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Bastille Dude
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Posted: December 22 2006 at 22:25 |
I bought an 88cent recorder from walmart today. I can't wait to use it on some new stuff.
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Posted: December 23 2006 at 18:37 |
inpraiseoffolly wrote:
the moody noobs - our next concept album
I just had the greatest idea ever. And I'm dead serious here.
This will be something along the lines of our 7th album (A Day in the Fields, Selling New England By the Dollar, The Whistler Got Sober, Whistler on the Edge of Time, Dissed By You While Here, and Gumma-umma being the first six). So, what we do is write everything in a time signature having to do with 7.
Disc One Time Signatures:
1) 1/7
2) 2/7
3) 3/7
4) 4/7
5) 5/7
6) 6/7
7) 7/7
8) 8/7
9) 9/7
10) 10/7
And Disc Two Time Signatures
1) 7/1
2) 7/2
3) 7/3
4) 7/4
5) 7/5
6) 7/6
7) 7/7
8) 7/8
Or something along those lines. And don't tell me those time signatures won't work, becuase I say they will. And then our concept for the album will be something about the seven days of creation, my own unique take on it (lyrics in the works as we speak). All I know is that on day six, humanity blows itself up, and the lyrics to day seven are as follows:
Upon surverying the scene of complete devastation
God, finding all things good, rested from the work of creation
The people had satisfied his need to play
Thus there was morning, and there was evening, the seventh day
This one's gonna make us big... I can feel it.
There you go folks. Do it. Now
Edited by progismylife - December 23 2006 at 18:39
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Posted: December 23 2006 at 21:02 |
EDIT: Even Better Idea
We should record an epic song in 13 parts, with each part using the following time signature:
Also, the concept for the newest album (the creation one) is as follows. Everything that happens in the sixth day will compose the 13 part epic, and the other days will use some time signature related to that number.
Thus, day 1 is in, say, 11/12, or something crazy like that, and day two is in 2/9 or 9/2 or something like that, day three is in 3/5 or something along those lines, day four...
Oh, yeah, the concept. It's final except for the sixth day. I haven't quite decided what will happen then, except that it ends with the world blowing itself up.
Before even time began, there was a supreme being, and his name was God. But God had nothing to be supreme over, and he was bored of sitting around in empty nothingness. So, on the first day of the creation, God created a ball that he could play with, and he called it earth. And God made it spin, and he was happy. Thus there was morning and evening, the first day. But on the second day, God became bored of the ball, so he decided to create some companions he could Lord over, and he called them man and woman, that they might become friendly to one another and produce more humans. God liked his people, and he was happy. Thus there was morning and evening, the first day. But on the third day, the people awoke and were unhappy, for they had no food to eat or water to drink. And God was angry that HIS people were complainers, so he created many animals they could eat, but also many animals that could eat them. And he created rivers and seas that they might drink, but he made much of the water undrinkable, and every once in a while, he called on the seas to rise up and smite down the people to remind them of their early misdeeds. And he created bacteria and viruses so that humans could digest their food, but that would also infect the humans and make them suffer, as punishment for their ingratefulness. And God was pleased with his solution. Thus there was morning and evening, the third day. On the forth day, the people were again unhappy. It was hot, and there was no shade. So God created trees for the people to lie under, but he also created winter, when the humans would be cold and miserable. God gave them fire that they might not die, but he also made fire desctructive, and capable of killing many people. And God was unhappy that he had to punish his people, but he hoped for the best. Thus there was morning and evening the forth day. On the fifth day the people were quiet, and nothing happened, for they were afraid of God’s wrath. And God assumed they had learned their lesson, and he was happy. Thus there was morning and evening, the fifth day. But on the sixth day… (not sure quite what happens here yet). On the seventh day, God, finding all things good, rested from the work of creation. But he had no toys, and he was bored.
Also, the new Day 7 lyrics are as follows:
Upon surveying the scene of complete desolation
God, finding all things good, rested from the work of creation
But he had not a toy with which to play
Thus there was morning, and there was evening, the seventh day
Edited by inpraiseoffolly - December 24 2006 at 00:25
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Posted: December 23 2006 at 21:04 |
You can post!! Sweet. I still don't have a clue on how to do 1/7 timing or any of the other ones.
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Posted: December 23 2006 at 21:48 |
The Whistler
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Posted: December 24 2006 at 01:57 |
1/7 would be a breeze. You'd play
1-2-3-4-5-6-7-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-etc. I think.
By the way, that shirt is wrong; NO ONE survives a Moody Noobs concert. If the stage effects don't kill them, we machine gun them down as they exit...however, that does look like my studio...
"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson
The Whistler
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Posted: December 24 2006 at 02:00 |
Oh, by the way:
It's called Letter to a Winner.
A winner today There you stand, trophy in hand In majestic way
High above the crowd Virtuous, victorious And above all, proud
Clearing battlefields With your might, your sense of right You’ve earned battle’s yields
But for every winner a loser comes along Every right negated by a wrong The cost of a winner’s pride Some poor loser’s must have died
For every being to take a medaling place Someone else must have lost the race For the sake of crowning a local hero Some competitor had to go
Congratulations For joining the winning side Our new cup-bearer, with pride I salute your win Wrote the loser as he died
Or, you can choose this:
The gold are flowing to your head Rattling against your skull The gold are dead Life is deadly dull
More is less, more or less When you try to impress By hiding the gold in fancy costumes Sending them to untimely dooms
The gold are dead They don’t work no more The gold were spent When we marched off to war
The gold are dead Bloodstained red To death they bled Fortified with lead Lead-poisoned instead The gold are dead
Gold are for buying The stuff that you need But the gold are dying To death they bleed
You can paper your birdcage With shavings of gold And bits of dollar bills What was wealth in days of old
The gold are dead Said the economic reporter More is less is lessening Gold’s reach is getting shorter
The gold are dead Fortified with lead Lead-poisoned instead Off with their head The red queen said The gold are dead
Gold are for buying What you wish you had The gold are dying Which is bad, bad, bad
At the end of the rainbow What have you got A pot full of gold Worth little more than an empty pot
The gold are dead Buying power’s down We ran that gold Right into the ground
The gold are flowing to your head Rattling against your skull The gold are dead Life is deadly dull
Or this, called The Little Bomber that Could Just act calmer We've got bombers No need to go berserk Just watch and see His majesty Old Uncle Sam at work
They are smaller We are taller And we have got it all Just drop the bomb And recite the psalm And then watch them fall
The little bomber that could Did as all good little bombers should Recited I think I can Fifty bajillion times Then took that many lives
They suffer the pain And we get the gain We take all the oil They fight back So they get sacked And their clothes are soiled
The little bomber that could Did as all good little bombers should Recited I think I can Fifty bajilion times Then took that many lives
Or this, called A Friend to the End Boom boom, bang bang The sad old gun sang As another soul fell into the void And with the call of the gun Underneath the setting sun Our troops are officially deployed
Harmonizing on the battlefield As they pierce enemy soldier’s shields Fighting men fall indiscriminately The bullets whiz past As the end comes, “at last” Death will come knocking imminently
A gun cried out to the west The bullet flying as if blessed Weaving towards its end goal I, gun in hand, sink to my knees Struggling to grasp the grim reality That I will be part of the death toll
As I look up at the horses rushing past The kings call out, “Charge!” And forge their way into the fray Deafened by the cannon’s blast That sank into the barge Tossing the sailors into the sea To die today along with me
My comrades pass by in a rush Those who trained with me Onward they fly, ever so silently by They shout their battle cries in a hush Oblivious to an all-too-true reality Here I lie, silently fading away As my friends head out to “play”
Feebly, I wave my gun in the air A red flag to anyone who cares” We’ve got a man down,” the paramedic cries, “We’ve got to save him before he dies” They carted me off, and after a time I left this sad old world behind
“What about the body?” The nurse asked hesitantly “Get him out of the way There’ll be more in here today,” The paramedic was heard to say “Hey, Nurse, clean up that stretcher, Get it ready for the next one Before the other side’s won
Leaving me for the flies to eat The survivors hang their heads in defeat We let another one slip away Oh, whatever will the king say? We’re sure to have hell to pay The king can’t be sympathetic anymore Now that we’ve lost another war
They rushed home to bring the news Leaving me behind, gun at my side Laying on the ground For everyone to admire And somewhere across the field Lay a dead man whose gun Had been just recently fired
Surveying the scene, the two dead men There’s only one conclusion to be reached: A gun is a man’s best friend After all, it’s with him at his end
Unless you have any input, and it happens to agree with mine, I'm going to make up some chords for something from that and get it on our EP...which I think has been unofficially named after the song "The Whistler Got Drunk." InPraiseOf seems to have named one of our albums "The Whistler Got Sober," maybe that's what it should be called?
"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson
Bastille Dude
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Posted: December 24 2006 at 06:34 |
Wow Whistler! Thats really good.
Falling Flower
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Posted: December 24 2006 at 07:44 |
I still didn't get a paycheck...I quit.
Tool makes the butterflies in my tumybox go woooooooosh
Bastille Dude
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Posted: December 25 2006 at 01:17 |
Would our fans be called "N00b-Heads" ?
Anyway, Happy Holidays to the N00bs and all the N00b-Heads worldwide!
The Whistler
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Posted: December 26 2006 at 04:05 |
Bastille Dude wrote:
Wow Whistler! Thats really good.  |
Uh, that was InPraiseOf's. In fact, I got more PMs that I haven't even looked at. Eager Beaver. Don't see ME workin' away like that...
Oh, CHRISTMAS SONG! Go! To the page! Read! In-jest the magic.
"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson
Bastille Dude
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Posted: December 26 2006 at 12:36 |
The Whistler wrote:
Bastille Dude wrote:
Wow Whistler! Thats really good.  |
Uh, that was InPraiseOf's. In fact, I got more PMs that I haven't even looked at. Eager Beaver. Don't see ME workin' away like that...
Oh, CHRISTMAS SONG! Go! To the page! Read! In-jest the magic. |
Then my hats off to folly for another masterpiece.
The Whistler
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Posted: December 27 2006 at 23:02 |
Bastille Dude wrote:
The Whistler wrote:
Bastille Dude wrote:
Wow Whistler! Thats really good.  |
Uh, that was InPraiseOf's. In fact, I got more PMs that I haven't even looked at. Eager Beaver. Don't see ME workin' away like that...
Oh, CHRISTMAS SONG! Go! To the page! Read! In-jest the magic. |
Then my hats off to folly for another masterpiece.
Well...well, what about my little Christmas Song? Not too shabby for something thrown together in two minutes, I'd like to think...sniff...
"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson
Bastille Dude
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Posted: December 27 2006 at 23:54 |
Oh no no no.. Dont get me wrong, "Fandango Greensleeves" will be "the" Christmas song to be enjoyed for many generations to come.
The Whistler
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Posted: December 29 2006 at 02:20 |
Forget it! Your words come too late to soothe my sorrowed soul...I quit...
"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson
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Posted: December 29 2006 at 08:52 |
Hey Whistler, my bass looks almost exactly like the one in your signature.
The Whistler
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Posted: December 30 2006 at 03:05 |
Speak with respect! You gaze upon the greatest of all bass players ever, bar none, forever. Period. Seems I'm still needed here...
Which reminds me; now that Christmas is over, and both the Bastille Dude AND myself have recorders of moderate value, how are we getting along with our individual work? I gotta start mine up again.
"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson
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Posted: December 30 2006 at 05:07 |
I think I will too...
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Posted: December 30 2006 at 07:38 |
Me too...
The Whistler
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Posted: December 31 2006 at 02:29 |
Okay, I finally hit a chord progression I like...of course, that's the third one. Someone order me to stop before I start changing it around again!
"There seem to be quite a large percentage of young American boys out there tonight. A long way from home, eh? Well so are we... Gotta stick together." -I. Anderson