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All Christians are Homophobes

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Topic: All Christians are Homophobes
Posted By: gdub411
Subject: All Christians are Homophobes
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 01:40

as well as self righteous, narrow minded and bigoted....

What do you think?.....



Posted By: Rob The Good
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 01:58
ALL Christians? That's a HUGE generalisation!

And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 02:02

Originally posted by Rob The Good Rob The Good wrote:

ALL Christians? That's a HUGE generalisation!

You think? Please give examples then.


Posted By: Rob The Good
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 02:12
Well take me for example, I had a Christian upbringing, but I don't rant about "how Genesis dictates" this or that...I don't think Homosexuals are "wrong in the eyes of God" blah blah blah...Everyone has the right to be happy.

That's not to say that there aren't Christians who are anti-gay...there are a lot. A lot of people use religion to disguise prejudices.

The "born again" attitude that God hates Gays is actually a perversion of the Christian message, which is essentially: Love all its shapes and forms!

What do you think?

And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 02:17
I think Jesus's message has been perverted long ago. There is no hope for Christians in righting their mind. They think they can help or cure a gay person and then condescendingly explain they love us spite of us being perverted cretins.

Posted By: Rob The Good
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 02:21
You're right...I'd say the true Christian message was perverted in the Middle Ages - back when people were gives religion a bad name! (To be honest, I'm not really religious at all)

Honestly though, no one has any right to say they know better. I'm sorry for any pain they cause you

And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 02:27
Don't feel sorry for me. I am not an anti-heterosexual or a radical gay activist. Just trying to prove a point.

Posted By: Rob The Good
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 02:28

And Jesus said unto John, "come forth and receive eternal life..."
Unfortunately, John came fifth and was stuck with a toaster.

Posted By: Logos
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 06:11
Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

as well as self righteous, narrow minded and bigoted....

What do you think?.....

I think you're just describing yourself with those words.

Posted By: Valarius
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 08:02
I'm a Christian, and I have no problem with gay people.

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 08:21
I think the British church is several shades more liberal? I couldn't be sure, though.

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 08:50

Originally posted by Rob The Good Rob The Good wrote:

Well take me for example, I had a Christian upbringing, but I don't rant about "how Genesis dictates" this or that...I don't think Homosexuals are "wrong in the eyes of God" blah blah blah...Everyone has the right to be happy.

That's not to say that there aren't Christians who are anti-gay...there are a lot. A lot of people use religion to disguise prejudices.

The "born again" attitude that God hates Gays is actually a perversion of the Christian message, which is essentially: Love all its shapes and forms!

What do you think?

I really am disgusted with some christian ignorance.. For example: Putting gold and crowns on Jezus and Maria.. They also have to know that Jezus never had any bad intentions with ANYONE, with his death he asked for forgiveness for those who did this to him.. Well just take a little look now, some Christians are pointing their fingers now to others.. Totally wrong and misunderstood!

It's great to see people do what they really want to do! These christians don't.. They all have bad influence in each other trying to find faith. They are looking in the opposite direction! Hate will not bring you closer to christ. Especially unacceptance! I think it's great what you do Gdub, being what you are! If the whole world didn't pretend to be someone else.. it would be much better here!


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 10:07
Does not the bible say "Love thy fellow man"?  Proof if I ever saw it .

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 10:20
If God created the Gay, why would he hate them ??? 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 10:22
Originally posted by Logos Logos wrote:

Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

as well as self righteous, narrow minded and bigoted....

What do you think?.....

I think you're just describing yourself with those words.

Perhaps I am, maybe that is my intent.

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 10:28
No gdub411 you´re not, you´re just a pain in the ass 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 10:40

Originally posted by Velvetclown Velvetclown wrote:

No gdub411 you´re not, you´re just a pain in the ass 

Yes...but a loveable pain in the ass.

I was reading about Dante's Infernal...he describes hell as having 9 layers. The lower the layer the more you get tormented for your sins. He had placed homosexuals and people who commit suicide into the 9th layer(subject to suffer Satan's greatest torments while the murderers were on the 8th. Apparently murderers aren't the dregs and scourge of is the gays.

Another fine analysis from a "loving" christian!

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 10:44
Don´t worry my friend, there´s no hell, just a bunch of idiots who think that God didn´t f**ked Up when he created the so called Human Race 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: maani
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 11:33


I think you err in choosing your word - homophobes - which literally means "fear of homosexuals."  Clearly, few people, if any, are "fearful" of homosexuals, unless the word is broadened to include "fear" of their influence in society.  Note that I am making no moral judgment here; I am simply pointing out that the word "homophobe" is a misnomer, and is often used by the gay community as an "activist" word which actually serves to further "divide" them from "the mainstream."

Christians believe in a particular moral doctrine, yes.  But even this is misunderstood - and often deliberately misinterpreted - by the gay community.  Let me make two comments on this regard, the first of which requires a brief primer.

Christians believe that each of us has a "soul," which is eternal.  That soul "inhabits" our mortal, temporal bodies for approximately 90 years, after which it is released to be judged by God, and lives "in eternity" in either "heaven" or "hell."  Note that the correct meaning of "hell" is not what most people think - fire, damnation, etc. (which is reserved for very few) - but "eternal separation from God."  Thus, we need to consider two "spheres" here: the temporal/mortal, and the spiritual/eternal.

God loves every single human being, regardless of their moral or other failings.  And Jesus preached that unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, etc.  However, in the "Christian construct," there are two specific expectations put on us.  First, that we admit that we are "sinners" (that we fail morally and otherwise), and "repent" for those "sins" (moral and other failings) by asking forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice.  Second, that we make at least some effort to live as Christ did - to be "Christ-like" - by (i) practicing the main precepts of Christ's ministry (love, peace, forgiveness, compassion, humility, patience, charity, selflessness, service, truth), and (ii) at least attempting to avoid "sin," especially conscious, deliberate sin.

However, the unconditional love of God and Christ is only applicable to our temporal lives, in as much as there is no "judgment" during our temporal lives.  But there will be a "judgment" for each person as our souls leave the temporal world for the eternal one, and that judgment will be based on our faith (in Christ) and our "works."

I have previously used the example of the adulteress who was about to be stoned when Jesus came along and told her accusers "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone."  And I pointed out that it did not end there.  Jesus then asks her "Woman, where are thy accusers?"  She replies, "They are gone."  And Jesus says, "Neither do I accuse you.  Now go, and sin no more."

"Sin no more."  Note that Jesus did not let her off the hook: He forgave her for the sin that brought her to that moment, but made it clear that He did not expect her to remain in sin, because from that point on, her sin would be conscious and deliberate, and not just a "moral failing."

Which brings me to my second point.

There is no evidence whatsoever that there is a "gay gene," any more than there is a "serial killer" gene or a "wife abuser" gene or an "alcoholic" gene or a "drug abuser" gene, etc.  (I am not comparing being gay to serial killing, wife abusing, etc., simply making a point.)  Thus, homosexuality is learned behavior.  It is not "innate": no one is "born gay."  And even if the circumstances that cause one to become gay occur in very early childhood - and are thus deeply ingrained - it remains "learned," and can therefore be "unlearned," no matter how difficult or painful that may be.

That is why Christians consider homosexuality a "sin"; because it is a moral failure, even if it is perhaps the earliest learned, most deeply ingrained one, and thus the hardest to undo.  And just as Jesus told the adulteress "Go, and sin no more," God does not expect you to "remain in sin."

Thus, there is no conflict or hypocrisy in Christians who love and accept gays, and yet believe that gays will be "eternally separated from God" if they "remain in sin" and make no effort to change.  It comes from the understanding of the difference between the temporal world - in which Christians are expected to live "Christ-like" lives, including love, forgiveness, compassion, etc. for all people, regardless of their moral and other failings - and the spiritual/eternal world that comes after.

I realize this is little "comfort" to you, or to other gay members here.  However, as noted, I am simply explaining "how it works" within the "Christian construct."  You are, of course, free to reject that construct, or find it exclusivist, narrow-minded, etc.  I simply wanted to explain how it is that Christians - even "good" (non-judgmental, non-condemning) Christians - can, on the one hand, truly love and accept gay people - without a hint of "homophobia" - yet on the other hand believe that, unless gay people make some effort to change, they will be eternally separated from God on "judgment day."


Posted By: frenchie
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 11:39
i see nothing wrong with gay people, though i see A LOT wrong with christianity!

The Worthless Recluse

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:14
Originally posted by maani maani wrote:

There is no evidence whatsoever that there is a "gay gene," any more than there is a "serial killer" gene or a "wife abuser" gene or an "alcoholic" gene or a "drug abuser" gene, etc.  (I am not comparing being gay to serial killing, wife abusing, etc., simply making a point.)  Thus, homosexuality is learned behavior.  It is not "innate": no one is "born gay."  And even if the circumstances that cause one to become gay occur in very early childhood - and are thus deeply ingrained - it remains "learned," and can therefore be "unlearned," no matter how difficult or painful that may be.

That is why Christians consider homosexuality a "sin"; because it is a moral failure, even if it is perhaps the earliest learned, most deeply ingrained one, and thus the hardest to undo.  And just as Jesus told the adulteress "Go, and sin no more," God does not expect you to "remain in sin."

Who has decided that feelings are something tought? Your feelings with someones loss for example, are something you can't teach to someone.. Your love for someone is just the same.. If that love is someone of your own sex then it's tought and a sin? There is another thing I have to mention: you're comparing this: "serial killer", "wife abuser", "alcoholic", "drug abuser" etc. with being homosexual..
Isn't it a big difference that an serial killer, wife abuser, alcoholic, drug abuser etc does something BAD to themselfs AND to others. They know that what they're doing is WRONG. Gay people are just loving someone! And if you're trying to say that gay people are bad because they're do something wrong to their parents etc. it's then again ACCEPTANCE!


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:29
Originally posted by maani maani wrote:


I think you err in choosing your word - homophobes - which literally means "fear of homosexuals."  Clearly, few people, if any, are "fearful" of homosexuals, unless the word is broadened to include "fear" of their influence in society.  Note that I am making no moral judgment here; I am simply pointing out that the word "homophobe" is a misnomer, and is often used by the gay community as an "activist" word which actually serves to further "divide" them from "the mainstream."

Christians believe in a particular moral doctrine, yes.  But even this is misunderstood - and often deliberately misinterpreted - by the gay community.  Let me make two comments on this regard, the first of which requires a brief primer.

Christians believe that each of us has a "soul," which is eternal.  That soul "inhabits" our mortal, temporal bodies for approximately 90 years, after which it is released to be judged by God, and lives "in eternity" in either "heaven" or "hell."  Note that the correct meaning of "hell" is not what most people think - fire, damnation, etc. (which is reserved for very few) - but "eternal separation from God."  Thus, we need to consider two "spheres" here: the temporal/mortal, and the spiritual/eternal.

God loves every single human being, regardless of their moral or other failings.  And Jesus preached that unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, etc.  However, in the "Christian construct," there are two specific expectations put on us.  First, that we admit that we are "sinners" (that we fail morally and otherwise), and "repent" for those "sins" (moral and other failings) by asking forgiveness through Christ's sacrifice.  Second, that we make at least some effort to live as Christ did - to be "Christ-like" - by (i) practicing the main precepts of Christ's ministry (love, peace, forgiveness, compassion, humility, patience, charity, selflessness, service, truth), and (ii) at least attempting to avoid "sin," especially conscious, deliberate sin.

However, the unconditional love of God and Christ is only applicable to our temporal lives, in as much as there is no "judgment" during our temporal lives.  But there will be a "judgment" for each person as our souls leave the temporal world for the eternal one, and that judgment will be based on our faith (in Christ) and our "works."

I have previously used the example of the adulteress who was about to be stoned when Jesus came along and told her accusers "He who is without sin, let him cast the first stone."  And I pointed out that it did not end there.  Jesus then asks her "Woman, where are thy accusers?"  She replies, "They are gone."  And Jesus says, "Neither do I accuse you.  Now go, and sin no more."

"Sin no more."  Note that Jesus did not let her off the hook: He forgave her for the sin that brought her to that moment, but made it clear that He did not expect her to remain in sin, because from that point on, her sin would be conscious and deliberate, and not just a "moral failing."

Which brings me to my second point.

There is no evidence whatsoever that there is a "gay gene," any more than there is a "serial killer" gene or a "wife abuser" gene or an "alcoholic" gene or a "drug abuser" gene, etc.  (I am not comparing being gay to serial killing, wife abusing, etc., simply making a point.)  Thus, homosexuality is learned behavior.  It is not "innate": no one is "born gay."  And even if the circumstances that cause one to become gay occur in very early childhood - and are thus deeply ingrained - it remains "learned," and can therefore be "unlearned," no matter how difficult or painful that may be.

That is why Christians consider homosexuality a "sin"; because it is a moral failure, even if it is perhaps the earliest learned, most deeply ingrained one, and thus the hardest to undo.  And just as Jesus told the adulteress "Go, and sin no more," God does not expect you to "remain in sin."

Thus, there is no conflict or hypocrisy in Christians who love and accept gays, and yet believe that gays will be "eternally separated from God" if they "remain in sin" and make no effort to change.  It comes from the understanding of the difference between the temporal world - in which Christians are expected to live "Christ-like" lives, including love, forgiveness, compassion, etc. for all people, regardless of their moral and other failings - and the spiritual/eternal world that comes after.

I realize this is little "comfort" to you, or to other gay members here.  However, as noted, I am simply explaining "how it works" within the "Christian construct."  You are, of course, free to reject that construct, or find it exclusivist, narrow-minded, etc.  I simply wanted to explain how it is that Christians - even "good" (non-judgmental, non-condemning) Christians - can, on the one hand, truly love and accept gay people - without a hint of "homophobia" - yet on the other hand believe that, unless gay people make some effort to change, they will be eternally separated from God on "judgment day."


....Finally I got your point of view Maani. For a long time I have noticed you have dodged this issue. The point of view you expressed is exactly what I expected. I consider myself a christian in spite of my sins. I really do not believe what I wrote about christians at the top of this thread...not all anyway. The goal of this thread has been achieved.


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:29
maani i am no christian as i dont beleive christ was our savior...i look at it as he was a metaphor for all men and we are each our own saviors by choosing to live the christ-like life...but everything you said is what i beleive...congrats on handling a topic as loaded as this one with such aplomb...thanks for enlightening the members of this site to my and what i believe may be many others' views on the matter, in the words we may not have been able to find

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:32
it is impossible to argue with those that refuse the truth...the negative thing is the effects teh proliferation of this subculture will have on humanity

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:41

Originally posted by hopelevre hopelevre wrote:

it is impossible to argue with those that refuse the truth...the negative thing is the effects teh proliferation of this subculture will have on humanity

are you talking to yourself? to maani? wo knows wich is right?


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:41

maani- just wondering about a few of your points. You state that homobobia is a misnomer because people aren't actually afraid of homosexuals...perhaps 'threatened' would be a better way to put it, and I'm pretty confident that feeling is accurate for many, many people. In most cases, people are indeed afraid of something they don't understand (whether it's gays, jews, blacks, Harley riders, snakes, spiders, or death).

And as far as the 'genetic vs. learned' debate goes, it's most often a preamble to dismiss homosexuality on the grounds that it is somehow unnatural (despite the evidence that homosexuality occurs regularly in the animal world and has been with mankind since the beginning). Not every society, historically or geographically, views variations in sexuality as morally incorrect...western puritanism has given the topic undue prominence in the moral realm (i.e., sex is fundamentally wrong, but the variations are even more wrong ).

Additionally, there is (to the best of our scientific knowledge) an alcoholic gene...most likely a combination of genetic factors, especially the DRD2 dopamine receptor variant, which greatly increases the likelihood of developing alcoholism according to several studies. It doesn't negate freewill, but it makes it more likely to put one at risk of becoming a serious drunk (as having the genetic predisposition for being very tall is more likely to make one become a better basketball player).


Posted By: Cluster One
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 12:58
I disagree wholeheartedly.

I myself am a (typically seldom-practicing) Roman Catholic from Montreal, a very liberal city who accepts people no matter their: politics, languages, sexual orientation or colour.

But, there definitely ARE a lot of evangelical Chrisitans who enjoy bashing GLBT people. I try to ignore or take the piss from them whenever I can

Marmalade...I like marmalade.

Posted By: drbr
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 13:02
Fortunaltely, civilized society is accepting homosexuality and gay rights and there's nothing narrow minded "Christians" can do about it. Sure, you can hide behind "God" and condemn people to hell for all eternity, but we who know God know there's nothing wrong with our gay love. Love is a gift from God and humans can not take it away from us. I feel sad for you who have not yet understood and continue to hurt people. Mat 7:1

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 13:16

Originally posted by drbr drbr wrote:

Fortunaltely, civilized society is accepting homosexuality and gay rights and there's nothing narrow minded "Christians" can do about it. Sure, you can hide behind "God" and condemn people to hell for all eternity, but we who know God know there's nothing wrong with our gay love. Love is a gift from God and humans can not take it away from us. I feel sad for you who have not yet understood and continue to hurt people. Mat 7:1


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 13:39

Ok,Gdub.You are not going to Hell, but then again you are not going to Heaven.Confused

An eternity in Limbo after a lifetime akimbo.LOL

Let's face it none of us is going anywhere except back to where we came from.The dust of stars,that's all we are.Deal with it.



Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 13:43
Dust of stars ???

Hey my whistle is dry , hand me a beer

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Syzygy
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:06

Originally posted by goose goose wrote:

I think the British church is several shades more liberal? I couldn't be sure, though.

In some Church of England circles homosexuality is compulsory, or so I've heard

'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:14

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:35
Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

Originally posted by Rob The Good Rob The Good wrote:

ALL Christians? That's a HUGE generalisation!

You think? Please give examples then.

Example:  Me


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:37
Threefates : You´re not a Christian´re the Lady Of The Lake 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:41

Originally posted by Velvetclown Velvetclown wrote:

Threefates : You´re not a Christian´re the Lady Of The Lake 

You´re not a Christian enjoy sex,remember!Confused

Bad girl,bad,bad,girl!LOL


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:44
Sex is a sin !!!!!!!!!!!! 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:51
Bilden “” kan inte visas, då den innehåller fel.

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:53
Hey I can read my Bible and have sex at the same time... I'm extremely flexible...


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:54
Dunno about that........... Maani would go nutz 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:57
Ahh come on... thats probably Maani's favorite position!!


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:58
ROFL !!!!!! 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 15:59
Gotta love that Lake Lady 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 16:03

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Ahh come on... thats probably Maani's favorite position!!


go girl !


Posted By: Velvetclown
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 16:05
Yeah !!!!!!!!! 

Billy Connolly
Dream Theater
Terry Gilliam
Hagen Quartet
Jethro Tull
Mike Keneally

Posted By: DallasBryan
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 16:39
when it comes to homosexuality for me! I am a
basketball center, I just block that shot!

We all have faults, homosexuality is an interesting
subject, in that I dont think anyone is born anything
but hetrosexual. For whatever reason someone
chooses to cross that line, you are into spiritual
territory now. If you open the door(sexual act) then
you are allowing spiritual control of a portion of your
life or character.
Only healing and spiritual intravention are able to
close that door. Many so called ministers are not
equipped for this service as it requires supernatural
power(maybe laying on of hands by someone truly
baptised in the Holy Spirit) not a seminar scholar of
the word, but most egos cant accept this.

Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 17:05

Originally posted by DallasBryan DallasBryan wrote:

when it comes to homosexuality for me! I am a
basketball center, I just block that shot!

We all have faults, homosexuality is an interesting
subject, in that I dont think anyone is born anything
but hetrosexual. For whatever reason someone
chooses to cross that line, you are into spiritual
territory now. If you open the door(sexual act) then
you are allowing spiritual control of a portion of your
life or character.
Only healing and spiritual intravention are able to
close that door. Many so called ministers are not
equipped for this service as it requires supernatural
power(maybe laying on of hands by someone truly
baptised in the Holy Spirit) not a seminar scholar of
the word, but most egos cant accept this.

Separated at birth????


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 17:48

Well DB... since they found the gene in the DNA strand that denotes homosexuality about 3 years ago, I guess you're a little wrong about that...


Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 18:04

Now how this correlates with the Gay Marriage thread. Maani's point of view on homosexuality shows why it was so easy to defend Crimson Princes original...Queers and Faggots...I hate about you? thread. While I will venture to guess Maani doesn't hate gays, he certainly doesn't agree with the lifestyle  whatsoever.

To each their own. I just wanted him to express his point of view on this for quite some time rather than ignoring the issue or dodging it whenever it came up.

Posted By: JrKASperov
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 18:12
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Well DB... since they found the gene in the DNA strand that denotes homosexuality about 3 years ago, I guess you're a little wrong about that...


Edit: aygene.htm

Just three articles found with Google. And I haven't found any arrticles stating the opposite.

ADD: Ahh, a nice official one: _newsalert_gaygenestudy_print.htm

And lastly, a nice logical argument found somewhere that proves it is not genetic:
'if homosexuality is genetic then why does it seem to be exploding across the population when its very existence should remove it from the genetic landscape. Homosexuals do not seek to mate with the other sex of the species and therefore do not produce offspring that can pass on this homosexual gene. And if no one with the gene produces offspring, the gene should dissipate until it is only a rare occurrence. But recent evidence suggests that there are more and more homosexuals in the country and in the world. This seems to me to be overwhelming evidence that folks are actually choosing homosexuality. The alternative would be that we are experiencing a genetic mutation of global proportions that is causing this homosexual gene to appear out of the blue.'


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 18:28
not to mention the cases where homosexuals admit that it is a result of their childhood experiences somehow

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 20:56

My in-a-nutshell stance on homosexuals:

I will not approve but I will accept.

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 22:43
Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

as well as self righteous, narrow minded and bigoted....

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 24 2005 at 22:58
Originally posted by utah_man utah_man wrote:

Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

as well as self righteous, narrow minded and bigoted....

Not my intention at all...I had a purpose..I achieved it....Read the thread before accusing me of being a troll

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 00:00
Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

Originally posted by utah_man utah_man wrote:

Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

as well as self righteous, narrow minded and bigoted....

Not my intention at all...I had a purpose..I achieved it....Read the thread before accusing me of being a troll

A nice troll

It was a trollish action, to get under someones chin and provoke a reaction, or take an extremus stand point and see what happens.

I am a christian (atheistic type) and i am not homophobic, au contraire I'm not afraid of some whoossies

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 00:10 - mp;db=PubMed&list_uids=8332896&dopt=Abstract


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 00:23

Originally posted by JrKASperov JrKASperov wrote:

And lastly, a nice logical argument found somewhere that proves it is not genetic:
'if homosexuality is genetic then why does it seem to be exploding across the population when its very existence should remove it from the genetic landscape.

I'm not even sure what you mean there.  Why should its very existence remove it.  In this world, nature generally still rules out unless its medically dangerous not to.  And homosexuality is not exploding across the population any more now that it always has been.  Its just less dangerous to admit to it these days.  Where do you people get this crap! 

 Homosexuals do not seek to mate with the other sex of the species and therefore do not produce offspring that can pass on this homosexual gene. And if no one with the gene produces offspring, the gene should dissipate until it is only a rare occurrence.

Huh?? Are you kidding??  Anyone can carry a homosexual gene.. and you don't have to be homosexual to carry one.  Children with down syndrome come by that genetically.. and most times neither parent has down syndrome...  Also plenty of homosexual men are having children.. 

But recent evidence suggests that there are more and more homosexuals in the country and in the world. This seems to me to be overwhelming evidence that folks are actually choosing homosexuality. The alternative would be that we are experiencing a genetic mutation of global proportions that is causing this homosexual gene to appear out of the blue.'

As the mother of a gay child, I can certainly tell you that he did not choose it and it was not from some earlier childhood trauma.  It is just him.  Because he came from an accepting household.. in a gay friendly town, he confronted this earlier than most and we dealt with it together when he first entered his teens. 

So is it hard for you people to accept this because it means that God made them this way... or because it means you can't blame them for being this way??


Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 01:16

That's a strange argument that I've heard once or twice now: that homosexuality is wrong because if everyone did it, the species would become extension, abstinence is equally wrong (all those immoral Catholic priests who chose their calling, for instance). Dating someone unable to have children is obviously immoral, as is leaving an abusive (but fertile) relationship...and of course one can immediately discard oral sex, anal sex, masturbation...not to mention the venal sin of coitus interruptus; I believe my parents and college roommate are going to hell because they occasionally interrupted my goal of sustaining human life on the planet!

For reason's sake, folks...try a little harder than that. Yeah, human beings reproduce sexually- we all know that. But don't pretend you have sex simply because it's serving mankind's greater purpose.

But it's all moot anyway, because nobody enters the discussion open to reason, and nobody ever changes their mind on the subject due solely to logic. If it were a logical matter, nobody would be homosexual- because it's a pretty hard life, despite how "permissive" or "tolerant" some believe society has become. There's only two or three people on the forums who can directly attest to that; the rest of us are just approaching the subject secondhand- at best.


Posted By: Hangedman
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 01:32
Ive never been able to see what the big deal is. I remember when the first person in my grade came out of the closet in highschool, he was tormented because of other peoples bigoted and misinformed views. I grew up in a small town which holds the local annual womens fest (which a friend of mine informed me a while ago is actually called the "Lez-Fest" in the gay community ) and a very large portion of the population is homosexual. I dont know why people would dissaprove of the gay lifestyle. They make more money per capita then we do (us trashy heterosexuals), and other than that (and sexual preference) are the same as all of us heteros. I think if we are to look at anyone to destroy any of the preconceptions, look at gdub, hes a prog rocking, catholic, republican, homosexual. What else do you people want?

Posted By: JrKASperov
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 02:04
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote: - mp;a mp;db=PubMed&list_uids=8332896&dopt=Abstract

Look at the date and compare with my articles: yours is from Science.
1993 Jul 16;261(5119):321-7.


I'm not even sure what you mean there.  Why should its very existence remove it.  In this world, nature generally still rules out unless its medically dangerous not to.  And homosexuality is not exploding across the population any more now that it always has been.  Its just less dangerous to admit to it these days.  Where do you people get this crap! 

It's existence should remove itself because gay couples don't make kids. Even if we take into account the possibility that more people are coming out for it and may have been making children because of bisexuality or being respressed, it still means that logically, the number of gay people should be in decline. Especially when this gene is resessive, as stated in the argument below.

Huh?? Are you kidding??  Anyone can carry a homosexual gene.. and you don't have to be homosexual to carry one.  Children with down syndrome come by that genetically.. and most times neither parent has down syndrome...  Also plenty of homosexual men are having children.. 

 You have two types of genes, dominant ones and resessive ones. A gene is either one or the other. If it is dominant, people with the gene always are gay(this is certainly not the case, else there would only be gay parents and children, while we find not gay parents and children as well). If it is resessive, one who carries it does not act gay. The only way to come around this is having two gay genes, which drastically reduces the chance of gayness. Something which certainly does not agree with the rather large amount of gay people in this world. They should be about the same number as Down syndrome people while they are certainly more.

Quote As the mother of a gay child, I can certainly tell you that he did not choose it and it was not from some earlier childhood trauma.  It is just him.  Because he came from an accepting household.. in a gay friendly town, he confronted this earlier than most and we dealt with it together when he first entered his teens.
So is it hard for you people to accept this because it means that God made them this way... or because it means you can't blame them for being this way??

As the mother of a gay child, you have no special authority to call him 'just that way' whatsoever. Like Maani pointed out and the posted articles(especially compared to your OLD article), it's a choice.


Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 05:51

I have not read everything on this thread because I am a bit tired of these theological arguments. I will only speak of male homosexuality in this post.

However on the homophobia, I have a few things to say. I have a few friends who are homos and you would never know it by looking at them or hearing them. You could swear that these guys are absolutely normal but just fell in love with a man instead of a woman. Homos such as those are absolutely no problems and I respect them as much as heteros (I respect the vast majority of gays). I respect also the fact that they are to form a couple and a good deal of European countries have accepted that the have the same advantages as married couples sometimes even allowing them to marry in city hall. I am a little wary of them being allowed to adopt or bring up children. The Church weddings are the least of my concerns (I am an atheist) but these wedding rites were done for matrimony and founding families; so I find the gay community's claim to marry in them churches rather nul and uselessly provocative. It is a bit wanting to breal things just to break them.

What I have problems with are all those homos ACTING the stereotype, playing transvestite, acting precious and artsy-fartsy, portraying openly sexual attitudes out of provocation. Those gays purposely derange heteros by unnecessarily fronting feminine attitudes  thus provoking an empathy towards them. And one thing most of women forget, Gays do not like women (dare I say they despise them), and by adopting this feminine attitudes, they are actually ridiculizing women who actually think that those gays are actually nice guys because they are in touch with their feminine sides. A good deal of those people are people obsessed with their dicks and have very disturbed sex lives (A very somber scene in the film Les Nuits Fauves by this artist Cyrille Collard who was dying of aids at the time describing all of those males just jacking each other off in large committee - some fifty characters in the same room -  but never engaging in lovemaking or  sodomy) and  I would suggest that their frustrations are problematic enough that they could be classified as "deviants" (not my words , but right now I cannot think of another word unless abnormal) by conservative people whether they are religious or not. Those behaviours are direct reasons of homophobia.

Of course, apart from that category are the gays who feel trapped in "the other sex body" are really in great distress but instead of going transvestite, I would advise them to go transsexual (easier and less costly said and done) and maybe find their peace.

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: DallasBryan
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 08:47
We all have faults, homosexuality is an interesting
subject, in that I dont think anyone is born anything
but hetrosexual. For whatever reason someone
chooses to cross that line, you are into spiritual
territory now. If you open the door(sexual act) then
you are allowing spiritual control of a portion of your
life or character.

Only healing and spiritual intravention are able to
close that door. Many so called ministers are not
equipped for this service as it requires supernatural
power(maybe laying on of hands by someone truly
baptised in the Holy Spirit) not a seminar scholar of
the word, but most egos cant accept this.

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 09:03

Originally posted by DallasBryan DallasBryan wrote:

when it comes to homosexuality for me! I am a
basketball center, I just block that shot!

We all have faults, homosexuality is an interesting
subject, in that I dont think anyone is born anything
but hetrosexual. For whatever reason someone
chooses to cross that line, you are into spiritual
territory now. If you open the door(sexual act) then
you are allowing spiritual control of a portion of your
life or character.
Only healing and spiritual intravention are able to
close that door. Many so called ministers are not
equipped for this service as it requires supernatural
power(maybe laying on of hands by someone truly
baptised in the Holy Spirit) not a seminar scholar of
the word, but most egos cant accept this.

Why are you repeating yourself Dallas?

BTW I think the laying on of hands is the root of the problem. leave your hands above the blanket is what I've learned

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 09:27
i have had the experience of working in an industry predominated by a ahs been my experience that in general homosexuals exhibit less tolerance for heteros than we toward them....they also seem to find it amusing to try to "convert" heteros...i beleive that the negative sterotypes extant regarding homosexuals are in most senses largely self-perpetuated

Posted By: maani
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 11:35


In addition to JrKASperov's cites and position, did you bother to actually read the cite you provided?  Even that study found that there is only a "possibility" of a genetic marker for homosexuality in a "portion" of the population - hardly a resounding argument for the absolute existence of a "gay gene."


Posted By: Metropolis
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 12:19
There is a gene that has been discovered on the X chromosome which in a study was found to exist in one form in 75% of gay men and in another form in 75% of straight men.  While not even those conducting the study would have suggested that homosexuality is a purely genetic condition (that would be ridiculous) it does show that genetic factors do have a role in predisposing someone to becoming a homosexual.

Speculation about how this gene could have come about is all theory, but my favourite is that the gene conferred some form of protection to daughters and thus continued to exist despite most males carrying it not passing it on (i think you can work out why) because females carrying it were more likely to survive till reproductive age.

We Lost the Skyline............

Posted By: Radioactive Toy
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 12:27

IDIOTS! feelings aren't for study!!


Reed's failed joke counter:
R.I.P. You could have reached infinity....

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 12:28
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

What I have problems with are all those homos ACTING the stereotype, playing transvestite, acting precious and artsy-fartsy, portraying openly sexual attitudes out of provocation. Those gays purposely derange heteros by unnecessarily fronting feminine attitudes  thus provoking an empathy towards them.

I agree entirely, I find camp homosexuality incredibly irritating - but then, I find stereotypes and clichés of virtually any type irritating.

edit: hang on, "[gays] don't like women" is a bit of a sweeping statement, isn't it? do you have any evidence for this?

Posted By: Beau Heem
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 12:30
Obviously, I'm not an expert of the field, BUT...

Whilst repeating that there is no "gay-gene", you aren't giving any proof for homosexuality being learned or taught.

I have never searched for studies of this matter, nor will I ever.

It is simply logical to me that if homosexuality (or rather, bisexuality) isn't born with due to "gay-gene(s)", it could be born with due to a lack of some reproductive- or "hetero-" gene.

Of course the environment we live and are raised in affects us in multiple ways. But that does not "prove" that our genetic inheritance could play a major role whilst we search for a partner.

But really guys? Does it matter to anyone where or how or when homosexuality is born? If such things matter to you, you certainly are lacking in acceptance.



PS.Besides, if one is able to acquire a taste for prog metal, one can just as well acquire a taste for - as stated earlier - a pain in the ass...

--No enemy but time--

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:06
Originally posted by maani maani wrote:


In addition to JrKASperov's cites and position, did you bother to actually read the cite you provided?  Even that study found that there is only a "possibility" of a genetic marker for homosexuality in a "portion" of the population - hardly a resounding argument for the absolute existence of a "gay gene."


Yes, I did read it Maani... and I also read all the articles coming out of the Gay Men's Health Crisis brochures a few years ago about the find.  They were worried that this would lead to couples aborting children that may be found to have the gene.  Its a scarey issue, but after reading certain remarks on this thread... pretty likely to happen.



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:15
yea im sure Gay Men's Health Crisis has no reason to distort the facts....great source

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:15

Originally posted by JrKASperov JrKASperov wrote:

Look at the date and compare with my articles: yours is from Science.
1993 Jul 16;261(5119):321-7.


Date doesn't make much difference... many christian and religious researchers are trying to stamp out this find.  Probably for the same reason you are.

Originally posted by JrKASperov JrKASperov wrote:

It's existence should remove itself because gay couples don't make kids. Even if we take into account the possibility that more people are coming out for it and may have been making children because of bisexuality or being respressed, it still means that logically, the number of gay people should be in decline. Especially when this gene is resessive, as stated in the argument below.

First, I have 3 gay couples in my building with children.. so I don't understand why you would think that being gay means you can't have children...  And they aren't bisexual or repressed. And gay men can have children that carry on the gene for a few generations before showing up again... Just like twins... or eye color.. or race..

Huh?? Are you kidding??  Anyone can carry a homosexual gene.. and you don't have to be homosexual to carry one.  Children with down syndrome come by that genetically.. and most times neither parent has down syndrome...  Also plenty of homosexual men are having children.. 

 You have two types of genes, dominant ones and resessive ones. A gene is either one or the other. If it is dominant, people with the gene always are gay(this is certainly not the case, else there would only be gay parents and children, while we find not gay parents and children as well). If it is resessive, one who carries it does not act gay. The only way to come around this is having two gay genes, which drastically reduces the chance of gayness. Something which certainly does not agree with the rather large amount of gay people in this world. They should be about the same number as Down syndrome people while they are certainly more.

I live in a somewhat gay community here in NYC... I know plenty of gays who have gay siblings, relatives.. who's parents come out of the closet once their kids grow up...

[quote]As the mother of a gay child, I can certainly tell you that he did not choose it and it was not from some earlier childhood trauma.  It is just him.  Because he came from an accepting household.. in a gay friendly town, he confronted this earlier than most and we dealt with it together when he first entered his teens.
So is it hard for you people to accept this because it means that God made them this way... or because it means you can't blame them for being this way??

As the mother of a gay child, you have no special authority to call him 'just that way' whatsoever. Like Maani pointed out and the posted articles(especially compared to your OLD article), it's a choice.

Uhh yes I do.  Cause not only have I spotted the markers over the years in him, but in most of his gay friends also.  You have to live it to know it.  You live with a gay child for a few years... then come back and tell me something..


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:17
an alcoholic can have the "gene" i.e. be predisposed toward alcoholism...and nevertheless not become an alcoholic if he makes the choice not to drink

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:17

Originally posted by hopelevre hopelevre wrote:

yea im sure Gay Men's Health Crisis has no reason to distort the facts....great source

No, I guess worrying about an issue like that is just a way of getting attention..


Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:22

Originally posted by hopelevre hopelevre wrote:

an alcoholic can have the "gene" i.e. be predisposed toward alcoholism...and nevertheless not become an alcoholic if he makes the choice not to drink

ok.. then lets consider this ... what if homosexuality was the normal way of being...

Think of your sexuality, how easy do you think it would be for you to make a decision to change...

Give me a break, you guys remind me of that Star Trek episode where the guys were half black and half white... and where still biased against each other because of which side of their body was black and which was white....


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:22
its so much easier to say the kids just that way than to face the issue of whether or not your own role in his environmental conditioning may have played a part in the homosexual result...kudos to you for taking the high road

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:25

Originally posted by hopelevre hopelevre wrote:

its so much easier to say the kids just that way than to face the issue of whether or not your own role in his environmental conditioning may have played a part in the homosexual result...kudos to you for taking the high road

Yeh, like you have a clue!!

There is no high road.. there is no low road... there's just the way it is!



Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:28
if gay was the norm teh species would die is as black and white as this....teh sole purpose of humanity is nothing more than to perpetuate god(nature)...since humans have the ability to do this only with heterosexual sex a choice to lead a lifestyle that deviates is a direct negation of god's will, nature, humanity, and every semblance of divinity in our largely unjust world(and no, james lee, having anal sex once is not the same...this is a choice for life not for a night) choose against nature(in turn humanity) IS a choice, a moral failing , and to indulge (soem of you seem ready to nigh reward them) those who do it is just as much of a crime....that said i love everyone although i realize the adverse oaffects of some, it is not my place to hold it against any one person

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:32
threefates-more like a way of trying to engender some feelings   of credulity amidst public highly skeptical of a spurious issue

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:40

Sean, hopelevre, et al...of course you've considered the possibility that the antipathy and dysfunction you refer to is the product of repressive or outright violent attitudes towards homosexuals? I know I might be a little touchy if every day I was faced with examples of people who'd prefer that I didn't exist (and who formulate various 'scientific' claims to back up their predjudice). In which case, the exaggeration of camp stereotypes would seem to be an extremely positive response...a refusal to disappear and a comment on the flexibility of personal identity. Not all social gains are made via violent protest and political debate.

I'm a little disappointed with the responses to this topic (not to mention the failure to respond to some of the points I've made...but maybe they're not as compelling as I thought they were  )It's understandable that it got bogged down in the "nature vs. nurture" context, but it seems that the majority view is subtly negative (the subtlety likely the result of awareness of appropriateness to the forum as well as fallout from the politically correct era). What I hear most of you saying is "I'm willing to acknowledge that gays exist, and I won't be mean to them, but I'd be just as happy if they all went away or stopped being gay."


Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 13:53
james : i beleive yu do make compellign points and i thought i had addressed some of them all life on this planet as it is one day started being born gay, life would cease to cannot argue is a FACT
two:many cases have been shown of a homosexual admitting it was not genetic, but environmental
three: because it is POSSIBLE for it to be environmental(whether possibel genetic or not) the possibility exists that these people can weild an influence over my child (and in my experience they make it a sport to do so)
four: if you and your spouse died in a plane crash ...would yu feel comfortable knowing your children were to be raised by a homosexual?(im assuming yu have a wife and child, sry if yu dont , or if you are gay)

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:01

Originally posted by hopelevre hopelevre wrote:

two:many cases have been shown of a homosexual admitting it was not genetic, but environmental

What! So because he's gay he's automatically an expert on his genetics? I'm straight, but I have no idea why, it's just the way I am. I couldn't choose to be gay, and if I were gay I'm pretty sure I couldn't choose to be straight either. I doubt it'll ever be proven entirely genetic or entirely environmental, since I believe (as with almost everything else) it's a mixture of the two. And if it isn't so what? The world would be a happier place if people accepted all kinds of love instead of considering it some kind of (in)curable disease!

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:04
goose- how about a young boy who was sexually molested by a catholic priest and is now a homosexual? there are many instances of are saying all these boys were going to be gay anywway? that is ludicrous

Posted By: goose
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:07
No, otherwise I'd have said it was purely genetic.

Posted By: tuxon
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:11

Originally posted by hopelevre hopelevre wrote:

goose- how about a young boy who was sexually molested by a catholic priest and is now a homosexual? there are many instances of are saying all these boys were going to be gay anywway? that is ludicrous

Well, I think those boys seduced the priests, and where gay before that. It's common knowledge those gay-boys shake their butt quite seductively to every man.

I feel pity for those innocent priests that where so obviously framed by the devil.

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:12
did you not notice that i chose to say it was POSSIBLE to be environmental and i even left it open that it could be POSSIBLY genetic as well..... whats your problem ...jsut need someone to attack for an arbitrary reason? i mean i beieve it is probably some of both too just like the alcoholism, here's the thing : just because you are more vulnerable to have something happen doesnt mean it is going to still have decisions to make in your life...many predetermined alcoholics knew it and chose to not pick up the bottle

Posted By: Metropolis
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:13
Originally posted by James Lee James Lee wrote:

 (and who formulate various 'scientific' claims to back up their predjudice).

Scientific claims do not back up prejudice, and in fact the studies that have shown there to be something of a genetic component (I am not for a minute suggesting that this is the only, or even the major component, environment and upbringing have an extremely important and complex part to play) should in fact remove prejudice as it shows that being prejudiced against gays is no different to being prejudiced against blacks and that homophobes should be held in the same esteem as racists.

Also why does everyone think that when someone suggests that a gene has a part to play in something that that someone is instantly dismissing all environmental factors, they are not, and all geneticists understand the imprtance environment has to play.

We Lost the Skyline............

Posted By: Guests
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:19
again this is the thing you all are missing: just because an alcoholic has the gene doesnt make him an alcoholic, in the same way, jsut because a gene exixts that may be found more in homos than straits doesnt mean that without having the experiences they had as a human being they still would have been gay....and the whole studies show thing is irrelevant because as is very obvious their is no conclusive nature to any of these studies, not to mention the whole "if its genetic how the hell are gays able to proliferate it so quickly"

Posted By: Metropolis
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:28
I completely agree with you on the issue of experiences shaping people, as I was very sure to point out I am not saying that it is completely genetic, but when they do a large study and find that 75% of one group carry one version of a gene and 75% of another carry another version of a gene, that is statistically significant.

On the subject of how the gene survived, I explained that in a previous post.  The gene as well as inferring a predisposition to homosexuality to male offspring may have also inferred some form of protecion to the mother, and therefore the gene survived despite the fact that male offspring would not have children of their own because female offspring would be more likely to survive to child-bearing age.

We Lost the Skyline............

Posted By: James Lee
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:45
Originally posted by Metropolis Metropolis wrote:

Originally posted by James Lee James Lee wrote:

 (and who formulate various 'scientific' claims to back up their predjudice).

Scientific claims do not back up prejudice, and in fact the studies that have shown there to be something of a genetic component (I am not for a minute suggesting that this is the only, or even the major component, environment and upbringing have an extremely important and complex part to play) should in fact remove prejudice as it shows that being prejudiced against gays is no different to being prejudiced against blacks and that homophobes should be held in the same esteem as racists.

Also why does everyone think that when someone suggests that a gene has a part to play in something that that someone is instantly dismissing all environmental factors, they are not, and all geneticists understand the imprtance environment has to play.

That's why I put '"scientific' in quotes- there's a vast difference between fact and interpretation. It seem to me that unfortunately people usually have an opinion first and then try to fit the available scientific knowledge to support that opinion (even some real scientists, who should know better). The genetic debate about homosexuality has that same shady undertone that characterizes the science behind the idea that black people are genetically better at sports.

hopelevre: do you believe that homosexuality is so compelling that the entire human race will eventually choose it over procreation?



Posted By: Reed Lover
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 14:59

Whilst whether someone is gay or straight is a non-issue to me.
I either like them or I dont.
However,the way I see it is this:buggery would never be seen as acceptable sexual practice by me.If there were two holes up there,one for evacuating waste and another for pleasure,so be it.But there aint.Of course,I know that heterosexual couples also practise it,but that doesnt make it any less perverted.Dead

Believe me-I am no prude or homophobe (although to some my previous statement might mark me out as one.)But I do find it distasteful.

But it isnt doing me any harm and as long as it is performed by consenting adults I certainly do not see it as a corrupting influence-so,so what?

I am not defined by my heterosexuality and neither should gays be defined by their sexuality,but that's another issue.I'm not really for tax breaks based on in which hole one places one's manhood.

But as far as the fun bit:

Whatever turns you on.Big smile Just dont expect me to join in.Wink


Posted By: drbr
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 15:04
How can you honestly believe sexual orientation is a choice? Your sexual orientation is based on your feelings and desires, and those feelings cannot be chosen. Ask any gay person if he or she has made a choice. Ask any straight person if he or she could choose not to love people of the opposite sex. The majority will tell you that there ain't no choice. And it doesn't matter wheter there is a "gay gene", because even if there was none it wouldn't make it less of a choice.

You cannot change a person's feelings. Pretending to be something you're not in a desperate attempt to be "normal" will probably lead to depression. I know there are those who claim to have been "converted," but I think they where really bisexual or are just fooling themselves.

You'll just have to accept that people are gay and that it's not their choice, that they cannot be converted and that they're here to stay. It's not against "nature" because they're gay by nature. It's God's will.

Posted By: maani
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 15:23


You keep mentioning this "75%/75%" study, yet you have provided no support.  However, even if such a study does exist - and even given the study cited by threefates - this only makes two studies that show a "possibility" of a genetic predisposition to homosexuality in a "portion" of the population.  However, there are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of studies that lead to the opposite conclusion; jrKASperov has already offered three, and I will be happy to provide at least a dozen later tonight when I get the chance to pull them up.

This is called the "scientific method."  (And this, coming from a minister! )  If a study is not "reproducible," then it ultimately fails.  And it is clear that the one or two "gay gene" studies did not stand either the test of time, peer review or "reproducibility."

As an aside, there are also hundreds of studies in psychology that show that homosexuality is, if not solely, than overwhelmingly the product of "learned behavior" (infant and/or early childhood traumas, circumstances, experiences, environments, etc.) - even if that behavior is "learned" at such an early age that it is not "cognizant" behavior but rather "subconscious" behavior.  And, as an aside to threefates, many of these studies have shown that even "accepting" parents who believe that no such conditions existed for their child to "learn" that behavior are ultimately in denial about their own role in it.


Posted By: DallasBryan
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 15:23
As a young man I fancied girls my age, through
various interactions I was left with tapes and feelings
of those encounters in my mind. Several men I have
known have related to me instances in their early
lives that recorded similar tapes in their minds.
These were the seeds planted to work on them to
consider themselves gay.

I believe that after the sexual act one has given way
to a portion of control by their choices, naive or not to
this action. Unacceptance by the other gender, open
options by society, its all in the mind and you decide.

Do gays want to be Catholic priests, because they
like boys? I think the church asks to much of these
men sent away in their prime years with no other
outlet. Sure they cross lines that permeats
behavior, but it is done already by the impossible
guidelines. Which shows how far the church is from
having a clue! And has created this god that no one
can relate to!

Posted By: Metropolis
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 15:31
I'm just citing from memory, the lit is a couple of hundred of miles away at my parents house, i suppose ill be able to cite it properly eventually.

And as i keep saying, I am not opposed to the "nurture" aspects, I firmly believe that this part of human behaviour, as all human behaviour, is the result of a mix of nature and nurture, and that these two standpoints are not irreconcilable.

We Lost the Skyline............

Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 15:52

Originally posted by drbr drbr wrote:

How can you honestly believe sexual orientation is a choice? Your sexual orientation is based on your feelings and desires, and those feelings cannot be chosen. Ask any gay person if he or she has made a choice. Ask any straight person if he or she could choose not to love people of the opposite sex. The majority will tell you that there ain't no choice. And it doesn't matter wheter there is a "gay gene", because even if there was none it wouldn't make it less of a choice.

You cannot change a person's feelings. Pretending to be something you're not in a desperate attempt to be "normal" will probably lead to depression. I know there are those who claim to have been "converted," but I think they where really bisexual or are just fooling themselves.

You'll just have to accept that people are gay and that it's not their choice, that they cannot be converted and that they're here to stay. It's not against "nature" because they're gay by nature. It's God's will.

I agree totally...



Posted By: threefates
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 15:54
Originally posted by Reed Lover Reed Lover wrote:

Believe me-I am no prude or homophobe (although to some my previous statement might mark me out as one.)But I do find it distasteful.

Personally I find the mention sex in regard to you distasteful....


Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 15:57

Isn't it strange how I can start a thread about one thing and it always turns into a religeous debate.


thanks Threefates, James, Velvetclown, Hangedman and I suppose even Reed Lover( the bugger comment has me a tad miffed but hey...) for your support.

and anyone else i may have missed you Tuxxy!

Posted By: Metropolis
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 16:00
I'm in your corner also (don't know if my attempts at scientific reasoning clouded that in some way)

We Lost the Skyline............

Posted By: gdub411
Date Posted: April 25 2005 at 16:23

Originally posted by Metropolis Metropolis wrote:

I'm in your corner also (don't know if my attempts at scientific reasoning clouded that in some way)

Yes...I saw that...just forgot to write your name.

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