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Topic Closedtoo heavily weighted ratings ? its outrageous

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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 10 2008 at 10:07
I agree with both sides kind of. I think that being a collab should give you a little extra clout, but I think the main weight should come from how many reviews a person has done. As its mentioned, there is generally a direct proportionality between experience and review quality. Therefore, an ordinary joe who's written 1000 reviews should have more say than a collab that's written 50. Just my opinion. Discard it as you see fit.
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NotAProghead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 10 2008 at 10:24
^ Not a rule again. More not necessarily means better. Someone's 50 reviews could be more interesting than 1000 reviews of another person.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 10 2008 at 12:58
Originally posted by Deathrabbit Deathrabbit wrote:

I agree with both sides kind of. I think that being a collab should give you a little extra clout, but I think the main weight should come from how many reviews a person has done. As its mentioned, there is generally a direct proportionality between experience and review quality. Therefore, an ordinary joe who's written 1000 reviews should have more say than a collab that's written 50. Just my opinion. Discard it as you see fit.
The problem is that many Collaborators don't write as many reviews as they would like for one main reason, we have to do a lot of other things, for example in y case and the case of many treviewers:
  1. We have to make additions (Each member of the Syophonic team has done many additions, in my case more than 100)
  2. Bios, guys like HT, Clem and myself have written more than 150 bios each one, in my case I have them recorded and passed the 200 long time ago.
  3. Olav who has joined more or less a moth ago has made already 15 bios of bands we could hardly get info about. Eric and Giuigo have a very large number of bios that exceed the 50 and they have only a few months.
  4. We have to check the bands proposed, searching for samples or even buyingh the albums.

So maybe the average Joe can write 1,000 reviews, because making an additio or a bio takes several days and nopt just a couple of hours.

BTW: There's none, the only ones that have more than 1000 bios or are close to this number are:
  1. Sean Trane (2465)
  2. ZowieZiggy (1868)
  3. Easy Livin (1462)
  4. Gatot (1450)
  5. sinkadotentree (1446)
  6. erik neuteboom (1202)
  7. Ricochet (957)

Because as soon as anybody has at least 50 reviews is promoted to Prog Reviewer.

So it's not so easyto judge a Collaborators work unless you are involved in it.
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Ricochet View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 10 2008 at 13:39
I agree with Iván, maybe not accentuating the fact that many of us work as Collaborators in teams (out of the über-reviewers, ZowieZiggy, Gatot, sinkadotentree and even Erik don't actually), but just pointing out that further discrepancies between Prog Reviews & Collaborators, regarding their reviews' weight, should be avoided: we're all equal in our reviewing, after all, once being promoted.

Here's my scheme:
 >> basically, since everyone who wants to review has to create a forum identity first (the previous years it wasn't necessary), we have

1. forum members who rate without reviewing - I'll call them raters - who are practically anonymous, they could be from ordinary Joe to Stephen Hawking, it wouldn't matter. Raters' reviewers are, IMO, totally "entitled" to weigh minimum, because their rate simply contributes to charts; by writing no review, they practically don't enunciate any opinion about the album - except that the rate can be defined according to parameters. I'd remind my personal opinion that ratings without reviews aren't okay, then again the best argument for them seems to be that no one knows English...

2. forum members who review - reviewers (doh!) - in this case, it's okay to make their reviews count somehow, but we have to think that they could be, behind their nicks, from trolls to great writers. The great reviewers are, eventually, always promoted.

3. promoted forum members who review - Prog Reviewers, Collaborators, Special Collaborators, Admins - if you can understand my underlining: any of these kind of promoted forum members (can) review, so practically none of these should be preferentially favored, in reviews' weight, in comparison with others. Maybe some Specialists such as Sean Trane, Clem, Iván and such take a special step in reviewing albums from the Genre they're specialists (which is normal), but that's not a stone-written rule, in order to make those reviews count more.

My point on topic: it's much better to credit, with a higher weight, a "promoted forum member"'s review, because this member was promoted based on his review/or prog knowledge, so that also means a responsibility of writing above average reviews. Instead, we continuously report forum members who troll or write poorly through reviews - not to say, on the other hand, that the quality reviewers wouldn't be more than 50%. It's just that, except if writing indescifrably (aka me LOL) or in a controversial way, the change of a "promoted forum member" being reported for troll reviews is minor - given the responsability of that member's promotion.


Oh, blink once for Yes and twice for No if you get my point. LOL

Edited by Ricochet - October 10 2008 at 13:48
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Failcore View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 10 2008 at 13:48
I'm just proposing that the weight be a hash of many things. Hell, you could keep track of volunteer hours and throw that in the formula as well. Or forum posts. Or the number of words in the review. Or all of the above. I just think that something like that would work better than having a dividing line. Or hell maybe just leave it the way it is and just give a button for allowing users to see the raw data, before weights are applied. That would be easiest to implement, but I'm a computer engineer, so I love coming up with complex algorithms.

The main reason I suggest these things is not because of myself, but rather, I think it would help the site. The way it stands, it seems users are discouraged at the outset. Sure the carrot is off in the distance, but if you dangle it right in front it might be more enticing. That would lead to more reviews, which might in turn lead to more collaborators, which in the end would help the site I'm sure. Just food for thought, but I wanted to be clear I'm not just being a whiny bitch here. I do think the site would be a better place if a more thoughtful approach was taken towards the weighting system.
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progressive View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 12:47
Well, Yorkie X, you're right. If you were a Reviewer, I wouldn't like that you're ratings were weighted. Actually, I have to say that I noticed that you and White Feather
have some similarities.. I'm not saying you're the same person but it would be nice weighting.. like giving more 5- and 1-star ratings. And I'm not saying it's wrong, either, but for example Änglagård - Hybris, or other one-star ratings, it would be nicer if there was some explanations. Rarely one-star ratings are actually reviewed. I understand it for example if the album actually is so bad that it would be waste of time. And I also understand that you can always decide the rating and weight yourself to some extend. 

But I think you're right. I'm not sure how much they can be weighted, but for example factor could be 1,25 at its highest. And also the length of a review - 150 is nice but I like to read 50 words reviews, too.

Edited by progressive - October 14 2008 at 12:49

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 12:59
hahhaha...  yeah... there are aren't there.  
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progressive View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 13:14
You mean 50-word ratings? There are but I remember that my rating under 100 words didn't appear. And I don't mean it should be on the main page of PA, but somewhere :D

"Reviews should be a MINIMUM 50 words preferably substantially more, no maximum."
But I remember 150 words being a limit nowadays. So, is there old information, and actually two different kind of minimums?

Edited by progressive - October 14 2008 at 13:15

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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 13:25
Originally posted by progressive progressive wrote:

You mean 50-word ratings? There are but I remember that my rating under 100 words didn't appear. And I don't mean it should be on the main page of PA, but somewhere :D

"Reviews should be a MINIMUM 50 words preferably substantially more, no maximum."
But I remember 150 words being a limit nowadays. So, is there old information, and actually two different kind of minimums?
No, the rule is clearly posted in red bellow the space for posting reviews:
Quote Words counter (only 100 words and more reviews are published, other are considered as a rating only)
Things change with the pass of time.
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NotAProghead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 14:15
^ I think some things should stay unchanged. If in future there will be new rules (for example, 150 words), all previous reviews, containing less words, will disappear.

Even now I think 100 words are sometimes too much, especially for albums reviewed and rated hundreds of times.

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 14:20
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

^ I think some things should stay unchanged. If in future there will be new rules (for example, 150 words), all previous reviews, containing less words, will disappear.

Even now I think 100 words are sometimes too much, especially for albums reviewed and rated hundreds of times.

Remember something my friend, sometimes other factors are also important.
I don't know how many reviews we have, but there are a lot and the site was turning slow, I guess that as some old threads have been closed, the rules must change, becaue with so many reviews, the site tends to become terribly slow.
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NotAProghead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 17:19
^ Is not it better, in order to prevent the site getting slower, to stop reviewing CTTE, ITCOTCK, DTSOM and other albums with hundreds of ratings?

For example, 801 reviews and ratings of "Selling England by the Pound" - it's crazy! Who will read them all?
I understand when newbies want to see their thoughts published somewhere. But almost everyday I see on the main page the same popular albums reviewed by collabs and prog reviewers. What moves them to do it is a mystery to me.

It seems to me it's obvious thing: look, before writing a review, whether you have something new to say. But I see it's not so obvious for many. As a result we have a lot of the same thoughts repeated countless times.

Edited by NotAProghead - October 14 2008 at 17:30
Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 18:21
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

^ Is not it better, in order to prevent the site getting slower, to stop reviewing CTTE, ITCOTCK, DTSOM and other albums with hundreds of ratings?

For example, 801 reviews and ratings of "Selling England by the Pound" - it's crazy! Who will read them all?
I understand when newbies want to see their thoughts published somewhere. But almost everyday I see on the main page the same popular albums reviewed by collabs and prog reviewers. What moves them to do it is a mystery to me.

It seems to me it's obvious thing: look, before writing a review, whether you have something new to say. But I see it's not so obvious for many. As a result we have a lot of the same thoughts repeated countless times.

I don't see how can you force the people not to review the music they love, it would be insane and against everything that Prog Archives was founded in, freedom of reviewing whatever you want without limits except the guidelines.
Now, one of the guidelines is 100 words reviews or more, that's a rule of the site, accept it..

Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - October 14 2008 at 18:23
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NotAProghead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 19:55
^ I don't propose any artificial restrictions. I only propose, especially to collabs, think before writing reviews, is it really necessary.

And again, there are better ways to prevent pages getting slower than "bury" short reviews. For example, show on an album page some number of reviews (20, 50 or 100, I don't know) and something like "More reviews" reference for those who can't get enough.
Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 20:30
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

^ I don't propose any artificial restrictions. I only propose, especially to collabs, think before writing reviews, is it really necessary.

And again, there are better ways to prevent pages getting slower than "bury" short reviews. For example, show on an album page some number of reviews (20, 50 or 100, I don't know) and something like "More reviews" reference for those who can't get enough.
I'm not the one who decides that, I'm only guessing, but I assure you  something, with the restriction of smaller than 100 words reviews, most surely a whole bunch of SEBTP, ITCOTCK, DSOTM and top 20 album reviews have vanished, probably more than all the other albums together, because the more rviews an album has, the more short reviews it has.
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NotAProghead View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 20:50
^ Ivan, some obscure albums have only short reviews. In case of 150 words restriction they will be hidden.

At last it is in some way unfair: at the moment of writing short reviews corresponded to guidelines. Authors did not expect their reviews will be invisible.

And I don't like the tendency to force people "speak more and more". Long does not always mean good.
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Ivan_Melgar_M View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 14 2008 at 22:23
NotAProghead, I don't make the rules, they are done by the owners, and they have reasons to do it.


Plus the rule is in 100 words, not in 150, which BTW is  a very  rational limit IMO, there's very little to be said in less than 100 words in the case of a review, except I like it , it’s my all time favorite band, a masterpiece that  nobody should avoid etc..


A limit must be placed somewhere, and I believe 100 is perfect.


This reply has exactly 104 words… Do you believe normally you can review an album in less than this?



Edited by Ivan_Melgar_M - October 15 2008 at 20:28
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Easy Livin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 15 2008 at 03:20
Inded Ivan. The minimum number of words rule is intended to encourage reviewers to go beyond simply saying "This is a good album", "This is a bad album" etc. 
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debrewguy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 15 2008 at 19:28
I wonder if my thesaurus has 100 words to mean Great ...
I wonder if The Move's Brontosaurus is heavy enough to be heavy prog ...
I wonder why this thread is still going ...
I wonder why anyone giving more weight to anyone else's review would cause anyone any problem
I wonder why Gatot seems to grab my attention with his passion, Easy Livin' with his knowledge and Ivan with his insight ...
I wonder why newbies' reviews sometimes get me back into listening to SEBTP,CTTE, or any other "classic" prog album ...
Actually I don't wonder, I just let my mind wander a bit too much
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russellk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 15 2008 at 19:48
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Russelk, I don't make the rules, they are done by the owners, and they have reasons to do it.


Plus the rule is in 100 words, not in 150, which BTW is  a very  rational limit IMO, there's very little to be said in less than 100 words in the case of a review, except I like it , it’s my all time favorite band, a masterpiece that  nobody should avoid etc..


A limit must be placed somewhere, and I believe 100 is perfect.


This reply has exactly 104 words… Do you believe normally you can review an album in less than this?




What? Wazzat? Ivan, I haven't posted on this thread for a week, and I don't have a problem about word limits. Are you sure you didn't mean to critique someone else? Weren't you arguing with NotaProghead?


Edited by russellk - October 15 2008 at 19:50
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