O.K., so here goes my take on the whole damn shooting match - The Sex Pistols "Never Mind The Bollocks, Here's The Sex Pistols, The Clash's London Calling, King Crimson's The Court of the Crimson King, Genesis' Foxtrot, the Beatles' Sgt Pepper, Rush's Hemispheres, etc etc are not always their most popular or best album. But they did have a certain impact that exceeded other releases in their catalogue.
Overrated needs to take into context that qualification. The Beach Boys are certainly not "Rock" music's most adventurous act. But Pet Sounds sure as hell set off some creative fireworks amongst its' listeners. So, if you are among the Negative Ninnies (as that great American Spiro Agnew liked to say) that just hate such praise for an album you hate, please ... mellow out Moogie. They are usually just signposts where things musical took a new turn. Yes, for me, Abbey Road is better that Sgt Pepper. But the impact of the Pepper album far surpasses any influence Abbey Road had.
So, reflect, genuflect, if you need to; accept that some albums did more to open things up than your favourites (Hey, I still don't see the big deal about the Velvet Underground); just don't spend too much of your LIMITED life span spouting how this or that album is not as "great" as EVERYONE else says. Like, who cares. You can freely listen to the Creation's debut as much as you like. Hey, play Country Joe & the Fish's second album to death, if you want to go that way. But, please accept that some records (oh, that ol' term) have impacted modern music more than others, OK.