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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2007 at 14:46
I hate Barry Bonds too...but there's no denying he's a great player. Deff HOFamer before the roids even.
And you're right, this list is only a small amount of all the people. I wouldn't be surprised if 40% of players have used it at least sometime.
Maybe it's wishfull thinking, but I doubt Jeter has ever used enhancing drugs, I just can't see it. And for all the flak he takes, and numbers he puts up, I never have heard A-rod actually accused of this.
But still, Roger Clemmens....I am so dissapointed, but guess I am not surprised....
Like it's been said, I hope this leads to a better future in baseball.

Edited by JJLehto - December 14 2007 at 14:47
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2007 at 14:41
Originally posted by Kid-A Kid-A wrote:

Yes, rushfan I agree that that is very unfair, and it is much worse in the English premiership. At least in the US, the team with the payroll doesn't always win. In the English Premiership it is always one of the 'big 4' who wins everything (Liverpool, Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal). No one else has even  won the FA cup in 10+ years. I disagree with your comparison to drug taking in music, as sport is all about going for number 1. Steroids help you do this. Hallucinagenic drugs certainly alter your music, but not necessarily for the better. Some people just like that kind of sound.
As a Red Sox fan, I'm relieved none of our players were mentioned (except Gagne). I was, and still am, convinced Damon has been on something, I just thought that from the second I first saw him in 2004. However isn't Mitchell an executive on the Red sox or something? I think it's right to be sceptical about this. That would also explain how Paul Byrds involvement was leaked right before a critical game 7 he was involved with against the Red Sox.
Roger Clemens supposed testosterone injections to the bum in 2000 sure do explain why he threw that bat at Piazza don't they?
Music is an art and not a competition.  But despite all of the ideals, music is still a business like baseball, and the goal is to make money selling as much of your music as you can.  The more true you stay to yourself the better.  Something that musicians and athletes have in common is that they both have big egos and they both like to be the center of attention.  Both have "look at what I can do" personalities and there are some that crave the attention so much they take the drugs to make their music or athletic abilities reach super human levels.  I agree there is as much bad music created from using drugs as there is good music created, but there are also as many bad athletes created as there are good athletes.
The Tigers had a guy on their team some years back named Gabe Kapler.  He later played for the Rangers and then the Red Sox.  This guy was so muscular his picture appeared on the cover of a bodybuilding magazine.  I don't know that he used drugs as he was not on the list, but I suspect that he did.  It was mentioned that one reason that he wasn't as good as expected was because his body was so big he didn't have the flexibility or range of motion to hit the ball that well. 
Another example, was last year the Tigers had a player who was suspended for the remainder of the season for using performance drugs.  His name was Neifi Perez.  He was absolutely the worst player I have ever seen wear a Tiger's uniform.  The fans were actually thrilled when he got suspended because we didn't have to endure him and his below .200 batting average any more.
Speaking of Piazza, I am somewhat surprised he didn't make the list.  Rumors have surrounded him his entire career, along with Pudge Rodriguez who didn't make the list either.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2007 at 14:26
Trust me.  I am a true fan.  I go to close to 30 Tiger games a year, and watch most of the other games on TV.  Sadly I have been doing this for 20 years now.  (I really must get a life).  
Personally, I think that it is the casual fan that is making the biggest deal out of it because it is the media that is telling them that it is a big deal.
Personally, I cannot stand Barry Bonds.  I never could.  I have no problem with them putting an asterisk next to his name for his home run record.  But if the steroids and HGH were what caused him to hit all of those home runs, then why didn't the other 80 players on the list hit the same amount of home runs.  They didn't.  Why is that?  Did he work harder than them?  Did he have a better natural ability than them?  Was his team better at stealing the catcher's signs so he knew what pitch was coming?  I don't know that answer but it probably a little of all three.
I have no desire to tarnish Hank Aaron's name, but I have read in many instances that taking "uppers" has been a huge thing in baseball since the days he was playing (I am not suggesting that he took them because I obviously have no idea whether he did or didn't).  I have heard it said that it helped to keep the players more alert and increased their ability to keep up with a pitcher's fastball.  Not the same as steroids or HGH but still an illegal drug used to enhance a player's ability.  
The fact that Derek Jeter wasn't on the list might just mean that he hasn't been caught yet.  He may have bought his stash from other suppliers who haven't been questioned yet.  Not suggesting that he is a user because again I have no knowledge that says otherwise.  Personally, for every guy that was named I believe there were 4 or 5 others that weren't named. 
I do agree with one thing though.  I hope that in the long run it will be good for baseball and all other sports.  I hope that all players do stop cheating by using drugs.  I'm sceptical that it will ever happen but I enjoy watching sports too much to stop watching because of it.

Edited by rushfan4 - December 14 2007 at 14:29
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Kid-A View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2007 at 14:09
Yes, rushfan I agree that that is very unfair, and it is much worse in the English premiership. At least in the US, the team with the payroll doesn't always win. In the English Premiership it is always one of the 'big 4' who wins everything (Liverpool, Chelsea, Man U and Arsenal). No one else has even  won the FA cup in 10+ years. I disagree with your comparison to drug taking in music, as sport is all about going for number 1. Steroids help you do this. Hallucinagenic drugs certainly alter your music, but not necessarily for the better. Some people just like that kind of sound.
As a Red Sox fan, I'm relieved none of our players were mentioned (except Gagne). I was, and still am, convinced Damon has been on something, I just thought that from the second I first saw him in 2004. However isn't Mitchell an executive on the Red sox or something? I think it's right to be sceptical about this. That would also explain how Paul Byrds involvement was leaked right before a critical game 7 he was involved with against the Red Sox.
Roger Clemens supposed testosterone injections to the bum in 2000 sure do explain why he threw that bat at Piazza don't they?
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2007 at 14:00
The Mitchell Report:
Roger Clemmens, Andy Pettite, Chuck Knoblauch
WHY???????? Cry
Personally, I don't know how I feel. I HOPE this will be good in the long run.
All I can say abotu the "steroid era" It was great for baseball and the casual fan.
But for the TRUE fans, like myself, I just find the whole steroid thing disgusting.
I am just glad Derek Jeter wasn't on the list. I didn't expect him to be, but you never know...
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2007 at 12:55
What I feel is far more unfair, especially when it comes to baseball, is that a team like the Yankees can have a $250 million payroll, while a team like the Florida Marlins have a $15 million payroll.  The US is a capitalist society and I fully understand that the Yankees can easily afford a $250 million payroll because they play in a city with a population that is larger than many US states.  Because they play in that city they make far more advertising and television dollars than a team that is not in that city.  How are other teams to compete with that?  And yes, thankfully the Yankees haven't won a World Series in a number of years now, but the Boston Red Sox have won 2, and they have the 2nd highest payroll in the league.  That is what is really wrong with baseball. 
I am not that familiar with England's football (or soccer for us Americans) but I suspect that it is similar.  The team name eludes me at the moment but I know that there is the team in England that is referred to as the Yankees of soccer.  I believe they are owned by the guy who owns the Tampa Bay Buccaneers now.  There payroll is the highest in the country, they can afford the best players, and generally they win the most championships.  It seems pretty unfair to me that in many instances championships are won based more on how much money you have then your ability to build and develop and coach a team.  No need to do that when you can just buy the best players.  (The fact that they are the best players because they are bulked up on steroids or HGH is completely besides the point). 
I have never touched any of this stuff.  Never have; never will.  I agree that it is wrong and I agree that it is stupid.  What I don't agree is that it is that it is as big of a deal as the media would like to lead us to believe.
To relate this even more to a prog site.  Should all of the great albums of the 70's be considered crap because the musicians cheated by taking hallucogen enhancing drugs in order to come up with their music and their lyrics?  Should we stop listening to them because the musicians cheated?  I just read a post or review the other day talking about the Beatles and how they didn't become good until they started taking drugs.  Maybe Phil Collin's solo music would have been just as good as the Peter Gabriel era Genesis except that he stopped taking drugs and therefore it just didn't work as well (My apologies to Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel era Genesis because I have absolutely zero idea of any drug use and I was making up an exaggerated example to try and make a point). 
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Kid-A View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2007 at 11:19
I disagree with how lightly you take steroids. Stealing signs is one thing. Players put out signs knowing there is a risk of them getting stolen, it is pat of the game. Also signs probably get stolen incorrectly sometimes too, which would be a bad thing. Tactical guile, and trying to get away with fouling are completely seperate to taking drugs. They go both ways, and are what sport is all about.
Taking steroids and other drugs is putting yourself above the human level. That is unfair. Not even wants to take steroids, they have very bad implications on your long-term health, but people are forced to as some players are willing to take it. How's that fair? You are forced to either be a loser, or take steroids and be a cheat and put your future health in jeopardy. I'm glad Americans are now taking steroids seriously, as for the longest time American athletes were a complete joke. Certainly everyone I knew was convinced Marion Jones was on drugs, but it certainly took a long time for it to come out.
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rushfan4 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2007 at 10:40
Sammy Sosa is not on the list.
Cheating has always been a part of sports.  That is part of the competitive nature.  It is all about getting whatever advantages that you can.  That is why in baseball stealing signs is such an art form.  Pitchers have been throwing spitballs for years.  Batters have been corking their bats.  "It's only cheating if you get caught".  In American football, they try and steal signals too.  They steal playbooks so they have an idea of what the other team is doing.  In hockey, the goalies wear oversized pads; the skaters use illegally curved sticks.  Players are always hacking and whacking and holding and whatever else it takes to get an advantage.  Yes, penalties get called but for every penalty that gets called there were 10 others that didn't.  Don't get me started with the things that go on in basketball that don't get called unless your name is Michael Jordan or when your name is Michael Jordan. 
A former Tiger "Nook" Logan was on the list of users.  It probably helped with his base stealing speed, but he averaged 1 home run per year.  Certainly not Barry Bonds type numbers. 
Again, is it wrong?  Yes.  Is it as bad as people paying money to see Milli Vanilli lip synch the words to their songs?  Absolutely not.  For one, their music sucked anyways so I don't know why anyone would pay to see them play, but that is another story.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 14 2007 at 09:28

I think the important point your missing rushfan is that these drugs allow the athletes to train for longer. And other athletes doing it is not an excuse. Why the hell should we watch a bunch of cheats racing on their bikes? It's meaningless.

I don't think the media makes it too big a deal at all, as sport is meaningless without legitimacy. Why the hell should I care if Dwain Chambers could run 100m in 10 seconds? He cheated. Why the hell should we care Barry Bonds took steroids and broke the home run record?
And the fact is, if you had any sort of exercise programme at all, HGH would help.
Also, am I missing something, or is Sammy Sosa not on the list?

Edited by Kid-A - December 14 2007 at 10:18
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rushfan4 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 13 2007 at 23:01
The Mitchell report was released today and almost 80 current and former players were named as users of various performance enhancing drugs.  I think they probably missed about 500 more.  It really doesn't bother me as much as it should.  Personally, I feel that it was so widely used that it wasn't really like players were getting an advantage over other players because there were many of them that were doing it.  Roger Clemens was one of the big names that was outted.  He is pretty famous for his workout regiment.  I'm sure that the drugs probably did help him keep going as he got older but very few pitchers work out as hard as he does.  Quite frankly the same goes with Barry Bonds.  He is known to have a strenuous workout program as well.  With my exercise program, or lack thereof, all that HGH would do for me is make my stomach grow even more then it already has.  And all the steroids would do would give me pimples, make my hair fall out, and make me sterile.  These athletes still have to work their butts off to get into the shape that they are in.  That doesn't make it right, and it is certainly a shame that it has happened, but personally I think it is a matter of the media making a bigger deal out of it than it really is. 
Sort of like the Tour de France.  If all the racers are doing the blood transfusions then are they really gaining any advantage over the other racers that are doing the same thing. 
My two cents on the subject.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2007 at 00:29
My team NEVER makes moves (The Giants) Angry

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2007 at 00:19
Originally posted by rushfan4 rushfan4 wrote:

Originally posted by darkmatter darkmatter wrote:

Wow!  Miguel Cabrera and Dontrelle Willis to the Tigers for Andrew Miller, Cameron Maybin and 6 prospects! Shocked Now that's a blockbuster! 
Mixed feelings on this one.  I think this is way too much to give up.  Maybin and Miller were the Tigers top 2 prospects, although neither showed they were ready for the bigs last year, they are supposedly can't miss propsects.  Throw in 3 other good young arms in Eulogio de la Cruz, Dallas Trahern, and Badenhop and the Marlins might have definitely got the best of this deal.  Willis kind of stunk last year and Cabrera might be the 2nd best hitting player in the NL but he is 50 pounds overweight.  Add these prospects to the 2 prospects they gave up for Edgar Renteria (a really stupid move IMO) and they have basically depleted their minor league system which took so long to finally turn around.  In order to make room for Cabrera at 3rd base that means they are probably going to have to do something with Brandon Inge who was signed to a 4-year contract last year.  He is one of the best fielding 3rd baseman in the league and he is one year removed from a decent season as a hitter.  Every indication was that they wouldn't move him back behind the plate, but maybe that is where his future is again.  My guess is that they are not done dealing.

I agree that they gave up too many prospects, six for two players is excessive, especially when Andrew Miller and Cameron Maybin have such high ceilings, and I think most of the other four were in their top ten prospects.  But Willis is still 25, and Cabrera is 24, so they still have youth on their side, which is good for the Tigers even if they gave up a lot of young(er) talent to get them. 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 05 2007 at 00:06
trusting the Tigers on this move... they have put together a winner to this point... supposedly Cabrera is losing that weight.. we'll see.  Going to Detriot really revived the career of Kenny Rogers.. .maybe a change of scenery will help Willis... because he does have some nasty stuff.. 
The Pedro and Micky Experience - When one no longer requires psychotropics to trip
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2007 at 23:58
Originally posted by darkmatter darkmatter wrote:

Wow!  Miguel Cabrera and Dontrelle Willis to the Tigers for Andrew Miller, Cameron Maybin and 6 prospects! Shocked Now that's a blockbuster! 
Mixed feelings on this one.  I think this is way too much to give up.  Maybin and Miller were the Tigers top 2 prospects, although neither showed they were ready for the bigs last year, they are supposedly can't miss propsects.  Throw in 3 other good young arms in Eulogio de la Cruz, Dallas Trahern, and Badenhop and the Marlins might have definitely got the best of this deal.  Willis kind of stunk last year and Cabrera might be the 2nd best hitting player in the NL but he is 50 pounds overweight.  Add these prospects to the 2 prospects they gave up for Edgar Renteria (a really stupid move IMO) and they have basically depleted their minor league system which took so long to finally turn around.  In order to make room for Cabrera at 3rd base that means they are probably going to have to do something with Brandon Inge who was signed to a 4-year contract last year.  He is one of the best fielding 3rd baseman in the league and he is one year removed from a decent season as a hitter.  Every indication was that they wouldn't move him back behind the plate, but maybe that is where his future is again.  My guess is that they are not done dealing.
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JJLehto View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2007 at 21:33
I am praying to God/Allah/Buddah whoever that the Red Sox don't get Johan Santana.
Josh Beckett AND Johann Santana??? Shocked Not to mention Shilling and Matsuzaka and all their other pitchers. Sweet Jesus, they're gunna make a big dent into that world series total.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: December 04 2007 at 19:52
Wow!  Miguel Cabrera and Dontrelle Willis to the Tigers for Andrew Miller, Cameron Maybin and 6 prospects! Shocked Now that's a blockbuster! 
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 21 2007 at 13:17
I'm a little surprised that Rollins edged out Holliday for the MVP, but I knew it was going to be really close.  I'm just happy two Phillies in a row have won the NL MVP!! Big%20smile
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 21 2007 at 09:09
Congratulations to Jimmy Rollins of the Philadelphia Phillies for winning the NL MVP award.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 19 2007 at 12:58
I have to say that I'm very happy with the Brad Lidge trade.  The Phillies get a closer and that allows them to move Brett Myers back to the starting rotation.  Though I am worried about Lidge being able to keep his composure.  For whatever reason, he wasn't the same after that Albert Pujols home run in the 2005 NLCS.... Ermm  But he did improve greatly last year, so that's a very good sign.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: November 18 2007 at 18:39
Egregious misjudgement by Boras.  $350 million as a starting point?  No team in the league is going to pony that up, and everyone knew it.
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