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Posted: March 17 2006 at 19:55 |
ken4musiq wrote:
It's not Proggerbashing my friend, It's that I hate dogmas except in Religion.>.
Why do you accept dogmas in religion? Is it because you've just given up on any notion of religious faith? By the contrary, Dogma is a truth that MUST only be accepted by faith, there's no requirement for a prove, by the contrary no prove in against is valid.
A dogma is the ultimate prove of faith.
I think one of the reasons musical discourse can become dogmatic is that music is like religion to people and has been so closely linked historically to religion, in the most romantic sense if nothing else. It expresssed in ineffable
It is easier in academia to just go along with the ship and those who fight against status quo usually end up losing the battle. Case in point, myself who fought against the grain for over ten years in academia, both as a student and teacher. I realized that they really do not want to teach students becasue to teach them to think would fundamentally challenge the status quo. We can't have workers who think after all. Somebody needs to move the hands of the clock in Metropolis. There is something to be said for that. The machine functions best when it is well oiled. In any event, I applaud you for railing against the status quo , taking the heat for it and coming out ahead. I think one expects that from lawyer.
I think there is some merit to what progger says. I think that Genesis has always been overrated and probably Pink Floyd as well. There are certainly bands that have been underrated, Gentle Giant and VDGG. I think a more interesting question is to ask why they are so popular rather than complaining about their popularity. I would rather hear one strong, biased opinion than one hundred rants of how great some group is. The fundamental idea in progressive rock is that it is not based on popularity. So no matter how many people love Genesis or Pink Floyd, it does not matter because that in itself does not grant value to the music.
I think that Genesis and Pink Floyd are so popular because of what they were saying not only lyrically but in their music as well addresssing aspects of alienation so fundamental to modernity and perhaps trying to find a way out, a re-humanization of mankind so to speak. But most of the prog bands sang about these themes, as did GG and VDGG. That quest is still so crucial and the reason why prog won't die. For me, listening to prog caused me to take the road less traveled and that has not alway been easy. A matter of a fact it is down right impossible in today's world. I wonder how many people who listen to prog have made a similiar choice in how they have lived their lives
Ken, I know a lot of members of this and other forums who don't like Genesis, and simply I don't care, most of them give reasons and arguments that are valid for them and deserve respect because are honest.
But phrases as:
- "Yes is better and those who don't agree are ignorants"
- "Genesis is overrated in PA, outside this site nobody cares about them" (I got statistics from two other sites frrom the Progressive Rock Webring where Genesis is better than here, of course he dissapeared)
- "What I say is the truth and those who don't agree are stupids"
- "Genesis fans are corrupt who have nothing to do but manipulate statistics"
- "After this thread is evident that most of the people here don't like Genesis" (When I counted the posts, Genesis was winning by far and again he vanished)
- Classic Rock Magazine considers Yes better than Genesis" (Classic Rock Magazine considers Kilroy was Here [Mr. Robotto] one of the best 30 conceptual albums ever and Charlie Watts better drummer than Collins, Palmer and Bruford [in that order])
Only prove that the guy is an arrogant flamer and fanboy.
Every time I found a flaw in his argument and asked him to explain it, the guy vanishes in the air and starts a new thread in other place just to attack Genesis at any cost.
I love to argue, as a fact I always discuss with Micky about ELO, but we never had problems, always our debates end with a joke, I debated with Trotsky about politics, with Sean about Religion and Kansas, and there's always something in common, at the end we are as friends as when we started, never lost temper and never attack each other, because we're here to discuss, but with class.
Progger lives to accuse the owners, administrators, collaborators, reviewers and members of Prog Archives of corruption, has done it at least 20 times, but he keeps comming...WHY? If we are so corrupt why does he insists?
And honestly, it's not hard to bash him, his arguments are so lame and lack of substance that seems he's a masochist asking to be bashed, I believe he loves to be proved wrong, his mouth (or fingers in the case of a PC keyboard) work at 100 MPH and his brain at 20 MPH.
When all this started I used to leave the threads but he insisted in bringing me back to bash him, and if he's a masochist....I'm a sadist in this case.
I seen threads in which not myself but two or three members and sometimes 5 bash him and he insists, I think he finds some Freudian pleasure in being proved wrong.
Any merit his arguments may have are lost with this behaviour.
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 18:07 |
ivan_2068 wrote:
Pneubauer wrote:
^^^^ ivan is god of proggerbashing
It's not Proggerbashing my friend, It's that I hate dogmas except in Religion.
Let me tell you a story, when I graduated, my thesis was about the legal incompetibilities to be elected President of Prú. One of the teachers who was elected as jury on my grade said thet moral incapácity was equivalent to mental insanity due to the terms used in 1823 when our first Constitution was written (We had more than 20).
I said in my thesis that morality is a term that comes from the Greeks and implies the behaviour according to the standarts of society (Very rough here, I used 20 pages to talk abou morality).
Instead of having a 30 minutes graduation I had to deal with a three hour session, my mother and sister who went to see it were at the border of their seats because itwas almost a war between that jury and myself, we even usedthe Andrew Jackson Impeachement and the Richard Nixon case to prove that morality is a different thing that mental insanity, gladly that jury accepted my position as possible and I got a very high grade.
Somebody asked me why didn't I simply avoided that issue to make things easier, but I believe it was my duty to prevent younger students from being taught that crap, even if it would be harder for me.
The same is with Progger, he comes and says, "My opinion is the truth and anybody who doesn't accept it, is an ignorant who knows nothing about music", well I don't accept this, even when I love Genesis I'm nobody to say it's a fact they were the best band, I give my opinion (and almost always add IMO or IMHO).
Sorry I can't deal with that, my atguments about politics and Religion with Sean and rotsky were long but absolutely respectful no one of us bashed the other because there were no reasons. When I argue with Micky it has a big percentage of joke between us, we enjoy it even when we agree in the basics.
But this guy tries to teach us Prog using the Classic Rock Magazine, it's almost a joke!!!!!
If Progger wants to be arrogant, it's not my psoblem, but at least I ask arguments and at barely reliable sources, if somebody gives me The Classic Rock, the Rolling Stones Magazines or VH1 I have to post what kind of aberrations they write.
But what I hate more is that Progger writes something and then runs away not to answer questions.
Iván |
Yes, and you bashed him with your quotes from his 'source' (the magazine)... hence 'proggerbashing'... I'm not saying its a good or bad thing, its just that when progger says something stupid (which seems to be a lot) it usually seems to be you who shuts him up.
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 16:39 |
For me...Genesis transcend categorization. Whereas Yes's work functions more as period pieces. That's not to say I don't enjoy Yes a lot, but they don't mean anywhere near as much to me.
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 16:31 |
It's not Proggerbashing my friend, It's that I hate dogmas except in Religion.>.
Why do you accept dogmas in religion? Is it because you've just given up on any notion of religious faith? I think one of the reasons musical discourse can become dogmatic is that music is like religion to people and has been so closely linked historically to religion, in the most romantic sense if nothing else. It expresssed in ineffable
It is easier in academia to just go along with the ship and those who fight against status quo usually end up losing the battle. Case in point, myself who fought against the grain for over ten years in academia, both as a student and teacher. I realized that they really do not want to teach students becasue to teach them to think would fundamentally challenge the status quo. We can't have workers who think after all. Somebody needs to move the hands of the clock in Metropolis. There is something to be said for that. The machine functions best when it is well oiled. In any event, I applaud you for railing against the status quo , taking the heat for it and coming out ahead. I think one expects that from lawyer.
I think there is some merit to what progger says. I think that Genesis has always been overrated and probably Pink Floyd as well. There are certainly bands that have been underrated, Gentle Giant and VDGG. I think a more interesting question is to ask why they are so popular rather than complaining about their popularity. I would rather hear one strong, biased opinion than one hundred rants of how great some group is. The fundamental idea in progressive rock is that it is not based on popularity. So no matter how many people love Genesis or Pink Floyd, it does not matter because that in itself does not grant value to the music.
I think that Genesis and Pink Floyd are so popular because of what they were saying not only lyrically but in their music as well addresssing aspects of alienation so fundamental to modernity and perhaps trying to find a way out, a re-humanization of mankind so to speak. But most of the prog bands sang about these themes, as did GG and VDGG. That quest is still so crucial and the reason why prog won't die. For me, listening to prog caused me to take the road less traveled and that has not alway been easy. A matter of a fact it is down right impossible in today's world. I wonder how many people who listen to prog have made a similiar choice in how they have lived their lives
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 11:23 |
Pneubauer wrote:
^^^^ ivan is god of proggerbashing
It's not Proggerbashing my friend, It's that I hate dogmas except in Religion.
Let me tell you a story, when I graduated, my thesis was about the legal incompetibilities to be elected President of Prú. One of the teachers who was elected as jury on my grade said thet moral incapácity was equivalent to mental insanity due to the terms used in 1823 when our first Constitution was written (We had more than 20).
I said in my thesis that morality is a term that comes from the Greeks and implies the behaviour according to the standarts of society (Very rough here, I used 20 pages to talk abou morality).
Instead of having a 30 minutes graduation I had to deal with a three hour session, my mother and sister who went to see it were at the border of their seats because itwas almost a war between that jury and myself, we even usedthe Andrew Jackson Impeachement and the Richard Nixon case to prove that morality is a different thing that mental insanity, gladly that jury accepted my position as possible and I got a very high grade.
Somebody asked me why didn't I simply avoided that issue to make things easier, but I believe it was my duty to prevent younger students from being taught that crap, even if it would be harder for me.
The same is with Progger, he comes and says, "My opinion is the truth and anybody who doesn't accept it, is an ignorant who knows nothing about music", well I don't accept this, even when I love Genesis I'm nobody to say it's a fact they were the best band, I give my opinion (and almost always add IMO or IMHO).
Sorry I can't deal with that, my atguments about politics and Religion with Sean and rotsky were long but absolutely respectful no one of us bashed the other because there were no reasons. When I argue with Micky it has a big percentage of joke between us, we enjoy it even when we agree in the basics.
But this guy tries to teach us Prog using the Classic Rock Magazine, it's almost a joke!!!!!
If Progger wants to be arrogant, it's not my psoblem, but at least I ask arguments and at barely reliable sources, if somebody gives me The Classic Rock, the Rolling Stones Magazines or VH1 I have to post what kind of aberrations they write.
But what I hate more is that Progger writes something and then runs away not to answer questions.
Edited by ivan_2068
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 09:16 |
Relayer better than selling england by the pound? WHAT??!!! slightly objective ¬¬
YES have better members no doubt,but Genesis make better structures,better climax, better music set
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 08:27 |
LOSENDOS says - Genesis claim to fame is the unmatched sequence from Trespass to WAW 7 albums 8 disks. Noone else had a run like that. Which yes albums and which genesis album and what position were they.
So what about Yes from the initial album to Going for the One - all great albums - thats a total of 9 great albums.
The other point about Classic Album lists and drummers - you have to buy the mag and reply to the survey - so its a matter of peoples opinions rather than an expert one. Isnt Led Zep 2 better than 4 - IMO it is
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 06:31 |
How wonderful to be so profound
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 05:28 |
Winter Wine wrote:
I was going to give a well detailed, Thought out response, When I noticed, This thread is stupid! I've been reading down through so many ridiculous, unnecessary comparisons!
Both bands are fantastic and have made music that very few can equal! never mind better! If you have any respect for either bands music, You'll stop treating their work like two dogs chasing a bunny. It's getting very stupid.
I have the same opinion! What is comparable in Selling and Relayer?
One likes SEBTP better, one prefers Relayer, merely subjective. I'm with Reayer BTW.
Edited by Norbert
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 03:33 |
And if you want magazines, you could look at the Mojo Prog Rock special
edition. Let's not forget that Foxtrot beat out all Yes albums at number
I'm not sure that says too much, but we're quoting semi-reputable
magazines. And for prog I'd trust a Mojo special edition over a
sensationalist classic rock mag.
^ Pearl Jam's 'Ten' is a fabulous album. Should have been higher.
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 02:15 |
The problem with the list of the top 100 is it is so gender biased with only one female group in the whole cannon of works. (This is also the problem with the rock/pop dichotomy, as well.) What about Pearl by Janis? But we get 'Pearl' Jam Ten, which is not a great album though it has some great songs. Lita Ford? Joan Jett? Tina Turner? Patti Smith? The Pretenders? Melissa Ethridge? Siouxie Sioux or even Aretha . . I'd rather listen to any of these woman rock than most of the albums on the list . . And don't tell me they're not all rock because we have Journey, Eagles, Foreigner, Bon Jovi and Cheap Trick on the list, all of which are 'pop' bands.
Edited by ken4musiq
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 01:45 |
^^^^ ivan is god of proggerbashing
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Posted: March 17 2006 at 01:25 |
50 Greatest Drummers in Rock (June 2005)
Drummer, then in square brackets the band(s) they’re most associated with, followed by Defining Moment. This is either a track, in which case I’ve just given the title; an album (LP) or trademark, in lower case lettering.
1. John Bonham [Led Zeppelin] – Moby Dick 2. Dave Grohl [Nirvana/Queens of the Stone Age/etc] – Nevermind (LP) 3. Keith Moon [The Who] – Kids are Alright (film) 4. Neil Peart [Rush] – live solo spot on 2004 tour 5. Chad Smith [Red Hot Chili Peppers] – Higher Ground 6. Dave Lombardo [Slayer] – Angel of Death 7. Mitch Mitchell [Jimi Hendrix Experience] – Fire 8. Ian Paice [Deep Purple] – Child in Time 9. Cozy Powell [Rainbow/Black Sabbath/etc] – 1812 Overture live solo 10. Charlie Watts [Rolling Stones] – Sympathy for the Devil 11. Nicko McBrain [Iron Maiden] – Mission from ‘Arry 12. Ginger Baker [Cream/Blind Faith/etc] – Toad live 13. Joey Jordison [Slipknot] – live performance with Metallica in 2004 14. Phil Collins [Genesis] – Lamb Lies Down on Broadway LP 15. Carl Palmer [ELP/Asia] – Fanfare for the Common Man 16. Bill Bruford [Yes/King Crimson] – anything from 25 years with King Crimson 17. Mike Portnoy [Dream Theater] – When Dream & Day Unite 18. Stewart Copeland [Police] – Don’t Stand So Close to Me 19. Tommy Lee [Mötley Crüe/Methods of Mayhem] – high flying solo, literally 20. Bill Ward [Black Sabbath] – War Pigs 21. Phil ‘Philthy Animal’ Taylor [Motörhead] – Overkill (long version) 22. Ringo Starr [Beatles] – Come Together 23. Taylor Hawkins [Foo Fighters] – All My Life 24. Jeff Porcaro [Toto] – unusual garden-related death! 25. Vinnie Colaiuta [Frank Zappa/solo] – Vinnie Colairuta LP 26. Lars Ulrich [Metallica] – being the man who pushed Metallica into the major league 27. Phil Rudd [AC/DC] – Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 28. Scott Asheton [Stooges] – I Wanna Be Your Dog 29. Joey Kramer [Aerosmith] – Sweet Emotion 30. Simon Kirke [Free/Bad Company] – Bad Company (song) 31. Jimmy Chamberlin [Smashing Pumpkins/Zwan] – Siamese Dreams LP 32. Travis Barker [Blink 182/Box Car Racer/etc] – Box Car Racer LP 33. Terry Bozzio [Frank Zappa/etc] – Black Page 34. Matt Cameron [Soundgarden/Pearl Jam] – Spoonman 35. Rat Scabies [Damned] – Machine Gun Etiquette LP 36. Thunderstick [Samson/Thunderstick] – his cage! 37. Roger Taylor [Queen] – Radio Ga Ga 38. Brian Downey [Thin Lizzy] – Live & Dangerous LP 39. Igor Cavalera [Sepultura] – Mass Hypnosis 40. Carmine Appice [Vanilla Fudge/Cactus/etc] – You Keep Me Hangin’ On 41. Brad Wilk [Rage Against the Machine/Audioslave] – Killing in the Name 42. Nick Mason [Pink Floyd] – Summer of ‘68 43. Billy Cobham [Mahavishnu Orch/Miles Davis/solo] – Spectrum solo LP 44. Cindy Blackman [Lenny Kravitz] – on stage 45. Tico Torres [Bon Jovi] – King of the Mountain 46. Tommy Aldridge [Black Oak Arkansas/Whitesnake/Ozzy] – live solo, with bare hands 47. Vinnie Paul [Pantera/Damageplan] – Cowboys From Hell LP 48. Denny Carmassi [Montrose/Heart/etc] – Rock Candy 49. Daniel Erlandson [Arch Enemy] – Burning Bridges LP 50. Topper Headon [Clash] – I Fought the Law
| | |
Who made this law. I don't know much, but I know my drumming and Bruford's best stuff was not with Crimson. Fripp is a minimalist at heart and always wanted Bruford to just keep a steady pulse, esp with the second Bruford Fripp incarnation. Listen to Beelzebub or Five G to hear some of Bruford's more interesting drumming, and writing.
Collin's better album is Trick of the Tail; it is a drumming landmark again because of those wonderful tom-toms, which he now brings to the forefront although he uses them on The Lamb. After Gabriel left he was able to come into his own as a drummer, and singer. I think I've come to realize that Trick is one of my fave Genesis albums; there is something beautiful and transcendent about the album that is very special. It has a very American folk rock sound, which I was listening to back in '76. Trick is probably inculcated into my way of hearing things because it was the perfect blend of prog rock and a lot of what I was hearing. I think it was also my first Genesis album.
The Ian Paice solo was The Mule unless they like Child in Time because he plays the cymbal bells. Speaking of which, where is Michael Giles, a better drummer than most of the people on the list as is Barry Barlowe who played with Jethro Tull, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page who are 'kinda' of rock big wigs. Steve Gadd played with Steely Dan and Paul Simon as well as Eric Clapton, but I guess they are all a bunch of no talents. And Virgil Donati, or is he just too good to be considered a 'rock' drummer.
Anybody who knows drumming would have Cobham at the top for being the first to play the high hat with his left hand rather then crossing, being one of the earliest drummers to go to a matched grip, and also and perfecting double bass drumming, which he does on Quadrant Four from Spectrum. He reinvented drumming. After that I'd have no problem with Bonham being second but Dave Grohl, isn't he a guitar player now? And Tommy Lee is there for his flying stunt. I guess that Keith Emerson is the greatest keyboardist for doing it all fifteen years earlier.
PS if all these record moguls, producers and the rock elite knew what they were talking about, we would be getting better music. Instead we have the endless crap that you hear now going on thirty+ years. Thanks for giving me an opportunity to rant.
Edited by ken4musiq
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Posted: March 16 2006 at 21:46 |
Progger wrote:
BTW Ivan, in the latest issue of classic rock magazine, their is a feature on the greatest 100 rock albums as voted for my musicians and critics. Yes has three albums in that chart, Genesis has one
Lets see in who you trust.
In December 2001 THE CLASSIC ROCK MAGAZINEmade a list of the best 100 best albums ever:
100 Greatest Rock Albums Ever (December 2001)
1. Led Zeppelin – IV 2. Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon 3. Black Sabbath – Paranoid 4. AC/DC – Back in Black 5. Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti 6. Guns N’ Roses – Appetite for Destruction 7. Metallica – Metallica (Black Album) 8. Nirvana – Nevermind 9. Bon Jovi – Slippery When Wet 10. Hendrix, Jimi – Electric Ladyland 11. Radiohead – OK Computer 12. Def Leppard – Hysteria 13. Van Halen – Van Halen 14. Eagles – Hotel California 15. Beck, Jeff – Truth 16. Marillion – Misplaced Childhood 17. Pearl Jam – Ten 18. Deep Purple – Machine Head 19. Red Hot Chili Peppers – BloodSugarSexMagik 20. Black Sabbath – Master of Reality 21. Who – Who’s Next 22. Journey – Escape 23. Lynyrd Skynyrd – Pronounced Leh-Nerd Skin-Nerd 24. Pink Floyd – The Wall 25. Queen – A Night at the Opera 26. Prince – Purple Rain 27. Whitesnake – 1987 28. Aerosmith – Permanent Vacation 29. Rainbow – Long Live Rock & Roll 30. Jethro Tull – Aqualung 31. Yes – Fragile 32. Black Crowes – Shake Your Money Maker 33. Cult – Sonic Temple 34. Jane’s Addiction – Nothing’s Shocking 35. Pantera – Vulgar Display of Power 36. Soundgarden – Superunknown 37. Free – Fire & Water 38. Iron Maiden – Seventh Son of a Seventh Son 39. Rush – Moving Pictures 40. Genesis – Lamb Lies Down on Broadway 41. Cream – Disraeli Gears 42. Queensr˙che – Operation: Mindcrime 43. Deep Purple – Burn 44. Slayer – Seasons in the Abyss 45. Osbourne, Ozzy – Blizzard of Oz 46. Motörhead – Ace of Spades 47. Cheap Trick – In Color 48. Foreigner – 4 49. Korn – Korn 50. Alice in Chains – Dirt 51. King’s X – Out of the Silent Planet 52. Warrior Soul – Last Decade, Dead Century 53. Bad Company – Bad Company 54. Smashing Pumpkins – Siamese Dream 55. Nine Inch Nails – Pretty Hate Machine 56. Thunder – Back Street Symphony 57. Bon Jovi – New Jersey 58. Living Colour – Vivid 59. Van Halen – 1984 60. Def Leppard – Pyromania 61. AC/DC – Highway to Hell 62. Poison – Look What the Cat Dragged In 63. UFO – Force It 64. Faith No More – Real Thing 65. Petty, Tom - And the Heartbreakers 66. Queens of the Stone Age – Rated R 67. Metallica – Master of Puppets 68. Thin Lizzy – Jailbreak 69. Slipknot – Iowa 70. Rage Against the Machine - Rage Against the Machine 71. Machine Head – Burn My Eyes 72. Linkin Park – Hybrid Theory 73. Aerosmith – Pump 74. Scorpions – Blackout 75. Wildhearts – Earth Vs the… 76. Dio – Holy Diver 77. Boston – Boston 78. Iron Maiden – Number of the Beast 79. ZZ Top – Eliminator 80. Black Crowes – Southern Harmony & the Musical Companion 81. Meat Loaf – Bat Out of Hell 82. Nugent, Ted – Cat Scratch Fever 83. Marillion – Clutching at Straws 84. Alice Cooper – Billion Dollar Babies 85. Styx – Pieces of Eight 86. Megadeth – Peace Sells… But Who’s Buying? 87. Tool – Undertow 88. Angel – Sinful 89. Heart – Heart (1985) 90. Manic Street Preachers – Generation Terrorists 91. Rush – 2112 92. Marilyn Manson – Antichrist Superstar 93. Uriah Heep – Demons & Wizards 94. Judas Priest – British Steel 95. Asia - Asia 96. Emerson, Lake & Palmer – Tarkus 97. Mötley Crüe – Dr Feelgood 98. Idol, Billy – Rebel Yell 99. Adams, Bryan – Reckless 100. Kiss – Destroyer
Oops, only one Yes and one Genesis album, way in the middle.
Seems they are not very consitent, Yes has not released any new album that could be considerec one the 100 best releases ever since 2001 to the date,. but they change their list.
But if you still believe in Classic Rock Magazine:
50 Greatest Drummers in Rock (June 2005)
Drummer, then in square brackets the band(s) they’re most associated with, followed by Defining Moment. This is either a track, in which case I’ve just given the title; an album (LP) or trademark, in lower case lettering.
1. John Bonham [Led Zeppelin] – Moby Dick 2. Dave Grohl [Nirvana/Queens of the Stone Age/etc] – Nevermind (LP) 3. Keith Moon [The Who] – Kids are Alright (film) 4. Neil Peart [Rush] – live solo spot on 2004 tour 5. Chad Smith [Red Hot Chili Peppers] – Higher Ground 6. Dave Lombardo [Slayer] – Angel of Death 7. Mitch Mitchell [Jimi Hendrix Experience] – Fire 8. Ian Paice [Deep Purple] – Child in Time 9. Cozy Powell [Rainbow/Black Sabbath/etc] – 1812 Overture live solo 10. Charlie Watts [Rolling Stones] – Sympathy for the Devil 11. Nicko McBrain [Iron Maiden] – Mission from ‘Arry 12. Ginger Baker [Cream/Blind Faith/etc] – Toad live 13. Joey Jordison [Slipknot] – live performance with Metallica in 2004 14. Phil Collins [Genesis] – Lamb Lies Down on Broadway LP 15. Carl Palmer [ELP/Asia] – Fanfare for the Common Man 16. Bill Bruford [Yes/King Crimson] – anything from 25 years with King Crimson 17. Mike Portnoy [Dream Theater] – When Dream & Day Unite 18. Stewart Copeland [Police] – Don’t Stand So Close to Me 19. Tommy Lee [Mötley Crüe/Methods of Mayhem] – high flying solo, literally 20. Bill Ward [Black Sabbath] – War Pigs 21. Phil ‘Philthy Animal’ Taylor [Motörhead] – Overkill (long version) 22. Ringo Starr [Beatles] – Come Together 23. Taylor Hawkins [Foo Fighters] – All My Life 24. Jeff Porcaro [Toto] – unusual garden-related death! 25. Vinnie Colaiuta [Frank Zappa/solo] – Vinnie Colairuta LP 26. Lars Ulrich [Metallica] – being the man who pushed Metallica into the major league 27. Phil Rudd [AC/DC] – Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap 28. Scott Asheton [Stooges] – I Wanna Be Your Dog 29. Joey Kramer [Aerosmith] – Sweet Emotion 30. Simon Kirke [Free/Bad Company] – Bad Company (song) 31. Jimmy Chamberlin [Smashing Pumpkins/Zwan] – Siamese Dreams LP 32. Travis Barker [Blink 182/Box Car Racer/etc] – Box Car Racer LP 33. Terry Bozzio [Frank Zappa/etc] – Black Page 34. Matt Cameron [Soundgarden/Pearl Jam] – Spoonman 35. Rat Scabies [Damned] – Machine Gun Etiquette LP 36. Thunderstick [Samson/Thunderstick] – his cage! 37. Roger Taylor [Queen] – Radio Ga Ga 38. Brian Downey [Thin Lizzy] – Live & Dangerous LP 39. Igor Cavalera [Sepultura] – Mass Hypnosis 40. Carmine Appice [Vanilla Fudge/Cactus/etc] – You Keep Me Hangin’ On 41. Brad Wilk [Rage Against the Machine/Audioslave] – Killing in the Name 42. Nick Mason [Pink Floyd] – Summer of ‘68 43. Billy Cobham [Mahavishnu Orch/Miles Davis/solo] – Spectrum solo LP 44. Cindy Blackman [Lenny Kravitz] – on stage 45. Tico Torres [Bon Jovi] – King of the Mountain 46. Tommy Aldridge [Black Oak Arkansas/Whitesnake/Ozzy] – live solo, with bare hands 47. Vinnie Paul [Pantera/Damageplan] – Cowboys From Hell LP 48. Denny Carmassi [Montrose/Heart/etc] – Rock Candy 49. Daniel Erlandson [Arch Enemy] – Burning Bridges LP 50. Topper Headon [Clash] – I Fought the Law
Oops again Bill is only N° 16 under Phil Collins and Carl Palmer, but long after N° 2 mr Nirvana drummer (I didn't knew his name until today )
Charlie Watts a top 10?????????
This proves my point, this lists from commercial magazines are not worth the paper in which they are written.
EDIT: Sorry Progger but I had to add this one from your "reliable" Classic Rock Magazine:
Rock's 30 Greatest Concept Albums (March 2003)
- 1.- Dark Side of the Moon . Pink Floyd (At least dubious if it was conceptual and still it's N° 1)
- 5. Antichrist Superstar - Marilyn Manson
- 13. Downward Spiral - Nine Inch Nails
- 14. Duke - Genesis (Was it even conceptual????)
- 28. Kilroy Was Here - Styx
Edited by ivan_2068
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Posted: March 16 2006 at 18:00 |
And then back to Genesis when you think about Talk.
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Posted: March 16 2006 at 17:58 |
Progger wrote:
BTW Ivan, in the latest issue of classic rock magazine, their is a feature on the greatest 100 rock albums as voted for my musicians and critics. Yes has three albums in that chart, Genesis has one
Not surprising since Yes are considered more trailblazing.
Genesis claim to fame is the unmatched sequence from Trespass to WAW 7 albums 8 disks. Noone else had a run like that. Which yes albums and which genesis album and what position were they.
BTW for me yes and genesis are a dead heat. If I think about TFTO the points would go to Genesis but if I think about the Genesis of Invisble Touch I would vote for Yes
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Posted: March 16 2006 at 17:23 |
Progger wrote:
OK Ivan, here I am
Howe>Rabin>Hackett>Phillips>Banks>Sherwood> ; ;Steurmer
What can anyone say? This is called vote by default, only Yes, no analysis, no comments, everybody knows you.
Please note everybody that my list is objective (FOR YOU) and the truth. (Again for you) Anybody who says different knows nothing about musicians and how music is constructed! (Seems you are in the great minority)
BTW Ivan, in the latest issue of classic rock magazine, (Classic Rock is not equal to Progressive Rock) their is a feature on the greatest 100 rock albums as voted for my musicians and critics. Yes has three albums in that chart, Genesis has one (In Prog Archives and Progressive Ears -BOTH 100% PROGRSSIVE ROCK SITES- Genesis has four on the to ten and Yes one)
Probably in Rolling Stones Magazine none is mentioned.
Iván |
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Posted: March 16 2006 at 17:05 |
Gabriel > Jon Anderson Gabriel by a small bit.
Steve Hackett > Steve Howe: completely equal
Rutherford < Squire: Squire
Albums (Classic albums only)
Trespass v. Yes Album- Trespass
Nursery Cryme v. Fragile- Fragile
Foxtrot v. Close to the Edge- Foxtrot.
Selling England v. Relayer- Relayer
Lamb Lies Down v. Tales- IT'S THE LAMB, PEOPLE !!!!!
Srry..... but I couldn't imagine living without genesis..... but yes is a great band to !!!
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Posted: March 16 2006 at 16:28 |
chopper wrote:
Losendos wrote:
9012 < Duke (Yes aint Yes without JA)
Are you saying "JA" wasn't on 90125? Because he was. |
sorry meant that I did not inclue drama because it wasn't really a yes record
How wonderful to be so profound
Father Tiresias
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Posted: March 16 2006 at 15:27 |
This is just child games
Gabriel v. Jon Anderson: Gabriel
Steve Hackett v. Steve Howe : Steve Hackett
Rutherford v. Squire: Squire
Banks v. Wakeman: Baks (Wakeman never did solos like that)
Collins v. Bruford v. White: Bruford>Collins>White
Albums (Classic albums only)
Trespass v. Yes Album- Trespass
Nursery Cryme v. Fragile- Nursery cryme
Foxtrot v. Close to the Edge- Close to the edge (Foxtrot should win)
Selling England v. Relayer- Selling England (Relayer is one of my top albums!)
I obviously prefer Genesis over Yes, i feel more comfort listening to Genesis compositions than i do with Yes', even thoug Yes is of my favorites bands of all time.