Slartibartfast wrote:
TheProgtologist wrote:
I about you guys stop this childish squabbling that has permeated the last few pages,and treat each other and their opinions with some respect,maturity and civility?Even if the differ from your own.
Or I am going to close this thread. |
Or how about, SIT DOWN AND SHUT UP!!! ?
Nah, I say we re-start the interminable variations on the Phil vs Peter wars, the needlessly never ending Dream Theater battles, and of course, the moronic moral morass of being against the impracticality of not eating steak as cows cannot survive on their own in the wild.
Being Canadian, I could stir the hornet's nest with a discussion of the hypocrisy of the anti-seal hunt idiots; but that didn't work last time I tried as too many responded in an intelligent and moderate way (i.e. they knew about the existence of slaughterhouses, the increasing number of seals despite the hunt, the much needed income for those involved in the hunt, the celebrity PR machinery behind the distorted images that never showed or hinted at the very possibility of their being another valid side top the arguement etc....)
Oh, and the fact that Klaatu & Ange are really the two top prog groups of all time despite what all the other people have said. The very fact that they are not listed in the top 100 of any genre shows just how great they are, as only a limited number of intelligent people (and a few unintelligent ones, too) are able to "get" them. And as we all agree, or at least the ones who agree with me, if we think so, it is so.
So there !
Now back to my meds