Do we mean the same here
I actually said the opposite I think
I ment, that scientific research and theories concerning, men's place in the universe, creation of the Universe (Big Bang Theorie, snare theorie and all that crap), can be right and maybe even scientifically proven, without it being in the way of religious idea's and believes. Even if it's proven there was a Big Bang, there's still room for a religious interpretation (God made it happen, and created the right conditions for it to happen, and even setting the conditions for all evolving events to happen according His will
However some Religious theories concerning the same issues leave no room for the unexpected, like people really understand God's intend
Basically I find it offensive when people claim to understand God's will, and denounce something that's (almost) scientifically proven, because it doesn't fit their interpretation of how God intended things.
All theories are man-made, as the Bible is man-written. To interpret is one, to understand is two, to fully comprehend is only for God

don't know if it makes sense