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Syzygy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2006 at 16:26
I've pretty much always been into music, starting with a major (and lifelong) Beatles obsession, picking up The Who and bits of Zeppelin in my early teens, then Tangerine Dream, Can, Mike Oldfield and other instrumental type stuff - the major thing for me was discovering Magma, Captain Beefheart and Henry Cow in my mid teens, just about the time punk took off in the UK. Unlike my prog buddies in school (who always were a bit suspicious of my Fabs obsession and my more avant garde tastes) I welcomed a lot of the changes brought about by punk, although most of the early UK punk bands were pretty dismal. Along with that ran my taste for altered states (though these days I pretty much stay straight, barring the occasional spliff) and radical politics (slightly moderated these days, but still an unrepentant lefty). I had girlfriends, (although I was in my early 20s before it went beyond a couple of dates), I went to parties, got into the odd spot of trouble, went on demonstrations, went to zillions of gigs and spent enormous quantities of time in pubs, hitch hiked hither and yon and was a generally dissolute young man. Aside from the Yes and Genesis albums, not that typical from what I've read so far.
'Like so many of you
I've got my doubts about how much to contribute
to the already rich among us...'

Robert Wyatt, Gloria Gloom

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Empathy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2006 at 16:46
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Pretty tough. The ratio of men to women in my town is about 5 - 2, allegedly, and the women are more masculine than the men!

Well, there goes that trip to England I had planned. You mean to tell me all women over there don't look like this???

Pure Brilliance:
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Inferno View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2006 at 18:48
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Originally posted by Inferno Inferno wrote:


I'm normal, drink and used to be on drugs, listened to prog, rock,
Hardcore, Jazz, it, you got it and that since i'm 8.
Always had girlfriends.

Maybe that's because I'm a musician, but I maybe your just missing a
point or two in life to not being able to simply have girlfriend...I
mean, how tough is that?

Pretty tough. The ratio of men to women in my town is about 5 - 2, allegedly, and the women are more masculine than the men!

LOLThat's not the case around here in Montreal!
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Valarius View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2006 at 20:04
Originally posted by Bob Greece Bob Greece wrote:

Originally posted by Valarius Valarius wrote:

I'm ... asexual
... I currently don't have a girlfriend. Geek
If you're asexual, why would you want a girlfriend? Confused
Don't worry anyway. You're still very young yet.
It's just that kinda feeling you get. Sometimes you get lonely and you see people out and about with their partners and wish you could be the same.
It's just annoying because I've never been much into relationships. I personally find them to compromising. I think my longest relationship was about 2 months, and I finished with her (and I told her the truth) because it didn't feel right to me. I told her about my passion for music etc and said that it wasn't gonna work out.
Anyhow, that was about two years ago and I'm getting that feeling again. I'm worried I'll meet some girl and it'll be the same all over again.
Now if I met a girl who was into prog... Embarrassed
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bruin69 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2006 at 20:23
Well, I'm gay, but when I first got into prog had no idea about that (I was a late developer). But my partner - we've been together 25 years - doesn't understand prog at all...
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heyitsthatguy View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2006 at 21:38
Thats the thing. I've never even had a relationship. No one'll give me a chance. I"ve at this point given least i have my music....Unhappy

EDIT: New report, not only does the person I like still like someone who is already going out with someone, but the other person I was starting to like, my best friend now really likes. I'm so sick of this total bullsh*t. Valarius, you are a lucky person. Teach me your ways

Edited by heyitsthatguy - May 03 2006 at 22:29

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Abalaea4 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 03 2006 at 21:53
I  know  people  who  fit  perfectly  in  the  'prog-type'  category  as  it  is  described  and  don't  have  ever  listen  prog  music  so  i  don't  think there  is  such  thing  as  prog-type  or  pop-type  or  anything  else.As  for  me  i'm  a  normal  guy  i suppose.
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Rorro View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 00:25
  I don't know what i'm doing here if i judge on the kind of person that visits the site. I'm not introverted at all, i like making jokes, and i have a lot of friends but i'm the only one who listens prog, and i never talk about it, that's why i came to the forum for the first time, i was looking for prog buddies, at least to chat.
  I had some women ( i'm not a sex symbol but i never had problems with getting girls), but currently i have a girlfriend, and i can assure you that it's something wonderful to have.  
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Rorro View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 00:30
Originally posted by Valarius Valarius wrote:

Originally posted by Bob Greece Bob Greece wrote:

Originally posted by Valarius Valarius wrote:

I'm ... asexual
... I currently don't have a girlfriend. Geek
If you're asexual, why would you want a girlfriend? Confused
Don't worry anyway. You're still very young yet.
It's just that kinda feeling you get. Sometimes you get lonely and you see people out and about with their partners and wish you could be the same.
It's just annoying because I've never been much into relationships. I personally find them to compromising. I think my longest relationship was about 2 months, and I finished with her (and I told her the truth) because it didn't feel right to me. I told her about my passion for music etc and said that it wasn't gonna work out.
Anyhow, that was about two years ago and I'm getting that feeling again. I'm worried I'll meet some girl and it'll be the same all over again.
Now if I met a girl who was into prog... Embarrassed
Sometimes if you talk with much passion about something your girl may think that everything is more important than her , that's why you shouldn't talk much about prog to a girl. My girlfriend knows about my passion , but i don't talk about it every day for that reason.
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Inferno View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 02:56

Rosso, that last line made me laugh. It's priceless.

I'm living the exact situation then you (if you read what I posted earlier in that post) at the moment I don't have a girlfriend but...I have a lot of girls near me. Only a matter of decision ;)

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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 05:39
Originally posted by Empathy Empathy wrote:

Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Pretty tough. The ratio of men to women in my town is about 5 - 2, allegedly, and the women are more masculine than the men!

Well, there goes that trip to England I had planned. You mean to tell me all women over there don't look like this???

Well, I cant see your pic, Empathy, but I can imagine what it looks like. So, I'll say no. Not in my town, anyway. If you take a 20 minute train ride out of town the picture is very different. I think my town has a national reputation as the place 'not to be' if you're male and single. Hence my decision to continue living here, may seem a little odd...
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Bob Greece View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 06:09
Originally posted by Inferno Inferno wrote:

I maybe your just missing a point or two in life to not being able to simply have girlfriend...I mean, how tough is that?
Eh? It's really really tough. One of the toughest things in the world. Getting a PhD in rocket science is easier.
You must know something that most of us don't.
What's your secret then Mr. Stud Inferno?
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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 06:14
Yeah, come on Stud Inferno

Tell us your secret, and dont play the 'musician' card either. I was a drummer in a band with a reasonable female following for a few years, and I only got my leg over once in that time.
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Rapataz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 06:39
Originally posted by jojim jojim wrote:

When reading all this threads I wonder who are the people behind that masks of names. When I started to get into prog in the early 70-ies I was one of perhaps two classmates who liked this kind of music. I was also a bit shy, had no girls around me. Was that the reason I fell in love with prog? All my friends who had girls and were not shy didn't like prog. I found myself sometimes sitting in the cellar in the dark on a seat just listening to prog (GENESIS, GENTLE GIANT etc) instead lurking around with my friends. - So the question is: are you this type? The typical prog type?

Did you change till now?
No it didnīt change and it is a prog type
It was all the same with me...
But luckily listening to prog and psychedelic music made me go out very often to Festivals and freaky, druggy parties and stuff like that so that I became attractive because of my obvious freakness
(well thatīs actually what my girl friend told me)
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darren View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 11:20
I've always loved prog. A friend of mine always liked rock (Stones, Springsteen, Clash). Another friend liked electronic music (Human League, Depeshe Mode, Yaz). Another friend liked top 10. We were all equally successful with women. It's not the music or the type of person who likes the music. Each to his (or her) own. I'm not sure if there really is "a type".
"they locked up a man who wanted to rule the world.
the fools
they locked up the wrong man."
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Sean Trane View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 12:31
Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

I guess I am the prog anti-type.

I have settled down now but in my youth I was a loud,abrasive,rowdy hell-raiser,was always quick to fight,and was never shy around girls.A voracious reader and also a big jock in school,played football,lacrosse and baseball.But never hung out with the jocks because even though I was good in sports I had long hair,and smoked weed like crazy.

No one could figure me out because I was a big metalhead but also listened to tons of prog,which I have been into since about the age of 11.

I was a total study in opposites.

Shhhhhiiiiiitttttt!!!! CryYou beat me to that definition of the anteprog-superstar typeLOL
Actually your profile reads a bit like mine : no Lacrosse - but hockey, yes and football twice school Champions as outside left linebacker and hated hanging out with the jocks also  -  and never that much of a metalhead - had my metalhead (I think I listened to Sad Wings Of Destiny over 500 times in two years) era just before my year of punk (78) , and only moderate (but nothing to be ashamed of either << just not as great as I wished itLOL) success with the ladies - but outside a two year drought, it was never really a problem, since I had a female friend , not a girlfriend who could accomodate me (and I her) in between girlfriends.
I was good in many things (including sports) until I discovered "sex, drugs and RnR" Shocked(around 77) but I was listening to prog since 75 (Supertramp, Floyd and Genesis) , and then I even became betterBig smile but in different disciplinesWink >> I held provincial records of skipping school that maybe still stand today - and still managed to get a 70% average (>> and maybe the lowest result ever in an accounting course >> I refused to drop out and managed a 21% average >> I think this still stands todayEmbarrassed)
Long hair and dope, rock, girls etc >> a good youthThumbs Up, not without the usual screw ups and blunders, but hardly anything I cannot laugh at today.
I could recommend this youth as a four star >> StarStarStarStar >>essential but not masterpiece!
Recommended to most progheads not afraid of lifeWink
nowadays I like to update it to "Women, wine and songs"LOL >> same stuff , sounds more dignified to the old crusthead I am becomingTongue!! Must say the old bod is paying theprice for the years of excesses, and a bit of neglect >> time to worry about it a bit
But Andy/Blacksword: I completely agree about the state of this frigging planet/world/society, and it is the main reason I will not have kids of mine in this bleak future.   But getting laid regularly is soothing a lot of anguishesBig smile!! Plenty of women out there, just maybe need to change outlook and targets. I had to also since Elle McPherson was taken!!!Wink

Edited by Sean Trane - May 05 2006 at 08:48
let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword
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Inferno View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 12:34
Secrets? How should I know the secret. I only act myself and people love it.Tho, here's a coupe of tips that I've learned thro the years. Girls don't like hearing you talking about the same old thing over and over and over again. (in that case, about prog) Have a wider center of interest then only prog, this will help ;)

Be open to what she likes, even if you don't like it at first. There is good in every thing you know, andsomething to learn about it too. Be gentle and give gift to her at any occassion. A girl I met like a year ago, she liked System of a down. So I bought a pair of ticket, front row, for her birthday. I knew her for something like a month or so. Crazy? Maybe, but you got to try in life. Girls like guys that have the audacity of doing something you would never imagine!!

There you go, now go get some girls!
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sleeper View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 12:45
Originally posted by Blacksword Blacksword wrote:

Originally posted by sleeper sleeper wrote:

I dont know, do all progers hate most of the modern world?

Yes, most aspects of it, apart from the Internet which is the perfect medium to share our disgust!

In that case I guess I'm your stereotypical prog fanLOL
Spending more than I should on Prog since 2005

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Blacksword View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 16:12
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Originally posted by TheProgtologist TheProgtologist wrote:

I guess I am the prog anti-type.I have settled down now but in my youth I was a loud,abrasive,rowdy hell-raiser,was always quick to fight,and was never shy around girls.A voracious reader and also a big jock in school,played football,lacrosse and baseball.But never hung out with the jocks because even though I was good in sports I had long hair,and smoked weed like crazy.No one could figure me out because I was a big metalhead but also listened to tons of prog,which I have been into since about the age of 11.I was a total study in opposites.

Shhhhhiiiiiitttttt!!!! You beat me to that definition of the anteprog superstar type[IMG]height=17 alt=LOL src="" width=17 align=absMiddle>

Actually your profile reads a bit like mine : no Lacrosse - but hockey, yes -  and never that much of a metalhead - had my time just before my year of punk (79) , and maybe only moderate success with the ladies - but outside a two year drought, it was never really a problem, since I had a female friend , not a girlfriend - who could accomodate me and I her in between girlfriends.


I was good in many things (including sports) until I discovered "sex, drugs and RnR" (around 77) , and then I even became better[IMG]height=17 alt="Big smile" src="" width=17 align=absMiddle> but in different disciplines[IMG]height=17 alt=Wink src="" width=17 align=absMiddle> >> I held provincial records of skipping school that maybe still stand today - and still managed to get a 70% average


Long hair and dope, rock, girls etc >> a good youth[IMG]height=17 alt="Thumbs Up" src="" width=23 align=absMiddle>, not without the usual screw ups and blunders, but hardly anything I can not laugh at today. I could recopmmend this youth as a four star >> essential but not masterpiece? Recommended to most progheads not afraid of life[IMG]height=17 alt=Wink src="" width=17 align=absMiddle>


nowadays I like to update it to "Women, wine and songs" >> same stuff , sounds more dignified to the old crusthead I am becoming[IMG]height=17 alt=Tongue src="" width=17 align=absMiddle>







But Andy/Blacksword: I completely agree about the state of this frigging planet/world/society, and it is the main reason I will not have kids of mine in this bleak future.   But getting laid regularly is soothing a lot of anguishes[IMG]height=17 alt="Big smile" src="" width=17 align=absMiddle>!! Plenty of women out there, just maybe need to change outlook and targets. I had to also since Elle McPherson was taken!!![IMG]height=17 alt=Wink src="" width=17 align=absMiddle>

Elle was 'overated' anyway. I dumped her because she didn't dig prog. I think you've had a lucky escape..
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jojim View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 04 2006 at 17:23
Soooooooo, we didn't find out what makes people listen to prog. IF not the lack of girls, feelings, fear of the future. What is it then?

Sometimes I suppose that it was the awful relationship to my parents (esp. father). Other time I think it is a kind of yearning to be in an other place - far away. Like a sailor discovering foreign countries and islands.

And sometimes I think that I'm a pretty nervous person to keep track of most of the prog songs. If I'm seriousl: most of them sounds very harsh and chaotic, not soft, very energetic, very upsetting. Most people don't even bear it just to listen to it. They cannot stand it!!! - I can.

So - what is the secret?

Thanks for the overall interesting discussion anyway. Perhaps someone has a clue - and will let us having a short insight.

YES - Close to the edge / UK - UK / GENESIS - The lamb lies down / KING CRIMSON - Discipline / MIKE OLDFIELD - Tubular bells / JETHRO TULL - Aqualung / GENTLE GIANT - Three friends / TMO - IMF
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