I definitely agree that classic Simpsons like seasons 3-8 were their best, but I still think there are certain mostly early South Park episodes that are so much better than any Simpsons episode... actually or any show at all.
A few I love:
Tom's Rhinoplasty (1st season)
Rainforest Schmainforest (3rd season)
Tweek Vs. Craig (3rd season)
Chinpokomon (3rd season)
Timmy 2000 [ep. with Phil collins (Wow! Fanks!)] (4th season)
A few later ones I like a lot too:
Up The Down Steroid (Season 8)
The Jeffersons (Season 8)
Le Petit Tourette (Season 11)
Season 12 is definitely my least favorite season...
...I also love listening to all the music that's been on the show. Someone edited all the music and posted a torrent for it. It's awesome. I usually listen to my ipod on 'shuffle all', so its great when something hilarious from south park comes on random. I actually got even more into the show once I got the music...
One great song was officially released, that was in an early episode, was also in their movie, Orgazmo and its on the soundtrack. Its called Now You're A Man. Montage is good too... America, F*ck Yeah (both versions) and I'm So Ronery from Team America are great too. Their 1st movie, Cannibal The Musical has some funny songs too. But you'd have to see the movie to enjoy the Cannibal ones though...
Edited by Mr Greeen Genes - July 24 2010 at 11:44