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SolariS View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 00:06

This thread is funny to me. I don't think I've ever even looked through the top500. Anything beyond 50 you have to take with a grain of salt. I wouldn't argue that an album should be 347th instead of 289th. It means nothing to me or anyone else for that matter.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 01:25
Originally posted by bhikkhu bhikkhu wrote:

     It's not really that important. Does it also make you mad that Mariah Carey gets No. 1 hits, or do you just accept it? It's just poll results. They have no bearing on your life. I don't like Tool or Dream Theater, but my head isn't about to explode because their albums are highly rated.


well said

though i like DT
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martinprog77 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 04:19
Originally posted by mystic fred mystic fred wrote:

Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:


You just managed to put an Iron Maiden LP in the top prog releases list, above others like Zappa, Oldfield, Porcupine Tree, Ozric, Gentle Giant, Jethro Tull, Spock's Beard etc...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 04:29
Originally posted by SolariS SolariS wrote:

LOLThis thread is funny to me. I don't think I've ever even looked through the top500. Anything beyond 50 you have to take with a grain of salt. I wouldn't argue that an album should be 347th instead of 289th. It means nothing to me or anyone else for that matter.

Exactly-- it's like saying 50 flights to the East Coast were made today, but only 35 flights were made to the West. It is an insignificant number and will probably change next week.
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toolis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 05:17
ok, i think it's time to put some things in the right place...'s not about the place IM's albums have now, it's about the ones they'll climb up to.. this is a sign and given the popularity of this band maybe all you people should expect to be disappointed once Seventh Son surpasses your fav underrated prog album...

2.and don't tell me that the topx00 list in here is just a popularity list.. sure, it's not sth my life depends on but last time i checked the front page was called PROGARCHIVES...

during the last months i visit this site from work, risking my job just to write reviews, talk with you guys anget info... i have loved this site, i've made some very good friends and i've learned so much for so many great bands i completely ignored their existence... i'm most thankful for all of these...

but, if a time comes that any IM release hits a top100 place and we have to debate about which is better, "Seventh Son.." or any other real prog album i will shoot myself...
-music is like pornography...

sometimes amateurs turn us on, even more...

-sometimes you are the pigeon and sometimes you are the statue...
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 05:35
OK, I had decided to take a break for some weeks, and to try to keep out of this mess, but now I feel I can't keep quiet any longer...

Toolis, the only thing I can say to you is, you're lucky you want to shoot yourself because you fear that a Maiden album will reach the Top 100... Such remarks are quite offensive towards those (many) people who have REAL problems in their everyday lives, and who use this site to relax and enjoy themselves - not to see it turn into an arena for fighting over totally irrelevant matters. If you don't like this site anymore, there are many others to choose from - which, incidentally, are much more catholic in their policies than this one will ever be.

I don't want to go against freedom of speech, but I've really had enough of seeing those useless threads crop up almost every day - not to mention that, as the person responsible for adding Maiden to PA (with full authorisation from the owners, in case someone hadn't got it before), I'm sick and tired of the emotional assault to which I've been subjected. Hope sometimes you can all stop ranting about IM's addition and think a bit about that.
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 05:57
Originally posted by philippe philippe wrote:


I also highly regret these type of inclusions because it shouldn't be a priority...a tone of obscure (and really vintage) progressive bands are missing in the database, I work in favour of it and a justice closer to the guideline.


I advise you to forget this kind of disconcerted additions and go directly to the main subjects.


Sorry for these deviations but I cannot control it, I hope that you’ll find your stuff in the rest.

Hear Hear. Philippe's voice is the one of reason here
Thanks Philippe!!
Originally posted by SolariS SolariS wrote:

This thread is funny to me. I don't think I've ever even looked through the top500. Anything beyond 50 you have to take with a grain of salt. I wouldn't argue that an album should be 347th instead of 289th. It means nothing to me or anyone else for that matter.

Yes too much attention to those lists is paid. I agree and this is widely known I care the least for tem. But once there are Beatles, I have no problems, but knowing how IM fans are, this is going to skew them further.

Edited by Sean Trane - October 09 2006 at 06:00
let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword
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sularetal View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 07:29
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

OK, I had decided to take a break for some weeks, and to try to keep out of this mess, but now I feel I can't keep quiet any longer...

Toolis, the only thing I can say to you is, you're lucky you want to shoot yourself because you fear that a Maiden album will reach the Top 100... Such remarks are quite offensive towards those (many) people who have REAL problems in their everyday lives, and who use this site to relax and enjoy themselves - not to see it turn into an arena for fighting over totally irrelevant matters. If you don't like this site anymore, there are many others to choose from - which, incidentally, are much more catholic in their policies than this one will ever be.

I don't want to go against freedom of speech, but I've really had enough of seeing those useless threads crop up almost every day - not to mention that, as the person responsible for adding Maiden to PA (with full authorisation from the owners, in case someone hadn't got it before), I'm sick and tired of the emotional assault to which I've been subjected. Hope sometimes you can all stop ranting about IM's addition and think a bit about that.
What a polite reply!!
Well I have an idea.... As you say, you don't want to go against freedom of speech but at the same time you are sick and tired of the emotional assault to which you 've been subjected (how offensive towards those (many) people who have REAL problems in their everyday lives!!!!). Why don't you stop writing in threads like those. Don't you think that will make everybody happy?
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Raff View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 09:25
Dear Sularetal,

have you seen what's written beside my name? As Admin, it is my duty to read what is written in any thread, and it is my right (as well as yours) to reply. If I had closed the thread or deleted and/or hidden the posts which I found offensive, then I would've gone against freedom of speech. There are things you don't know about the whole IM affair, and which were much more serious than my reaction to this thread.

Toolis can defend himself, if he feels attacked by me. Anyway, before you jump to his defense and attack a person (me) who has spent a week being quiet while all sorts of offensive remarks about her work and that of the other Admins cropped up in the forums with alarming regularity, you should take a tour of aforesaid forums and seen what I've seen this last week.
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sularetal View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 11:10
Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

Dear Sularetal,

have you seen what's written beside my name? As Admin, it is my duty to read what is written in any thread, and it is my right (as well as yours) to reply. If I had closed the thread or deleted and/or hidden the posts which I found offensive, then I would've gone against freedom of speech. There are things you don't know about the whole IM affair, and which were much more serious than my reaction to this thread.

Toolis can defend himself, if he feels attacked by me. Anyway, before you jump to his defense and attack a person (me) who has spent a week being quiet while all sorts of offensive remarks about her work and that of the other Admins cropped up in the forums with alarming regularity, you should take a tour of aforesaid forums and seen what I've seen this last week.
Dear Ghost Rider,
Yeah but the fact that you are an admin doesn't change anything. If you feel so bad when you read IM addition related threads I'm sure you could avoid them. Moreover, I must say that I really follow the iron maiden addition conversations even before their addition. How did you reach to a conclusion like that?
If you are so irritated by all those threads and discussions you could easily stop coming in to the forums for a while. I don't care if your an admin. I'm sure the other admins will understand the terrible situation you are in. I don't really care what you 're gonna do. What I know is that if I want to discuss about IM's addition I have the right to.
Oh and the reason that I defended toolis is that apart from the fact he is my friend, I found your post really insulting (and imagine that you are an admin).

Edited by sularetal - October 09 2006 at 15:01
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WaywardSon View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 20:31
sularetal, I don´t think GhostRider could have written a more polite and diplomatic post.
It has been explained in countless threads why Iron Maiden were accepted.
Deal with it.
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 20:58

Originally posted by sularetal sularetal wrote:

Originally posted by Ghost Rider Ghost Rider wrote:

Dear Sularetal,

have you seen what's written beside my name? As Admin, it is my duty to read what is written in any thread, and it is my right (as well as yours) to reply. If I had closed the thread or deleted and/or hidden the posts which I found offensive, then I would've gone against freedom of speech. There are things you don't know about the whole IM affair, and which were much more serious than my reaction to this thread.

Toolis can defend himself, if he feels attacked by me. Anyway, before you jump to his defense and attack a person (me) who has spent a week being quiet while all sorts of offensive remarks about her work and that of the other Admins cropped up in the forums with alarming regularity, you should take a tour of aforesaid forums and seen what I've seen this last week.
Dear Ghost Rider,
Yeah but the fact that you are an admin doesn't change anything. If you feel so bad when you read IM addition related threads I'm sure you could avoid them. Moreover, I must say that I really follow the iron maiden addition conversations even before their addition. How did you reach to a conclusion like that?
If you are so irritated by all those threads and discussions you could easily stop coming in to the forums for a while. I don't care if your an admin. I'm sure the other admins will understand the terrible situation you are in. I don't really care what you 're gonna do. What I know is that if I want to discuss about IM's addition I have the right to.
Oh and the reason that I defended toolis is that apart from the fact he is my friend, I found your post really insulting (and imagine that you are an admin).

ahemm....  well I happen to find your post quite insulting as well....  so I will defend a friend... and myself as well.

What GR is telling you... is this issue was discussed in private amoung those who decide what is and it not added to this site.  You didn't see a word of it... that is the conlusion GR reached and was telling you in a hhaha polite way.   I, not GR, pushed for the band to be added. I,  to my great regret thanks to idiots out here, left GR the honor of adding the group.. putting a giant bulleye on GR when it should be on me.   Iron Maiden are quote another admin who shall remain nameless unless he joins this shindig... the prefect example of a Prog-Related group.. whose influences were prog.. and whose influence extends well into prog directly.  The group was not added until the people who run this site signed off on it.   You haven't followed anything of subtance my friend.. because you know nothing to follow.  There were people who were for this.. and those against it. At the end of the day... eerr.. most shook hands and moved on to the next fight.  Get over it..

paragraph 2 -  I'm not sure what your mommy and daddy taught you kid... but you didn't learn manners.  If my son spoke to someone like that.. and a lady at that, I'd put him over my knee and wack his ass till it was blue and purple.  Disagree if you want... how about remaining civil.

paragraph 3 -  already covered above..
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Sasquamo View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 21:16
Well, I highly dislike Iron Maiden, but I guess I don't mind them being on the site as long as they don't start to overshadow the more pure prog bands and start to attract people to try to add less proggy bands to the site.  I don't think that will happen, though.
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SolariS View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 23:14
Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:

ok, i think it's time to put some things in the right place...'s not about the place IM's albums have now, it's about the ones they'll climb up to.. this is a sign and given the popularity of this band maybe all you people should expect to be disappointed once Seventh Son surpasses your fav underrated prog album...

Underrated albums will by definiton get surpassed by more popular ones....otherwise they wouldn't be underrated anymore. I think most people accept this as a consequence of ratings. If you want to have your favorite albums ranked high, then learn some html and make your own site. Ratings here are given by collectives of people. Collective implies agreement by the local popularity of users of the site. We're just a bunch of people who have similar tastes in music, so 'popular' bands within our group are naturally more likely to be enjoyed by the other users of the site; but of course, nothing is universally popular with everybody! Therefore, there will always be disagreement and discussion in reviews and on the forums. That's what keeps this site alive. deal with it.

Rantings have been and always will be a superficial assignment made by a group of individuals who all like and dislike albums for differing reasons.

Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:

2.and don't tell me that the topx00 list in here is just a popularity list.. sure, it's not sth my life depends on but last time i checked the front page was called PROGARCHIVES...

Actually it is a popularity list... a popularity list of progressive music.

Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:

during the last months i visit this site from work, risking my job just to write reviews, talk with you guys anget info... i have loved this site, i've made some very good friends and i've learned so much for so many great bands i completely ignored their existence... i'm most thankful for all of these...

but, if a time comes that any IM release hits a top100 place and we have to debate about which is better, "Seventh Son.." or any other real prog album i will shoot myself...

Sounds like a personal problem. And for the record, Seventh Son is not considered a real prog album. That's why it's listed as prog-related.

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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 23:46
Originally posted by Sasquamo Sasquamo wrote:

Well, I highly dislike Iron Maiden, but I guess I don't mind them being on the site as long as they don't start to overshadow the more pure prog bands and start to attract people to try to add less proggy bands to the site.  I don't think that will happen, though.

hahhah...  they wouldn't overshadow any pure prog groups... but for people like ...whoever the hell it was. that start threads like this..

there is serious debate going on behind the scenes as to the priorities of the site and the scope of future addtions.  I wouldn't worry about less proggy bands being added.  It won't...  there are scores of real prog bands waited to be judged and admitted to the site.. that is the priority now.  Iron Maiden's addition took a life of it's own out of a seperate debate, and was allowed to proceed by the powers that be.  That won't happen again.. for a good long time I suspect hhahahah
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bhikkhu View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 09 2006 at 23:54
    I have to say that one of the things that drew me to this site is how broad it is. The scope of prog is very well covered. We shouldn't disdain more content, we should revel in it.
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micky View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 10 2006 at 00:00
Originally posted by SolariS SolariS wrote:

Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:

during the last months i visit this site from work, risking my job just to write reviews, talk with you guys anget info... i have loved this site, i've made some very good friends and i've learned so much for so many great bands i completely ignored their existence... i'm most thankful for all of these...

but, if a time comes that any IM release hits a top100 place and we have to debate about which is better, "Seventh Son.." or any other real prog album i will shoot myself...

Sounds like a personal problem. And for the record, Seventh Son is not considered a real prog album. That's why it's listed as prog-related.

hahhahah... profound isn't that..... read that kids... PROG RELATED....     and anyone who'd shoot himself over this.... hahahha..  might as well do it.. and save some damn bandwidth here LOL
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Eetu Pellonpaa View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 10 2006 at 01:59
Well, could the top list be modified in a way that it wouldn't count prog related releases in it? Hasn't this kind of discussion been around before? I think it would be a good solution.
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Easy Livin View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 10 2006 at 03:24
It's been discussed Eetu, but for the time being they will remain. We're keeping an eye on that one though.
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toolis View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: October 10 2006 at 04:15
Originally posted by SolariS SolariS wrote:

Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:

ok, i think it's time to put some things in the right place...'s not about the place IM's albums have now, it's about the ones they'll climb up to.. this is a sign and given the popularity of this band maybe all you people should expect to be disappointed once Seventh Son surpasses your fav underrated prog album...

Underrated albums will by definiton get surpassed by more popular ones....otherwise they wouldn't be underrated anymore. I think most people accept this as a consequence of ratings. If you want to have your favorite albums ranked high, then learn some html and make your own site. Ratings here are given by collectives of people. Collective implies agreement by the local popularity of users of the site. We're just a bunch of people who have similar tastes in music, so 'popular' bands within our group are naturally more likely to be enjoyed by the other users of the site; but of course, nothing is universally popular with everybody! Therefore, there will always be disagreement and discussion in reviews and on the forums. That's what keeps this site alive. deal with it.Rantings have been and always will be a superficial assignment made by a group of individuals who all like and dislike albums for differing reasons.
i tottaly agree with you my friend.. i really enjoy discussing with you guys about our preferences and fav albums and i would never nag about my fav album which is in a lower position than the one i feel it deserves... i fully respect everybody's opinion... BUT... as far as we disagree about albums that can actually be compared.... this list on the first page, for me is everybody's stated opinion about certain albums... i'm not opposing to some irrelevant list, i'm opposing to the possibiltiy that some day, a visitor will enter this site and sees an IM release among prog gems... even worse, a member posts a poll like which is better "Seventh Son.." or "Signals"...
Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:

2.and don't tell me that the topx00 list in here is
just a popularity list.. sure, it's not sth my life depends on but last
time i checked the front page was called PROGARCHIVES...

Actually it is a popularity list... a popularity list of progressive music.
again, couldn't agree more... careful what you write though.. a popularity list of PROGRESSIVE music...
Originally posted by toolis toolis wrote:

during the last months i visit this site from work, risking my job
just to write reviews, talk with you guys anget info... i have loved
this site, i've made some very good friends and i've learned so much
for so many great bands i completely ignored their existence... i'm
most thankful for all of these...

but, if a time comes that any IM release hits a top100 place and we
have to debate about which is better, "Seventh Son.." or any other real
prog album i will shoot myself...
Sounds like a personal problem. And for the record, Seventh Son is not considered a real prog album. That's why it's listed as prog-related.

my God, haven't you ever guys heard about sth called "figure of speech"? did you really take it literally? and since "Seventh Son.." is not considered a real prog album wht's it doing among all these real prog albums listed here?

Edited by toolis - October 10 2006 at 04:18
-music is like pornography...

sometimes amateurs turn us on, even more...

-sometimes you are the pigeon and sometimes you are the statue...
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