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andrea View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Topic: Italianprog lovers... I need your help!
    Posted: January 21 2008 at 06:20

There are many interesting contemporary bands coming out from Italy not included in PA... But I'm a little bit puzzled when I have to label them or put them in the threads for signed or unsigned bands! Bands often seem mocking who try to label them... Crossover prog? Italian Symphonic? Metal? Heavy prog? There are borderline cases... Our "Italianprog" specialists at the moment are busy - they're discussing the inclusion of Italian artists like Pooh, Lucio Battisti, Ivano Fossati and Angelo Branduardi - and can't help I fear CryConfusedLOLLOL... Here you have a very short and incomplete list of interesting Italian emerging prog bands... Please take the time to listen to them and give your opinion... Clicking on the band names you'll find the links to the threads where you can find samples and information (in some cases you can find full length albums that can be legally downloaded). Any feedback will be appreciated...


  1. Abash (added to Heavy Prog)
  2. Absenthia
  3. Aegon
  4. Akhenathon
  5. Akt (added to Eclectic Prog)
  6. Albedo
  7. Alchimia
  8. Alfa Nefer
  9. Alhambra (added to Psychedelic/Space Prog)
  10. Aliperdute
  11. Allegri Leprotti
  12. Alma Ensemble
  13. Alphaterra
  14. Ampio Spettro
  15. Anacondia (added to RPI/ISP)
  16. Anatrofobia
  17. Anfiteatro
  18. Anziana Regina
  19. Aphelion (added to Prog Metal)
  20. Aridha
  21. Arvalia
  22. Assenzio (added to ISP/RPI)
  23. Astral Loom
  24. Atto IV (added to ISP/RPI)
  25. Auticada
  26. Bacio di Giuda
  27. Biofonia
  28. Bludrama
  29. Camera Chiara
  30. Carpani, Alex (added to Symphonic Prog)
  31. Ceke
  32. Celestasi
  33. Chiave di Es
  34. Circolo Culturale Federico Magnani
  35. Coral Caves (added to RPI/ISP) 
  36. Corridoio... Con Figure e Luci
  37. Corte Aulica (added to RPI/ISP)
  38. CosaRara
  39. Curvatura 9
  40. Dark Shadows
  41. Darshan
  42. Dedalo in Fuga
  43. Del Maiale Non Si Butta Via Niente
  44. Diamante
  45. Dilatazione
  46. XII Icona
  47. EderadiramE
  48. Ego
  49. Elettrosmog (added to RPI/ISP)
  50. Ellissi Nel Cerchio
  51. Ephemeris
  52. Falena
  53. Farinella, Alessandro
  54. Fata dell'Ombra
  55. Filarmonica Municipale LaCrisi
  56. Filoritmia (added to RPI/ISP)
  57. Fiori di Piombo
  58. Gorgeous
  59. Grendel
  60. Grey Lagoon
  61. Guernica
  62. Helianthus
  63. Historia
  64. Hypnosis
  65. Il Ballo delle Castagne
  66. Il Castello delle Uova (added to RPI/ISP)
  67. Il Cavallo di Don Juan
  68. Il Cerchio d'Oro
  69. Il Maniscalco Maldestro
  70. Il Silenzio di Ghisa
  71. Imaginaria
  72. In Assenza
  73. Indagini Su Un Cittadino Al Di Sopra Di Ogni Sospetto
  74. Indicative
  75. Insiria
  76. Ipotesi
  77. I Tavernicoli
  78. I Treni All'Alba (added to Eclectic Prog)
  79. J'Accuse..! (added to Crossover Prog)
  80. Juglans Regia (added to Heavy Prog)
  81. Karmablue (added to Eclectic Prog)
  82. Kriya
  83. Labirinto di Specchi
  84. La Bocca della Verità
  85. Laboratorio del Sogno Lucido
  86. La Coscienza di Giuda
  87. La Foresta dell'Equilibrio
  88. La Guerra delle Formiche (added to Crossover Prog)
  89. La Menade
  90. L'Apprendista Bardo
  92. La Seconda Eclisse
  93. La Sfera
  94. LaYra
  95. Les Masques
  96. Lethean
  97. Lineateorica
  98. Lingalad
  99. MAdRE
  100. Melpein
  101. Meridiano Zero
  102. Meseglise
  103. Milvus
  104. Monni, Lorenzo  (added to RPI/ISP)
  105. Motoreimmobile
  106. Neamatis
  107. Niagara
  108. Notturna
  109. Nuda Veritas
  110. Nuove Officine Rumori
  111. Odi et Amo
  112. Oloferne
  113. Oltremare
  114. Oniric
  115. Opificio Sonoro Maremmano
  116. Pandora
  117. Paranomy
  118. Pennelli di Vermeer (added to RPI/ISP)
  119. Perenne Symposio
  120. Persuaria
  121. Picaroon's Spark
  122. Pneuma
  123. Praeludium
  124. PropheXy
  125. IV Luna (Quarta Luna)
  126. Quintessenza
  127. RanestRane (added to RPI/ISP)
  128. RES
  129. Reticolo Essenziale
  130. Riddle
  131. Ritratto Di Un Mattino (added to Eclectic Prog)
  132. Roccaforte
  133. Sbalzi d'Umore
  134. Semeion
  135. Senza Codice
  136. Senza Nome (added to RPI/ISP)
  137. Sidd / Kamala
  138. Silent Tears
  139. Sirena
  140. Società Anonima Decostruzionismi Organici
  141. Tantrica
  142. TenMidnight
  143. The Balmung
  144. The Mods
  145. The Rebus
  146. Thrangh
  147. Trinità del Dubbio
  148. Twenty Four Hours
  149. U.K.O.
  150. U.N.O. - Unidentified Noisy Object
  151. Venezia
  152. Venti A Contatto
  153. Verbamanent
  154. Vieux Carré (added to RPI/ISP)
  155. Vu Meters (added to Eclectic Prog)
  156. Willow (added to Prog Metal)
  157. Xenitia
  158. Zaal (added to Jazz Rock/Fusion)
  159. Zenobia
  160. Zundapp (added to Heavy Prog)


Edited by andrea - October 26 2008 at 08:55
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2008 at 06:45
As Micky is about to go to work now and can't answer (it's 6.30 on the East Coast now....), I'll try to help you based on what I know about the team's work logic. Bands or artists are added to ISP only if they have a connection - musical or historical - with the original movement of the Seventies. To give an example, Ubi Maior were clearly influenced by it, so they are in ISP, as are Mangala Vallis. However, bands whose sound differs from 'classic' ISP (and in most cases it does) should be suggested to the relevant team, as you have already been doing.Thumbs%20Up
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Dean View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2008 at 07:09
Excellent list Andrea. Clap
/Admin hat off - Crossover hat on Wink
I agree with Raff, many these modern Italian bands do not fit under ISP banner and should be recommended to the appropriate genre-teams. IMO I'm not sure that they would even fit under RPI as many are more closely affiliated with non-Italian genres and movements than any of the historical RPI bands (however some have quoted RPI in their MySpace influences). For myself I am more than happy to evaluate (and eventually add) any band that fits Crossover, as we are doing with bands like J'Accuse, Albedo and Sirena.
/Crossover hat off - Admin hat on.
wrt to signed vs. unsigned: the boudaries are not as clear as the once were, so with downloads and self-released albums it is not always easy to tell whether a band is signed or not. For saftey I would list all doubtful bands in Unsigned and let Angelo choose to move them if he decides they are 'signed'.
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andrea View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2008 at 07:09
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

As Micky is about to go to work now and can't answer (it's 6.30 on the East Coast now....), I'll try to help you based on what I know about the team's work logic. Bands or artists are added to ISP only if they have a connection - musical or historical - with the original movement of the Seventies. To give an example, Ubi Maior were clearly influenced by it, so they are in ISP, as are Mangala Vallis. However, bands whose sound differs from 'classic' ISP (and in most cases it does) should be suggested to the relevant team, as you have already been doing.Thumbs%20Up
Well, it's not so simple... Almost every Italian contemporary prog band quote as an influence PFM BMS, Le Orme or Area... But many bands quote also Dream Theater, Tool or Symphony X and sometimes their music is exactly halfway... Wacko
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 21 2008 at 07:43
Andrea, quoting as an influence is one thing, really having been influenced is quite another. A band influenced by DT or Tool will sound rather different from the likes of Ubi Maior... However, the genre teams exist just for the purpose of defining which of those influences is the most relevant. Personally,  I think the way you've been going about these suggestions is perfect, and has led to a number of them being added, or at least approved.
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andrea View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2008 at 02:53
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

Andrea, quoting as an influence is one thing, really having been influenced is quite another. A band influenced by DT or Tool will sound rather different from the likes of Ubi Maior... However, the genre teams exist just for the purpose of defining which of those influences is the most relevant. Personally,  I think the way you've been going about these suggestions is perfect, and has led to a number of them being added, or at least approved.
You can understand Italian, so have a look at this link:
When I say that I'm puzzled when I have to put a label on a band - a band intended as "a living entity", not just as a "commercial product" - it's not because I'm against genre teams "a priori"... Nonetheless this system has some "contra-indications"...

Edited by andrea - January 22 2008 at 17:35
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2008 at 03:51
Great article, Andrea!Thumbs%20Up It would've been wonderful to be able to take part in that event, though I think it's definitely a very positive thing it was organised. Anyway, I do agree with the problems of definition and classification - I've almost completed my PhD, so this is an aspect of the arts with which I have always been rather concerned. Personally, I believe definitions are inevitable, and in some ways necessary, especially if they are to be used as a guide by people who are not entirely familiar with a genre, a movement, or whatever. 
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 22 2008 at 21:14
started going through these bands Andrea...  and posting my thoughts in each thread.  When these bands are deemed to be  official and eligible to be added I asked that you PM me on specific groups I thought were prog  that might fall on genre teams that I deal with. Otherwise I gave suggestions to where they might go.

edit.. .and good job finding all of these..

Edited by micky - January 22 2008 at 21:16
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andrea View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 23 2008 at 02:57
Probably some of the bands in the list could already be included since they have full length albums available (I put some of these bands in the "signed" section of the forum while others in the "unsigned")... ex. Anacondia, Assenzio, Atto IV, Elettrosmog, Filoritmia, Historia, Il Maniscalco Maldestro, Juglans Regia, La Seconda Eclisse, Oloferne, Persuaria, U.N.O, Venti A Contatto, Verbamanent... Nevertheless most of these bands released only self produced albums (or demos) and they do not have a label to promote them... Other have released at least one album and should be considered for inclusion like Abash, Lingalad or Notturna, but nobody seem to have noticed them so far...

Edited by andrea - January 23 2008 at 03:03
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2008 at 12:09
I know Lingalad (both musically and personally), and as far as I have heard they are not prog. As there are a lot of other bands on this list that are, I think we should concentrate on them.
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andrea View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: January 25 2008 at 14:18
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

I know Lingalad (both musically and personally), and as far as I have heard they are not prog. As there are a lot of other bands on this list that are, I think we should concentrate on them.
They do not claim to be prog... But they often are labeled as "prog influenced" and they take part in prog festivals... Personally, I like the samples on Myspace and I think that they could be of interest for prog folk fans... Anyway if you know their albums you can post your thoughts in the "Lingalad" thread...
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andrea View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 06 2008 at 14:46
Well, I've just updated the list in the first post of this thread adding other bands...
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andrea View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 25 2008 at 16:01
Another update to the list...
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paolo.beenees View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 25 2008 at 16:44
Last September I've listened to a concert of a band called "Riddle". They're a little King Crimson (Larks era)'s clones, but I found them interesting.
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 25 2008 at 21:04
Originally posted by paolo.beenees paolo.beenees wrote:

Last September I've listened to a concert of a band called "Riddle". They're a little King Crimson (Larks era)'s clones, but I found them interesting.

bet that was....Clap
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andrea View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2008 at 13:17
Originally posted by paolo.beenees paolo.beenees wrote:

Last September I've listened to a concert of a band called "Riddle". They're a little King Crimson (Larks era)'s clones, but I found them interesting.
Added to the list... Please, post your comments about the band in the new Riddle thread...
Any other suggestions? Any comments about the band already in the list? Please take the time to listen to them and comment their music: some are definitely very interesting...
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memowakeman View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: February 26 2008 at 21:33
Wow this list is awesome, we are already checking some of those bands!!
Thanks for everything Andrea

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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2008 at 18:33

Hi andrea, can you add also Alphaterra to the (huge) list?

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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 26 2008 at 20:31
we'll take up alphaterra in the next round of evals Andrea.
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Andrea Cortese View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 27 2008 at 06:41
oooh, thanks, Micky.
Not an RPI band, btw. We will discuss other possible genres. They play a soft progressive-ambient rock ( maybe eclectic...).
Don't start with Norwegian Fjords.
They were included in nominations for 2007 prog awards.
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