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Posted: February 22 2006 at 01:56 |
John Bonham for me....
I love Zep a lot and I think Bonham has more powerful sound....I like Purple too but I think Bonham's better..
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Posted: November 20 2006 at 10:52 |
Dr Know wrote:
Paice used them in 1972, I also would like to know who was first to use double bass drums
Any drummers out there ? |
Jethro Tull started using double bass drums very early in their career. BTW, Bonham is 10 times better than Paice and I will always prefer Led Zeppelin than Deep Purple. But I voted for Paice beacuse I like his style more: Bonham is a rolling bulldozer beast, Paiste is frenetic skinny puppet plugged in 220V electricity circuit.And he looks geeky, which I like
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Posted: November 21 2006 at 05:50 |
where's Sasquamo?! he shouldn't hurt himself keeping his opinions for him, on this thread & poll!
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Posted: November 21 2006 at 06:18 |
Bonzo, but Paice is great too!
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Posted: November 21 2006 at 06:32 |
Terry Bozzio
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Posted: November 22 2006 at 09:39 |
Bonzo, the most powerfull drummer ever
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Posted: November 23 2006 at 16:20 |
Bonham's technical skills were limited to say the least. Anyone who doesn't realise this is probably not a drummer. However, he did have a style that he managed to make his own (probably the first guy to use an unshamedly straight rock approach in a blues context) and that made him have a huge influence on basically anyone who has heard him play. For me at least, his style is highly contagious - it's probably what people feel as "power" in his playing. His use of the bass drum in particular was delicious and there's no denying it changed many drummers' approach towards playing in the following years. Well, it even changed mine a few years ago, so that's really something. Also, the fact that he played in a great band with a unique creative personality as a whole helped things a lot.
Paice on the other hand is way more accomplished technically and more imaginative (oh, come on, listen to "Burn" if nothing else). Well, he wasn't always very inspired, but he could be really impressive at times. I think he could have played in basically any rock band of that time and do a marvelous job, and he probably could have easily fit in a jazz formula. Then again, maybe that's part of what makes him not as "unique" as Bonham (excuse the pleonasm). I mean, I could picture Paice in a different context than Deep Purple or Deep Purple without him, but I couldn't imagine Led Zeppelin without Bonham.
To conclude, the first post in the thread contradicts the poll question itself - is it "who is your favourite" or "who is better"? I'd say Paice is obviously the more skilled of them, but my favourite is Bonham, so... I can't really vote here.
Edited by Uroboros - November 23 2006 at 16:23
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Posted: November 26 2006 at 11:16 |
toolis wrote:
Terry Bozzio  |
True that.
Ian Paice isn't bad, either.
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Posted: November 29 2006 at 05:16 |
Although I quite like Ian Paice, my favourite drummer is and will always be - at least until somebody as unique as him appears - JOHN HENRY BONHAM !!
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Posted: November 29 2006 at 05:23 |
Nice to see the love for Bonzo. This persistent idea that JB was not technically accomplished is just wrong and rather bizarre. In the prog world he is of course seen as technically inferior to Bruford, White, Bozzio or Peart, which is quite right. But before prog took hold (and even right up to his death in 1980) Bonham was the finest rock drummer in the world. And frankly, he still is, sorry.
Edited by Atavachron - November 29 2006 at 05:25
M. B. Zapelini
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Posted: November 30 2006 at 05:02 |
My vote goes to Paice, although both are great. I think Paice's drumming can be soft and subtle when it is needed - Bonham couldn't play like this.
About the question of two bass drums: Art Blakey played with two bass drums on a studio recording at the early Fifties, sorry, don't know exactly when nor in which song. Probably the first rock drummer who used two bass drums was Ginger Baker - as far as I know, he was playing with it in his Graham Bond Organization days.
By the way, Atavachron: IMHO Bill Bruford is the finest rock drummer in the world!
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Posted: November 30 2006 at 05:18 |
Ian Paice - he is a more technically varied in his style of drumming. I have always admired his work.
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Posted: November 30 2006 at 10:53 |
Ian Paice, for me. I understand nothing in drumming techniques, so my attitude is purely emotional. I never liked Bonham's way of playing too much.
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Posted: December 05 2006 at 17:20 |
Difficult!!! but.... mmm Bonzo!!!
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Posted: December 11 2006 at 05:45 |
Dr Know wrote:
Paice used them in 1972, I also would like to know who was first to use double bass drums
Any drummers out there ? |
I think Moon where one of the first, he used it on the studio recording "bargain" from Who´s next!!!
In my opinion the only two that can compete with bonham is moon and baker, but i think bonham wins a narrow win over moon!
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Posted: December 11 2006 at 10:57 |
Rust wrote:
What band is Paice in? Never heard of him.
He played drums on The Velvet Underground's Squeeze LP.
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Posted: December 11 2006 at 13:37 |
I've voted for John Bonham; one of my favourite drummers.
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Posted: December 12 2006 at 10:38 |
I prefer Bonzo....
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Posted: December 21 2006 at 00:26 |
I feel that Bonham is slightly overrated
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Posted: December 21 2006 at 11:21 |
I like both a lot, but I'm going to go with Bonham on this one.
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