Other websites ripping off your stuff |
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Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: April 27 2004 Location: Peru Status: Offline Points: 19557 |
Posted: September 05 2007 at 00:52 | |||||||||||||||
I just found this one
Laghonia - Etcetera (Mag Records LPN2412/ Δεκέμβριος 1971)
Διαβάζοντας την κριτική του Ivan Melgar-Morey για το άλμπουμ των συμπατριωτών του, Περουβιανών, Laghonia, που είναι πανταχού παρούσα σε σχεδόν οποιαδήποτε σχετική αναζήτηση στο διαδίκτυο, με χαμόγελο διαπιστώνεις πως υπάρχει αναφορά σε δύο ζητήματα που δεν φαντάζουν καθόλου ξένα στην ελληνική πραγματικότητα, ιστορική ή τρέχουσα. Follows more
This guys even rupped the photo I used for the band
The worst thing is that i dobn't know if they copied it right because I can't understand a word.
erik neuteboom
Prog Reviewer Joined: July 27 2005 Location: Netherlands Status: Offline Points: 7659 |
Posted: September 05 2007 at 04:38 | |||||||||||||||
OK Ivan, now look at this :
GREENSLADE - Time and Tide (1975)Symphonic Prog-United KingdomApós ter sido demitido do COLOSSEUM em 1971, o tecladista Dave Greenslade fundou sua própria banda - GREENSLADE - junto com Tony Reeves (baixo), Dave Lawson (teclados, clarinete, flauta) e Andrew McCulloch (bateria), que tinha sido do KING CRIMSON. Em 1973, GREENSLADE fez seu debut com o álbum do mesmo nome, seguido por " Bedside Manner Are Extra " (1973), "Spyless Guest" (1974) e finalmente " Time and Tide" (1975). A poucos anos atrás Dave Greenslade e Tony Reeves juntaram-se para ressurgir o GREENSLADE com John Young (guitarra e vocais) e Chris Cozens (bateria). Eles fizeram os albuns " Large Afternoon " e " Greensadale live 2001".Os primeiros dois albuns eram uma mistura excelente de clássico, jazz, rock, blues e rock sinfônico com elaboradas composiçőes e inventivos e excitantes duos de teclados de Greenslade e Lawson. A onipresença do Mellotron é extremamente agradavel com majestosas ondas do violino-Mellotron (como nos idos do King Crimson) e gloriosas erupçőes de suntuosos coros-Mellotron.Em comparaçăo com o " dinossauro-progrock ", GREENSLADE tocou variados estilos, com cançőes muito curtas e sem a usual " indulgęncia própria do progrock" ( como ELP e YES ), sem solos infinitos. Eu estou muito satisfeito com o swing e o som poderoso do clavinete, um subestimado teclado dentro do mundo do progrock (apenas Rick Wakeman o usava frequentemente) ...A boa partida para essa banda única é a compilaçăo " Shades of Green " e sempre bem recebido como introduçăo tambem , o album ao vivo " Live " ( com faixas de 73 e 75 ), contendo alguns espetaculares solos de um Minimoog ( com pitchbend ).É um dos melhores albuns com hints de teclados desde WAKEMAN, MANFRED MANN'S EARTH BAND e SUPERTRAMP.
GREENSLADE é uma banda para se descobrir e entăo, ser mais e mais apreciada pelos proggers aficcionados.
comentários por: Erik Neuteboom, Holanda
"YESTERDAYS - Holdfénykert Ez egy romániai együttes, amely jelenleg tíz zenészbôl áll (akik közül három hölgy és egy magyarországi session ütős). A "Yesterdays" 2000 eleje óta működik és egy sor albumot, sőt egy DVD-t is kihozott már, bemutatkozásként a 2002-es "Come Dream With Me"-vel. A CD összesen tíz dalból áll kb. 50 percnyi játékidőben. Első részére mindenekelőtt egy kellemes, folkos színezetű hangzás jellemző, amelyben gazdagon szerepel az akusztikus gitár és a fuvola, meg egy kellemes, a Renaissance-os Annie Haslam-ot idéző (noha az övénél tisztább) női énekhang. Igen szép az akusztikus gitár duett (tapping-technikával megszólaltatva), és rendkívül szép a hegedű-mellotron folyamok beágyazása egyes dalokba. A cédé második részében egy igencsak szimfonikus hangvételt hallani a folk mellett, ahol a billentyűjátékos finoman besimuló szintetizátor futamokkal gyönyörködtet a Moog-on, no meg újabb szép mellotron betétekkel. Kiemelkedően meleg hangzású az akusztikus gitár-csembaló duett. A lemez csúcspontja a hosszabb, meglehetősen változatos és szimfonikus "Seven": az elején gyors ritmika Moog dallamokkal és mellotronnal, ami aztán meleg-lágy női énekhangot megszólaltató, álomszerű folytatásra vált. Ezt követi egy lassú rész, érzelmes gitárral és persze mellotron futamokkal. A befejező rész egy fuvolaszólóval és felsiramló gitárral indul, majd egy harsogó Hammond orgonaszóló bombasztikus kitörésébe torkollik. Igazi remeklés! Noha a hallgatónak nem kevéssé elkötelezettnek kell lennie a folk és fôként a melankolikus hangzásvilág iránt, de a szimfonikus rock beépítése igazán ragyogóan sikerült! (Erik Neuteboom)" DELIRIUM
Erik Neuteboom:
19/03/07 - Ciň č una fascia italiana leggendaria del progrock che ha prodotto parecchi album negli anni settanta in anticipo. A metŕ strada gli anni '90 Delirum hanno fatto un comeback compreso alcuni nuovi album dell'studio e in 2006 hanno effettuato nella cittŕ italiana Trento, liberato appena su questo CD. Possiamo godere i musicisti crafty ed ispirati che li curano su una miscela tasteful della gente (che caratterizzano scanalatura di turbine, i guitars acustici caldi e i vocals forti) e delle canzoni della roccia con il guitar ardente e il saxophone potente. A determinati momenti Delirum trasporta le parti suonanti jazzy con il piano e i bas d'oscillazione. La maggior parte delle 13 composizioni contengono il lavoro grande sul guitar e saxophone e naturalmente, nella tradizione degli anni settanta, sentiamo il soli sui tamburi e sulla spigola. I miei punti culminanti sono Villagio (potente con la scanalatura di turbine e il soli forte ardente e del guitar sul guitar, sul saxophone, sulla scanalatura e sull'organo), Preludio: Paura (folky con un assolo meraviglioso sul guitar acustico), Gioia, Disordine, Risentimento (costringendo con un assolo grezzo e bluesy del guitar), un Jethro Tull Medley (buon gioco sulla scanalatura, guitar e spigola e un atmosfera in tensione piacevole) e una resa eccellente del Cocker del Joe il suo classico del `' con un aiuto piccolo della punta dai miei amici che caratterizzano gli inondazioni splendidi dell'organo e lle prestazioni vocali ispirate! La canzone Notte che un Bagdad č basato sul fatto che il governo dell'Italia trasmette i soldati ad Irak per una missione, esso suona oscillante e moderna. Sono impressionato da questa fascia italiana leggendaria del progrock, questa sono un buon album in tensione con lavoro eccezionale sul guitar, sulla scanalatura e sul saxophone in una miscela progressiva captivating della roccia e della gente, appena come la loro ispirazione Jehtro Tull! La mia valutazione: 3.5 stelle. So Brasilian (Portuguese), Russian, Hungarian and Italian By the way, fortunately not only commercial CD/DVD mailorder services but also bands websites like Delirum
Edited by erik neuteboom - September 05 2007 at 04:43 |
Forum Senior Member Joined: September 27 2006 Location: Romania Status: Offline Points: 3089 |
Posted: September 05 2007 at 04:43 | |||||||||||||||
I'm honoured to be able to exchange lines with people so renowned
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: January 31 2004 Location: Canada Status: Offline Points: 9669 |
Posted: September 06 2007 at 08:48 | |||||||||||||||
Hmmm... thanks for the helpful responses -- no doubt Maani and Gatot will be grateful for your concern over their PA reviews being stolen....
Edited by Peter - September 06 2007 at 08:49 |
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' He chortled in his joy. |
Tony R
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator / Retired Admin Joined: July 16 2004 Location: UK Status: Offline Points: 11979 |
Posted: September 06 2007 at 11:57 | |||||||||||||||
have you asked them? I guess that Amazon could be contacted and informed of this plagiarism. The trouble is that the web is one big info pool and why we should certainly NOT condone these saddoes who pass off other people's reviews as their own, chasing sites every time they use our reviews uncredited would be futile I think. I'm not dodging my Admin responsibilities here I just dont think its a good idea to set a precedent. I for one dont want to spend my every waking moment tracking down plagiarists because The Admin team did it for Maani and Gatot and therefore should do it for everybody.. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: January 31 2004 Location: Canada Status: Offline Points: 9669 |
Posted: September 06 2007 at 17:18 | |||||||||||||||
Thanks for your response, Tony. (i was disappointed to only get a "" in reponse to my post. previously.) I understand that you guys can't "chase down" every such malefactor who plagiarizes from PA.
As you know, I'm not the most tech-savvy guy here, but I did try to report those stolen reviews to Amazon UK, but could not find any way to contact them via my PC. One can hit a "report" button, or "vote" to indicate that a review is "unhelpful" (I did both), but there seems to be no option to explain just what the nature of the issue is.
As they are not my reviews, i was just wondering if you folks had any suggestions or prior experience with such thefts, or indeed, any desire to make Gatot and Ian aware of the situation (I could PM Maani -- we corresponded a lot in the past, but he is so infrequently here these days -- but Gatot I've never had any contact with.)
In any case, if PA is not overly concerned, then i'm not either -- it's a case of "choose your battles," i guess. (And I have more pressing "real life" work-related matters to deal with.)
Edited by Peter - September 06 2007 at 17:20 |
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy! O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!' He chortled in his joy. |
Tony R
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator / Retired Admin Joined: July 16 2004 Location: UK Status: Offline Points: 11979 |
Posted: September 06 2007 at 19:20 | |||||||||||||||
It's not a lack of concern really. I have contacted Amazon about Mr Cadby though.
erik neuteboom
Prog Reviewer Joined: July 27 2005 Location: Netherlands Status: Offline Points: 7659 |
Posted: September 07 2007 at 04:44 | |||||||||||||||
Tony R
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator / Retired Admin Joined: July 16 2004 Location: UK Status: Offline Points: 11979 |
Posted: September 07 2007 at 07:08 | |||||||||||||||
I dont think we should be chasing everything, as I wrote in a previous post. If someone is passing off reviews from PA as their own then that is a different matter.
I dont want to set a precedent for chasing up the use of reviews or very quickly we will need armies of staff dealing with this. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: July 29 2005 Location: None Status: Offline Points: 24429 |
Posted: September 07 2007 at 09:09 | |||||||||||||||
Because of my previous job, I have some familiarity with the issues of copyright, intellectual property and such - and I can tell you that experts in the matter are at a loss about what to do with the whole Internet situation. The web is so huge that people could steal anything without the injured party ever getting wind of it.
Some sites that have a lot of published material (I am using a few of these for my PhD research) state it clearly that it is available to everyone, but that they would prefer users to at least cite their source (something I always do). In the case of those bios and reviews, I've noticed that some of those sites have actually credited both the author and PA, while others, in real scumbaggy fashion, have passed them off as their own. Now, I don't want to play devil's advocate, but I remember that quite a few bios in our DB come from other sources, which are not always duly credited. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: March 24 2006 Location: United Kingdom Status: Offline Points: 1377 |
Posted: September 07 2007 at 13:00 | |||||||||||||||
Illegal uploaders on blog sites are massive offenders. I don't see it as PA's problem - after all, we as individuals are the ones who hold the copyright to our own work, not PA. I believe we should publish on the understanding that it is potentially liable to being ripped off by unscrupulous people. As already stated, it is a huge internet-wide problem and there's probably little we can do about it. If it is properly credited then it is best left alone. |
Greg W
Forum Senior Member Joined: August 24 2004 Location: Chicago Status: Offline Points: 3904 |
Posted: September 25 2007 at 16:03 | |||||||||||||||
Oh come on. Admit it. You creampuffs love the idea of others using your stuff. It puts relevance in your work now.
Tony R
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator / Retired Admin Joined: July 16 2004 Location: UK Status: Offline Points: 11979 |
Posted: September 25 2007 at 18:34 | |||||||||||||||
Some people dont like their things being taken and used without their permission. Stop winding these people up Greg, they think you're being serious and I have give them my word that you are not. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: April 30 2007 Location: Canada Status: Offline Points: 3596 |
Posted: September 26 2007 at 20:16 | |||||||||||||||
Are they at least using the good ones ?
"Like, this is the best album that they have ever put out in my opinion. I should know because I have half of their 5 CDs. Their music is like no other band. You can hear riffs from XXXX, some vocals like YYYY, and I swear the guitarist sounds exactly like ZZZZ. If it wasn't for this album, I would not be a porg fan. And having listened to music since I was 12, I can tell you that I know music. I listened to over 100 albums, and I'm only sixteen. But I'm not hung up on the old stuff, like the 80s & 90s. I think that 20th century music will be as good as the ones put out 10 years ago, because more bands have heard more other groups, so they make up their own new stuff better. SO to finish, buy this album. I couldn't find here in town, so I used XXX to download it. But it is worth the price, you know. |
"Here I am talking to some of the smartest people in the world and I didn't even notice,” Lieutenant Columbo, episode The Bye-Bye Sky-High I.Q. Murder Case.
Prog Reviewer Joined: June 05 2005 Location: Love Beach Status: Offline Points: 5908 |
Posted: October 14 2007 at 14:09 | |||||||||||||||
Don't worry about Russian, Erik, they just mention that you consider TRAGEDIES' album equal to IQ/ FLOWER KINGS/ TANGENT outing. Not a word from you review had been used there. |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: May 18 2005 Location: C. Schinesghe Status: Offline Points: 13536 |
Posted: October 14 2007 at 14:12 | |||||||||||||||
My post from another thread on a similar subject:
http://zeuhlmusic.blogspot.com Scroll down this blog. Under Weidorje's album there is a review of it by our Joren. It's copied completely with the stars, Joren's title (SPECIAL COLLABORATOR) and even a link to his profile... |
"Music is much like f**king, but some composers can't climax and others climax too often, leaving themselves and the listener jaded and spent."
Charles Bukowski |
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator Joined: October 24 2005 Location: Puerto Rico Status: Offline Points: 9008 |
Posted: October 14 2007 at 14:20 | |||||||||||||||
I don't mind as long as I get credit for it. I've seen my Zypressen review in one of the prog blogs around the net and I was quite flattered.
Forum Senior Member Joined: October 09 2005 Location: England Status: Offline Points: 387 |
Posted: October 14 2007 at 14:28 | |||||||||||||||
Well.. They have done it to me too
It wasnt as though it was a good review either LOL.
My name is there for all to see, but what annoys the most is "Prog Archives" isnt mentioned.. Tut tut.
I think it just goes to show that these sites are not capable of doing any decent reviews so use the wonderful Prog Archive reviewers instead.
Edited by Frippertron - October 14 2007 at 14:30 |
The Cheerful Insanity of Prog Rock
Forum Senior Member VIP Member Joined: April 23 2006 Location: NYC Status: Offline Points: 11682 |
Posted: October 14 2007 at 14:41 | |||||||||||||||
Every time I've seen it they credit the reviewer, credit Prog Archives, and sometimes provide a link. I don't see what's wrong with that if the reviewer is absolutely being credited for the review.
<font color=white>butts, lol[/COLOR]
Special Collaborator Honorary Collaborator / Retired Admin Joined: May 07 2006 Location: Italy Status: Offline Points: 13244 |
Posted: October 14 2007 at 17:13 | |||||||||||||||
I did a quick search on that site, and found reviews by Ricochet, Geck0, Melomaniac, Joren, Finnforest, Easy Livin, ClemOfNazareth... all without the a ref to ProgArchives, and likely without notifying the authors. Nice job |
ISKC Rock Radio
I stopped blogging and reviewing - so won't be handling requests. Promo's for ariplay can be sent to [email protected] |
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