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too heavily weighted ratings ? its outrageous

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Topic: too heavily weighted ratings ? its outrageous
Posted By: Yorkie X
Subject: too heavily weighted ratings ? its outrageous
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:16
I have been keeping some opinions to myself for some time about how the rating system works but after reading some  reviews of CD's and seeing their ratings I have come to the conclusion that Prog reviewers and Collaborators ratings are far too heavy weighted. Not only does it disregards and disrespects the opinion of the average prog fan who lets face it without their input this site would be "Nothing" it also greatly affects the top 100 and the true integrity of the site in other words the rating stars mean nothing and its almost a pointless task submiting a review for the average person unless you are "one of the boys" here on this site.    I would  hate to feel I am typing this to typical politician mentality people who will just read it then disgard it but something needs to be done about this ridiculous situation ASAP.  Angry

Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:29
It has been discussed not so long ago.
The main argument was, not literally, but very close: search for democracy somewhere else.
I think collaborators, if they are not obsessed with megalomania, should feel themselves a little uncomfortable.

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:32
hmm.... I don't think they are weighted enough LOL  Simple math...

good reviews....  the ability to discuss an album rather than say you like it or it suck....  times that by whatever standards the site judges to be enough as far as quantity... then add in a dash of demonstrating a good working knowledge of prog... in all it's various forms and ...voila...

you have yourself a collaborator.

tell me why a collabs review should not be weighted more.... 

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: LinusW
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:37
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

hmm.... I don't think they are weighted enough LOL  Simple math...

good reviews....  the ability to discuss an album rather than say you like it or it suck....  times that by whatever standards the site judges to be enough as far as quantity... then add in a dash of demonstrating a good working knowledge of prog... in all it's various forms and ...voila...

you have yourself a collaborator.

tell me why a collabs review should not be weighted more.... 

Very true. But then...I am kind of biased Embarrassed

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:39
^^^   Sounds like a politicians response to me    ... 

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:41
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

I think collaborators, if they are not obsessed with megalomania, should feel themselves a little uncomfortable.

Oh please.  Yeah, we're just huge megalomaniacs.  I crave power over all non-collabsLOL

The fact is, the site simply rewards those who have worked long and hard for it, and developed a generally trustworthy reviewing skill with a bit more emphasis on the final rating.  Big deal.  Work hard and become a collab. 

The fact is, many sites dont' allow the freedom that this one does for a stranger to come by, sign up, and have their first review read by hundreds of people the first day.  The site's policy, which helps guard against quickie hit and run fanboy ratings, helps provide more useful information to the  buying public. 

More so than something like Amazon, where every single rating is 5 stars and all weighted the same. 

Bravo Max, don't change the weightings.  The fact is that anyone who wants to put in the effort can eventually become a Collab, so it is absolutely not an exclusionary policy.  Earn it.

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:43
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

tell me why a collabs review should not be weighted more.... 
Simply because each collab's review is not necassarily better than others.

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:44
Fair enough ..  expect lesser input then from those who are not "blessed" with "stars"  some people know more than they are given credit for and others know less than they are given credit for  ...  don't deny it. Smile 

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:47
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

Fair enough ..  expect lesser input then from those who are not "blessed" with "stars" who may know much more about prog than many collabs and reviewers  

If that's the attitude one has, one may not excel far in any profession.  You earn your way in anything, jobs, relationships, whatever...saying "expect lesser input" from me till I get what I want is incredibly childish. 

You don't get the benefit of anything until you work a little for it.  We're not "blessed", we worked very hard for the site. 

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:49
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

tell me why a collabs review should not be weighted more.... 
Simply because each collab's review is not necassarily better than others.

they aren't... that is why those collab's... like me LOL...  generally leave the reviewing  to others.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:50
OK folks  I`m not here to fight with you ..  just wanted to make a point, I feel it has merit ..  lets not have any conflict  

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:52
I`m not reviewing an artist to find that my rating means nothing only an idiot would waist there time doing that   

Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:52
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

The fact is, the site simply rewards those who have worked long and hard for it, and developed a generally trustworthy reviewing skill with a bit more emphasis on the final rating.  Big deal.  Work hard and become a collab. 
The only thing I like in collab status is the possibility to edit my own reviews.
I don't need any other rewards. Especially heavier rating, I'm far from thinking that I'm smarter than other PA members.Tongue

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:54
no conflict... it is the way it is....  this a volunteer site Yorkie.. (and as noted earlier.. not a democratic one).  Those who invest the time to make this site what it is.. to give you and other members the content.. and the place to MAke your reviews deserve.. and get some benefit for their time and labour.  That is having their opinions 'count' a bit more than those who don't.  

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:56
Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

Fair enough ..  expect lesser input then from those who are not "blessed" with "stars" who may know much more about prog than many collabs and reviewers  

If that's the attitude one has, one may not excel far in any profession.  You earn your way in anything, jobs, relationships, whatever...saying "expect lesser input" from me till I get what I want is incredibly childish. 

You don't get the benefit of anything until you work a little for it.  We're not "blessed", we worked very hard for the site. 
So tell me  ..  just what am I earning ?   isnt it the artist in the review earning ?  isnt this about the integrity of the site ?  not about the many but about the one ?  stop protecting yourself

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 21:58
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

Originally posted by Finnforest Finnforest wrote:

Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

Fair enough ..  expect lesser input then from those who are not "blessed" with "stars" who may know much more about prog than many collabs and reviewers  

If that's the attitude one has, one may not excel far in any profession.  You earn your way in anything, jobs, relationships, whatever...saying "expect lesser input" from me till I get what I want is incredibly childish. 

You don't get the benefit of anything until you work a little for it.  We're not "blessed", we worked very hard for the site. 
So tell me  ..  just what am I earning ?   isnt it the artist in the review earning ?  I think you have some reality problems 

for one not seeking conflct... you are heading down that road.... look at your post Yorkie...  tell it doesn't sound like the post of a spoiled kid... I don't get what I want... so I am going to throw a tantrum.

don't shoot the messenger for bringing you the news LOL

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:00
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

I`m not reviewing an artist to find that my rating means nothing only an idiot would waist there time doing that   

Wow, I guess I was a real idiot for a long time.   Ouch

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:00
lol      this want a wise post was it  ?  Geek

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:03
christ almighty...when you will all understand....

IT IS THE REVIEW THAT MATTERS hahha...  if you are worried about a rating... you truly are wasting your time.  People here... the ones you should be reviewing albums for.. .are reading the review... not seeing how many stars you gave it hahhah.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:04
I don't want to fight you York.  Just tried to explain the site's method and why I think it is fair.  Have a good one.  

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:08
NP Finn and you made some good points in the process that I`ll keep in mind..  btw  I will keep writing the odd review even though my knowledge for prog out weighs my review ability and it often frustrates me that I cant convey the message as well as reviewers even though I know what I want to say.   

Posted By: Finnforest
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:12
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

NP Finn and you made some good points in the process that I`ll keep in mind..  btw  I will keep writing the odd review even though my knowledge for prog out weighs my review ability and it often frustrates me that I cant convey the message as well as reviewers even though I know what I want to say.   

No problem will get reviews SUCKED when I started and some embarrass me.  But between the choice of fixing an old one, or writing a new one, the new one always wins.LOL

I don't think anyone starts out as  a great get better and better with each one you write...generally speaking. 

...that moment you realize you like "Mob Rules" better than "Heaven and Hell"

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:13
You know Yorkie, I don't have the slightest idea how much a Collaborator's rating weights.....That's how much I care about ratings.
Tha's why I always take the time to make long reviews, almost none less than 500 words.
Making a review takes me 1 or 2  hours in average, rating takes me 5 seconds, it would be easier to rate more and review less if it mattered at all.


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:36
Speaking as an almost non-reviewer who was given collab-status before my single review, I couldn't personally care less how my rating is weighted.  I only say this to make it clear that I am a non-reviewer whose ratings will count more highly than most with more than double my reviews. LOL

I like the idea of weighted ratings without reviews because it is so easy to abuse ratings (but a review takes more effort).  An advantage of not allowing all to have the same rating with review rating (particularly when it comes to lesser reviewed albums) is that a promoter/ band-member etc., for instance, may come along to promote an album using ratings to support the agenda and these are often not found to be abusive (even with known promoters).

That said, I don't like the weighted ratings with review on the whole (find it very excessive).  I think that there are many non-collab reviewers who write wonderful reviews with fair, justified ratings.  Some only write few but are clearly at least at the level of most prog reviewers.  I'd rather the higher-weigted ratings be opened up to a great many more at the least (non-noobs, non-promoters for instance -- people with few reviews, and people who are forum regulars).  Or something like that (can't concentrate right now).


My suggestion is that we can choose the way in preferences that we wish to see the ratings calculations: A straight average, weighted higher for ratings with reviews of all, and the clacualtion for weighting being used now.  I think it should be up to people which they find most useful (as for the default... Well I think the choice could be offered on the main page, click on one option without needing to log in and set preferences).

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:40
personally... I always thought the REAL lack of respect for non-collab reviews was ...errr... IS the way they are presented on the pages... almost as an afterthought... and you have to dig to find a non-collab review. If there would be any outrage ... that is where it should be directed... not again the silly notions of ratings.  If I had my way... we'd 86 them... and make people write reviews... and read them.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: jimmy_row
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:42
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

You know Yorkie, I don't have the slightest idea how much a Collaborator's rating weights.....That's how much I care about ratings.
Tha's why I always take the time to make long reviews, almost none less than 500 words.
Making a review takes me 1 or 2  hours in average, rating takes me 5 seconds, it would be easier to rate more and review less if it mattered at all.
Clapgood post Ivan, and to my bosses...superiors as wellLOL  I don't give a damn what my reviews are worth, and if you ask me, the SC's (and some PR's) should be weighed moe heavily than straight Collabs/people like me that don't review much.  The thing is that the ratings aren't for US...there's no satisfaction in having power..controlling the overall ratings.'s for the site's integrity - the exact thing that you seem to support.  We can't have floods of newbie's giving 5 stars to CttE and 1 star to Images and Words, and vise versa...and have those ratings of equal value to the folks that have worked their tail off to support the site.  Our reputation declines, and it isn't fair to the artists.  But, I understand your point Yorkie, on a different level and could see some merit in giving more weight to senior members and users who have submitted a significant amount of reviews.Smile

Posted By: jimmy_row
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:44
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

personally... I always thought the REAL lack of respect for non-collab reviews was ...errr... IS the way they are presented on the pages... almost as an afterthought... and you have to dig to find a non-collab review.
I was gonna say that, but I was afraid to...LOL

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 22:49
has been discussed to death in the past... it isn't changing...  but should be more a 'problem' to non-collabs than weighted ratings.  The weighted ratings are not a disrespect of them but more an 'attaboy' for the collabs I suspect... that though ^...  is a slap in the face to non-collabs,  the way they are presented. That has always said to me 'thanks for the review... but we aren't even going to bother showing it on the album page...if not a recent one. (think they only show the most recent couple of reviews)

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 23:08
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

personally... I always thought the REAL lack of respect for non-collab reviews was ...errr... IS the way they are presented on the pages... almost as an afterthought... and you have to dig to find a non-collab review. If there would be any outrage ... that is where it should be directed... not again the silly notions of ratings.  If I had my way... we'd 86 them... and make people write reviews... and read them.
Yes that bothers me as well it saves on page loading time but I feel that their should be a page 2 option for reviews much like the forum operations so then everybody gets their full review displayed without the "click here for full review" link   , just as a way to say every ones input is valued

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 23:13
There is a saying "progress by confrontation"  I'd like to personally thank everybody who cared to respond to this thread ..  it doesnt matter really how it goes for me or what comes from it but I feel closer to you all for taking the time to explain things to me and that thank you all for that   Hug

Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 23:16
Only an example of a trick with ratings: -
Does anyone agree all Morrison era of The Doors is too bad (1.69)?

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 23:32
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

Only an example of a trick with ratings: -
Does anyone agree all Morrison era of The Doors is too bad (1.69)?
Depends in how you look at it, I believe that's not a Morrison era album, that's a label compilation for no other purpose than making bucks.
There are already enough Doors compilations, if people want the real deal get the studio albums.
Maybe too low, but I wouldn't give more than 2, maybe  3 stars to that attemp of sacking our pockets.


Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 10 2008 at 23:38
^ I thought we are talking of artistic values. Otherwise we should take into consideration the price/quality ratio in our reviews. Wink
Following to your logic, everything is making bucks: remasters, new formats (like SACD, DVD-A, BluRay etc).

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 02:02
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

^ I thought we are talking of artistic values. Otherwise we should take into consideration the price/quality ratio in our reviews. Wink
Following to your logic, everything is making bucks: remasters, new formats (like SACD, DVD-A, BluRay etc).
Read my reviews, except a couple, I always rate compilations very low, I believe the music must be listened in the way the artist recorded it.
I never buy remasters or SACD, not even new copies of DVD's, if I already have something I don't waste my money, there's too much new stuff to be listened.
I even refuse to buy BluRay, being that most of the concerts I buy are not recorded in great quality.
I have already most of Doors albums and 4 compilations, why buy more?.


Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 03:13
^ Ivan, I think there is some difference between "Best of" compilations and sets like this. There are people who want to buy complete works of some artist (The Doors in our case). I hope you don't propose them to search for vinyls.
IMO it's noncense when separate albums are rated from 2.66 to 4.39, and at the same time all these albums together, with bonus tracks, surround sound etc have rating lower than 2 stars. Only because some collaborator's voice is so heavy.

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 06:16
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

^ Ivan, I think there is some difference between "Best of" compilations and sets like this. There are people who want to buy complete works of some artist (The Doors in our case). I hope you don't propose them to search for vinyls.
IMO it's noncense when separate albums are rated from 2.66 to 4.39, and at the same time all these albums together, with bonus tracks, surround sound etc have rating lower than 2 stars. Only because some collaborator's voice is so heavy.

your example there... and Ivan's post... are exactly the point I have tried to make. Clap  The ratings themselves are worthless... with no clear guidelines on what the ratings are to be since we do have 'non-prog' albums on this site that can.. and often are rated 5 star.. 4 star.. whatever.  Are the ratings for showing  'good' albums from 'bad'...  hahah.. yeah right... according to who.  Do the ratings show some sort of heirarchy  of prog... from the important to the not so important.  Anyway....  hopefully  you you see my point.  The ratings are so personal for each reviewer.. with no standards.. thus the ratings are sort of pointless unless you are completely new to prog and need to know what albums from the big guys you should be checking out first.  That is the really the only thing they are useful...  showing what is popular. For 95% of people here...  that isn't an issue.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Chris S
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 06:28
Originally posted by Yorkie X Yorkie X wrote:

There is a saying "progress by confrontation"  I'd like to personally thank everybody who cared to respond to this thread ..  it doesnt matter really how it goes for me or what comes from it but I feel closer to you all for taking the time to explain things to me and that thank you all for that   Hug
Good one Yorkie, never been one to flinch eh?Wink
Your reviews do matter......believe it, and the more the merrier please. Ratings IMO are ' weightless' unless say a new artist has been added ( in the hope that said raters return soon and replace said rating with a review)Smile

<font color=Brown>Music - The Sound Librarian

...As I venture through the slipstream, between the viaducts in your dreams...[/COLOR]

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 07:40
As has been said above, the substance of the review is far more important than the actual star rating.  When each of us submit a review we check a box that says that we agree to the terms of this site.  This is what the star ratings say:
Rating :
< id=irate =..hRatue.value=.value;checkFiveStars; = value=5 name=irate> Essential: a masterpiece of progressive music
< id=irate =..hRatue.value=.value; = value=4 name=irate> Excellent addition to any prog music collection
< id=irate =..hRatue.value=.value; = value=3 name=irate> Good, but non-essential
< id=irate =..hRatue.value=.value; = value=2 name=irate> Collectors/fans only
< id=irate =..hRatue.value=.value; = value=1 name=irate> Poor. Only for completionists
At least in my mind this is not necessarily a straight 1 to 5 ranking with 1 being worst and 5 being best.  It is meant to hopefully fit into a prog fans mindset.  Of course this isn't entirely fair either since us prog fans are all over the map from extreme prog metal to RIO/Avant to Zeuhl to Electronic to Crossover fans.  So taken within the context of a genre or a particular band a 5 star rating would make sense for a band's very best album or albums.  Even within a prog sub genre this might make sense.  Not only is an album the band's best, it is also a masterpiece within its subgenre.  Where the problem comes in is when you then take in prog music as a whole.  Is an album not only the band's best, and a masterpiece of its genre, but is it also a masterpiece of prog.  Is it an album that is going to appeal to the wide spectrum of prog fans?  I honestly feel that in the grand scheme of things there are very few of those that would fit that bill. But look at that you now have level 4 star which is an album that is not a masterpiece, but it is essential for any prog collection.  Hmmmm.  How big of a difference is there between a 4 star and a 5 star?  How can an album be essential but not be a masterpiece?  Then you get to 3 star which is good but not essential.  In my opinion most prog albums fall within this category.  Which makes sense from both an averaging standpoint as well as the fact that if everything were essential then the meaning of essential would be extremely diluted and thus rendered worthless.  The two star rating is meant to apply to collectors/fans only.  For me this is where compilations come in to play, and where it also gets quite tricky and you can kind of see from my reviews of compilations what I mean by this.  The music itself might be 4 or 5 star material especially to someone who is new to a band.  On the other hand, to someone who already has all of a bands albums, a compilation album is really only for a fan/collector who must have everything ever released by that particular band.  Thus the 2-star might be deemed as an insult, and maybe in a way it is, but it is also truly a fair rating because once you have all of a band's albums is it really necessary to have a new compilation album.  This same 2-star discussion also applies to 1 star reviews.  Poor.  Only for completionists.  Whereas a good compiliation might generate a 2 star, or even at best a 3 star ranking, a bad compilation should almost always receive a 1 star ranking.  Truly only a completionist would want it.  For me at least this also gets tricky within what I might consider to be a band's worst albums.  If I personally don't like an album and I am a fan of the band, then maybe that deserves a 1 star rating.  If I am not a fan of the band and I don't like the music is it fair for me to give it a 1 star?  Should I really be giving it a 2 star which says that it is for collectors/fans only?  What is the difference between a collector and a completionist?  I know that the ratings are based on personal feelings, but how can I say that an album is poor and only for completionists when the band's fans are giving the album 4 or 5 stars.  If this is the case, then the album will most likely get a 2 star rating from me, which means that it is for fans of the band.  This 2 star might seem like an insult and I suppose again it might even be one, but it essentially is my way of saying that I don't like the album but if you are a fan of the band you might/will like it.  And one last thing which really grinds me with this sites reviews.  A prog-related or proto-prog band's album should absolutely never ever receive a 5 star review.  How in the hell can a non-prog album be a masterpiece of prog?  It is impossible.  If it is a masterpiece of prog than that band had better damn well be moved from proto-prog or prog-related to a full prog genre.
What was the point of this lengthy rant.  The point was that the ratings don't mean anything.  For 1, very few seem to follow the guidelines anyways.  For 2, there really aren't too many bright lines between the various star rankings.  Masterpiece vs essential.  Collectors vs completionists.  The star ranking really means nothing without the substance of the review which explains what the star ranking means to that individual reviewer. 
As far as the collabs and reviewers rankings getting higher weightings than non-collabs and reviewers this has been explained already by others but essentially the main idea behind it is as has been said generally collabs and reviewers have "earned" these titles by helping out on the site and hopefully writing reviews that are essentially unbiased and thus useful to the reader of the review.  This isn't to say that there aren't poorly written reviews by reviewers and collabs and excellently written reviews by noncollabs and nonreviewers.  Some people and reviewers fall through the cracks or aren't highly visible within the forum setting but I think that generally those nonreviewers/collabs who write a number of good reviews will be noticed by the admins or collabs or reviewers and they will get promoted to the reviewer and collab level.  As has been said this is a volunteer site and those that show the most willingness to volunteer and help out are almost always accepted with open arms to continue the volunteering and helping out. 


Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 07:42
And just because I didn't type enough above.  These are the additional guidelines when writing a review.  I really wonder how many people actually read them.

1 - Write in ENGLISH, we regret that we cannot accept reviews in other languages. Avoid the use of on-line translators wherever possible, they will not do justice to your efforts. Do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS in your reviews, standard sentence case should be used at all times. Do not use abbreviations or “texting” language. Remember to check your review for spelling, grammar and punctuation. A poorly presented review can distract the reader from the well written content. Reviews accepted should be a MINIMUM 100 words preferably substantially more, no maximum.

2 - While ratings without reviews are accepted, you are strongly encouraged to write a review to support your rating.

3 - Feel free to review as many discs as you like, and to construct your reviews in whatever way you wish. (Tip, to start a new paragraph in your review, put <p> at the end of the previous paragraph.)

4 - Write in an intelligent and considerate manner. Rude or insulting language (including blatant vulgarity) will not be tolerated! Show respect for other reviewers, readers, the artists, and the CD and song titles. Do not belittle reviews posted by others, their opinions are as welcome and valid as yours. It is generally best to avoid commenting on other reviews altogether.

The following are examples of phrases which should NOT appear in reviews: "Reviewer Joe Smith is stupid for saying that...", "Anyone who doesn't like this album is an idiot", "The band which made this album is rubbish", etc.,

5 - Do not voice general opinions on matters such as whether a band/album/sub-genre should be included in the site, whether you agree with the star rating system, etc.. Such matters should be discussed in the forum. Keep the review pertinent to the specific album concerned. The reviews section is NOT the place for initiating or prolonging a debate.

6 - Try to write reviews that will be of real use and interest to other progressive music fans, who can benefit by finding new avenues for their musical exploration. Consider aspects which will be of interest to the reader such as the style of music, notable influences, similar bands, best tracks (don’t just say "this album is brilliant", explain what you like about it), production quality, musicians involved, album history, We suggest you listen to an album several times before writing a review. It can take a number of listens to Prog albums in particular to begin to appreciate the music.

7 - Remember that your reviews will be on the relevant album’s page for all to read for many years to come. Do not therefore word your review with only the front page (which shows the latest reviews) in mind. Consider whether the review will still make sense in 5 years time and more.

8 - Before assigning a star rating to an album, you should ensure you understand what the differing numbers of stars mean. Please use "one" and "five star" ratings very sparingly -- most albums you dislike will have at least some positive qualities, and not every album that you enjoy will be a perfect "masterpiece of prog".

9 - When quoting from elsewhere, ensure due credit is clearly given. Do not copy reviews or text from other sources and attempt to pass them off as your own.

10 - Any impersonation of another reviewer will be treated as an abuse of the Prog Archives site, and the offender will be barred from further use of the site.

THESE GUIDELINES are designed to help you to help us build a comprehensive reference of progressive rock (and related) recordings. By posting a review, you are indicating your acceptance of the guidelines, and undertaking to abide by them.

A special THANKS from Prog Archives to all those who submit reviews!


Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 09:39
Glad to see my half an hour spent on the above 2 messages was well-received and contributed to a continuing discussion. Ouch  Anyhow, not to be daunted let me add to my already over-wordiness by adding a link to the site's frequently asked questions thread which explains how to become a reviewer or collaborator quite well. -   I know that that was probably not necessary for the topic starter or many other contributors to this thread, but for those that might be new to this site I thought that the link might be useful.


Posted By: jimmy_row
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 10:51
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Glad to see my half an hour spent on the above 2 messages was well-received and contributed to a continuing discussion. Ouch 
Scott, thank you for taking the time to do that, I assure you that your words did not go unnoticed.  You just said all there is to say...nobody else felt the needLOLWink

Posted By: jimmy_row
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 10:59
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

What was the point of this lengthy rant.  The point was that the ratings don't mean anything.  For 1, very few seem to follow the guidelines anyways.  For 2, there really aren't too many bright lines between the various star rankings.  Masterpiece vs essential.  Collectors vs completionists.  The star ranking really means nothing without the substance of the review which explains what the star ranking means to that individual reviewer. 
The review part is very important, but sometimes we underestimate the value of a quality rating system (with reviews or not).  It's true that there can't be any universal criteria to rate upon with so many users and differing idea's of what means what...and maybe we shoudln't try too hard to establish this as it is a personal definition.  One can easily establish a reputation and demonstrate relativilty by rating many albums - the viewer can get a good idea of the rater's tastes and criteria by examining the ratings (more easily if the ratings can be accompanied by a brief comment...maybe even a personal guidline....and space to work in between (i.e. half star ratings, which i"ve always been in favor of).
As far as the collabs and reviewers rankings getting higher weightings than non-collabs and reviewers this has been explained already by others but essentially the main idea behind it is as has been said generally collabs and reviewers have "earned" these titles by helping out on the site and hopefully writing reviews that are essentially unbiased and thus useful to the reader of the review.  This isn't to say that there aren't poorly written reviews by reviewers and collabs and excellently written reviews by noncollabs and nonreviewers.  Some people and reviewers fall through the cracks or aren't highly visible within the forum setting but I think that generally those nonreviewers/collabs who write a number of good reviews will be noticed by the admins or collabs or reviewers and they will get promoted to the reviewer and collab level.  As has been said this is a volunteer site and those that show the most willingness to volunteer and help out are almost always accepted with open arms to continue the volunteering and helping out. 
Agree with all of that.  What should we do about collab reviews if they become low all fairness, shouldn't PR/Collab reviews be "better" than member reviews if we're going to give out fancy name-tags?

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 11:09
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

^ Ivan, I think there is some difference between "Best of" compilations and sets like this. There are people who want to buy complete works of some artist (The Doors in our case). I hope you don't propose them to search for vinyls.
Now, Talking about searching for vinyls, that is a nonsense Not a Proghead, Each person has his/her own opinions, and as Micky said, if you make a complete review and explain the reason why you're rating an album with1 or 5, you have to accept it, you may not agree, but you have to live with it.
IMO it's noncense when separate albums are rated from 2.66 to 4.39, and at the same time all these albums together, with bonus tracks, surround sound etc have rating lower than 2 stars. Only because
some collaborator's voice is so heavy.
In first place, don't kill the messenger, I didn't rated the album, I only gave my opinion. Wink
That's why I avoid rating compilations as long as it's possible, because there are Box Sets like The Return of the Manticore or Genesis Archives I which have partially ot totally previously unreleased material, like a version of The Lamb Live that didn't existed before, but others like YesYears, and the other 2 boxes that IMO are worth nothing (except the first one maybe) because you already have all the albums plus a box set…....why make another one?
Again if I reviewed the Doors album, expressed my reasons with arguments, you will have nothing to say, I'm entitled to have my opinion.
Now if you want a heavy collaborators voice:
1.   Start to work 5 hours a night in the Archives sacrificing the quality time with your family or stealing moments from your paid work, that's how people like Micky and Me gained the status of Special Collaborators, I remember chat sessions at 2 am in the morning (for Micky and Me), 3 am for HT and 5 am for Raffaella (in Italy). While you were probably sleeping, we were checking 519 Symphonic bands one by one, despite all we wanted is going to bed.
2.   Start buying albums that you don' know if you will like as HT, Clem of Nazareth or again myself did in order to have a full bio and a review of a band called Abbhama  (Who nobody will care about) that released a cassette in 1979 in Indonesia and now you have to pay US$ 50,00 for a Japanese copy.
3.   Or join nightly meetings despite you have some health problems and you're afraid, like Eric or Guigo do.
4.   Or accept to make reviews of unknown bands with absolutely no information,  like Windhawk is doing since he joined the team, the guy doesn't have a moment of rest.
Now if this is not enough for you, the reason why Collaborators ratings have more weight is because they have to keep a level. We can't afford he luxury of making ratings without reviews, or make reviews like this ones:


Quote"> - Your Lame Sister
2%20stars Bah. I don't like yes. I don't like Wakemen's cheezy keyboards. I don't like Bruford's drumming (I love his work for other bands, but with yes he was pretty sissy-ish). I don't like Howe's dry guitar tone and I HATE Anderson's inhuman voice; (The guy hates the work of 4 out of 5 Yes mebers, but then says) which is pretty unfortunate, for the band really is pretty talent, (How can you hate 4 out 5 members and then say they are pretty talented????)and can write good melodies and complex arrangements.

As for the album, well... I like certain parts of it. I like the way it begins with this dissonant guitar solo and freakish keyboards, and I really love the way it suddenly changes into a beautiful, melodic guitar solo. I also love the Acoustic guitar that opens the second song, and the keyboard-dominated climaxes on it (although they are kinda cliched).

Unfortunately, that's pretty much it. Bah.


And if w did, probably Bob or Guigo will call AND FIND US in order to write it again, what doesn't happen with “Your Lame Siste”r who probably can't be found.


I said more than I wanted, but it was necessary, you have to respect other people's opinions and know that nobody has given us nothing for free, we have worked a lot to have the privilege of...................WORKING MORE!!!!

Because being a Collaborator doesn't mean you will reach the paradise, and enjoy the rich & famous lifestyle.
You will have to keep a number of reviews, or you will work for a team and a boss that won't pay you a dime. LOL




Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 11:36
Originally posted by jimmy_row jimmy_row wrote:

Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

What was the point of this lengthy rant.  The point was that the ratings don't mean anything.  For 1, very few seem to follow the guidelines anyways.  For 2, there really aren't too many bright lines between the various star rankings.  Masterpiece vs essential.  Collectors vs completionists.  The star ranking really means nothing without the substance of the review which explains what the star ranking means to that individual reviewer. 
The review part is very important, but sometimes we underestimate the value of a quality rating system (with reviews or not).  It's true that there can't be any universal criteria to rate upon with so many users and differing idea's of what means what...and maybe we shoudln't try too hard to establish this as it is a personal definition.  One can easily establish a reputation and demonstrate relativilty by rating many albums - the viewer can get a good idea of the rater's tastes and criteria by examining the ratings (more easily if the ratings can be accompanied by a brief comment...maybe even a personal guidline....and space to work in between (i.e. half star ratings, which i"ve always been in favor of).
As far as the collabs and reviewers rankings getting higher weightings than non-collabs and reviewers this has been explained already by others but essentially the main idea behind it is as has been said generally collabs and reviewers have "earned" these titles by helping out on the site and hopefully writing reviews that are essentially unbiased and thus useful to the reader of the review.  This isn't to say that there aren't poorly written reviews by reviewers and collabs and excellently written reviews by noncollabs and nonreviewers.  Some people and reviewers fall through the cracks or aren't highly visible within the forum setting but I think that generally those nonreviewers/collabs who write a number of good reviews will be noticed by the admins or collabs or reviewers and they will get promoted to the reviewer and collab level.  As has been said this is a volunteer site and those that show the most willingness to volunteer and help out are almost always accepted with open arms to continue the volunteering and helping out. 
Agree with all of that.  What should we do about collab reviews if they become low all fairness, shouldn't PR/Collab reviews be "better" than member reviews if we're going to give out fancy name-tags?
1st off, thank you for your response.  A good point that you made is the ability to get to know reviewers and their tastes.  Obviously that takes time from the person who is reading reviews to get to know all of the reviewers.  But by reading the reviews on an album that you are interested in, if you read a review that intrigues you, you can always go to that reviewers list of reviews and see how their taste matches yours on albums that you have in common.  Something that is not entirely necessary because a really good review should tell you what you need to know.  I think that this is a process that most of us regulars have gone through to an extent over time.  By reading reviews and getting to know people in the forums I think that we get a pretty good idea of people whose tastes are similar and those whose tastes we would like to avoid. 
I agree that those with reviewer/collab status reviews should be at least good quality and should be held to a higher standard.  Generally, the thread for reporting reviews that don't meet the sites guidelines includes reviews by newbies to the site, who are contacted by the admins and encouraged to improve their reviews/given suggestions for improving their reviews.  But I think that this same should apply even more so for collabs and reviewers.  Certainly, if someone who holds these titles is writing reviews that don't meet the site's guidelines then they should be kindly approached and encouraged to adjust their reviews appropriately.  I suspect that this is already done to the extent that bad reviews are noticed and reported.  And of course if they continue to write bad reviews then a demotion might be in order.  Obviously, this kind of a decision made by admins on a facts and circumstances basis.
I should mention I don't have any problem with rating albums without reviews.  I agree that they generally don't deserve the same weighting as a rating with a review but they can still be helpful.  Especially when done by somebody whose tastes that you have gotten to know.  In my case, I have only written about 25 reviews here.  I think that some are pretty good, and even entertaining reading, but most are probably pretty drab.  On Mike's - site, I have rated about 700 albums but most without reviews.  I could and maybe I should probably do the same thing here on PA.  Add my ratings now, and eventually get around to writing a review that supports the rating, rather than not having any ratings because I don't have a good enough feel on an album to write a review, or the review writing muse hasn't struck yet.  At least for now, I use Mike's site to get the rating bug out of the way with the thought that someday a review will come to mind and make its way to this site.


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 14:01
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

Only an example of a trick with ratings: -
Does anyone agree all Morrison era of The Doors is too bad (1.69)?
That is indeed an unfortunate (and extreme) example. It's common knowledge that many prog fans do not like anthologies and will rate box-sets and Best of... collections accordingly. The observation that it is for collectors or completest only in itself is not without merit - I cannot imagine that a casual buyer with no knowledge of the Doors would buy it on spec and there are probably less expensive ways to get an introduction to their music, or more essential studio albums to buy first. Yet a review of the compilation for it's artistic value is equally valid and there is nothing wrong in reflecting that in the review and the rating and is of great value to someone who owns some of the material and is considering buying the full-set. In both cases the reason for the rating could be deduced from the review content. Regardless of the weighting, or even the ratings - the content of both reviews when read together I feel give a better understanding and impression of the set than just one alone... and that's the real power of the PA's reviews (certainly not the average rating) - you get the real picture and the real balance by reading all the reviews (well, as many as is practical) for an album - counter a 5* review with a 1* review to see the contrasting opinion the album can impart on two different people. Another thing I would recommend when reading "extreme" reviews is to check-out the reviewer's other reviews to get an impression of the person's likes and dislikes.
For the paltry few reviews I've written to date, my collab weighting hasn't made that much difference to the overall tally in each case. LOL
(However, knowing that my review will carry a higher weight does compel me to write better, even if I don't have the natural reviewing talent to pull it off Embarrassed)
ps: Yorkie - its outrages! or it's outrageous? ... not important, just curious. Wink


Posted By: Logan
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 15:56
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

...My suggestion is that we can choose the way in preferences that we wish to see the ratings calculations: A straight average, weighted higher for ratings with reviews of all, and the calculation for weighting being used now.  I think it should be up to people which they find most useful (as for the default... Well I think the choice could be offered on the main page, click on one option without needing to log in and set preferences).

I've suggested this before; bit surprised that no one else thinks it's a worthwhile idea.  I also thought this would be good for the album reviews pages (that one can set preferences to see how it's ordered -- I like to see latest to earliest and not have collab non-collab reviews in seperate categories or sections -- all mixed together depending on date, but, even better, would also like to be able to see it ordered by rating... I enjoy the one star reviews most LOL. Course one can see latest reviews irregardless of status on the band page).

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 16:41
BTW: I remember the contrary case:
I was adding a band (After months posting for several weeks in the Collaborators section and the team authorizing the addition), it took me hours to add the band and the albums.
When I finished adding the last album and making a review, a guy who is not a Colaborator and normally rates everything except Pink Floyd very low had rated without any review or explanation, the album I was about to post with 1 star
Similar cases where the reason why the weight of the ratings was changed, there was no way to ask this guy why he rated the album so low or retire the rating, because a RWR doesn't need explanation, but if a Prog Reviewer did that, he would be contacted by the Adms, especuially if he rates only one band 5 stars and the rest very low.
Honestly, I felt frustrated, all that work and  a guy who probably never heard the album and was only lurking which band was being added threw it down so his beloved Pink Floyd was kept always at the top.
BTW: I do believe all the reviews should be shown, but maybe it will take too much bandwith.


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 17:00
I know mailto:M@x - M@x is aware of the shortcomings in the way non-collaborator reviews are shown in the album pages. I can't promise anything just now, but he is committed to improving things.

Posted By: Yorkie X
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 21:10
Dean said //  "ps: Yorkie - its outrages! or it's outrageous? ... not important, just curious"

My response  // Sometimes on rare occasions spell check can cause more problems than its worth Wink

Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 21:31
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Now if you want a heavy collaborators voice:
1.   Start to work 5 hours a night in the Archives sacrificing the quality time with your family or stealing moments from your paid work, that's how people like Micky and Me gained the status of Special Collaborators, I remember chat sessions at 2 am in the morning (for Micky and Me), 3 am for HT and 5 am for Raffaella (in Italy). While you were probably sleeping, we were checking 519 Symphonic bands one by one, despite all we wanted is going to bed.
I already told it, I don't want my voice to be heavy. I only don't like when someone's not well-thought voice is heavier than mine (The Doors reviews example).
And Ivan, I have the feeling that you are, not intentionally, lying to yourself. There is almost no sacrifice, we are here only because we love music, because it is interesting for us. We do it because we like to do it, isn't it? Though I agree that when you are working in a team you have some obligations, but I can't call it sacrifice.
To lower the degree of this discussion, I started kinda "Thank you" thread: -
Hope it will be supported by progheads.

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 21:58
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

I already told it, I don't want my voice to be heavy. I only don't like when someone's not well-thought voice is heavier than mine (The Doors reviews example).
I agree that rating is extreme, I would had given 3 stars probably, but won't rate it.....Because I haven't bought it LOL.
And Ivan, I have the feeling that you are, not intentionally, lying to yourself. There is almost no sacrifice, we are here only because we love music, because it is interesting for us. We do it because we like to do it, isn't it? Though I agree that when you are working in a team you have some obligations, but I can't call it sacrifice.
Believe me, sometimes you rather be doing other things, but mostly I enjoy this.
To lower the degree of this discussion, I started kinda "Thank you" thread: -
Hope it will be supported by progheads
Just have read it most of us don't worry about that,. but feels nice to be mentioned Wink


Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 11 2008 at 22:11
^ I hope in future you will be mentioned there many times.

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: debrewguy
Date Posted: September 12 2008 at 19:54
The weighting also works to alleviate fanboy boosts of their favourite band by giving everything a five, or vice-versa everything a group has released a one.
Is this biased ? Yes. But I still am able to accept that Klaatu, Ange, and Night Sun will not enjoy the same high regard that I hold for them versus their PA ratings.

P.S. O.K. , well, accept is not really the word, but I can live with the knowledge that these groups are  "underrated" Tongue

"Here I am talking to some of the smartest people in the world and I didn't even notice,” Lieutenant Columbo, episode The Bye-Bye Sky-High I.Q. Murder Case.

Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 12 2008 at 21:46
Originally posted by debrewguy debrewguy wrote:

Is this biased ? Yes. But I still am able to accept that Klaatu, Ange, and Night Sun will not enjoy the same high regard that I hold for them versus their PA ratings.

Thanks Debrewguy, your post made me write my first Ange review, I started with Guet-Apens and will continue with the rest.
Yes, I believe they deserve more recognition, despite being so weird. Wink


Posted By: The T
Date Posted: September 12 2008 at 21:58
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

Only an example of a trick with ratings: -
Does anyone agree all Morrison era of The Doors is too bad (1.69)?
I disagree and have to stand up and defend that review.
I've just read it and I realize is a review from a GREATEST HITS COLLECTION. As such, the review (what it says) is commenting mostly in the fact that is huge and enormous and pricey. As it clearly says, it's actually easier to buy only the 6 albums.
We're talking a greatest hits collection here. Those kinds of collection are usually ways to take money from customers selling them lots of useless garbage. I don't see ANY negative comment about the music in that review. He's reviewing the collection. And I agree. And would give it one star if I had the thing because is just a rip-off.
I have given 1 stars to two greatest hits collection, and one by my FAVORITE band, so it's not really the music. In that case, it was because the song selection was atrocious. I never intended that to be a comment on the band's career, as it would be stupid to give 1 star to DT's career and then say that they're mny favporite band. It's the same case here.
So I think that review is unfairly treated here.,
And I also think that weighed ratings exist and it's good that they do.


Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 12 2008 at 23:02
^ Please, look carefully at track lists. If you think each The Doors song is a hit, OK, it is GREATEST HITS COLLECTION.

Imagine, DT will release a box set with all their studio albums in surround sound. Will you rate it with 1 star?

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

Posted By: The T
Date Posted: September 12 2008 at 23:24
^I seriously would... because it would just be anothewr way of ripping off fans.... The real fan of the band already has all the albums... and the casual ones who want to know the band for the first time would prefer a compilation of the best tracks, in a single-disc (or double at most), affordable collection. So who is this kind of collection targeted to??? Yes... 1-star.


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 00:35
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

^I seriously would... because it would just be anothewr way of ripping off fans.... The real fan of the band already has all the albums... and the casual ones who want to know the band for the first time would prefer a compilation of the best tracks, in a single-disc (or double at most), affordable collection. So who is this kind of collection targeted to??? Yes... 1-star.
I agree, it makes me remember:
Classic Yes
The Very Best of Yes
The Best of Yes
Yes Today
In A Word
The Ultimate Yes
Topography - The Yes Anthology
The Solid Gold Collection
One more for the members to pick up some royalties
And one for DJ The Verfe (Virgil Howe, Steve's son) to play
Yes Re-Mixes
And despite this is a Yes fans site. look at the ratings, except The Solid Gold Collection, which has obly one rating without review that gave them an undeserved 5 stars rating, most surely from a fanboy, most of them are between one point something and three.
Tell me if this is not a rip off?


Posted By: MikeEnRegalia
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 04:55
Originally posted by The T The T wrote:

^I seriously would... because it would just be anothewr way of ripping off fans.... The real fan of the band already has all the albums... and the casual ones who want to know the band for the first time would prefer a compilation of the best tracks, in a single-disc (or double at most), affordable collection. So who is this kind of collection targeted to??? Yes... 1-star.

It would depend on how much it would cost, and on how good those mixes would be. Incidentally: Steven Wilson did just that, only one album at a time. Personally, I love those mixes.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Release Polls

Listened to:

Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 05:33
While I take and agree with your basic point, I think the list you provide there is a little simplistic Ivan.
- Some of those collections contain interesting otherwise unavailable material (or did at the time of their release).
- The packaging of the box sets can be excellent, with what amounts to short books on the band included
- Even basic best of packages can steer people towards the band. How many people have discovered Yes by picking up a best of set with "Owner of a lonely heart on it"?
- The Yes remixes album is not a best of. While I personally think it is a poor effort, to be fair it should not be simply included in a list of compilations

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 05:44
I rather like my copy of YesYears, it has nice alternative versions of some of my faves and gives me a chance to hear some of the later stuff that's okay, but I wouldn't actually buy in it's original release. And yep, The Virge shouldn't be listed under Yes compilations - it shouldn't be here at all IMHO, but if it must, then it should be under VA:Tribulations.


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 07:50
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

And yep, The Virge shouldn't be listed under Yes compilations - it shouldn't be here at all IMHO, but if it must, then it should be under VA:Tribulations.

gotta disagree with you there my friend.... it is a Yes album (greatest hits if you will).. remixed... by The Virge. 

and ONE hell of an album as well LOL. Best 1 star album I've ever bought hahahha

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By:
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 08:02
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

And yep, The Virge shouldn't be listed under Yes compilations - it shouldn't be here at all IMHO, but if it must, then it should be under VA:Tribulations.

gotta disagree with you there my friend.... it is a Yes album (greatest hits if you will).. remixed... by The Virge. 

and ONE hell of an album as well LOL. Best 1 star album I've ever bought hahahha

crossover, maybe? Wink

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 08:06
Originally posted by NotAProghead NotAProghead wrote:

Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Now if you want a heavy collaborators voice:
1.   Start to work 5 hours a night in the Archives sacrificing the quality time with your family or stealing moments from your paid work, that's how people like Micky and Me gained the status of Special Collaborators, I remember chat sessions at 2 am in the morning (for Micky and Me), 3 am for HT and 5 am for Raffaella (in Italy). While you were probably sleeping, we were checking 519 Symphonic bands one by one, despite all we wanted is going to bed.
I already told it, I don't want my voice to be heavy. I only don't like when someone's not well-thought voice is heavier than mine (The Doors reviews example).
And Ivan, I have the feeling that you are, not intentionally, lying to yourself. There is almost no sacrifice, we are here only because we love music, because it is interesting for us. We do it because we like to do it, isn't it? Though I agree that when you are working in a team you have some obligations, but I can't call it sacrifice.
To lower the degree of this discussion, I started kinda "Thank you" thread: -
Hope it will be supported by progheads.

checking that thread out.....  

as an aside to the quote there

however... I don't think Ivan is...  that is the thing NaPH.  Ivan used the word sacrifice... that conjures up images of leaving the kids crying and hungry while we add bands that no one here has heard or most likely will ever hear hahhah.  Sacrifice is the wrong word perhaps... for those like Ivan... and myself.. and others invest time here not out of sacrifice.. but out of a love of the music.. and the site... and see it as just more than a place to hang 10.  Do we sacrifice.. no... perhaps not.... but Ivan is right in that a LOT of time is invested here for the sake of the site to give everyone here the best place on the net to find and discuss prog.  That is why at times emotions get so carried away at times..... a lot of people have invested a lot of time here... and have strong views and emotions regarding the site.  Something the admins and M@X may or may not realize... we see this site as partly ours...  we have invested so much into it... without tangible reward, we don't ask for it, what we do take from it... for all the labor and time...  is an innate sense of cooperative ownership.

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 08:08
Originally posted by Swan Song Swan Song wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

And yep, The Virge shouldn't be listed under Yes compilations - it shouldn't be here at all IMHO, but if it must, then it should be under VA:Tribulations.

gotta disagree with you there my friend.... it is a Yes album (greatest hits if you will).. remixed... by The Virge. 

and ONE hell of an album as well LOL. Best 1 star album I've ever bought hahahha

crossover, maybe? Wink

hahhahah..  well...I am one of the few here that thinks Yes is mislabelled in symphonic and should be in Xover.  Strongly believe they merged pop and prog better than anyone.. so much so... they have the prog universe fooled that they were a symphonic prog band LOLLOLLOL

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Slartibartfast
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 08:09
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

I agree, it makes me remember:
Classic Yes
The Very Best of Yes
The Best of Yes
Yes Today
In A Word
The Ultimate Yes
Topography - The Yes Anthology
The Solid Gold Collection
One more for the members to pick up some royalties
And one for DJ The Verfe (Virgil Howe, Steve's son) to play
Yes Re-Mixes
Tell me if this is not a rip off?

Just say no to Yes compilations. LOL

Released date are often when it it impacted you but recorded dates are when it really happened...

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 08:50
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

And yep, The Virge shouldn't be listed under Yes compilations - it shouldn't be here at all IMHO, but if it must, then it should be under VA:Tribulations.

gotta disagree with you there my friend.... it is a Yes album (greatest hits if you will).. remixed... by The Virge. 

and ONE hell of an album as well LOL. Best 1 star album I've ever bought hahahha
LOL I love the album, but for all the wrong reasons, I'd give it 4 stars as a techno album - I just can't see it as a Yes Greatest Hits album.
Crossover? By definition yes, by execution, no.


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 09:05
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

And yep, The Virge shouldn't be listed under Yes compilations - it shouldn't be here at all IMHO, but if it must, then it should be under VA:Tribulations.

gotta disagree with you there my friend.... it is a Yes album (greatest hits if you will).. remixed... by The Virge. 

and ONE hell of an album as well LOL. Best 1 star album I've ever bought hahahha
LOL I love the album, but for all the wrong reasons, I'd give it 4 stars as a techno album - I just can't see it as a Yes Greatest Hits album.
Crossover? By definition yes, by execution, no.

I'd have given it 5 stars... what techno album has Chris Squires bitchin bass lines LOL.  I need to put that in... haven't listened to it since I reviewed it actually.  No wait...  I did put it in just to hear Soundchaser a couple of months ago.

as far as the album.... it is a Yes album... their performances...  remixed by someone else....  not another artist performing the music. It belongs under Yes.  To simplify...  no different than if one of the group members did a remix of it.... would that album then been moved to Steve Howe's ... or Chris Squire's discography if they had been the one's to do it. 

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 09:46
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

And yep, The Virge shouldn't be listed under Yes compilations - it shouldn't be here at all IMHO, but if it must, then it should be under VA:Tribulations.

gotta disagree with you there my friend.... it is a Yes album (greatest hits if you will).. remixed... by The Virge. 

and ONE hell of an album as well LOL. Best 1 star album I've ever bought hahahha
LOL I love the album, but for all the wrong reasons, I'd give it 4 stars as a techno album - I just can't see it as a Yes Greatest Hits album.
Crossover? By definition yes, by execution, no.

I'd have given it 5 stars... what techno album has Chris Squires bitchin bass lines LOL.  I need to put that in... haven't listened to it since I reviewed it actually.  No wait...  I did put it in just to hear Soundchaser a couple of months ago.

as far as the album.... it is a Yes album... their performances...  remixed by someone else....  not another artist performing the music. It belongs under Yes.  To simplify...  no different than if one of the group members did a remix of it.... would that album then been moved to Steve Howe's ... or Chris Squire's discography if they had been the one's to do it. 

Now you've made me want to hear it. LOL


Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 09:51
Ah, the power of a 1-star review LOL 
every rating has value here


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 09:52
my review of it was a poor review of it.. but I simply couldn't do justice in a review to what I heard the first time I put it in. 

it is truly a listening experience .... love it. LOL  In fact... putting it on now hahha

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 09:57

Yes...... Yes..... Yes..... Yes...... Yes...... Yes

god I love Tempus Fugit... and can shake my ass to it LOL

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 09:59
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:


Yes...... Yes..... Yes..... Yes...... Yes...... Yes

god I love Tempus Fugit... and can shake my ass to it LOL

That sounds so wrong but so awesome. LOL


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 10:26
^ wait till you hear Soundchaser.....on now... and  waiting for the knock on the door telling me to turn that sh*t down....LOL

frickin killer....  who would have thought you could dance to Soundchaser..

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: Dean
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 10:32
Who would have though Micky could dance Tongue


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 10:42
Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Who would have though Micky could dance Tongue

oh man....  I never met a pool table or bar counter I didn't like....  I used to be a dancing fool LOL. Micky's got rhythm brother...  some of you grew up with prog....  I grew up with motown.  My mom was nuts about it.  The reason I picked up the bass as a kid.  James Jamerson is my idol. Heart

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 10:45
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

Originally posted by Dean Dean wrote:

Who would have though Micky could dance Tongue

oh man....  I never met a pool table or bar counter I didn't like....  I used to be a dancing fool LOL. Micky's got rhythm brother...  some of you grew up with prog....  I grew up with motown.  My mom was nuts about it.  The reason I picked up the bass as a kid.  James Jamerson is my idol. Heart

Don't know much about dancin'
That's why I got this song
One of my legs is shorter than the other
And both of my feet's too long

Course now right along with 'em
I've got no natural rhythm
But I go dancing every night
Hoping one day I might get it right

I'm a... dancin' fooooooooooool...



Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 10:51
turning this into the Yes Remixes appreciation thread.. .and thinking about an edit of my poor review.. not the rating.. but really didn't make a good attempt to describe the music.

No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed...

SMOKES the original album version....

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: MovingPictures07
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 10:52
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

turning this into the Yes Remixes appreciation thread.. .and thinking about an edit of my poor review.. not the rating.. but really didn't make a good attempt to describe the music.

No Opportunity Necessary, No Experience Needed...

SMOKES the original album version....

Haha, from the sounds of it, you should give it like 5 stars. LOL

You've never made me want to hear an album so badly before, yet it's a 1 star rating. LOL


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 10:57
the best thing about my review..... rereading it.. .it does suck..LOL

Anyway.. 1 star...

for eccentric Yes fans and those who are supremely open-minded. Those who are, might actually enjoy pulling this out occasionally. I do. Probably the most enjoyable 1 star album I'll ever review

Michael (aka micky)

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 10:59

And to think that I use the Yes Remixes CD in the same way that Micky uses his Flower Kings CDs.  As a coaster.


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 11:02

thanks for mentioning that....  if I edit that review I will have to note this album is far more of interest to prog fans ... fans of progressive music .... than any frickin Flower Kings album hahhaha

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 11:13
Well my fancy footed friend that is where we agree to disagree.  But since the Yes Re-MIxes tickles your fancy, this next monstrosity should send you into a rhythm of tears. -


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 11:20
well I'll be f**ked.. and not even kissed.... retire my placard as head ELP freak... I don't have that... but trust me... will be looking for it.. and/or ordering it Clap  God.... a hole in my ELP collection... that can not happen.

thanks Scott...

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 11:27
Oooh.  I have an ELP album that Micky doesn't have.  Somehow, I would have thought that would have been a prouder moment.  It's not.  It really has nothing more than curiosity for a reason to listen to it.  And always remember that curiosity is what killed the cat.


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 11:39
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Oooh.  I have an ELP album that Micky doesn't have.  Somehow, I would have thought that would have been a prouder moment.  It's not.  It really has nothing more than curiosity for a reason to listen to it.  And always remember that curiosity is what killed the cat.

yep... curiosity is what has killed many of my nine lives LOL  A quick peak into my psychology and that would stand out as what drives me I guess.  Trust me.. I'll get that soon... and will 'bless' the site with an appropriate review hahahha

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 11:53
Alright.  Well, please think of me kindly as you listen to it.


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 11:55
I'll even give you mention in the review...we'll see if you get clappies or an e-bill for the cost of the album LOLLOL

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 12:00
Alright.  The e-bill can be sent to me at mailto:[email protected] - [email protected] .Wink


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 12:06
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Alright.  The e-bill can be sent to me at mailto:[email protected] - [email protected] .Wink


that reminds me...  need to bring up again the idea of an album stipend for our senior collabs.. share the wealth M@X ahhahahah

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 12:33
Just think of how many albums you could afford to purchase if you were paid a nickel for every clappie that you dished out.
On the other hand, you could probably retire to Venice if it were a nickel for every hahahahahaha.


Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 12:34
If nothing else you might be able to afford to get the carpet cleaned from all those spilled cokes.


Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 12:44
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Just think of how many albums you could afford to purchase if you were paid a nickel for every clappie that you dished out.
On the other hand, you could probably retire to Venice if it were a nickel for every hahahahahaha.

hahha.. If I had a dime for everyone I've pissed off.. since I registered here... I could BUY Venice LOL

with the clappie royalites... I'll buy LA... and level the f**king place LOL

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: micky
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 12:44
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

If nothing else you might be able to afford to get the carpet cleaned from all those spilled cokes.

hahhha.. will be doing that before Raff gets here... LOLWink

The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip

Posted By: rushfan4
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 12:48
Good man!


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 13:25
Originally posted by micky micky wrote:

however... I don't think Ivan is...  that is the thing NaPH.  Ivan used the word sacrifice... that conjures up images of leaving the kids crying and hungry while we add bands that no one here has heard or most likely will ever hear hahhah.  Sacrifice is the wrong word perhaps... for those like Ivan... and myself.. and others invest time here not out of sacrifice.. but out of a love of the music.. and the site... and see it as just more than a place to hang 10. 

i always believed everything that matters in life costs a sacrifice.


I love Prog Archives, I wouldn't stop coming here  for money.


But back to the sacrifice issue:

  1. Isn't waking at 5 or 6 am like Raff did and Hawkwind does today, to chat with us at 12 am and for us to stay awaken in a work day until 2 or 3 am a sacrifice? 
  2.  One of my few pleasures when my fiancée is not here (that's a bigger pleasure), is to watch the Simpsons in Fox Network from 12 am to 1:am, I never see them anymore because I have a commitment here
  3.  Isn't using some of your time in the office to write here instead of doping something that makes you earn money a sacrifice?

A sacrifice (At least in Spanish) is to stop doing something you like, for something or someone you love.....Staying at home taking care of the babies instead of going to the stadium with your friends to watch the super game you always wanted to be in, and drink a couple of beers with them as when you were a kid, is a sacrifice, but you do something that brings you another kind of pleasure.

Waking at 5 am, staying in your PC until 2 or 3 am, not watching the program you like is a sacrifice, but we decide to do it, BECAUSE WE LOVE PROG AND PROG ARCHIVES MORE THAN SLEEPING A COUPLE MORE HOURS OR WATCHING THE SIMPSONS.


Bu still is a sacrifice..We sacrifice something we like, for something we love, and we do it with great pleasure

Do we sacrifice.. no... perhaps not.... but Ivan is right in that a LOT of time is invested here for the sake of the site to give everyone here the best place on the net to find and discuss prog.  That is why at times emotions get so carried away at times..... a lot of people have invested a lot of time here... and have strong views and emotions regarding the site.  Something the admins and M@X may or may not realize... we see this site as partly ours...  we have invested so much into it... without tangible reward, we don't ask for it, what we do take from it... for all the labor and time...  is an innate sense of cooperative ownership.
Honestly I don't ask anything, mailto:M@X - M@X and Ronnie invested money and effort to give us this place for free, I don't need more other than keeping this site alive and healthy.


Posted By: Ivan_Melgar_M
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 13:31

Now back to the Yes issue.

I bought Yesyears (Yesterdays, Classic Yes and The Very Best of Yes), the box set costed me more than $100.00, the other ones US$ 26,00 eact...This means I spent a lot of money in mostly the same songs, OK, Yesterdays is another thing and Yesyears is not bad, but will I buy any of the other $ 100.00 box sets to have almost the same?

No way José, I believe it's a rip off.
Box sets as Genesis Archives I where you have a live version you never dreamed to listen and a whole Lamb Lies Down on Broadway Live version...well that's an investment.
The first Anniversary Jethro Tull Box Set with unknown songs and some previously unreleased...That's an investment.
But The Pink Floyd Box containing 5 or 6 albums I already have or the Doors Box, I believe is a rip off by  the label.
BTW: No way Yes will leave Symphonic, they are an icon of the sub-genre. 


Posted By: Easy Livin
Date Posted: September 13 2008 at 17:06
In summary Ivan, compilations and boxes on a case by case basis, they're not all bad.Wink

Posted By: debrewguy
Date Posted: September 14 2008 at 15:31
Originally posted by Ivan_Melgar_M Ivan_Melgar_M wrote:

Originally posted by debrewguy debrewguy wrote:

Is this biased ? Yes. But I still am able to accept that Klaatu, Ange, and Night Sun will not enjoy the same high regard that I hold for them versus their PA ratings.

Thanks Debrewguy, your post made me write my first Ange review, I started with Guet-Apens and will continue with the rest.
Yes, I believe they deserve more recognition, despite being so weird. Wink

What's so weird was this - as I already had most of their "heyday" albums (Caricatures to Guet-Apens), long before I got into any prog rock bands apart from Gentle Giant and Rush (a few albums from Yes, Collins era Genesis, Moody Blues), it was strange once I started reading reviews and posts re : Ange and seeing the mentions of King Crimson and Genesis influences. I actually had to go back and re-listen to Ange, KC, and Genesis to see what the similarities were. I did notice some, but as I got into much more prog, It seemed to me that it was often a case of commonalities instead of one showing the other the way. Not that KC and Genesis didn't (Only Decamps can says for sure), just that many bands in many places dipped into other musical genres for influences.
On another hand ... my first thread here was to ask the question as to why the French scene did not have the same number of "figurehead" groups that the UK (Yes, KC, Genesis, ELP), Italian (PFM, Le Orme, Banco), and American (Kansas, Styx, er .... um ...) scenes did. My example being that Ange was the only "big"name to come out of France. I found that to be a barrier to getting into other french prog groups as comparisonswith well known groups from France were hard to come by.
Boy, did I learn a few things that week !Embarrassed Don't mess with Avestin, Watch out for Rocktopus, and never dismiss what you know less about than almost everyone else.
These days, though, I can hold my own, and am more comfortable in re-stating this case, while knowing that the French scene is probably more varied than most other countries, and as compared to Italy, has had a good share of one or two album wonders, but with more stylistic differences.
Oh, and of course, where else but France do you find a group like Magma ? Tongue

P.S. - My placing of Emile Jacotey as Ange's best, and  worthy of inclusion in the prog pantheon is likely due to the fact that I speak french. That, and it was the first Ange album I heard.
P.P.S. - next  : to query why Klaatu is prog-related and derided as too "poppy", while the Moody Blues are regarded as figureheads. Apart from Days fo Future Past and Hope, both shared a love of great melodies, and an occasional rock-out, with much appreciation for whimsy (Dr Livingston I presume ? Everybody take a Holiday ? )

"Here I am talking to some of the smartest people in the world and I didn't even notice,” Lieutenant Columbo, episode The Bye-Bye Sky-High I.Q. Murder Case.

Posted By: NotAProghead
Date Posted: September 14 2008 at 18:00
It seems discussion is drowned in details.
OK, collaborators "earned" their heavy voices, they sacrificed their lives to prog Smile , they never rest, never sleep etc.
But there is another side of the medal: if your voice means more than others, you should feel the responsibility. Everytime, when writing each review. Forget the words "this album stinks" and many other nice phrases, be extremely accurate with 1-star ratings. Am I wrong?  

Who are you and who am I to say we know the reason why... (D. Gilmour)

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