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    Posted: August 08 2004 at 16:38
who are you backing?
You want the spoon? You can't handle the spoon!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 08 2004 at 16:44

I'd back Mr Bean over either of those two any day...

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asuma View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 08 2004 at 18:06
a vote for bush IS a vote for kerry

taken from indymedia

"Four years and one bubble pop later, we have a
choice between two guys from Skulls and Bones
and one guy from Hell's Angels. If you want to see a
political miracle in America, smash the skulls, bury
dem bones and take a ride on the wild side. Vote for
Ralph Nader.

Anybody but Bush says you. I say anybody but Bush
or Kerry.

I know Kerry is saner, infinitely better educated and
certainly more intelligent than Bush. Like a number
of professional psychiatrists, I have serious concern
about Bush's mental health. I understand that a
second term for Bush might lead to an apocalyptic
disaster. If he got a call from God to go to war in Iraq,
George might very well move on to Armageddon next
time the imaginary phone rings.

But why bother kicking Bush and his neocons out of
office only to see them replaced by Kerry and his
neo-branded neocons. Why should any American
put up with the disgraceful sight of Kerry licking Ariel
Sharon's boots? Is there any historical precedent for
a presidential candidate who was rebuffed by a
foreign leader reacting like this pitifully spineless
Democrat? Sharon snubbed Kerry by not giving him
an appointment on his last visit to Washington. Kerry
responded to this calculated insult by dispatching
his brother to Tel Aviv on an AIPAC sponsored tour.
Cameron Kerry's mission was to vocally proclaim
his Jewish faith and use it as leverage to gain
access to Ariel Sharon to pledge his brother's fealty
to Israel. It was like a scene from the Godfather, with
Sharon taking Brando's role and Kerry's brother
pledging omerta to the mob. I never knew a guy as
tall as John Kerry could stoop that low.

But Kerry will not lose my vote because I am a
single-issue voter who is guilty of obsessing about
Palestinian rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness. My vote will go to Nader because of my
conviction that politicians who formulate racist
foreign policies for dealing with Palestinians are very
likely to have racist sentiments against
Arab-Americans. For my sacred honor as an
American, I will never again vote for a Democrat or a
Republican till hell freezes over. I have taken all I am
ever going to take from the political vermin that infest
both major parties.

The way I figure it, I would rather not vote at all when
presented with a choice of two bigots. Call me
sensitive, but I am offended that a tolerant America
seems incapable of presenting me with a political
alternative that I can accept without wounding my
personal dignity.

Over night, in the wake of the terror attacks of 9/11, I
saw my status as an American reduced from first
class citizenship to a second-class national of
suspect origins. It was a loss of fortune that cannot
be measured in dollars. I would rather have woken
up in bankruptcy court.I went to sleep in an America
where I was the equal of every other American and
woke up to a life in the shadow of the Patriot Act - an
assault on my personal liberty that was inflicted by
both Democrats and Republicans.

This November, some Americans will vote their
pocket book; others will vote for universal health
insurance or a balanced budget or still lower taxes.
Some Americans will have the luxury of choosing
between candidates who support gay marriage and
those who oppose it. A small minority will cast their
vote in favor of stem cell research or against the
Neanderthals who are against it. Issues like higher
minimum wage and veterans benefits will rank high
on the priority list of Democrats. The Republicans
will vote for more guns and a more generous slice of
butter for the upper crust. Those Americans who
belong to the Judeo-Christian identity movement will
vote for Bush in the promise that he will make the
state look more like the church. The vast majority will
vote for the party their families and ethnic groups
traditionally vote for.

As for my vote, it will go to the one candidate who
promises to restore my first-class citizenship. That
man is Ralph Nader.

Allow me to make an appeal to other voters who still
champion the exotic notion that equal rights should
extend to Americans whose heritage challenges the
Euro-centric Bush/Kerry claims to a monopoly on

I will not allow my values to be challenged by men
who condone repression abroad for a few votes on
the home front. Given the choice between democracy
and a pseudo-theocracy, I will choose democracy
every time. I will not sit silent and grant two amoral
degenerates the right to challenge my personal
ethics. My values will trump their values any day of
the week. Like the vast majority of Americans, I am
more tolerant and more humane than both the
president and the candidate. Their conscience has
gone AWOL. Mine is still intact. No blood of an
innocent child stains my hand. I do not consort with
serial war criminals. They embrace them. I still do
body counts. And for me, every body counts.

So, I insist on casting my vote for a president; not a
holier-than-thou preacher who comes nowhere
close to being holier than moi.

Before other Arab-Americans cast their vote, I want
their mind to drift back a few decades when being of
Lebanese or Syrian descent was no more a burden
than being of Greek origins or Jewish heritage. Look
around you and notice that it wasn't your fellow
Americans who assaulted your rights - it was the
Democratic and Republican establishment and the
racist mass media lords. Wake up and smell the
coffee. We are living in a media controlled state - a
virtual Murdochracy. Arab-baiting hate TV rules the
airwaves and ambitious power hungry politicians are
more than happy to play their assigned roles as

Believe me, I instinctively know that Bush is an
intellectually challenged man who can barely
complete a sentence - unless David Frum wrote it for
him. But Kerry is also a sorry excuse of a human
being. Forget about what they will do to the folks in
the old country and consider what they have already
done to Arab-Americans over here.

Ask yourself a few simple questions. Does your
government consider you less of an American than
you were four years ago? Did you personally do
anything to deserve a demotion to second class
citizenship? Did the Democrats stand up for you
when your civil rights were assaulted? Did Kerry or
Edwards utter a word in your defense?

When the United States government incites Sharon
to escalate his campaign of terror against the
Palestinians, are they not sending a clear message
to your kids about the value of an Arab life - over
there and by extension over here. In deliberately
inflaming the Middle East, do they ever care about
how it effects our pursuit of happiness and our
sense of well being? Are they unaware that their
racist foreign policies can only be marketed in a
domestic environment where bigotry is nurtured by
the likes of Rupert Murdoch and his clones at CNN?
Can they even begin to understand what that does to
the self-esteem of our kids?

So, this November, vote your dreams, not your fears.
Vote for the land you want your children to inherit and
against political parties that cast you aside. Vote for
Ralph Nader and make a pledge to teach your kids
to never give a Democrat or a Republican the time of
day. If Nader is pressured to pull out of the race, vote
for the Green Party or the Libertarians or don't vote. "
*Remember all advice given by Asuma is for entertainment purposes only. Asuma is not a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, or counselor and he does not play one on TV.*
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Bryan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 08 2004 at 18:10

Wow, I didn't know Michael Moore wrote for indymedia.

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James Lee View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 08 2004 at 19:23

Whatever you do, don't kid yourself that the Libertarians are a worthy choice. If you think that Bush allows corporations overly generous leeway, read the Libertarian Party's plan for the future...and what could be more hypocritical than a party which promotes unbridled free trade and yet enjoys all the benefits of being a non-profit organization? The leaders of the party are all existing outside the private sector, enjoying tax-exempt status, and yet they consistently oppose any sort of government assistance to the poor or unfortunate.

Last time around, it was a choice between an alcoholic cocaine-using education-stifling oil company puppet ex-governor (Bush) and a droning charisma-less featherweight lying oil-connected puppet ex-VP (Gore). I voted for Nader, who made it clear that his bid for presidency was only a tactic to create awareness of his party's beliefs and thereby make a later candidacy from that party more viable. When confronted with the opinion that his supporters had stolen Gore's votes, he joked that Gore had stolen his- and that quote has since been twisted and taken out of context in an attempt to make him seem out of touch with reality.

Can we even trust the voting process? After the depressing farce of the recount, the paper-based voting machines were relaced with completely self-contained electronic devices. This eliminated any sort of paper trail for auditing purposes, and the company which produces them has refused to allow any outide audits- citing privacy concerns and "intellectual property" laws (as a corporation, they have the same rights as individuals under a bizarre perversion of US law). After ignoring numerous expressed concerns about the electronic voting machines, the GOP has quietly issued a document urging voters to use absentee ballots rather than take the risk that votes for them might be counted improperly...see for more info...

Now it's a choice between an unstable warmonger and a shamelessly opportunistic chameleon. Never has the 'lesser of two evils' argument been used so passionately- Michael Moore, who should know better, recently publicly begged Nader to drop out so Kerry would have a better chance. If you have the choice between driving a car with dangerous emissions or a car with slightly less dangerous emissions, perhaps choosing not to drive at all is not such a bad thing. Though all sorts of appeals to our right to vote are manifesting themselves- often attempting to make you feel that there's some sort of moral failure in not voting- abstaining from a vote is a perfectly reasonable choice; Senators and Representatives abstain from voting on Capitol Hill all the time, so it's obviously an accepted part of the American political process, right?

As for me, I haven't decided. If I had to vote right now it would be a tough choice between Nader and Nobody, but I'm still watching Kerry just in case he does something unexpected to win me over, or disgust me completely. Bush should be forced out, just as his relatively less objectionable father was after a single scary term, but that's as much as I can say for certain just yet.

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The Prognaut View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 08 2004 at 22:11
Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

I'd back Mr Bean over either of those two any day...

I'm with you Cert! 



break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead
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Velvetclown View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2004 at 05:54
No matter who you vote for, the government gets in 

WonŽt get fooled again

Edited by Velvetclown
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2004 at 05:55
The only Bush I trust is my own 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2004 at 15:57
Originally posted by landberkdoten landberkdoten wrote:

Originally posted by Certif1ed Certif1ed wrote:

I'd back Mr Bean over either of those two any day...

I'm with you Cert! 



My vote's for Crusty the clown. A far better public speaker than Mr Bean.

Edited by Blacksword
Ultimately bored by endless ecstasy!
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asuma View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2004 at 21:54
i'm voting for koddos
*Remember all advice given by Asuma is for entertainment purposes only. Asuma is not a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, or counselor and he does not play one on TV.*
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Bryan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2004 at 22:06

Originally posted by asuma asuma wrote:

i'm voting for koddos

Kang all the way!

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2004 at 22:09
Originally posted by Useful_Idiot Useful_Idiot wrote:

Originally posted by asuma asuma wrote:

i'm voting
for koddos

Kang all the way!

*Remember all advice given by Asuma is for entertainment purposes only. Asuma is not a licensed medical doctor, psychologist, or counselor and he does not play one on TV.*
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threefates View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2004 at 22:10
I'm voting for the first one who wears a Pink Floyd tee shirt...
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The Prognaut View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2004 at 23:20

Originally posted by Velvetclown Velvetclown wrote:

The only Bush I trust is my own 




Edited by landberkdoten
break the circle

reset my head

wake the sleepwalker

and i'll wake the dead
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Certif1ed View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2004 at 03:34


Gotta love that bush...

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Velvetclown View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2004 at 09:02
Can you really trust anyone who listens to the Third Ear Band  I didnŽt think so 

Edited by Velvetclown
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2004 at 09:04
Whatever happened to the musicscene in the UK after the 70s ??????????? Way back then 90% of all good music came from The UK.  It took 20 years for USA to understand what great music was all about, but after the neo prog movement in the UK, almost nuttin ????????????? 

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JrKASperov View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2004 at 10:57

Originally posted by threefates threefates wrote:

I'm voting for the first one who wears a Pink Floyd tee shirt...

I'm voting for the first female candidate wearing a see-through Pink Floyd shirt.



And no bra

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2004 at 11:54
IŽll second that, a President with  it all hanging out, great  
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2004 at 11:55
Dark side of the nipple , Wow 
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