James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett, and I'm pretty positive that this album will be absolutely horrible. St. Anger wasn't good as an album, but it at least had a few redeemable qualities.

To me, Metallica ceased to exist when Newsted left (I know, for most people the dividing line was Cliff's death).  The people calling themselves Metallica now are impostors.

And with the possible exception of New York, Reed hasn't done anything to merit my attention in many, many years.

Newstead was definitely my favorite Metallica bassist of all time; My Friend of Misery has one of the coolest sounds ever. The whole atmosphere of that song is something special that's always stood out since the first time I ever heard it. Rob is a pretty talented bassist, and a good performer, but not the writer that Newstead was.
I really enjoyed Death Magnetic though; it was a really strong album in all regards IMO. The whole concept for Lulu just scares me as it seems so foreign. Maybe it will allow Metallica to make their way on PA!!

Posted By: Any Colour You Like
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 16:49
Metallica are on PA.

Posted By: TheMasterMofo
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 17:03
Originally posted by Any Colour You Like Any Colour You Like wrote:

Metallica are on PA.

Wow, I've been coming to this site for years and never even noticed that...

Posted By: Horizons
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 19:32
Because they shouldn't be.

Crushed like a rose in the riverflow.

Posted By: Henry Plainview
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 19:40
This is a somewhat interesting post I read about it
Quote this album is obviously terrible and thus fascinating. the best description i've seen for it was someone (dilloway?) calling it "outsider art." which makes sense if you think of the life experiences of metallica dudes and lou - completely, utterly outside any kind of normal, relatable, human life experience for the last however many years.

if you own a sodastream i hate you

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 19:41
Originally posted by Any Colour You Like Any Colour You Like wrote:

Metallica are on PA.
But not for Lulu.


Posted By: Failcore
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 19:48
Originally posted by Horizons Horizons wrote:

Because they shouldn't be.
One of the more retarded additions.


Posted By: Alitare
Date Posted: October 28 2011 at 20:02
^Yeah, like Nightwish, Savatage, Black Sabbath, most power prog, and Lady Ga Ga.

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 00:26
Old Metallica is as much prog as Strawbs, Heep, most of Renaissance mk-2 and loads of other stuff from the 70s largely accepted as prog.  Unfortunately, they are punkish and aggressive rather than 'sophisticated' and 'technical', not a good thing at all, ya know.

Posted By:
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 09:29
Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

Originally posted by Horizons Horizons wrote:

Because they shouldn't be.
One of the more retarded additions.

One of the more retarded posts. Watch it. 

Posted By: TheMasterMofo
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 09:56
Originally posted by Horizons Horizons wrote:

Because they shouldn't be.

I can see the argument for them to be on the site and the argument against...

The argument for would be that Metallica has always been changing their approach to music; they more or less made thrash metal popular in the mainstream, made heavy metal/rock popular in the mainstream, and tried several very unique approaches to recording music. "And Justice For All" has a lot of time signature and tempo changes.

The argument against would be that most of their music, though often experimental or changing, uses straight time signatures and has a common song structure. Their time signature explorations were also often accidental rather than deliberate, but I'm not sure if that's a knock against their musical knowledge or a compliment for their creativity.

I've always seen Metallica as the ultimate pioneer of metal, I just didn't think they'd be listed here.

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 10:40
Originally posted by TheMasterMofo TheMasterMofo wrote:

The argument against would be that most of their music, though often experimental or changing, uses straight time signatures and has a common song structure.

An argument that has never been held against Queensryche when it could just as well apply to them.  Consider that Metallica are at any rate classified here as Prog Related (hence not prog) whereas Queensryche is Progressive Metal. I can certainly hear the influence of Operation Mindcrime on prog metal to come but I am not sure just how much it fits as prog on this website.  I think it has much more to do with that, just like Led Zeppelin or The Who, Metallica have been marked down as metal for so long and are so popular that having to relate to them in prog terms seems awkward.  Otherwise, musically, even if they may not be such a perfect fit as a King Crimson, they are more eligible than several other additions to the archives.

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 12:14
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Originally posted by TheMasterMofo TheMasterMofo wrote:

The argument against would be that most of their music, though often experimental or changing, uses straight time signatures and has a common song structure.

An argument that has never been held against Queensryche when it could just as well apply to them.  Consider that Metallica are at any rate classified here as Prog Related (hence not prog) whereas Queensryche is Progressive Metal. I can certainly hear the influence of Operation Mindcrime on prog metal to come but I am not sure just how much it fits as prog on this website.  I think it has much more to do with that, just like Led Zeppelin or The Who, Metallica have been marked down as metal for so long and are so popular that having to relate to them in prog terms seems awkward.  Otherwise, musically, even if they may not be such a perfect fit as a King Crimson, they are more eligible than several other additions to the archives.
Operation Mindcrime is a prog metal classic and is universally recognised as such. To put Metallica and Queensryche on the same page relating to prog, to me, is ludicrous.
I own many Metallica albums but if they were stolen it wouldn't worry me in the least. Having said that Lulu does intrigue me after having listened to some of it Wink.

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 12:19
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Originally posted by TheMasterMofo TheMasterMofo wrote:

The argument against would be that most of their music, though often experimental or changing, uses straight time signatures and has a common song structure.

An argument that has never been held against Queensryche when it could just as well apply to them.  Consider that Metallica are at any rate classified here as Prog Related (hence not prog) whereas Queensryche is Progressive Metal. I can certainly hear the influence of Operation Mindcrime on prog metal to come but I am not sure just how much it fits as prog on this website.  I think it has much more to do with that, just like Led Zeppelin or The Who, Metallica have been marked down as metal for so long and are so popular that having to relate to them in prog terms seems awkward.  Otherwise, musically, even if they may not be such a perfect fit as a King Crimson, they are more eligible than several other additions to the archives.
Operation Mindcrime is a prog metal classic and is universally recognised as such. To put Metallica and Queensryche on the same page relating to prog, to me, is ludicrous.
I own many Metallica albums but if they were stolen it wouldn't worry me in the least. Having said that Lulu does intrigue me after having listened to some of it Wink.

Universally recognized on what basis? And you are wrong, it depends on the community of music listeners you talk to. For pure metal lovers, OM is more of a heavy metal classic because they don't care about prog metal or OM's impact on it. Queensryche is a heavy metal band that went proggy as opposed to DT who were prog metal from the get go.  And if you bothered to actually listen to the music than go by these dubious consenses, perhaps the suggestion would sound less ludicrous to you.  Why on earth is Quadrophenia not prog if Salisbury is supposed to be? These are just labels, and a lot of rock labels are not accurate at all. It doesn't matter, either.

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 12:50
I don't even want to start listing the sources that list O M as prog just as I don't want to start looking for sources that list Metallica as prog besides here. A conceptual album with an incredible story, changing rythm structures throughout, melody and an ambiance of its own as well as  a score here of 4,22 from 437 ratings.
This aint a discussion I wanna be having because it doesn't make sense to me  Confused.
Basic Metal music has a very simple structure and I seldom listen to it unless the Metal has musical reason behind it - virtuosity, melody, strong structure. 
The Quadrophena album by the Who I don't like because it is too poppy for me but I won't argue that there isn't prog there.
Metallica are a heavy basic grunge, thrash band who wrote music that appealed to the masses a while back. I dunno who they appeal to now Disapprove.  

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: Snow Dog
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 12:58

But I agree with Roger. I never found Mindcrime to be particularly "proggy"

-------------" rel="nofollow">

Posted By: Triceratopsoil
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 13:01
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Basic Metal music has a very simple structure

That's a pretty ignorant statement

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 13:03
I heard a bit of Lulu, and I can safely say that it isnīt the worst album to come out this year.
I heard Neil Morseīs Testimony 2 here the other day, and this is of course my personal tastes, but it really sounded awful to me. He is a great keyboard player though, I just wish heīd use his talent differently thatīs all.  

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 13:11
Originally posted by Triceratopsoil Triceratopsoil wrote:

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Basic Metal music has a very simple structure

That's a pretty ignorant statement
Note I referred to Basic Metal

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 29 2011 at 23:20
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

I don't even want to start listing the sources that list O M as prog just as I don't want to start looking for sources that list Metallica as prog besides here. A conceptual album with an incredible story, changing rythm structures throughout, melody and an ambiance of its own as well as  a score here of 4,22 from 437 ratings.
This aint a discussion I wanna be having because it doesn't make sense to me  Confused.
Basic Metal music has a very simple structure and I seldom listen to it unless the Metal has musical reason behind it - virtuosity, melody, strong structure. 
The Quadrophena album by the Who I don't like because it is too poppy for me but I won't argue that there isn't prog there.
Metallica are a heavy basic grunge, thrash band who wrote music that appealed to the masses a while back. I dunno who they appeal to now Disapprove.  

Have you EVER heard Master of Puppets, Ride the Lightning or And Justice for All albums properly?  They have as much sense of song structure and time signature changes as Sister Suite Mary which is the proggiest track on OM. They have a distinct flavour and ambience of their own, in the midst of all the hundreds of 80s thrash metal albums.  For that matter, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son too would qualify as a prog metal album if OM does. Especially, the title track has a long instrumental break and is divided into different sections.  I am sorry, it is all about perception with regard to why Queensryche are considered prog metal and you are clearly influenced far more by perception than the actual substance of the music.

Posted By: TheMasterMofo
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 00:29
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Have you EVER heard Master of Puppets, Ride the Lightning or And Justice for All albums properly?  They have as much sense of song structure and time signature changes as Sister Suite Mary which is the proggiest track on OM. They have a distinct flavour and ambience of their own, in the midst of all the hundreds of 80s thrash metal albums.  For that matter, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son too would qualify as a prog metal album if OM does. Especially, the title track has a long instrumental break and is divided into different sections.  I am sorry, it is all about perception with regard to why Queensryche are considered prog metal and you are clearly influenced far more by perception than the actual substance of the music.

It's hard to argue the "progginess" of any band, but I'll certainly agree that Metallica has been as innovative, if not more so, over their career as Queensryche. Of course I've never been a huge Queensryche fan, so that might play a role in my train of thought (I had to throw in a DT reference somehow).

Edit: Screwed up the quote

Posted By: uduwudu
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 01:08
I must say that I doubt cery much Mettalica (then or now) might have considered themselves in the prog rock group light. Hey you giuys arer nearly as good as Jethro Tull or words to that effect.

After all if one were tp describe prog rock to the uniiated (or sane) then we'd be saying well prog sounds like, er, The Beatles or um, Metallica.

That should should clear that question up yes?

I had a read of the Metallica intro on PA; ie why are Metallica here. Obviously Metallica are a pioneering metal band. Why? Because of their treatment of a riff or motif. They would take a riff and approach it diffferent ways. Not original - take Beethhovans 5th first movement which is that one riff treated several different ways (there's a big orchestra to do that)  and only two other parts (one early, one late where there is different music). Of coourse there is the rest of the symphony but as riff piecce I thought I'd just use that as an example. Back to Metallica.

They were also described as eschewing blues influence in metal Hardly pioneering - Sabbath may have done that first but in terms of fast Metal perhaps Priest and all the NWOBHM acts circa 1979. Possibly to a large extent Rainbow (Blackmore Blues solo in concert aside) Rainbow were hardly a blues based heavy rock act.

But nobody really likes (or admits to liking) history so Metallica did do thrash and then made it musical (after Kill 'em All).

Did Metallica think they were pioneering (a bit I suppose) or progressive? That term has a lot of dodgy associations - even Gnesis biographers avoid it in case people think Genesis are a progressive rock band. The one I'm thinking of described Genesis as soul music in their book.

Oh dear.

That undoubtedly helped untold...

Does S&M (the album...) make Metallica a symphonic progressive rock band? Or what about that Kiss Live with an orchestra? Hell, Yes only did this twice this makes Metallica and Kiss just as prog as Yes.

FWIW progressive rock means to move rock onward from the standard cadence and make it more sophisticated. So Metallica do belong but they are not really a symphonic band (that would seem self evident) so they do not get called that. It's the second category (IMHO) that defines an entry on Prog Archives.

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 01:38
Originally posted by uduwudu uduwudu wrote:

FWIW progressive rock means to move rock onward from the standard cadence and make it more sophisticated. So Metallica do belong but they are not really a symphonic band (that would seem self evident) so they do not get called that. It's the second category (IMHO) that defines an entry on Prog Archives.

It is not the question of whether they are symphonic that's being discussed or debated here or on other threads but whether they fit into that muddled up thing called prog metal. Prog metal itself is only fleetingly symphonic or representative of prog in the 70s vein in any other sense in any case.  But prog metal abounds with a lot of technical/virtuosic snobbery and therein the main objection to the idea of Metallica as a prog metal band, from my experience.

EDIT: A Day in the Life would do just fine as a sample of prog and likewise, Orion as a sample of prog metal.  Hard Day's Night or Nothing Else Matters wouldn't but neither would A Job to Do or I Can't Dance, that way.  Progheads relate to Genesis purely as a prog rock outfit but they lose sight of the fact that they are the only section of Genesis audiences that do so. So that is not a good rule to apply to bands like Metallica or Beatles, both of whom had their more left-of-centre moments along with the popular, chart topping ones.

Posted By: uduwudu
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 03:50
Inevitably this means the unbrella of progressive is largely redundant due to being vague. Yes, I noticed the prog metal relationship or association.

Trouble is the definitions. Sectional peices of music (e.g. Suppers Ready) are usually held to be prime examples because of this relationship with classical modes of structure  - adding bits on until they can bring the thing to a peak...) but unlike most romantic classical there no rules or means of identifying a rock symphony and it's landmark moments as it's too confused with songman ship (a different form of musical art). It (symphonic rock) is  just a way of using those classical ideas within a rock context.

However prog rock / metal et al needs, in order to progress, something to progress from, pardon my grammar. Symphonic prog rock uses earler ideas. e.g  A Day In The Life, or Romantic classical (more likely modern with the relaxation of rule adherance) to move their version of rock from this point A to point B.

Prog metal in other words has to start somewhere before it moves on to somewhere else. It does not necessarily have to sound like an influence to be what it is, but I doubt very much that progressive metal would be anywhere were it not for an infusion of ideas which. logically have to come from somewhere, same as with the apparent (on this site) parallel example of symphonic rock. With the impact Metallica have had I doubt there influence is negligible. They even brought metal to the masses like no one had ever done before (and only The Osbournes since).

Once ignited, the ideas abound. Metallica were a thrash band and while I've only the 2nd and 3rd albums (now...) they are certainly not dumb thrash. How technical does a metal band have to be, what are the criteria?

Still, back to tthe worst album this year... it gets talked about a lot but what exactly are we afraid of hearing?

Being actually progressive certainly creates reactionaryism (is that a word...??). People hate change; no wonder progressive is a controversial term.

Reminds me of something I read recently - relating to music and what people want with something new. Completely different but still the same. Wink

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 05:37
Originally posted by uduwudu uduwudu wrote:

Once ignited, the ideas abound. Metallica were a thrash band and while I've only the 2nd and 3rd albums (now...) they are certainly not dumb thrash. How technical does a metal band have to be, what are the criteria?

I don't know, pack in so many time signature changes or enough awkward time signatures that the music sounds like a jangled mess and alternate pick faster than Shawn Lane over that and you got it.  I can kind of understand old school prog rock fans finding the idea of Metallica as prog rock difficult because, as you said, change is difficult for anyone to deal with, even prog rock fans, but prog metal listeners snobbing over Metallica is just funny. You are absolutely right, metal as such would sound very different today without Metallica; they are one of the most influential metal bands ever and the riffs of Master of Puppets were widely referenced.  Pretty much to metal in the 80s what Sabbath were in the 70s. I also agree with your earlier reference to the influence of Judas Priest and that is a different discussion altogether; I do not think recognizing Judas Priest's role in the transformation of metal would necessarily be spreading the wings of PA but then again, it's not up to me.

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 08:06
It's all different opinions - they are just opinions though. I very much doubt that the Metallica guys ever sat down together and said - "let's be progressive". I personally ( and I mean personally here guys ) don't attach any importance whatsoever to Metallica. Black Sabbath, Budgie, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Krokus, Anthrax etc etc etc I love and I find that their music - to my mind has been very influential. To my way of thinking Deep Purple was far far more important in influenicing a band like Dream Theater than Metallica ever were.
Metallica capitalised on bringing thrash metal into the mainstream sure - yes they did. They did nothing, to me, more unique than that - they poppified thrash.
The truth of their prowess is today - that they are almost a 1 or a 2 hit wonder - their creativity was so stunted that they have never been able to equal or get close to 2 or 3 albums that admittedly were good in what they were trying to achieve.
In music I look for melody - definately can't hum a Metallica song. I like for nuances - changing moods, I look for the dramatic. Or I look for virtuosity. I love prog almost purely because prog boasts greater intelligence than mind numbing pop music and I enjoy prog because the instrumentalist actually work on their skill and accordingly for their money. To me there is a vast difference between a Van Gough or a Picasso to a cartoon comic strip relating to art.

I'm a normal psychopath

Posted By: Tony R
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 08:15
Originally posted by Triceratopsoil Triceratopsoil wrote:

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Basic Metal music has a very simple structure
That's a pretty ignorant statement

Only if you've invented a new definition for "basic".

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 08:53
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

It's all different opinions - they are just opinions though. I very much doubt that the Metallica guys ever sat down together and said - "let's be progressive".

KC never called themselves progressive AFAIK...that's irrelevant here. 


Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

To my way of thinking Deep Purple was far far more important in influenicing a band like Dream Theater than Metallica ever were.

Perhaps but the metal soundscape Dream Theater stepped into was profoundly influenced by Metallica and would have sounded very different without them.  Petrucci himself has cited both Metallica and Iron Maiden as influences. I am sure Deep Purple would figure too but Dream Theater's music is built around 80s metal and Metallica defines 80s metal to a large extent.

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

Metallica capitalised on bringing thrash metal into the mainstream sure - yes they did. They did nothing, to me, more unique than that - they poppified thrash.

Or, rather, they were among the earliest thrash metal bands.  There was Venom in Britain and there was Metallica, Overkill, Exodus in America. Slayer joined the pack a bit later.  They were at the forefront of the scene and they were also the most proactive in overcoming thrash's extreme stylistic limitations, which, of course, gets dubbed popification by metalheads who would sooner roll over than give them some credit.  Beatles they were not but their impact on thrash metal and 80s metal as such was as pervasive as Beatles to rock. But I doubt a reference to Beatles would resonate with someone so hung up on virtuosity as you.

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

The truth of their prowess is today - that they are almost a 1 or a 2 hit wonder - their creativity was so stunted that they have never been able to equal or get close to 2 or 3 albums that admittedly were good in what they were trying to achieve.

And 2-3 great albums is all Dream Theater had too.  For the rest, they have shown very slow growth in their style and have been content to carry on in that way.  Metallica, however, had the gift of writing accessible metal music and traded in their true metal points for commercial success and worldwide fame whereas Dream Theater have only managed several  "really cool" songs since Pull Me Under.

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

In music I look for melody - definately can't hum a Metallica song.

Can't hum a Dream Theater song either, the melodies are usually so cliched.  More interested in when Petrucci has something nice to say on guitar, which used to be quite often in the Images and Words days.

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

I like for nuances - changing moods, I look for the dramatic.

Good luck with that with a singer like LaBrie to murder carefully developed drama and moods.

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

  I love prog almost purely because prog boasts greater intelligence than mind numbing pop music

Except Metallica is not here for the mind numbing pop of Black or Load - and it's not THAT bad - but for the first four albums. 

Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

 To me there is a vast difference between a Van Gough or a Picasso to a cartoon comic strip relating to art.

Dream Theater are neither as definitive creatively speaking as Van Gogh or Picasso nor have the commercial smarts of Scott Adams. They are among a breed of musicians who seem to carry the impression that playing technical exercises is somehow highly sophisticated and arcane and pure, artistically, when their aesthetic sense frequently takes them uncomfortably close to MTV (case in point: Another Day).  For all Metallica's flaws, they don't have a ballad that makes me cringe as much as does Another Day. At least, Nothing Else Matters and Unforgiven are just terribly boring and no worse. And for all Petrucci's technical prowess, how many unforgettable riffs has he ever written to match Master of Puppets or Tornado of Souls? And is he as bold in expanding his and listeners' horizons with a flexible approach to music as a Robert Fripp?  Admirable musician, is Petrucci, but neither here nor there really at the end of the day in terms of his output.

Posted By: TheMasterMofo
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 09:05
Originally posted by DavetheSlave DavetheSlave wrote:

It's all different opinions - they are just opinions though. I very much doubt that the Metallica guys ever sat down together and said - "let's be progressive". I personally ( and I mean personally here guys ) don't attach any importance whatsoever to Metallica. Black Sabbath, Budgie, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Krokus, Anthrax etc etc etc I love and I find that their music - to my mind has been very influential. To my way of thinking Deep Purple was far far more important in influenicing a band like Dream Theater than Metallica ever were.
Metallica capitalised on bringing thrash metal into the mainstream sure - yes they did. They did nothing, to me, more unique than that - they poppified thrash.
The truth of their prowess is today - that they are almost a 1 or a 2 hit wonder - their creativity was so stunted that they have never been able to equal or get close to 2 or 3 albums that admittedly were good in what they were trying to achieve.
In music I look for melody - definately can't hum a Metallica song. I like for nuances - changing moods, I look for the dramatic. Or I look for virtuosity. I love prog almost purely because prog boasts greater intelligence than mind numbing pop music and I enjoy prog because the instrumentalist actually work on their skill and accordingly for their money. To me there is a vast difference between a Van Gough or a Picasso to a cartoon comic strip relating to art.

I will definitely disagree with the nation that Metallica is "almost a 1 or a 2 hit wonder". I have a hard time even believing that anyone could say that. Here's a list of Metallica songs that went top 20 and their ranks on the US Rock charts:

Enter Sandman - 10
The Unforgiven - 10
Nothing Else Matters - 7
Wherever I May Roam - 2
Sad But True - 7
Until it Sleeps - 1
Ain't My Bitch - 15
Hero of the Day - 1
King Nothing - 3
Bleeding Me - 6
The Memory Remains - 3
The Unforgiven 2 - 2
Better than You - 7
Fuel - 4
Turn the Page - 1
Whiskey in the Jar - 1
No Leaf Clover - 1
I Disappear - 1
St. Anger - 2
Some Kind of Monster - 19
The Day that Never Comes - 1
My Apocalypse - 8
Cyanide - 1
All Nightmare Long - 7
Broken, Beat & Scarred - 15

Clearly the mass radio isn't the best way to measure greatness, but when a metal band has 8 number 1 US Rock chart singles, there's no way you can call them a "1 or 1 2 hit wonder". That's just absurd. I don't listen to the radio almost ever anymore, and when I do it's usually satellite radio, but back in the day when I did listen to the radio I remember hearing 13 of the above songs ALL the time. That's radio domination.

Metallica may have never sat down together and said "Lets be progressive", but they did sit down between pretty much every album and say, "Lets try taking this new approach and see what happens". Their first two albums sounded fairly similar musically, but after those two, if you compare Master of Puppets, Justice For All, Black Album, Load, ReLoad, St. Anger, and Death Magnetic, each album sounds completely different from the others, excluding Load and Reload which sound similar but were supposed to be that way.

I think that maybe there ought to be a "Is Metallica Prog?" thread because the focus is starting to shift off of the original topic now.

Posted By: rogerthat
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 09:08
^^^^ They don't even have to be because, as I said before, they are only here as a Prog Related band.  At least half of the ire at the Metallica is misdirected. Are they an important influence on progressive metal? Absolutely and people have to look at this from an objective light because we are looking at INFLUENCE on BANDS and not one's personal preferences in music.  They are one of the most obvious additions to PR from a prog metal perspective.

Posted By: DavetheSlave
Date Posted: October 30 2011 at 09:27
lol - I am not hearing any definative arguments. I hear the same repetitively over and over again. If I compare instrument ability and prowess between the members of Metallica and DT I get a ??????????
Metallica are a garage thrash band at very best. Their ability died when they got rid of or lost Dave Mustaine and his influence over immediate future albums. I can't hum the melody of "the Spirit carries on"  Huh?

I'm a normal psychopath

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