^^Neither am I so brave as you supposed! That's why I'm trying to find mellower songs, which are at least prog related, but will not hurt our guests' ears
btw, in the forthcoming wedding I will probably not play the songs to the in-laws, because my wife has quite a few relatives that could attend to my wedding in my hometown... Have I mentioned she's from Moldova!?!? Most of her relatives live in several parts of the ex-Soviet (mainly in Russia I suppose) and even if they come, they will be welcome in the church ceremony, which will be held in Istanbul. Oh, maybe I will be so bold to play some Christian-related prog there, too
Actually what makes me brave is to play any "foreign" music to my own relatives
. Most of them are so tateless in music, that I suppose I will be asked to "stop that f***ing music down" and play something to "dance" (play, as Turks name!) in the traditional Turkish way in a few minutes
hmm, I'm listening to Tangerine Dream now, let me think what will happen if I play that at my wedding
thanx all for the congrats!
have a nice proggy weekend!