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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 11:10

Originally posted by Sweetnighter Sweetnighter wrote:

I got this picture off of a thread from, of which i have recently become a forum member. There is a 100+ post discussion on this picture... not on its morality, or on why its there... but on how best to fly two remote control airplanes into the fake towers. They're discussing dressing people up as airplanes and videotaping themselves bodyslamming the towers as well.

Just to give you an idea of how big these towers are, look at the house behind them and compare height. These towers are a good 20 feet tall. Because they have stood on the front lawn of this person's house for a few months, they must be made of something very durable, such as hardwood or metal. In this discussion, people have  contributed money, suggested planes, suggested ways to napalm the towers by packing RC planes with Styrofoam and Gasoline, suggested buying a cheap $200 sh*t car to dress up as a plane, and have considered filming whatever happens to these two unsuspecting towers in a variety of ways. Truly, truly entertaining.

Those people are animals...the whole world is sick.

....and Sweetnighter....I am shocked that you consider this entertaining.

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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 11:14
Originally posted by Man With Hat Man With Hat wrote:

Not really. He could be expressing that he loves the United States, as a sort of unoffical memorial to all that died that day. Granted I would never do something like that, and even though all this sh*t that is happening i still love the grand USA.

And that is really inappropiate (Directed towards BaldFriede). And the same could be said to Tony R, but being it wasn't his idea i shall not.

It's kind of what I was thinking as well. It would help if he put some plaque on it or give a reference somewhere what they stand for, but oh well. Perhaps he is trying to remind a timid America at what we lost to these barbarians and we must never forget and never relent with or need to eradicate these sadistic terrorists.

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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 11:14
Originally posted by undefinability undefinability wrote:

It would actually be funnier if the towers were burning, and little GI-Joe action figures were seen falling from the highest floor.


(Sue me.)


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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 11:15
Tony are absolutely insufferable but I still love ya anyway.
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Sweetnighter View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 11:52
Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

Originally posted by Sweetnighter Sweetnighter wrote:

I got this picture off of a thread from, of which i have recently become a forum member. There is a 100+ post discussion on this picture... not on its morality, or on why its there... but on how best to fly two remote control airplanes into the fake towers. They're discussing dressing people up as airplanes and videotaping themselves bodyslamming the towers as well.

Just to give you an idea of how big these towers are, look at the house behind them and compare height. These towers are a good 20 feet tall. Because they have stood on the front lawn of this person's house for a few months, they must be made of something very durable, such as hardwood or metal. In this discussion, people have  contributed money, suggested planes, suggested ways to napalm the towers by packing RC planes with Styrofoam and Gasoline, suggested buying a cheap $200 sh*t car to dress up as a plane, and have considered filming whatever happens to these two unsuspecting towers in a variety of ways. Truly, truly entertaining.

Those people are animals...the whole world is sick.

....and Sweetnighter....I am shocked that you consider this entertaining.

I do! The jackassery of the person who put this on his/her front lawn deserves this chiding. I can't see how anybody could find this statue on their lawn respectful in any way. I find that it's very bad taste, even if they mean't it to be a commemoration. Also, its not as if these people "planning" to RC plane-bomb these towers are actually going to do it, as they all said they basically wouldn't. Maybe its just me, but I don't see how this statue honors anything at all, and as a result I don't think that it deserves any real respect anyway.

...maybe i just have a sick sense of humor. at least baldfriede agrees with me!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 12:20
The actual existence of them doesn't offend me in the slightest, if I ignore the reasons why it's there - it's a part of history. To me it would be like getting offended by Guy Fawkes day, or Trafalgar day for that matter. It's a fairly silly thing to do (and to laugh at such an event I find obnoxious, don't get me wrong), but the actual picture itself (minus aeroplanes, anyway) doesn't bother me.

Edited by goose
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 12:40
Maybe the models of the Towers on the lawn are an act of defiance. A shaking of the fist at those who would try to destroy our way of existence!
   Thats how I see it anyway, but the only way to know is ask the owner!
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BaldJean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 12:50
Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

How can someone with the twin towers on their lawn be disgusting? I don't see your point at all lBaldfriede!

The worse thing is your comment about missing the aeroplanes, not the towers.

Perhaps as an American who has lived in Germany for 12 years now (11 of them with Friede) I can shed some light on why this image is so disgusting for Friede. Most Germans (and Friede is no exception) hate all forms of outwardly displayed patriotism (and this monument seems to be a display of that); the farthest they will go is supporting their national soccer team. This is a little difficult to understand for Americans who usually are very patriotic, but there are historic reasons for it. Germans make patriotism partially responsible for the outbreak of 2 world wars. Anyone who expresses patriotism in Germany is automatically suspected to be an extreme right-winger. For Germans patriotism is a stupid and blind emotion.
Americans on the other hand are usually very patriotic, and anyone who is not is suspected to be an extreme left-winger, making most Americans want the committee against Un-Americanism from the 50s back again.
Americans who live in Europe tend to lose their patriotism over the years, by the way. It is the same with me. Looking at the state the USA currently is in, with civil liberties radically restricted, an idiotic war in Iran that eats into the budget, thereby wasting money that could be used for a lot more important causes, like education and public welfare, the budgets for arms and secret services way over the top too, and my former fellow countrymen- and women re-electing Bush nevertheless makes it hard to remain patriotic.
Anyway, I hope this makes it clear why Friede felt a little uneasy at the sight of this monument. Her comment about the airplanes was ironic. She simply topped something that was disgusting in her eyes with more disgust, a technique used by many satirists.
And now enough on this topic.

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threefates View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 17:23
Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

How can someone with the twin towers on their lawn be disgusting? I don't see your point at all lBaldfriede!

The worse thing is your comment about missing the aeroplanes, not the towers.

Perhaps as an American who has lived in Germany for 12 years now (11 of them with Friede) I can shed some light on why this image is so disgusting for Friede. Most Germans (and Friede is no exception) hate all forms of outwardly displayed patriotism (and this monument seems to be a display of that); the farthest they will go is supporting their national soccer team. This is a little difficult to understand for Americans who usually are very patriotic, but there are historic reasons for it. Germans make patriotism partially responsible for the outbreak of 2 world wars. Anyone who expresses patriotism in Germany is automatically suspected to be an extreme right-winger. For Germans patriotism is a stupid and blind emotion.
Americans on the other hand are usually very patriotic, and anyone who is not is suspected to be an extreme left-winger, making most Americans want the committee against Un-Americanism from the 50s back again.
Americans who live in Europe tend to lose their patriotism over the years, by the way. It is the same with me. Looking at the state the USA currently is in, with civil liberties radically restricted, an idiotic war in Iran that eats into the budget, thereby wasting money that could be used for a lot more important causes, like education and public welfare, the budgets for arms and secret services way over the top too, and my former fellow countrymen- and women re-electing Bush nevertheless makes it hard to remain patriotic.
Anyway, I hope this makes it clear why Friede felt a little uneasy at the sight of this monument. Her comment about the airplanes was ironic. She simply topped something that was disgusting in her eyes with more disgust, a technique used by many satirists.
And now enough on this topic.

You've just made German's sound like Vulcan's.

And the only American's I know who have lost their patriotism while living abroad are the ones worried about their lives...  Maybe you've lost your patriotism because you're so connected to Friede that you don't actually see the world thru your own eyes any longer...

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BaldJean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 17:27
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

And the only American's I know who have lost their patriotism while living abroad are the ones worried about their lives...  Maybe you've lost your patriotism because you're so connected to Friede that you don't actually see the world thru your own eyes any longer...

Believe me, it's true. I even heard a radio feature about it.

A shot of me as High Priestess of Gaia during our fall festival. Ceterum censeo principiis obsta
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nacho View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 17:50


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Arsillus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 19:16
Originally posted by undefinability undefinability wrote:

It would actually be funnier if the towers were burning, and little GI-Joe action figures were seen falling from the highest floor.


(Sue me.)

You're sick!  And I can't believe that's coming from someone in the States, too!

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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 19:38
Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

Originally posted by BaldJean BaldJean wrote:

Originally posted by Snow Dog Snow Dog wrote:

How can someone with the twin towers on their lawn be disgusting? I don't see your point at all lBaldfriede!

The worse thing is your comment about missing the aeroplanes, not the towers.

Perhaps as an American who has lived in Germany for 12 years now (11 of them with Friede) I can shed some light on why this image is so disgusting for Friede. Most Germans (and Friede is no exception) hate all forms of outwardly displayed patriotism (and this monument seems to be a display of that); the farthest they will go is supporting their national soccer team. This is a little difficult to understand for Americans who usually are very patriotic, but there are historic reasons for it. Germans make patriotism partially responsible for the outbreak of 2 world wars. Anyone who expresses patriotism in Germany is automatically suspected to be an extreme right-winger. For Germans patriotism is a stupid and blind emotion.
Americans on the other hand are usually very patriotic, and anyone who is not is suspected to be an extreme left-winger, making most Americans want the committee against Un-Americanism from the 50s back again.
Americans who live in Europe tend to lose their patriotism over the years, by the way. It is the same with me. Looking at the state the USA currently is in, with civil liberties radically restricted, an idiotic war in Iran that eats into the budget, thereby wasting money that could be used for a lot more important causes, like education and public welfare, the budgets for arms and secret services way over the top too, and my former fellow countrymen- and women re-electing Bush nevertheless makes it hard to remain patriotic.
Anyway, I hope this makes it clear why Friede felt a little uneasy at the sight of this monument. Her comment about the airplanes was ironic. She simply topped something that was disgusting in her eyes with more disgust, a technique used by many satirists.
And now enough on this topic.

You've just made German's sound like Vulcan's.

And the only American's I know who have lost their patriotism while living abroad are the ones worried about their lives...  Maybe you've lost your patriotism because you're so connected to Friede that you don't actually see the world thru your own eyes any longer...

Shouldn't you say greedy school boards who'll find a dishonest way of pocketing the money for themselves and leave very little for the benefit of children's education? Also, shouldn't you say the free loaders of america rather than public welfare?

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Hangedman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 20:32

The thing that gets me about the 9/11 incident is I never heard any american person, media or otherwise, ask WHY it happened. There was no questioning, only people demanding eradication. Killing everyone you suspect could be a threat is ultimately going to change NOTHING. People need to think about why such an atrocity would happen, think why there would be enough people who hate the US so much they would go through with this. Yes its smart to try and tear down the organization that did it that much I agree, but to coexist you need to compromise. (Not with al-qeada, DONT misunderstand me, i mean the rest of the world in general).

As for the lawn ornaments, I think its ridiculous and pompous. Like in that persons mind they are challenging someone with those pillars. Probably thinking something along the lines of "Lets see those terrorists knock THESE down." but likely much more racist.

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Hangedman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 20:50
Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

Shouldn't you say greedy school boards who'll find a dishonest way of pocketing the money for themselves and leave very little for the benefit of children's education? Also, shouldn't you say the free loaders of america rather than public welfare?

I hate it when people argue like that, so lets turn it around shall we?

"Shouldn't you say greedy school boards who'll find a dishonest way of pocketing the money for themselves and leave very little for the benefit of children's education?" - Couldnt the same be said for the military, or anything funded in part by the goverment for that matter? Do you know how little teachers/principals are paid? These people are pretty much sacrificing themselves to try make sure our children can learn something, and there is only going to be less and less. So the only people who dont agree are people who dont care about children and would rather an excuse to hate other people.

"Also, shouldn't you say the free loaders of america rather than public welfare?" - There are a lot of people who cheat the welfare system who really have no excuse, and these people piss me off to no end. But also there are people who need it (single mothers with new borns etc..). I lived in poverty when for about 2 years when i was younger because my mother was too proud to accept welfare, it would have helped a lot(we did manage, and my mother did bounce back and shes doing fine, shes a landlord now). I know a lot of people who were hardly raised because thier single parent was always working to pay bills.

Now a lot of that is pretty extreme and unerasonable, just like what gdub posted (im sorry but what you wrote was an attack on my beliefs, and even if it was because you were sore over the innapropriate picture on the first page i cant let it go). As time goes on my view on right wing people has changed a lot, many of my views have become right wing in nature. About a year ago because of the way my life worked out I saw right-wingers as unreliable, self centered snakes who would gladly watch thier own children starve if it meant not having to part with money. Ive matured quite a bit now mind you, but sometimes when something is said that I find ignorant or completely one sided (much like my respones following the blue) my blood boils.

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gdub411 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 21:37
Originally posted by Hangedman Hangedman wrote:

Originally posted by gdub411 gdub411 wrote:

Shouldn't you say greedy school boards who'll find a dishonest way of pocketing the money for themselves and leave very little for the benefit of children's education? Also, shouldn't you say the free loaders of america rather than public welfare?

I hate it when people argue like that, so lets turn it around shall we?

"Shouldn't you say greedy school boards who'll find a dishonest way of pocketing the money for themselves and leave very little for the benefit of children's education?" - Couldnt the same be said for the military, or anything funded in part by the goverment for that matter? Do you know how little teachers/principals are paid? These people are pretty much sacrificing themselves to try make sure our children can learn something, and there is only going to be less and less. So the only people who dont agree are people who dont care about children and would rather an excuse to hate other people.

"Also, shouldn't you say the free loaders of america rather than public welfare?" - There are a lot of people who cheat the welfare system who really have no excuse, and these people piss me off to no end. But also there are people who need it (single mothers with new borns etc..). I lived in poverty when for about 2 years when i was younger because my mother was too proud to accept welfare, it would have helped a lot(we did manage, and my mother did bounce back and shes doing fine, shes a landlord now). I know a lot of people who were hardly raised because thier single parent was always working to pay bills.

Now a lot of that is pretty extreme and unerasonable, just like what gdub posted (im sorry but what you wrote was an attack on my beliefs, and even if it was because you were sore over the innapropriate picture on the first page i cant let it go). As time goes on my view on right wing people has changed a lot, many of my views have become right wing in nature. About a year ago because of the way my life worked out I saw right-wingers as unreliable, self centered snakes who would gladly watch thier own children starve if it meant not having to part with money. Ive matured quite a bit now mind you, but sometimes when something is said that I find ignorant or completely one sided (much like my respones following the blue) my blood boils.

Well who do you think funds the school boards? The Government!! Perhaps if the teachers didn't teach from a set ciriculum and were able to dictate their own teachings, maybe I would say it is a noble profession. The teachings are vastly left wing and our children have become enslaved to the left wing ideals once public schools have had a hand in brainwashing them. I do not feel like I should have to fork out more taxes(and as a homeowner I do) because the school district is in need of it. Does any money really go to the schools? I suppose a little....but more of it goes to the school board and the advancing of it's left wing ideas through donations to democrats.

I am sorry you lived in poverty for a couple years. In my opinion it shows much character in your mother and she should be applauded for her strength of will and perseverance. She has risen up from the mires of mediocrity and made something of herself.( I wish I could say the samerfor myself) All without the help of big government holding her hand and whispering into her ear....keep voting democratic and you'll see plenty of more of those checks coming your way.  Isn't that what it is all about? encourage mediocrity by keeping them low for a few extra dollars sent from big brother just as long as you keep voting democratic...

I'm sorry....I'll take the big military that protects us from the US haters(and there are many of them) anyday. A weak military invites aggression and I'll have none of that.


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frenchie View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 21:44
it seems the brits (or Tony R) dont have much sympathy for the americans, yet i understand that twin tower jokes are taboo in the US.

Just one thing though...

who ever said those things on the lawn were meant to be the twin towers? They are just two cuboids standing up. They could be anything. It seems like people have just assumed that they are meant to be the twin towers. Don't look like them to me (i'm sure one was shorter than the other anyway), just looks like 2 skyscrapers or bars of metal standing up perhaps but not necessarily the twin towers.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 23:26

Hangedman said, "The thing that gets me about the 9/11 incident is I never heard any american person, media or otherwise, ask WHY it happened."

For me, it's not just "why," but also "who."  Because 19 hijackers with box cutters did not outthink and outwit the entire military and intelligence apparatus of the U.S.  There are two "camps" re to what degree the U.S. - and specific parties in the U.S. - were complicit in the events of 9/11.  There is the "LIH" group and the "MIH" group: i.e., those who believe that Bush et al "let it happen" via negligence or even "turning a blind eye" (just as Roosevelt did with Pearl Harbor), and those who believe that Bush et al "made it happen" - that they were actively involved in the planning and execution.

The "9/11 Commission" was clearly a "sop" to the American public and the world.  Not only did the majority of members of the commission have serious conflicts of interest - including financial ties to the two airlines involved - but the Commission either omitted or ignored a great deal of evidence and testimony.  And that's just for openers...

There is an enormous amount of evidence - real, hard evidence, not just "conspiracy theories" - that raise an enormous number of legitimate questions.  There are plenty of books and Internet sites that shed at least some light on that evidence and those questions.

People globally - and especially in the U.S. - need to "get their heads out of the sand" and start opening up their eyes.  Yes, it is and will be painful, since the truth may be extremely difficult to accept.  But, as they say, sometimes "the truth hurts."  And I'd rather be hurt by the truth than live in and with lies.


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Arsillus View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 05 2005 at 23:39
Originally posted by Hangedman Hangedman wrote:

The thing that gets me about the 9/11 incident is I never heard any american person, media or otherwise, ask WHY it happened. There was no questioning, only people demanding eradication. Killing everyone you suspect could be a threat is ultimately going to change NOTHING. People need to think about why such an atrocity would happen, think why there would be enough people who hate the US so much they would go through with this. Yes its smart to try and tear down the organization that did it that much I agree, but to coexist you need to compromise. (Not with al-qeada, DONT misunderstand me, i mean the rest of the world in general).

As for the lawn ornaments, I think its ridiculous and pompous. Like in that persons mind they are challenging someone with those pillars. Probably thinking something along the lines of "Lets see those terrorists knock THESE down." but likely much more racist.

9/11 happend because they're mad at the West, the fact that the Ottoman Empire failed and they view the West as a threat. The WTC Twin Towers were symbol that represented the West. Think about it: finacial trade center, New York.....

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 06 2005 at 00:21
Originally posted by Hangedman Hangedman wrote:

The thing that gets me about the 9/11 incident is I never heard any american person, media or otherwise, ask WHY it happened. There was no questioning, only people demanding eradication. Killing everyone you suspect could be a threat is ultimately going to change NOTHING. People need to think about why such an atrocity would happen, think why there would be enough people who hate the US so much they would go through with this. Yes its smart to try and tear down the organization that did it that much I agree, but to coexist you need to compromise. (Not with al-qeada, DONT misunderstand me, i mean the rest of the world in general).

As for the lawn ornaments, I think its ridiculous and pompous. Like in that persons mind they are challenging someone with those pillars. Probably thinking something along the lines of "Lets see those terrorists knock THESE down." but likely much more racist.

You must be kidding... I think everyone in NYC asked why.. and we wanted answers... so maybe you should research those stupid things before you write them...

I see you've already built your own propaganda in your head regarding what you think American's wanted.  I have yet to hear anyone who was in the Trade Center or who lost family member's in the Trade Center cry out for eradication of anyone.  And if we were just in this to take out anyone who threatened us... then there wouldn't be much left of Afghanistan or Iran... but then we haven't touched them have we.  Even Khadafy's still running around in one piece.... 

And we know why they hate us... we are on top and we represent evil to them... we care about their enemies, we care about and want more for their women, we live in the 21st Century, while they continue to live in the past... we threaten their manhood, we threaten their religion which is the center of their control anyway... otherwise we threaten their control... we've got that...

As far as the lawn ornament... how do you know this house doesn't belong to a family of someone who was killed in the WTC ?... maybe its a tribute to a fallen love one.  We can't assume just because we think its morbid, to understand the reasoning behind what others do.  Thats usually where all the problems begin...

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