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Topic ClosedSome of the reviewers deserve to be shot.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 15:55
Originally posted by Fitzcarraldo Fitzcarraldo wrote:

Originally posted by haas haas wrote:

Yeah I have read this review to! Very strange, he was talking about some classical composer named Piel Koekjebla. Does anyone now him, because if so, I really want to hear the original.

No, it's just someone taking the piss. See the review below for more of the same, and the review of a DT album in the Report Abuse thread. Seems like somebody is enjoying themselves trying to slip these things in unnoticed.

MIKE OLDFIELD Incantations
Review by Piel Koekjebla @ 2:28:36 PM EST, 3/5/2005

4 stars  —  This is Mike Oldfields Tales from topographic oceans. That should say enough. But for the ones who don't know what I mean by that; it's his most ambitious work to date, its about eighty minutes of music. It has been carefully constructed and very well composed, and it includes some of his best melodies and playing (just as tales did for yes) BUT because it is so long, I can understand that you would probably want to turn it off. It can be dull and boring and repetative (just as tales did for yes) So, to sum it up, it's a truly fantastic album, probably Oldfields best, but it needs patience and attention to appreciate it. While Mike was still working on it, the project was firtly named Inbaftations, this was because of some strange dutch language joke, but because of marketing reasons virgin changed it into Incantations. (this is actually a fact, and most people don't know about this! I heard it from Sally, his sister, when she was visiting southern Ginuea, and I met her at a third world aid project!)


It could be true, and if sure is funny, and the review does make sense, I mean, the man obviously at least heard the album...

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 15:58
have you noticed that the majority of the reviews that people complain about in this thread are only the reviews with low scores? Someone could just make a 5 or 4 star review saying "i really like this album it is the best prog album ever BUY IT" or something like that but no1 ever focuses on reviews like that! There are many reviews like my example on the site that i have seen!
The Worthless Recluse
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 16:01

Originally posted by frenchie frenchie wrote:

have you noticed that the majority of the reviews that people complain about in this thread are only the reviews with low scores? Someone could just make a 5 or 4 star review saying "i really like this album it is the best prog album ever BUY IT" or something like that but no1 ever focuses on reviews like that! There are many reviews like my example on the site that i have seen!


EMERSON LAKE & PALMER (ELP) Emerson, Lake and Palmer
Review by frenchie @ 6:26:56 PM EST, 3/29/2005


4 stars  —  This one is for Karnevil 9, i hope he reads it. After some ELP bashing and being told not to listen to them by my friends i thought i would see what all the fuss was about. I only know about this bands sound and career from things i have read on this site, so i wasn't completely sure what to expect.

I certainly didn't expect that lush distorted droning sound to kick off the album, that is really nice. There is some strong drum work here but i think it is ruined by some very over dramatic piano work, but i managed to sit through it, once the piano bit is over there is a lush roar that sounds likea dragon waking up and then some more distortion which sounds kinda heavy and evil! Definetly a good start, i am actually impressed by "The Barbarian". The bass and drum work is very well done!

The vocals on "Take a Pebble" are pretty nice, somehow it sounds like a very unique sound that ELP have created very nicely here, and Greg Lake uses a different vocal style to King Crimson which is good because it is the start of a brand new sound and prog direction for each member, quite a big leap for a debut album, they have definetly kissed their previous bands goodbye! The piano work is a lot softer here, with some nice acoustics, which i prefer. I can't remember the last time i heard clapping and whistling in prog, how random, but it's here! The soft sound seems to lack direction, going through different acoustic and piano areas before it settles into a beautiful piano section. The thundering bass kicks in and all sounds good. This track can stretch on quite a bit, but i say, so far so good! There is a nice piano climax just before the 11 minute mark that leads back into some vocals, bringing this track to a brilliant close. The vocals are powerful and full of passion and emotion.

"Knife Edge" has some really strong bass and keyboard work, perhaps a sound that i prefer. It can get quite frantic and then flow into more steady parts. The vocals work really well once again. The musicianship here is definetly strong and powerful, sometimes it can be scarily overdone, i prefer them in their less pretentious areas.

The first three songs are excellent, but "Three Fates", the track that a very popular forum member is named after, let me down. This track is nothing but Keith Emerson making love to his keyboards for nearly 8 minutes. Sure he has talent but he is just showing off here, and it becomes boring. I managed to sit through this though, it gets interesting when the organ comes in but then it leads back into the same old drizzle. There is a really annoying sound, like someone is winding up a clock which quickly gets repetitive and irritating. I would suggest listening to this one or two times, if it still doesn't do anything for you then the skip button is all you need!

"Tank" doesn't do it for me either, another let down, this is just some mindless drum work, followed by some uninterting tag ons from the rest of the band. ELP really overdo it here. "Lucky Man" definetly redeems this album with some nice vocals and acoustic work, yet it has a stupid ending which sounds like you are being chased by an ambulance or something!

ELP are definetly talented as well as unique and original. Sometimes they can really overdo it and dont know when to calm down but at the end of the day this is definetly some strong, good and interesting work. Still, i can see why a lot of people make fun out of them! Overall, their are 4 really good pieces on this album, yet it is let down big time by "Three Fates" and "Tank". I think this album just scrapes 4 stars.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 19:39
lol i see the grudge continues, maybe i shall relisten to the last track and reconsider my ambulance comments when i have the time. I can just edit my review from the collaborators section. I have to say that of all the ELP albums i have they all seem to have kick ass intros! The Barbarian, Tarkus, promenade and jeurasleum are possible my favourites off each of their albums.
The Worthless Recluse
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 19:56

Originally posted by frenchie frenchie wrote:

lol i see the grudge continues, maybe i shall relisten to the last track and reconsider my ambulance comments when i have the time. I can just edit my review from the collaborators section. I have to say that of all the ELP albums i have they all seem to have kick ass intros! The Barbarian, Tarkus, promenade and jeurasleum are possible my favourites off each of their albums.

Dont change the review Frenchie,if anything you were over-generous.

Karney's not that bad,

aint that good either!Wink


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 20:43
The Worthless Recluse
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 20:43
Change the revie Frenchie, you where obviously wrong, make it three stars and have it done with.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 21:04

Originally posted by tuxon tuxon wrote:

Change the revie Frenchie, you where obviously wrong, make it three stars and have it done with.


Is revie the same as review?

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 21:11

2 entries found for revie.


\Re*vie"\, v. t. 1. To vie with, or rival, in return.

2. (Card Playing) To meet a wager on, as on the taking of a trick, with a higher wager. [Obs.] --B. Jonson.

Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, © 1996, 1998 MICRA, Inc.


\Re*vie"\, v. i. 1. To exceed an adversary's wager in card playing. [Obs.]

2. To make a retort; to bandy words. [Obs.]

I'm always almost unlucky _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Id5ZcnjXSZaSMFMC Id5LM2q2jfqz3YxT
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 21:18

i can hear K9 revie the engine of that ambulance before he drives into me at a high speed.

The Worthless Recluse
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 21:25
Originally posted by frenchie frenchie wrote:

i can hear K9 revie the engine of that ambulance before he drives into me at a high speed.


What was it over a damn ELP review

Relax now  Mr Frenchie,we'll just get you through this door.

And a word of waning don't try the 'BSS' review,we wouldn't want you back in.


Edited by Karnevil9
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 23 2005 at 21:32
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: April 24 2005 at 01:25

Honestly, if you don't like a review, you don't have to pay any attention to it. If someone slams you're favourite band, you can always deal with it....

It only seems to be bad reviews for particular bands people complain about!
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 17 2005 at 01:27
Review (Permanent link) by nathan priest @ 10:03:14 PM EST, 11/24/2004

5 stars  —  pink floyd the wall is the best web site that there is.because,i think it is the coolest site. welcome to the machine is my favorite song.will you send me a copy of the cd of the wall of pink floyd please.
What's this? Why is it still there??
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 17 2005 at 02:02
I have said it before in a few topics of this nature and I'll say it again.More than half the reviews on this site lately are nothing but incoherent DRIVEL.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 17 2005 at 09:54


I have deleted the offending review.  Thanks for the heads-up!


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Direct Link To This Post Posted: July 17 2005 at 10:43
Originally posted by king16 king16 wrote:

Sorry, if I get this wrong. But what's actually wrong with the 'The Power to believe' album by KC?

I'm listening to it right now, and it is an absolutely amazing album.

Or was the fact that this bloke compared it to Tool that caused all the 'drama' (don't know a different word for that right now, so please don't feel offended )

There is nothing wrong with the KC review at all. As the one who posted this thread explained himself it is just in there because it was stuck in the middle of the Mars Volta reviews, and he was too lazy to cut that review out.

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