1. "What's so special about [insert band/ artist name here]?"
2. How do I get into {insert band/ artist name here}?" Listen to the
music, and if that doesn't do it for you, listen to something else.
Some day you may come back to it and get it, but don't then start a new
thread on how you finally got it..
3. "I finally get {whatever band or album}!" It's not cool to admit that you're slow.
4. "I got into {insert band/ artist name here} but now I've gone off it. How do I get back into it! Plzzz help!!!"
5. "I still can't get back into it" or "I still can't get it."
6. "Is it me? Or does this just really suck?"
7. "I have just realized that so-and-so sucks!"
8. "My [pretend] girlfriend loves [my] Tool!"
9. "I can't get my [pretend] girlfriend into Tool.
10. "My grandma hates Tool!
11. "My [pretend] friend thinks that Prog sucks and is total crap, and this makes me really angry [please share your outrage at my invisible friend even if I made it up]."
12. "I was talking about {insert band here} with my girlfirend [really an inflatable doll] and she said that she thought {insert band name here} sucks dirty monkey banana, and I didn't think that was fair at all, but I kind of see her point. What do you think?"
13. "My friends, who know I love Prog so much, all say only sissies listen to Prog?" [author's note: maybe you're the only prog fan they know and they assume all prog fans are like you].
14. "So-and-so is the best band ever!"
15. "So-and-so is the worst band ever!"
16. "Why does {insert musician here} make me feel so funny in my pants?"
Edited by Logan - December 15 2009 at 23:41