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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote progaardvark Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 11 2021 at 10:49
The thing with all these numbers is when you approach thousands and thousands of LPs, I sometimes wonder if the floor supporting it can handle the load. Obviously it would if your on your bottom level with a concrete slab underneath, but upper floors do have some weight limits. Isn't it something like 40 pounds per square foot? 

So, if anyone is pushing that limit, it might be worth spreading the collection out across several rooms or doubling up the floor joists to increase the load support.
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AFlowerKingCrimson View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AFlowerKingCrimson Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 11 2021 at 09:38
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 
No lecture, I had too many happy laughs for it to be a lecture in my post. More a mathematical schooling than a lecture on your collection.
That math is what keeps me from going looney-toons and buying all the albums I see in the store. At some point I know there would be albums I would not listen to more than 2x. There are people I know that have dbl what we all have put together in just records.....I have a buddy who has 7,000 LPs, sure there are duplicates but that may only be around 300-400 of the lot. He admits there is stuff he has forgotten about that he has, he has one 12x14 room dedicated to holding his records on floor to ceiling shelves....Insane!!!
He also admits he only listens to about 10% of the collection within a year span.....That's uber money to be sitting on shelves. 

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.

Well, a schooling is more or less the same as a lecture. Trying to teach someone or shame them. Anyway, there's people who have way more than I do on here so go give them the math homework too.Wink That figure 6,000 was my upper limit. I'm not even there yet anyway. However, I see where you are coming from so I might change it to 5,000 or 4,000. We'll see. I'll probably wind up selling a bunch of stuff anyway. I have a lot of stuff I bought for really cheap(mostly prog metal)that I haven't even really listened to much. The stuff I don't plan on keeping I'll sell(if possible)and the rest I'll keep. So far most of it is crap. Lol. Anyway, please no more math! Wink

So having a collection that is too big you might not get to hear everything enough but if it's too small you get sick of hearing the same stuff all time. I guess you just can't win. Confused
Don't be so sensitive, we are talking about music not about how many guns, cars, motorcycles or houses we own. 
Trying to shame youConfusedConfused??? I don't think so........If you feel that way then don't go over to other music sites where this topic of how much music is too much is very popular discussion, but nobody feels shamed or schooled or lectured on how much they own or don't own for that matter. 
Like I said, me having dbl or triple what I currently have would be easy but I am more into I want to listen to my collection not just look at it. Please don't take that as how I feel about you having 4-6,000 pc collection, whether you play it all or look at it all is your decision. 

Just chill dude...go play some music!!! Clap

No, I'm not upset I just thought you came across as a little preachy that's all. Certainly not the only one on here. Heck, I'm sure I come across that way sometimes too. LOL I'm perfectly ok with having some stuff that I only listen to maybe once or twice a year at the most(or even once every other year) so it's not a big deal to me. I'm big into variety and not just prog so for that reason I like to have a lot of options. I can't say how big I want my collection to get but I don't want it to be too big(but not too small either). Like I said before I currently have a lot of stuff that isn't that good(and or not rated highly)and so at some point I will probably be getting rid of a lot of stuff so I can make room for more. YOu did get me to reconsider how much I want though so maybe I'll just stick with around 5,000 instead of 6,000. Tell you what though. Go to the gnosis website(gnosis2000) click on statistics and see how many albums those guys have. It won't tell you how many records they have but it says how many ratings they did and some of them have rated upwards of 10,000 and one who did over 30,000.
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Catcher10 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 11 2021 at 09:13
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 
No lecture, I had too many happy laughs for it to be a lecture in my post. More a mathematical schooling than a lecture on your collection.
That math is what keeps me from going looney-toons and buying all the albums I see in the store. At some point I know there would be albums I would not listen to more than 2x. There are people I know that have dbl what we all have put together in just records.....I have a buddy who has 7,000 LPs, sure there are duplicates but that may only be around 300-400 of the lot. He admits there is stuff he has forgotten about that he has, he has one 12x14 room dedicated to holding his records on floor to ceiling shelves....Insane!!!
He also admits he only listens to about 10% of the collection within a year span.....That's uber money to be sitting on shelves. 

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.

Well, a schooling is more or less the same as a lecture. Trying to teach someone or shame them. Anyway, there's people who have way more than I do on here so go give them the math homework too.Wink That figure 6,000 was my upper limit. I'm not even there yet anyway. However, I see where you are coming from so I might change it to 5,000 or 4,000. We'll see. I'll probably wind up selling a bunch of stuff anyway. I have a lot of stuff I bought for really cheap(mostly prog metal)that I haven't even really listened to much. The stuff I don't plan on keeping I'll sell(if possible)and the rest I'll keep. So far most of it is crap. Lol. Anyway, please no more math! Wink

So having a collection that is too big you might not get to hear everything enough but if it's too small you get sick of hearing the same stuff all time. I guess you just can't win. Confused
Don't be so sensitive, we are talking about music not about how many guns, cars, motorcycles or houses we own. 
Trying to shame youConfusedConfused??? I don't think so........If you feel that way then don't go over to other music sites where this topic of how much music is too much is very popular discussion, but nobody feels shamed or schooled or lectured on how much they own or don't own for that matter. 
Like I said, me having dbl or triple what I currently have would be easy but I am more into I want to listen to my collection not just look at it. Please don't take that as how I feel about you having 4-6,000 pc collection, whether you play it all or look at it all is your decision. 

Just chill dude...go play some music!!! Clap
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AFlowerKingCrimson View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AFlowerKingCrimson Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 10 2021 at 17:43
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 
No lecture, I had too many happy laughs for it to be a lecture in my post. More a mathematical schooling than a lecture on your collection.
That math is what keeps me from going looney-toons and buying all the albums I see in the store. At some point I know there would be albums I would not listen to more than 2x. There are people I know that have dbl what we all have put together in just records.....I have a buddy who has 7,000 LPs, sure there are duplicates but that may only be around 300-400 of the lot. He admits there is stuff he has forgotten about that he has, he has one 12x14 room dedicated to holding his records on floor to ceiling shelves....Insane!!!
He also admits he only listens to about 10% of the collection within a year span.....That's uber money to be sitting on shelves. 

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.

Well, a schooling is more or less the same as a lecture. Trying to teach someone or shame them. Anyway, there's people who have way more than I do on here so go give them the math homework too.Wink That figure 6,000 was my upper limit. I'm not even there yet anyway. However, I see where you are coming from so I might change it to 5,000 or 4,000. We'll see. I'll probably wind up selling a bunch of stuff anyway. I have a lot of stuff I bought for really cheap(mostly prog metal)that I haven't even really listened to much. The stuff I don't plan on keeping I'll sell(if possible)and the rest I'll keep. So far most of it is crap. Lol. Anyway, please no more math! Wink

So having a collection that is too big you might not get to hear everything enough but if it's too small you get sick of hearing the same stuff all time. I guess you just can't win. Confused

Edited by AFlowerKingCrimson - June 10 2021 at 18:41
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Lewian View Drop Down
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Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Anyone ever own Digital compact cassette, DAT (Digital Audio Tape), or Super Audio CD's or MiniDiscs? 

More formats that are extinct. 

MiniDisc here... at one point it seemed a wise move to use them for the stuff I had used cassettes for before, like recording from the radio, doing mixes, exchange of out own music. This didn't really work out, or, say, only for one or two years, except that I used an MD-Recorder for field recordings for quite some time. The most annoying thing was that when I got my Vortexbox, the bloody MiniDisc recorder, despite digital in principle, would not allow to export to any other digital format directly, so that I could not just copy the MiniDisc music there without going analog in between.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Grumpyprogfan Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 10 2021 at 17:09
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.
First thing I do is smell the new disc. Part of the ritual. Is it called a doobie anymore?
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Catcher10 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 10 2021 at 16:48
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 
No lecture, I had too many happy laughs for it to be a lecture in my post. More a mathematical schooling than a lecture on your collection.
That math is what keeps me from going looney-toons and buying all the albums I see in the store. At some point I know there would be albums I would not listen to more than 2x. There are people I know that have dbl what we all have put together in just records.....I have a buddy who has 7,000 LPs, sure there are duplicates but that may only be around 300-400 of the lot. He admits there is stuff he has forgotten about that he has, he has one 12x14 room dedicated to holding his records on floor to ceiling shelves....Insane!!!
He also admits he only listens to about 10% of the collection within a year span.....That's uber money to be sitting on shelves. 

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.

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AFlowerKingCrimson View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote AFlowerKingCrimson Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 10 2021 at 16:07
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 

Edited by AFlowerKingCrimson - June 10 2021 at 16:09
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Catcher10 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 10 2021 at 15:41
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile
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Catcher10 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Catcher10 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 10 2021 at 15:24
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

I obviously need some secretaries

Administrative Assistant is the correct term these days. LOL

"....just bring me a cup of black coffee, hang up my coat and hat and tell everyone I'm in meetings till 4PM...."
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I’ve given up on titles. The children I work with are constantly given new titles/names/categories.
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams
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Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

I obviously need some secretaries

Administrative Assistant is the correct term these days. LOL

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote rik wilson Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 10 2021 at 13:06
I got excited seeing everybodies' devotion to their music collection. Having managed three record stores between 1970 and 1981 in Columbia,S. C. and Houston,Tx.; I have accumulated a good collection, as well. I have two rooms for my music and my collection. I have about 7,000 cds (4,000 prog);4,000 lps; and 800 mix tapes of current  purchases from 1976-2009. Now, I just make mix tapes of  prog- I'm up to part 158 so far.
 My largest single artist collections are KING CRIMSON ( 325 ) ; SOFT MACHINE and splinter bands ( 191 ) and PINK FLOYD ( 247 ).Sort of a completeist on these groups. I started with Mersybeat,then 60's garage pre-psychedelic,San Francisco psychedelic.Detriot early 70's metal bands, glam rock, space rock, and PROG of all avenues.Fortunately my stores carried import albums and provided a broad base education.I love music and I LOVE to play music...currently I'm B. WILDERED (esoteric ,space,psychedelia ) and  A RAT KNEES (acid punk with a loud metal edge ).
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I obviously need some secretaries
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams
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Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Originally posted by JD JD wrote:

GOOD CHRIST MAN !!!!How do you even know what's in those piles?
Helpful hint...if you can get your hands on empty photocopy paper boxes, cut them down to 5" high. Wrap a piece of packing tape around the perimeter (approx one third of the way down for reinforcement) and place the CD's spine up. Makes seeing what you need easier and they are stackable and easy to move.

I use wooden 6 or 12 wine bottle crates and do not cut anything at all. This allows for placing other boxes above them and not resting on the Jewel cases or mini-lp formats. 
Alternatively, you could wine cardboard wine boxes as opposed to those all-too fragile Xerox boxes. Much sturdier (designed for the weight inside and protecting it from shocks) and ready for moving out

With a little DYI, those wooden boxes can be used as superposed shelves and the opened top of the crate downsized a bit to make an inner horizontal shelf . Well chosen boxes can make a quite decorative set up in your stereo/living room.

Can you show me pictures of this wine box concept?
Also, I don't stack them. I have them sitting on a rack in my office.
Many of them are several years old so they hold up well enough to keep them semi-organized.
I just slide it forward and tip it down to read the spines and extract the CD's.

Edited by JD - June 10 2021 at 12:15
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When I get on a roll without distractions I can rip 10-12 CD's per hour.
"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2
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AFlowerKingCrimson View Drop Down
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[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
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Guldbamsen View Drop Down
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^^There are plenty of things where we disagree José, but I still love you buddy
Especially when you say sweet things about the music that we both love so dearly. I’m the same. Off-time is basically my music time..and it never gets old. I never tire of listening to music. On any given day I can locate a shiny disc that will send me off to Goosebumps City

Edith: If I ever find that I am being forced out of my apartment by the sheer size of my’s probably the right time to find a house

Edited by Guldbamsen - June 10 2021 at 11:25
“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams
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Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

I meant a similar storaging solution I’m a looong ways from building my own computer
Plus I really only use a PC for frequenting PA and surfing the net. I don’t game or anything similar.

Thanks for the link to the speakers

Just to clarify that tower unit was built by my local friendly computer shop - I used do self builds, but can't be arsed nowadays.

The speakers cost about £120 (2 years ago) which is a bargain considering the sound quality that comes out of them.
"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Catcher10 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: June 10 2021 at 11:13
I did not mention in my OP how many digital downloads/albums I have, which is about 3,000 albums mainly in hi-res 24bit as well some DSD albums. These are not cheap relative to the cost of mp3 or iTunes downloads, but I'm more into the sound quality and not wanting to miss out on music that has been truncated from 16bit/24bit to a low fi mp3, I might as well listen to the AM radio.....Confused.

Sitting down to listen to music for ME is an experience I want to enjoy, not to just pass the time. I work from home and music plays 10 hours a day via all my digital albums on shuffle play, it's 100% background music. But come Friday/Saturday night around 7pm, I sit on the sofa in front of the analog rig, pull out 5-6 records and spin them with 100% attention devoted to the music and emotions coming from the speakers.

I don't care about physical space when it comes to my music collection, I doubt I get anywhere near the 1200 albums I had before since many of our beloved artists are dying or retiring. And it's not like in the past where I auto bought albums, more picky today. I probably have enough space to hold 3,000 records in my music room, my wife would have no problem with me amassing such a collection and building a wall of shelves. She totally understand that I love music and its been in my life since before I was 10....but I am one that stresses when I dig thru my bins and go "dang have not heard that in 2yrs!!" As well I am one that will spin DSOtM, Moving Pictures, LZ 1,2,3,4 once a month....brilliant music is brilliant music. Clap

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