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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2011 at 11:31
Originally posted by Lozlan Lozlan wrote:

Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

There is no such thing as a genetic 'mistake'. Everything we do is circumstantial, genetic, environmental, conditioned, and attributed to an infinite web of faceted circumstances that have constructed the situations we're in. Of course there are genetic differences - that's scientific. Does that mean ALL women and men think in exactly the same ways? Reality doesn't generalize. Fact is fact. The goal of scientific research is to explain, not typify. Everything you like and do can be rationally explained by applying enough attention to the individual strands that have coalesced together to construct your existence. 

I want a blowjob.

Ah! Tell that to my vestigial tail. Although it does give me amazing balance.

I agree with your final statement, but strongly disagree with your overall conceptualization. I was planning on spending a little time poking your previous post about racism and survivalism with a stick, but it was crammed full of delicious dudely posturing and I got bored. Maybe I'll go back later today, even if the prospect thrills me about as much as stabbing myself in the eye with a thumbtack coated in lemon juice. That's the problem with these debates: they are never actual debates.

As for the blowjob, have a few ribs removed.

Poke away. I'm not here to prove a point. I'm not here to be right, either. This doesn't seem to be a right or wrong situation. Either women are genetically predisposed to behaviors that differ from men, or they aren't. It's not a matter of opinion. The existence of the sun doesn't change if you start or stop believing in it - all it changes is your possible reaction to it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2011 at 11:27
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

There is no such thing as a genetic 'mistake'. Everything we do is circumstantial, genetic, environmental, conditioned, and attributed to an infinite web of faceted circumstances that have constructed the situations we're in. Of course there are genetic differences - that's scientific. Does that mean ALL women and men think in exactly the same ways? Reality doesn't generalize. Fact is fact. The goal of scientific research is to explain, not typify. Everything you like and do can be rationally explained by applying enough attention to the individual strands that have coalesced together to construct your existence. 

I want a blowjob.

Ah! Tell that to my vestigial tail. Although it does give me amazing balance.

I agree with your final statement, but strongly disagree with your overall conceptualization. I was planning on spending a little time poking your previous post about racism and survivalism with a stick, but it was crammed full of delicious dudely posturing and I got bored. Maybe I'll go back later today, even if the prospect thrills me about as much as stabbing myself in the eye with a thumbtack coated in lemon juice. That's the problem with these debates: they are never actual debates.

As for the blowjob, have a few ribs removed.

Edited by Lozlan - May 27 2011 at 11:28
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TheGazzardian View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2011 at 11:19
Raff hates this stereotype. However it seems like less of a concern as she brings up in her blog entry...
Originally posted by Raff's blog Raff's blog wrote:

Before I wrap up this very long and detailed review, I would like to acknowledge the wealth of female musical talent seen on stage over the weekend. The ladies are really making headway into the progressive world, ad this is also borne out by the increasing number of women in the audience. Next time the old, worn out cliché of “girls don’t listen to prog” comes up, the facts will prove it wrong.
(I hope she doesn't mind me posting this on her behalf, it just seemed relevant to the conversation)

Edited by TheGazzardian - May 27 2011 at 11:19
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2011 at 11:17
There is no such thing as a genetic 'mistake'. Everything we do is circumstantial, genetic, environmental, conditioned, and attributed to an infinite web of faceted circumstances that have constructed the situations we're in. Of course there are genetic differences - that's scientific. Does that mean ALL women and men think in exactly the same ways? Reality doesn't generalize. Fact is fact. The goal of scientific research is to explain, not typify. Everything you like and do can be rationally explained by applying enough attention to the individual strands that have coalesced together to construct your existence. 

I want a blowjob.
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Lozlan View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2011 at 11:08
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

I'm lost as to what your point was and I have this gut feeling that your feminist wife has gotten to your head a bit.

Certified Obscure Prog Fart.

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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2011 at 11:07
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

...anyway, Lozlan had said something to the effect earlier that the differences between men and women are socio-cultural. I'd disagree with that and say that even in music, there are some biological differences. The problem is really more that since music was dominated by men for so long, they have an unreasonable expectation that women should do everything the way the man do it in music, else it's not good. That wall too is gradually being broken down. Anyway, with regard to singing, I do think soprano voices have more facility in melodious and soft singing than tenor types.  Of course, you can always find tenors who sing much better than some sopranos too, so this is just a general observation and also based more on sopranos and tenors in rock/pop and not classical music.  Sopranos tend to be women so there's a biological difference for you. In fact, there's practically nothing you can do about the voice type you are born with and it will cast you into a different niche of singing.  Contralto females are more suitable for jazz singing and for folk/classical, soprano works well. Once again, capable singers break these barriers too but they do have a bearing on what kind of singing you tend more towards. Women are also better at expressing reticence and ambivalence in singing. I think this is partly a function of the voice type and partly a cultural difference. 

In short, there will be some inherent differences between men and women because, well, they can and we can't Tongue but because society was male dominated these differences were for a long time projected as proof of women's inferiority to men, which is needless to say a sexist stance. 

I really don't understand why evolution and biological imperatives would influence the types of music a person enjoys. Are you making some argument that women are more soft, cuddly, and caring (mothering instinct or what have you), and therefore like music that is sappy and emotional? I really don't buy that the type of voice an individual has influences their musical preference...I like Captain Beefheart but I certainly don't have a five-octave growling range capable of shattering cinderblocks.

Also, since I know a fair number of women who enjoy prog, are they some sort of genetic mistake? Let's get specific here.

Edited by Lozlan - May 27 2011 at 11:09
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2011 at 11:02
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 27 2011 at 06:04
...anyway, Lozlan had said something to the effect earlier that the differences between men and women are socio-cultural. I'd disagree with that and say that even in music, there are some biological differences. The problem is really more that since music was dominated by men for so long, they have an unreasonable expectation that women should do everything the way the man do it in music, else it's not good. That wall too is gradually being broken down. Anyway, with regard to singing, I do think soprano voices have more facility in melodious and soft singing than tenor types.  Of course, you can always find tenors who sing much better than some sopranos too, so this is just a general observation and also based more on sopranos and tenors in rock/pop and not classical music.  Sopranos tend to be women so there's a biological difference for you. In fact, there's practically nothing you can do about the voice type you are born with and it will cast you into a different niche of singing.  Contralto females are more suitable for jazz singing and for folk/classical, soprano works well. Once again, capable singers break these barriers too but they do have a bearing on what kind of singing you tend more towards. Women are also better at expressing reticence and ambivalence in singing. I think this is partly a function of the voice type and partly a cultural difference. 

In short, there will be some inherent differences between men and women because, well, they can and we can't Tongue but because society was male dominated these differences were for a long time projected as proof of women's inferiority to men, which is needless to say a sexist stance. 

Edited by rogerthat - May 27 2011 at 06:05
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The Dark Elf View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 21:26
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Because, to use your words, prog music is abrasive and agressive, the wonderful lyrics can get ignored in a lot of cases. But to us men, since we enjoy the music, we can listen to the lyrics and pull out the meanings quite easily.
So why are their no women music reviewers, reviewing prog rock albums?

Outside prog circles, nobody considers prog, and especially classic prog, 'abrasive' and 'aggressive', they just dub it polite and pretentious, be they men or women.  I have seen women attend extreme metal concerts so I don't think the abrasiveness has anything to do with it. I don't know if you grew up in a family that listens to prog, because otherwise you'd be used to the idea that only a small minority likes prog, whether it's men or women and most people don't warm up to it.   Has nothing to do with 'inherent differences' between men and women. To reiterate my earlier point, 'we' assume that 'they' think differently, don't like this or can't do that and hence don't canonize female artists on merit the way we ought to, which reinforces the impression of it being a man's genre. But there are a lot of women who listen to rock-related music and lot of women making or performing it too. 
Please take that question to CPicard......I did not use those words.....You all are totally confused on this thread. I grew up listening to all types of music and still do. My wife and I have seen Iron Maiden 3x, Scorpions 2x, Judas Priest, Earth Wind & Fire 3x as well as Kenny G who she likes.......So her tastes vary quite much.
The question is, is Prog Rock-a man's genre?
I gave reasons why I think it is and why in general more women do not listen to prog.
Cheers! your wife denigrates progressive music  but enjoys The Scorpions? Ummm...pardon my laughing out loud about her (and your) misguided attempts at foisting this entire "patriarchal music" hogwash on the rest of us...
Was she voicing her indignance at the band while they were on stage? Did she carry a protest sign? What a joke.
...a vigorous circular motion hitherto unknown to the people of this area, but destined
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CPicard View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 13:28
When I typed "It sounds abrasive and aggressive", I was talking about the tone of my response.
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 11:01
Originally posted by SaltyJon SaltyJon wrote:

You should have heard the complaints I heard guys on my floor say while passing my room at school...most of them revolved around the stuff I listened to "not being music."  LOL
I could care less what other men think of what I listen to, if they don't understand, its their problem........But keeping my wife happy is my problem.
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 10:51
^^^ Exactly.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 10:50
You should have heard the complaints I heard guys on my floor say while passing my room at school...most of them revolved around the stuff I listened to "not being music."  LOL
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 10:46
^^^^ On the other hand, I knew one woman who was very knowledgable about prog at the time I was getting into it.  Knew a lot of Canterbury apart from the usual suspects, also LTE and all that.  And it's not true that men don't complain about its being weird. They do, they just may not call it that. They will say it's all trippy hipster trash or washing machine music, all things to indicate that they can't make head or tail of it and find it displeasing to their ears.  
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 10:16
^ True that its not exclusively a "man's genre". Like Logan states here:
Originally posted by Logan Logan wrote:

My mother (like my father when he was alive, by he was very vocal in his disdain for rock and pop music) only listens to classical music by choice (she does quite like some jazz too).  I played her some Art Zoyd from Generations Sans Futur whilst she was in my car, and she said it was far too dissonant for her.  That said, she did enjoy a fair amount of U Totem's debut (I avoided some parts) and she did like Aranis.

My wife has said that the music I listen to goes on too long, is dull, and often sounds like soundtrack music, which would be fine if it was background music ina  film, but not to listen to.  I do like pop music that she likes, such as Abba (it's her favourite band, but I still know Abba better than her).  The only ones I can think of that she has liked in PA that I've played for her are Mellow Candle, Supertramp, and Alan Parsons Project (plus various songs by various artists such as as some PFM).

A complaint I've heard from various females is that the music I listen to is weird and not melodic.  I get the same weird complaint about music from males, but they don't complain about it not being melodic.  I don't know anyone in real life who shares my Prog Archives-type tastes in music  (some of it, sure, like King Crimson, but not the more avant-oriented music).
he too points out some reasons why women may not enjoy/understand progressive rock as much as men do, I like his post and was on the same lines as my thinking.
Prog rock takes time and patience.....My wife likes Rush and Genesis, but cannot sit on the sofa and listen to all of Hemispheres, Xanadu or Supper's Ready....and never listen to all 4 sides of The Lamb Lies Down.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 09:51
At Penn State, a girl who was dating the guy who lived right around the corner liked just about everything she heard coming out of my door when she walked past.  That included everything from prog folk to RIO/Avant/Zeuhl to free jazz to Canterbury scene to eclectic prog, etc.  I think anyone can like prog, it's not exclusively a "man's genre."  Look at the ZART, Cleo's a woman and she seems to enjoy this kind of stuff. 
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Alitare View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 09:35
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

Since when do I sincerely make generalizations? Do you think I think every female novel is like Twilight? You think I think every woman or man is the same? You don't know very much about how much I know about psychology, sociology, culture, and milkshakes. 

I do not know you and am not obliged to since this is an internet forum, so I can only respond to what you post.  Comparing Anne Rice to George Orwell, Carole King to Ian Anderson and now bringing up Courtney Love all sound like generalizations. If you did not intend to make generalizations, I don't know what you hoped to convey with it.

Maybe I'm being facetious. 
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 08:54
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Please take that question to CPicard......I did not use those words.....You all are totally confused on this thread. I grew up listening to all types of music and still do. My wife and I have seen Iron Maiden 3x, Scorpions 2x, Judas Priest, Earth Wind & Fire 3x as well as Kenny G who she likes.......So her tastes vary quite much.
The question is, is Prog Rock-a man's genre?
I gave reasons why I think it is and why in general more women do not listen to prog.

Actually you have. When you say, "to use your words it is abrasive and aggressive music", you are agreeing with him on that description. Confused But you sound genuinely badgered, so maybe you forgot that you had used those words.
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rogerthat View Drop Down
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 26 2011 at 08:52
Originally posted by Alitare Alitare wrote:

Since when do I sincerely make generalizations? Do you think I think every female novel is like Twilight? You think I think every woman or man is the same? You don't know very much about how much I know about psychology, sociology, culture, and milkshakes. 

I do not know you and am not obliged to since this is an internet forum, so I can only respond to what you post.  Comparing Anne Rice to George Orwell, Carole King to Ian Anderson and now bringing up Courtney Love all sound like generalizations. If you did not intend to make generalizations, I don't know what you hoped to convey with it.
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Direct Link To This Post Posted: May 25 2011 at 23:12
Originally posted by rogerthat rogerthat wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Because, to use your words, prog music is abrasive and agressive, the wonderful lyrics can get ignored in a lot of cases. But to us men, since we enjoy the music, we can listen to the lyrics and pull out the meanings quite easily.
So why are their no women music reviewers, reviewing prog rock albums?

Outside prog circles, nobody considers prog, and especially classic prog, 'abrasive' and 'aggressive', they just dub it polite and pretentious, be they men or women.  I have seen women attend extreme metal concerts so I don't think the abrasiveness has anything to do with it. I don't know if you grew up in a family that listens to prog, because otherwise you'd be used to the idea that only a small minority likes prog, whether it's men or women and most people don't warm up to it.   Has nothing to do with 'inherent differences' between men and women. To reiterate my earlier point, 'we' assume that 'they' think differently, don't like this or can't do that and hence don't canonize female artists on merit the way we ought to, which reinforces the impression of it being a man's genre. But there are a lot of women who listen to rock-related music and lot of women making or performing it too. 
Please take that question to CPicard......I did not use those words.....You all are totally confused on this thread. I grew up listening to all types of music and still do. My wife and I have seen Iron Maiden 3x, Scorpions 2x, Judas Priest, Earth Wind & Fire 3x as well as Kenny G who she likes.......So her tastes vary quite much.
The question is, is Prog Rock-a man's genre?
I gave reasons why I think it is and why in general more women do not listen to prog.
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