Good, but I have some issues with the lines "Destroy one's innocence" (rather stilted, artificial, contrived) and "Spoken in a nameless fate" (contrived, and the connection between fate/destiny and speaking is not obvious.
These are lyrics more in the Jon Anderson vein, right? Structured not to convey literal/linear meaning, but words chosen more for effect and atmosphere, correct?
As such, I feel that they are good, but may need a tad more work. "The bell of our contempt" sounds very deep (reminiscent of ELP, Rush, etc.) but is it? How is contempt like a bell -- is there a connection to organized religion that could be further developed?
In all, good stuff, & promising. (Many prog lyrics would look a little awkward/contrived/grandiose when presented without their accompaning music.)
I would read other's lyrics/poems for further insight and inspiration.
Have you written any more "literal"/straightforward lyrics that tell a story or fable, ie. like early Genesis, or Rush's "The Trees?" Such lyrics might be also worth a try.
Writing good poetry/lyrics is very difficult -- keep up the good work.
This is all meant in the way of encouragement, BTW, as the writing of lyrics seems a worthy pursuit for you. Further success is within your grasp.
All the best with your music (and life),