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Visitor13 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 04:16

Originally posted by Prog-jester Prog-jester wrote:

Modern music=entertainment
Prog music=REAL TRUE ART!!!

Nope, not really. Nearly all prog is simply quality entertainment as opposed to the 'break a beer bottle on your head' - variety entertainment provided by 99% of the stuff on commercial radio stations.

Fusioned: with so many different bands considered prog, there's got to be someone in your immediate vicinity who likes at least some prog. If you're looking for someone who likes '70s prog, or, more specifically, RIO, or Canterbury etc. well, you might be out of luck. But hey, keep trying, you never know.  

Edited by Visitor13
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russellk View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 04:13
Yeah, weren't we clever to like the music that was dominant in our era? Man,
I was intelligent. Of course, the kids of today are thick for liking the
dominant music of their era. The fact that they'd have to search the bargain
bins or make special mail-orders to listen to music that will only bring
derision from their friends still doesn't make them as clever as us forty-
something prog lovers, does it?

My tongue is in my cheek, but I never thought I was cleverer or more
intelligent than my mates who liked Dylan or Guthrie or Baez while I listened
to Floyd or Tull. I thought they were cleverer than me. Their lyrics were
certainly more meaningful!
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aprusso View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 04:10

It's one of the big tragedies our age! The fact is, not all people are music lovers, most appreciate music only as entertainment and not as a form of art. The thing is evn worse with classical music, people say they like it (it's bad to say otherwise) but then, how many people actually buy a classical music album, except from the occasional gift or some Beethoven?


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Pafnutij View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 04:03
Originally posted by Fusioned Fusioned wrote:

Originally posted by Pafnutij Pafnutij wrote:

Originally posted by Fusioned Fusioned wrote:

  But as I sit here listening to
Yes - Close to the Edge I think to can someone hate this song?
Music will never get any better than this. Ever. 

I don't like CttE

Yes (pun not intended), you don't like the song, but you don't HATE it do

Well, not really. It is overrated, however.

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Fusioned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 03:59
Originally posted by Pafnutij Pafnutij wrote:

Originally posted by Fusioned Fusioned wrote:

  But as I sit here listening to
Yes - Close to the Edge I think to can someone hate this song?
Music will never get any better than this. Ever. 

I don't like CttE

Yes (pun not intended), you don't like the song, but you don't HATE it do

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Pafnutij View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 03:52

Originally posted by Fusioned Fusioned wrote:


But as I sit here listening to Yes - Close to the
Edge I think to can someone hate this song? Music will never
get any better than this. Ever. 

I don't like CttE

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pero View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 03:45

Lucky for me I was the part of generation who listen to prog.

In a highschool everybody was listening to Yes, Genesis, Pink Floyd

Few were listening to bit harder bands like: VDGG, Gentle Giant, King Crimson, Zappa

Everybody liked: Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin , Jethro tull.

Who was once listening to prog in youth keeps hooked for life.

I feel sorry for today's generation (my two sons included), because the music industry produces more and more of brainless music, to make more money, because every generation has to have their own idols.


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Joolz View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 03:16
Originally posted by G_Bone G_Bone wrote:

  I'm too young to know what was on the radio in the 70s ..........

In the 70s, or to be more precise, before 'punk' came along, 'Rock' was just, well, 'Rock' really. Sure, there were lots of little pockets of people pushing the boundaries in different directions, and we liked what we liked. Today's genres - like 'Glam' or 'Prog' etc - then existed as terms, but they were certainly not little boxes that contained people so rigidly like we have today. The late 60s/early 70s saw a great explosion of creativity in music as a result of cultural upheavals that were going on in parts of the world at that time.

So, the radio would play all sorts of stuff, irrespective of what genre it would be placed in today. Which was how the British DJ, the late John Peel, was able to champion the likes of Pink Floyd until they became too successful for his taste. Bob Harris was pretty good too. And on TV we had The Old Grey Whistle Test. None of them had specific boundaries, other than 'Rock'.
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G_Bone View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 02:51
Originally posted by FragileDT FragileDT wrote:

A not-so-easy listening music that pushes boundaries is never liked me the
majority, unless your Pink Floyd.

But the true symphonic prog bands (which Floyd arguably aren't) never really were mainstream (well except some non prog stuff by prog bands like newer Genesis or Lucky Man by ELP). I'm too young to know what was on the radio in the 70s, but now on classic rock radio I hear Pink Floyd, Rush, etc. all the time, while never hearing any Yes, Genesis, ELP, King Crimson, not to mention Gentle Giant or Camel or something. Although even the Rush stuff is not their most progressive stuff, its usually Limelight, Working Man, Tom Sawyer, or something (all great songs, but not the most prog)

For prog metal, I hear of lots of metal fans who like Nightwish or Tool or something, even Dream Theater seems to have decent mainstream appeal, but Fates Warning is one band that comes to mind that like no one I know has heard of.

Although unlike the guy who wrote this post, my Dad is a big prog fan (Genesis was his favourite), and I got him listening to Dream Theater   Most of my friends like prog metal and even a lot of older prog. Even my Mom apparently liked Wishbone Ash.

Edited by G_Bone
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Fusioned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 02:03
Lets not bring artists and stuff into this. Though I did work the Dali exhibit
here in Philly...

This is about prog! If I want to listen to Starcastle at high volume, I have the
right to do so!

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Prog-jester View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 01:50
Modern music=entertainment
Prog music=REAL TRUE ART!!!

Are there any friends of you who are keen on Salvador Dali or Dostoevsky?
Almost the same situation with me - but I can go here
BTW,in USA you can at least make a good prog record(maybe,just for your friends or web-sites like this one...but YOU DO!!!).While in Ukraine it is VERY DIFFICULT!!!
Just compare the amount of USA prog groups and ukrainian...or russian prog groups here
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martinprog77 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 01:17
Originally posted by Fusioned Fusioned wrote:

My family hates it, none of my friends like it, and my (now) ex-girlfriend
despised prog rock music. But as I sit here listening to Yes - Close to the
Edge I think to can someone hate this song? Music will never
get any better than this. Ever. So why does everyone hate prog so much? I
don't understand...oh well. At least with no girlfriend I can blast Saga as loud
as I want!!!
it happen to me pretty much the same think .but you know what i rather listen to prog that anything that is on mtv or crap like that.people like ricky martin AND I ALEAYSi think''THANK GOD YOU GIVE PROG TO FILL MY HEART ,BODY AND SOUL''PS:MY WIFE DIDNT EVEN KNOW WHAT THE HELL WAS PROG ROCK ABOUT?.NOW TWO YEARS LATER SHE LOVES CAMEL GENESIS AND THE FLOWER KINGS.
Nothing can last
there are no second chances.
Never give a day away.
Always live for today.

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Hierophant View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 01:15
Its called musical w**kery, people want their little 2 minute musical "wank" and be off and done with it.
They turned music into background "sound", it's purely cosmetic - like paint on the wall. No one actually sits down alone and listens patiently to an album anymore. God forbid no. This is what amazes me... the current trend seems to be that peoples lives are too "comlicated these days" to even bother with music, art, etc.  What is any more complex about our lives then people's lives 50,100,500 years ago? Surely we have to take care of family and work and pay the bills, but its always been that way. Does our "modern " society disallow such things? Last time I checked we all sit around the tv for weeks on end, but never do we have time for a single album. (i havn't seen a single frame of tv in months) We are brainwashed to think we are "always on the go", we can't be bothered with the NOW, its always about the later. Our "sophisticated" gadget cellphone/ipod/pda worlds don't allow for such petty nonsense like music. It is only about the gadget... how small your ipod is ,or how many songs you could squeeze in a matchbox sized box. It is all BS to me. I find no fulfillment in any of it.

I'll continue to enjoy my music and if a person is interested, i'll try and help, other than that I don't bother much "converting" people.

Edited by Hierophant
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ken4musiq View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 01:15
When I was in High School, back in the day, I listened to all this weird music, s people called it.  Yes Genesis, Floyd and ELP. I think I was the only one in my HS who even knew who Genesis and ELP were although I had one friend and two acquaintances that liked Yes, all big pot smokers. One was actually valedictorian of his class and went to Harvard. After I graduated from school people would come up to me and talk and say , thing like "You're going to college, I thought you were a burn out because of all the music you listened to." I never really liked to smoke pot.  I don't know if listening to progressive rock raises your IQ but it seems that if you don't it certainly lowers it.
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Fusioned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 01:05
Originally posted by The Ryan The Ryan wrote:

People are desensitized to the stupidity of
programs such as MTV, their friends, and radio. At least in America this is
the way it is and has been for a few decades, there's no real structure to
the music industry, everybody popular is a one hit wonder. Every kid has
a new favorite band every two weeks, and that is a sad story. When I'm in
the car with a friend, he or she will consistently spend 1 minute, maybe 2,
on a song then move on to another station/song. Usually songs are three
minutes, or 3:30, people aren't even finishing listening their music!!! It's
almost like the teenagers of today are subconsciously not enjoying what
they are listening to, yet cannot realize this fact. Almost everyone I know
does this, unless they listen to classic rock... or some form of Alice in
chains/Soundgarden/Tool/etc because virtually all other music today is
simply dull and far too monotonous. What I don't understand is why
people cannot figure out that with a little bit of patience (even if they will
never like prog), there's a world of quality music out there waiting for
them and always has been for the past 90 years plus. It's almost a matter
of trying to be "not cool" at this point in some strange way, but not

People who can't TRY Prog make me sick, people who don't like prog
for good reason I understand.

EXACTLY! You must TRY prog before you totally dismiss it!

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The Ryan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 00:57

People are desensitized to the stupidity of programs such as MTV, their friends, and radio. At least in America this is the way it is and has been for a few decades, there's no real structure to the music industry, everybody popular is a one hit wonder. Every kid has a new favorite band every two weeks, and that is a sad story. When I'm in the car with a friend, he or she will consistently spend 1 minute, maybe 2, on a song then move on to another station/song. Usually songs are three minutes, or 3:30, people aren't even finishing listening their music!!! It's almost like the teenagers of today are subconsciously not enjoying what they are listening to, yet cannot realize this fact. Almost everyone I know does this, unless they listen to classic rock... or some form of Alice in chains/Soundgarden/Tool/etc because virtually all other music today is simply dull and far too monotonous. What I don't understand is why people cannot figure out that with a little bit of patience (even if they will never like prog), there's a world of quality music out there waiting for them and always has been for the past 90 years plus. It's almost a matter of trying to be "not cool" at this point in some strange way, but not exactly.

People who can't TRY Prog make me sick, people who don't like prog for good reason I understand.

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FragileDT View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 00:41
A not-so-easy listening music that pushes boundaries is never liked me the
majority, unless your Pink Floyd.
One likes to believe
In the freedom of music
But glittering prizes
And endless Compromises
Shatter the illusion
Of integrity
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Fusioned View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: March 29 2006 at 00:40

My family hates it, none of my friends like it, and my (now) ex-girlfriend
despised prog rock music. But as I sit here listening to Yes - Close to the
Edge I think to can someone hate this song? Music will never
get any better than this. Ever. So why does everyone hate prog so much? I
don't understand...oh well. At least with no girlfriend I can blast Saga as loud
as I want!!!

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