One of the most successful gaming franchises to come of Japan, and probably in the world, they are favourites of mine. Almost every single one is brilliant (excluding maybe ones past X, although XIII was pretty good), and have pretty much been the cornerstones of my childhood. Extremely deep games that you return to after playing them 10 times and still find something new, a little bit like good albums in a way
Which brings us to the music: staggering. Nubuo Uematsu has been described as the John Williams of gaming, and I disagree: I think he's better and more creative than John Williams if I'm honest! All consistantly have a stunning soundtrack, to compliment the amazing gameplay.
Surely the Emporer of all RPGs? Let's celebrate it with a vote on your favourite
It's a really tough call, but due to how influential it was on the installments after it (Final Fantasy VII almost directly copies the storyline), the characters and how deep they are, the storyline, the bosses, the growth system, the MUSIC (hats off to Dancing Mad), the depth to the game... Everything is perfect. The SNES graphics don't bother me in the slightest
(Followed by X, V, VII and then III)