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Your music collection

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Topic: Your music collection
Posted By: Guldbamsen
Subject: Your music collection
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 06:56
I noticed another thread on here that started down quite an interesting off-shoot. The music collection.

How big is your collection by now? Do you consider yourself a completionist? Cd versus vinyl...versus tapes and 8-track for the old school rawkers Do you have enough room? Have you ever sold anything that you shouldn’t have? Do you have a rare apricot coloured vinyl copy of Tormato..and why won’t you sell it? Are you a digital only kind of guy/gal? Do you own a NAS..and does it work properly (my friend’s didn’t!)? The questions beckon..and I figure you have plenty more things to add to this, hopefully, very open kind of thread.

I’ll start out by saying that I currently am reaching some sort of tipping point where I either need to stop purchasing music entirely, which isn’t going to happen anytime soon..or find a nifty solution with some cd-furniture. It was getting out of hand a year ago..and now it’s just like living in a messy music store...which I kinda dig but still...there are so much music I am overlooking because it’s hidden in strange dark places.
In getting something like the abovementioned cd-furniture I will most likely alphabetise my music..and hope it stays in an orderly fashion!
I still somewhat collect vinyl but it’s put on hold as 99% of all my listening is done over headphones...and vinyl and cans are just a poor match for my ears. The cds though are still coming through the door. I stopped counting a good while ago

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 07:27
I do have quite a few CD's (having dispensed with vinyl years ago) but the bulk of my collection is digital now (mostly in the the lossless FLAC format) - currently at around 9,000 tracks [my PC with its excellent soundcard and speakers has a hard drive dedicated purely to media].

Oh yeah once I get into collecting a particular artist I tend to be a bit of a completist, hunting out all the rarities. I do however draw the line at alternate takes, demos, and other 'work in progress' stuff, but anything that was more or less completed (except maybe for a final mix down) but was otherwise unreleased back in the day does tend to get me salivating at the gills.

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Grumpyprogfan
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 07:34
I'd say approximately 850 CD's. Storage will be an issue if I don't stop buying, but for now I'm good. If I don't like a CD I'll sell it. Maybe someone else would love it. I'm not a completist. I grew up with vinyl in the 70's, I still have maybe sixty albums but haven't listened to one since the late 80's and I don't miss the snap, crackle, and pop that you get no matter how well you take care of them. The best things about vinyl were the posters/stickers included, or the ones that folded out were great for deseeding weed. Loved it when CD's came out in the mid 80's and have never looked back. My turntable hasn't worked for a long time, bad belt perhaps. Back in the day, the first spin of vinyl would be recorded onto cassette and we would listen to the cassette over vinyl. For one, you wouldn't have to get up every 18 or so minutes to turn the vinyl over, clean it, yada yada. There was 45 minutes per side on cassette and it was portable. Gotta say I liked cassette's better than vinyl, never liked 8-track (too bulky). Mix tapes were the bomb. And the ones you made (if you had a decent deck) were better than the ones manufactured. However, I don't listen to cassette's anymore. 

Cool thread, hoping to see abundant participation!

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 08:03
Mixed tapes were the best
Half of the process was making them and fiddling with odd time-based maths in my head. Add a friend or two and you effectively get a small party.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: moshkito
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 08:17

Still have 1500 LP's down from 3K at one time. The weight and the lack of a house that I own is a serious issue and moving is a pain! CD's are up to about 1500 now, although these will likely drop off considerably now that almost everything is downloaded, of which I already can count about 20 of them, but it will likely be 100 before the year is out.

I'm not a "completist" at all ... I simply have the things that I love to listen to and anyone can pick out an album put it on and I will know what it is ... these days I might not remember the title of the piece, but I know the band and the album usually.

Probably the one thing I cherish the most, was the 400 hours of Space Pirate Radio material going back to 1974, of which about 330 to 340 hours survived all the way to 1999 and 2000 and got turned into mp3's and Guy Guden, finally has a copy of all those for his delectation! The amount of music and the mix of things and the "mind melts" and the various insania that Guy included in his shows is above and beyond anything that anyone can do on "radio", when almost all of the shows around are just a top of the pops thing with favorites, and here, it is not difficult to go from Debussy to Tomita to Faust in one swell foop ... and it is great fun! These shows had almost all been done on 120 cassette tapes and the ones that made it to 26 years were all Maxell's or TDK's. The shows that did not survive? You got it ... some of them were on Radio Shack's toilet paper tape!

But there are things I still don't know what they are and one of them is what appears to be one of those Miles' like horns doing something with eastern music, which is very meditative but on the jazz side of things ... I have never found that piece of music, and it is not Miles or some of the names that are usually listed with "eastern" influences in jazz. For that matter, that one classic pop song ... something like "ohh mau mau, oh mau mau .... " (similar to that) which I have never found out who it was!

Other than that ... it is all here including some classic music that is not listed. At least 100 albums worth of those! C'mon ... you're not gonna have Bernstein's The Rite of Spring? Or one of Leinsdorf's Turandot's specially one with Nilsson and Tebaldi dueting their way to hell and back with Mario Del Monaco buried in the middle! Or Gigli doing Tosca?

You don't love music, then!

Music is not just for listening ... it is for LIVING ... you got to feel it to know what's it about! Not being told!

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 08:45
How big? Too friggin big. Last time i counted it was well over 10,000 albums.
I'm overwhelmed and dreading moving LOL


Posted By: nick_h_nz
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 09:16
I have no idea. I would guess around 2500 CDs, and goodness knows how many MP3 albums (though certainly far less than I have CDs).

I used to be a completionist when I was younger, but I gave that up long ago. I haven’t worried about having “everything” for about 25 years, and I’m very glad I stopped feeling that compulsion.

Everything is in alphabetical order, because that’s the only thing that makes sense to me. I could never order by genre, as so many bands and artists either make music that takes in more than one genre, or have changed genre over time.

That means whether it is classical, jazz, metal, hip hop, pop, rock or any other genre, it’s all in together, in alphabetical order. I thought this was normal until I came to this forum, and found people ordering by record label, or by genre, or anything else other than alphabetically.

When it comes to MP3s, tagging does allow a lot more “organisation” so I tend to retag as necessary whenever I add to my MP3 library, but again am not too worried about genre. Rather I note the country of origin - so that I can quickly see what I have from, for example (in a recent post on the forum) Finland.

Because I like to have my MP3s sorted in the same alphabetical fashion as my CDs, then I also amend the sorting tag where necessary so that, for example, Peter Hammill still displays as Peter Hammill, but is sorted Hammill Peter.

-------------" rel="nofollow - Reviewer for The Progressive Aspect

Posted By: siLLy puPPy
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 09:22
Originally posted by nick_h_nz nick_h_nz wrote:

I have no idea. I would guess around 2500 CDs, and goodness knows how many MP3 albums (though certainly far less than I have CDs).

I used to be a completionist when I was younger, but I gave that up long ago. I haven’t worried about having “everything” for about 25 years, and I’m very glad I stopped feeling that compulsion.

Everything is in alphabetical order, because that’s the only thing that makes sense to me. I could never order by genre, as so many bands and artists either make music that takes in more than one genre, or have changed genre over time.

That means whether it is classical, jazz, metal, hip hop, pop, rock or any other genre, it’s all in together, in alphabetical order. I thought this was normal until I came to this forum, and found people ordering by record label, or by genre, or anything else other than alphabetically.

When it comes to MP3s, tagging does allow a lot more “organisation” so I tend to retag as necessary whenever I add to my MP3 library, but again am not too worried about genre. Rather I note the country of origin - so that I can quickly see what I have from, for example (in a recent post on the forum) Finland.

Because I like to have my MP3s sorted in the same alphabetical fashion as my CDs, then I also amend the sorting tag where necessary so that, for example, Peter Hammill still displays as Peter Hammill, but is sorted Hammill Peter.

I'm the same way. EVERYTHING is alphabetical regardless of genre. The only exception is classical music which has many artists. I own the music because of the composer so i sort by Mozart, Bach, Beethoven instead of whichever artists are performing. Various artists, soundtracks and spoken word albums (such as comedy) also exist in their own section.


Posted By: BaldFriede
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 09:59
I posted this 16 years ago. The list is of course outdated meanwhile; lots of artists have been added. We digitalized our whole collection meanwhile.

Revised and complete list of our collection; new additions in red. The first list was off the top of my head. I also listed solo projects of artists that played in certain bands seperately this time. This especially refers to bands like Gong and Hawkwind. The entry for "Amon Düül" was split up into three, as should be done.

Unless otherwise noted we have ALL of the official records of the listed artists.

Agitation Free
Aksak Maboul
Allen, Daevid (including his collaborations with others)
Amon Düül (German)
Amon Düül (British)
Amon Düül 2
Anderson, Jon (only "Olias of Sunhillow")
Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe
Annexus Quam
Aphrodite's Child (only "666")
Art Bears
Ash Ra Tempel
Atlantis (not quite prog, though they have their prog influences; I'll name them nevertheless)
Atomic Rooster
Bainbridge, Harvey
Barrett, Syd
Belew, Adrian
Between (not in the archives yet! Philippe, your job!)
Birth Control
Blake, Tim
Blegvad, Peter
Blegvad; Peter & Greaves, John
Blodwyn Pig
Boulé, Christian (missing in the archives)
Brand X
Brock, Dave
Bunka, Roman
Calvert, Robert
Camel (only until Rain Dances)
Captain Beyond
Circus (British, not listed in the archives, a band in which Mel Collins of King Crimson played, only one eponymous record from 1970)
Colosseum II
Cosmic Jokers
Cross, David
Curved Air
Deep Freeze Mice (they definitely should be in the archives!!!)
Deuter (not in the archives yet! another job for Philippe)
Dissidenten, Die
Dzyan (missing the first self-titled one)
Echo City (not yet in the archives; a band, in which Guy Evans of VdGG played)

Eno, Brian (why the hell is he not in the archives?)
Eroc (only first 2 albums)
Far East Family Band (only "Nipponjin")
Floh de Cologne (Krautrock, not in the archives; only "Geier-Symphonie")
Fripp, Robert
Fripp & Eno
Froese, Edgar
Frumpy (Jean and I consider them to be prog, they should be added)
Fruup (only "Modern Masquerades")
Gabriel, Peter
Genesis (with some exceptions here; we stopped after "Seconds Out")
Gentle Giant
Giles, Giles & Fripp
Göttsching, Manuel
Golowin, Sergius

Greenslade, Dave

Guru Guru
Hackett, Steve
Hamel, Peter Michael
Hammill, Peter
Hammill, Peter & Evans, Guy

Hansson, Bo
Hatfield and the North
Henry Cow
Here and Now
High Tide
Highdelberg (one-off album with members of Guru Guru, Cluster and Kraan)
Hillage, Steve

Howe, Steve
Ihre Kinder
In Cahoots (not in the archives!!!)
Inner City Unit (prog punk; yes, we are of the opinion this category exists; Inner City Unit are proof for that)
Invisible Opera Company of Tibet (also not in the archives yet!)

Jade Warrior
Jethro Tull
Jobson, Eddie
Joliffe, Steve (only "Journies Out of the Body"; missing in the archives)
Karrer, Chris

King Crimson
Krause, Dagmar
La Düsseldorf
Lancaster, Jack
Long Hello, The
Manzanera, Phil (should be added to the archives)
Matching Mole
Missus Beastly
Moebius & Roedelius
Mother Gong
Moraz, Patrick
Mythos (only first album)

National Health
New York Gong
Pink Fairies

Pink Floyd
Planet Gong
Popol Vuh
Oldfield, Mike (up to a certain point; we didn't need the 37th variation of "Tubular Bells")
Ozric Tentacles
Quiet Sun
Release Music Orchestra (fusion oriented Krautrock; not in the archives yet)
Residents, The
Return to Forever
Richard Wahnfried
Roedelius, Hans Joachim
Roland und die Dadadogs (not in the archives)
Rother, Michael (only "Sterntaler" and "Flammende Herzen")
Sahara (Krautrock, not in the archives; we only have "Sunrise" of their albums)
Schnitzler, Konrad (only "Con", "Rot" and "Blau", his albums are hard to get, since they mostly appear in very limited editions only)
Schulze, Klaus
Smyth, Gilli
Soft Head
Soft Heap
Soft Machine
Sphynx, Nik Turner's
Squire, Chris
Swindells, Steve (only "Fresh Blood")

Tangerine Dream (only up until "Le Parc")
Turner, Nik (not in the archives yet)
Univers Zero
University of Errors (not in the archives yet)
Utopia (German)

Utopia (Todd Rundgren's)
Van der Graaf Generator
Vander, Christian
Vanilla Fudge
Verdeaux, Cyrille
Wakeman, Rick (only a few albums though)
Wallenstein (only first three albums)
Weather Report
Wyatt, Robert
Xhol Caravan
Yatha Sidhra
Zappa, Frank


BaldJean and I; I am the one in blue.

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 10:26
Probably about 3,500 but I haven't counted. I'll do that soon.

Posted By: Mirakaze
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 10:42
I own 478 CDs and CD sets, all stored on three Ikea shelves; the moment those become completely full is fast approaching and I'm not sure where I'm going to put the fourth one I'll inevitably have to buy... All CDs are ordered alphabetically by artist regardless of genre, and chronologically within artist subsections. Even soundtrack albums get filed under the (lead) composer's name. Classical music albums are tricky since most of them are compilations: I generally file them under the composer's name, and sort them chronologically (based on the first track if a disc contains works from different years); if a disc contains works by multiple composers I file them under the first composer listed on the spine, and if none are listed on the spine they go in the "various artists" section along with any non-classical multi-artist compilation albums.

The most valuable item in the collection is probably a 4-CD box set of Karlheinz Stockhausen's Hymnen which includes a 200-page booklet containing intricate details about the composition, the process by which it came about and the madman who thought it all up. Cost me €70 in total which is the most I've ever paid for a music-holding item by a large margin.

I do not own any vinyl but I am expecting one cassette to arrive in the mail any day now, which will then comprise my entire cassette collection. I guess I should maybe look into buying something to actually play it on...  🤔

-------------" rel="nofollow - Freelance composer, accepting commissions |" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp page

Posted By: dr wu23
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 10:53
 Not a completist at all....I only buy it if I like the album and will play it. I make an exception if I get a good buy on something collectable like orignal prog or psych vinyl. I'll buy it even if the music is not up my alley because I know it's worth something to collectors if I decide to unload it.
 I still look for that odd piece of used vinyl if it's in good shape but in the last 10 years I have become picky about what I buy. Sadly in the late 80's I dumped a lot of vinyl to buy cd's instead not thinking about the loss of the original I might end up buying first Allman Bros lp or Goodbye by Cream even though I have them on cd.

 Currently have about 1,000 pieces of vinyl and about 500 cd's. I don't buy many new cd's except for a few favorites like Wobbler , IQ,  KC,  etc. I still look for obscure vinyl for fun (and profit) and soon will pick up Gracious! and Mighty Baby on original vinyl. 

One does nothing yet nothing is left undone.

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 11:28
LP's = 1065 (down from high of 1200)
CD's = 1270
Digital = 10,000 Albums, maybe more maybe less (but I doubt it) All I know is...FAR TOO MANY !
Tapes (cassette only) = 10

Not a completest except for those few bands I love sooo much.
Catalogued and stored (alphabetically/chronologically).
Been in the same house for almost 30 years and have a fair sized basement office that houses all my media collections (incl. movies and photography)
LP's are in plastic cover sleeves and in pine box bins my dad built for me when I was a teenager. The CD's are in 3 wood racks, one I bought at a record store, the other two made for me by an appreciative contractor based on the design of the first.

Yes, I regret loosing about 110 of my LP's back at the beginning of the CD craz. Once I bought the CD, if the packaging was the same as the LP I traded the LP in for $$ to buy more CD's. Believe me, I've kicked myself enough over that brain fart.
These days I usually only buy used LP's to replace those gems I had.  But not many and not often.
My entire collection is in my will to my son.

I have a few rare ones I guess.
Asia's debut - inner sleeve signed by entire band and Program from their first concert
Police - Syncronicity (Duane Michals, cover photographer, Signed Sleeve)

A few coloured LP's
Steely Dan  - Aja (Red)
Beatles - Sergeant Pepper's (Pink/Grey Swirl Marbled vinyl)
Beatles - The White Album (White Vinyl)
The Cars - The Cars (Blue Translucent Vinyl)
The Glass Orchestra - The Glass Orchestra (Clear Vinyl)
Ron Moore and the Angel Band - The Live Studio Concert (Blue Vinyl)
Split Enz - True Colours (Laser Etched)
Styx - Pieces of Eight (Gold Vinyl)
Synergy - Cords (Clear Vinyl)
Tomita - The Bermuda Triangle (Coral Vinyl)

A few bootlegs
Bowie - Frankfurt Festhalle
ELP - 72-07-28 Celestial Doggie and the Lobster Quadrille - Long Beach Arena
ELP - 74-02-10 The Callow and Crash and Idle Eye
ELP - 74-06-04 California Jam
ELP - 77-08-12 Looking Out for #1 Long Beach Arena
Peter Gabriel -  77-04-09 Live at the Roxy
Gentle Giant - Playing The Foole

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Argo2112
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 11:28
I have a fairly modest collection compared to many folks here, about 500 CD's . Sadly I don't have vinyl anymore . It was all lost in the great CD migration of the 1980's ( Google it kids! Wink

I'm not a completist , I find that even my favorite bands have a few less desirable albums in their discography  so I only get the stuff I like.  I am happy to say that since joining PA I have added a lot to my collection & discovered many artists I wasn't familiar with so that's been nice. 

Posted By: Hiram
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 12:21
I have about 250 CDs at the moment but I keep buying more little by little. They are in Ikea CD shelves in alphabetical order and chronological for the artist. My wife has a couple of hundred classical music CDs and they're in chronological order. I think that makes sense with that stuff. 

At best/worst I had maybe 2000 CDs, 500 LPs, 200 7"s and 300 cassettes at one point but then had a huge purge that left me with 100 or so CDs. I don't have a vinyl player or tape deck anymore. 

Now I only keep stuff I know for sure I'll return to. If I don't like something, I'll sell it or rather trade or give it away. I don't think I have full discographies of any artists. I'm generally not interested in compilations, box sets, live albums or EPs/singles. Just plain studio albums. 

I've never bought a digital release and I don't see myself doing it anytime soon. But we'll see. 

Vinyl is past, digital is today and CD is future. Wink

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 12:45
I usually buy an average of one CD per day, but sometimes I go completely overboard and buy 30 CD's all in one go. I currently have around 3,000 CD's, although I haven't counted them, but I have counted and catalogued my entire prog collection below, which currently totals 568 CD's:-

Canterbury Scene Total Albums = 14
Caravan (10); Steve Hillage (4)
Crossover Prog Total Albums = 98
Argent (1); Barclay James Harvest (6); Be Bop Deluxe (5); Kate Bush (8); Electric Light Orchestra (8); Peter Gabriel (1); Justin Hayward & John Lodge (1);  Kayak (2); The Moody Blues (16); Mike Oldfield (14); Sally Oldfield (3); The Alan Parsons Project (6); Robert Plant (5); Procol Harum (4); Radiohead (3); Rare Bird (2); Roxy Music (2); Todd Rundgren (5); Supertramp (3); Talk Talk (1); Roger Waters (2)
Eclectic Prog Total Albums = 17
Frumpy (1); Steve Hackett (5); King Crimson (1); Sky (2); Traffic (6); Van der Graaf Generator (2)
Heavy Prog Total Albums = 18
Porcupine Tree (5); Rush (3); Uriah Heep (10)
Indo Prog/Raga Rock Total Albums = 2
Quintessence (2)
Jazz-Rock/Fusion Total Albums = 74
Jeff Beck (5); Blood, Sweat & Tears (5); Chicago (6); Billy Cobham (1); Colosseum (1); Miles Davis (2); George Duke (8); Jan Hammer (1); Herbie Hancock (3); Return to Forever (1); Santana (30); Carlos Santana (1); Solution (2); Steely Dan (3); Lenny White (5)
Krautrock Total Albums = 1
Holger Czukay (1) 
Prog Folk Total Albums = 54
Amazing Blondel (1); Tim Buckley (5); Clannad (6); Dead Can Dance (7); Judy Dyble (1); Espers (3); Iona (1); Jethro Tull (6); Loudest Whisper (1); John Martyn (3); Mellow Candle (1); Mostly Autumn (3); Pentangle (2); Strawbs (7); Trader Horne (1); Trees (2); Trembling Bells (4)
Prog Related Total Albums = 99
Jon Anderson (1); Asia (1); Peter Bardens (1); Black Sabbath (4); Blue Oyster Cult (8); David Bowie (10); Budgie (3); Fairport Convention (6); Flied Egg (1); David Gilmour (5); Roger Glover (1); Japan (1); Jean Michele Jarre (2); Jon & Vangelis (5); Journey (2); Led Zeppelin (14); Magna Carta (6); Mercury Rev (3); Jimmy Page & Robert Plant (2); Queen (9); Rainbow (1); Styx (1); Super Furry Animals (5); Vangelis (3); Wishbone Ash (4)
Progressive Electronic Total Albums = 27
Ian Boddy (5); Edgar Froese (5); Kitaro (1); Mark Shreeve (3); Tangerine Dream (12); Wavestar (1)
Progressive Metal Total Albums = 15
Dream Theater (7); Epica (1); Nightwish (7)
Proto Prog Total Albums = 62
Andromeda (1); The Beatles (5); Deep Purple (2); The Doors (8); The Gods (1); H.P. Lovecraft (2); Jimi Hendrix (5); Iron Butterfly (5); It's a Beautiful Day (2); Jefferson Airplane (10); Nirvana (1); The Pretty Things (2); Spirit (5); Spooky Tooth (7); Tomorrow (1); Vanilla Fudge (5)
Psychedelic/Space Rock Total Albums = 26
Arcadium (1); Astra (2); Group 1850 (2);  Hawkwind (3); Jade Warrior (2); Man (5); Pink Floyd (9); Pond (2)
Symphonic Prog Total Albums =61
Camel (9); Earth and Fire (2); Emerson, Lake & Palmer (1); The Enid (2); Fruupp (2); Genesis (9); Greenslade (1); Kansas (6); Nick Magnus (1); Renaissance (10); Rick Wakeman (5); Yes (13)
Total number of prog albums across all genres = 568

Posted By: The Anders
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 13:04
I have approximately 120 cassette tapes! And my tape machine doesn't even work properly anymore.

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 14:02
I have around 1500 CD's and around 700 download albums. Download is around 90% of my purchases these days. I probably have a couple of hundred LP's but I don't have a turntable so they're in a few boxes at my daughters (she has more room). We are out of space so it's digital going forward.

I'm a completist on a few bands who mean a lot to me:-

King Crimson - 30 (all studio and quite a few live albums)
Henry Cow - 15 
Univers Zero - 13

There's quite a few who are autobuy but I wouldn't call me a completist as they only have 4 or 5 albums out. It's like saying you're a completist of bands with only one album. 

I did a breakdown recently

Avante Garde 591
Modern Jazz 157
Eclectic 147
Fusion 130
Crossover 103
Electronic 98
Canterbury 82

50's 9
60's 31
70's 446
80's 177
90's 200
00's 399
10's 736
20's 111

Eng 601
USA 569
Fra 206
Var 113
Ger 83
Bel 70
Can 61
Swe 54
Ita 45
Nor 43
Swz 40
Jpn 31

Art Zoyd (32)
King Crimson (30)
Mike Oldfield (16)
Henry Cow (15)
Tangerine Dream (14)
Pink Floyd (14)
Univers Zero (13)
Magma (12)
Jethro Tull (12)


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 14:11
All CDs for me...vinyls too expensive, impractical, and fragile...mp3s have no substance and I feel physically pained to give away money for nothing. I started buying music in earnest in 2005. I lost count many moons ago to total numbers after I filled my ipod, which doubled as a device to keep track of my collection. (This happened in like 2011) The number is probably embarrassingly high, but I still buy as there is alot of music out there. I've fully accepted that this is how it is and am prepared to live with the of them being when I buy a house I will need one room solely for musical entities. 

As for organization...I've said this before but, I can't fathom how people do it alphabetically. My brain wants to explode at the mere thought of having to move nearly my entire collection when I buy a new Acid Mothers Temple CD. I ran out of proper shelf space awhile back, so now they are organized in rough groups, chronologically related to when I bought them. not an ideal system, admittedly, but it does the trick for me (and lets be honest that's all the matters). 

I suppose I am a compilationist to a point...I'm not going to purposely buy CDs I don't like, just because they were made by an artist I like. That said, if I can't find samples available, I sometimes will give it a benefit of the doubt, given the lineup and description. This has bitten my ass a few times. One day I'll go through my collection and separate out the things I'm comfortable sellling...but that's a sh*tton of work I don't really have the energy do to atm. 

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 14:11
Originally posted by BaldFriede BaldFriede wrote:

I posted this 16 years ago. The list is of course outdated meanwhile; lots of artists have been added. We digitalized our whole collection meanwhile.

Revised and complete list of our collection; new additions in red. The first list was off the top of my head. I also listed solo projects of artists that played in certain bands seperately this time. This especially refers to bands like Gong and Hawkwind. The entry for "Amon Düül" was split up into three, as should be done.

Unless otherwise noted we have ALL of the official records of the listed artists.

Dear God that's impressive, what does that run to >10,000?


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 14:48
My major music platform is a Vortexbox NAS. I'm on the second one, the first one broke down after some eight years but no data loss, and I have two copies of the data in different places, so I hope I will not lose a major part of my collection because of some digital disaster. I'm pretty happy with that. Love to play "random over everything". Also it counts for me; it says I have 2190 albums right now, otherwise I wouldn't know. On top of that I still have maybe 500 LPs that I haven't digitised; I have a turntable but don't use it very often as I either have digitised or bought as files all LPs that I thought I want to listen to. There are also CDs still hanging around in the basement but the music on them is all eaten by the Vortexbox. Even cassette tapes. Once in 9 months I dig one out that has something that I don't have anywhere else (in fact I have digitised or bought all the best stuff on them, too; but maybe there are 100-200 albums more sleeping on them). Just too lazy to get rid of them. 

I'm maybe the opposite of a completionist. I make sure I regularly buy artists/bands that are new to me and in turn forget to check what those I already love come up with. There is far too much great music around for me to listen to. Biggest resource problem is really time. Space is not an issue with the Box, and money, well, I'm not big on other expensive things. Not having a car and doing 99% of all getting around by bike saves a lot of money. In the old days I knew of major new releases of my favourites, but now I pick up music kind of randomly, by recommendation (including PA), picking up something good somewhere, maybe also sniffing around a few hours every other week or so. 

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 14:51
Originally posted by Man With Hat Man With Hat wrote:

All CDs for me...vinyls too expensive, impractical, and fragile...mp3s have no substance and I feel physically pained to give away money for nothing.
I agree, I've hated the way things like music, movies and softwares have gone. A serial number or code that lets you get some 0's and 1's. You pay to have your eye flickered or your ear drum vibrated. But JD like the touchy touchy.

Originally posted by Man With Hat Man With Hat wrote:

As for organization...I've said this before but, I can't fathom how people do it alphabetically. My brain wants to explode at the mere thought of having to move nearly my entire collection when I buy a new Acid Mothers Temple CD. [EDIT] but it does the trick for me (and lets be honest that's all the matters).
I can't imagine NOT having it alphabetically. I'm not sure how many you buy how often, but I leave spaces in mine to allow for some integration. I only need to move some levels occasionally.

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 15:09
Honestly, I don't really get the attitude that it has to be something material. I mean, OK, I love a nice LP cover, and the discussion about what sounds better is legit, but other than that, music is for the ears, and I want to pay the artists for their imagination and work, not the company that puts some vinyl or polycarbonate plastic in my place. The world is too full of stuff anyway. 

Posted By: Gentle and Giant
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 15:10
I did things the other way round. As I was moving around a lot with work, all my vinyl got boxed up and moved from attic to attic (basically forgotten about). Most of the CDs I'd bought from the 80s onwards I eventually got rid of about 8 years ago and went mainly online. Now though, retired, I'm glad I kept all my records and carried on collecting them (also buy CDs too). All stored alphabetically and neatly in various places around the house. About 500 lps and 12" and 200 CDs (and electronic media).

Oh, for the wings of any bird, other than a battery hen

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 15:15
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Mixed tapes were the best
Half of the process was making them and fiddling with odd time-based maths in my head. Add a friend or two and you effectively get a small party.

I have done and occasionally still do mix CDs in the digital age.

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 15:41
I've been cataloging my collection on Rate Your Music for well over a year now. Almost up to 1900 CDs and CDRs. Still have several dozen that I haven't entered because the artist isn't listed on RYM and will need to do some research to add them. A lot of these were independent artists that I found on the old website that existed from 1998 to 2003. I'm buying about 15 CDs a month, so I expect to break 2000 by year's end.

I used to have over 300 LPs, but sold the bulk of these back in the 1990s only keeping some things I thought might be rare some day. I think I might have about 30 LPs left. I have a handful of cassettes, but sold most of these at yard sales. I still have maybe 30-40 mix-tapes I made from my vinyl collection back in the 1980s. I don't know how many downloads I own, because I only buy these when a physical CD isn't available (maybe 50?). I burn them to a CDr, keeping the FLAC file on an external hard drive. I don't have enough space to store these on my PC because that machine is devoted to my own music projects.

The CDs are stored in one single tower, a double tower, and a six-drawer dresser. I'm out of room and now have a couple piles on top of the dresser. I'm planning on buying two larger rotating towers that should hold the whole collection with plenty of room to spare, but it's probably going to cost me close to $1000. The LPs are stored in an old piece of furniture that my grandmother owned where she kept her LPs and also doubled as a telephone table. All the cassettes are in shoe boxes and stored in a closet.

The CD collection is sorted alphabetically by artist/band. Within each artist it's sorted by year of release for studio/live albums. Compilations and tribute albums (like the Magna Carta tribute to Genesis) are filed at the end of each artist. Various artist compilations (like the CDs that come with Prog Magazine or samplers from Cyclops) are filed after Z and in alphabetical order. The only genre I keep separate is classical music because I only have a handful of these. Classical music is filed after various artists. Filing order is numbers, followed by A-Z. Leading articles are ignored in filing (The Flower Kings are filed under F, not T). Solo artists are filed under surname (David Bowie goes in B, not D). I don't believe I have anything in another alphabet (some titles are, but the group names aren't). If I did I would file it under the romanized equivalent in the Latin alphabet (The cyrillic Д would be D; the Greek θ would be Th).

I also have a storage problem with my book collection, but that's for another forum...

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: HolyMoly
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 17:58
I’ve got something like 4500 CD titles (i.e. multi-disc sets count as 1) and about 1900 LPs. I confess I am kind of a completionist, if an artist has 10 albums, say, and I have 6 of them already, there will be a strong impetus to get the rest. I’m currently itching about the fact that there are just 2-3 Billy Joel albums I don’t have. And I’m not even a huge Billy Joel fan.

Within my collection, I seem to like to keep an artist’s discography “format-pure” (cue rolling of eyes), meaning I’d rather either have them all on vinyl or all on CD (depending on the artist), or even sometimes both. But having 2 of their albums on LP and 3 others on CD is less satisfying to me somehow. Nothing major, just a little tendency/quirk I just thought of.

I’m pretty much out of CD storage space until I come up with a new idea. They’re all on floor-to-ceiling Ikea shelves, hiding in a closet in the basement with my stereo system. It’s a finished basement so there are speakers hooked up in the basement and it’s my listening room as well as my office (as of the pandemic). My vinyl is on display in that room, and I love sorting through it and pulling out old things I haven’t heard in years or decades. My vinyl collection has much more room to grow, so I try to buy more of them than CDs nowadays. I prefer to buy used originsls rather than expensive represses, and I know a few places nearby I can get them for very reasonable prices - no $30 records for me, thanks. Not many, anyway. I’m not that disciplined.

My other avatar is a Porsche

It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle if it is lightly greased.

-Kehlog Albran

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 08 2021 at 23:37
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Mixed tapes were the best
Half of the process was making them and fiddling with odd time-based maths in my head. Add a friend or two and you effectively get a small party.

I have done and occasionally still do mix CDs in the digital age.

I did so to up until maybe 2008. I clearly remember prepping for The Roskilde Festival with a buddy of mine making mixed cds and drinking beers like there was no tomorrow. The cool thing about the whole process was forgetting everything about what tracks you’d put on these discs...and then when the festival started it was like having this ninja dj with us that constantly kept playing humdingers...that surprised us just as much as the rest of the camp. Good times indeed.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: wiz_d_kidd
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 07:42
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Honestly, I don't really get the attitude that it has to be something material. I mean, OK, I love a nice LP cover, and the discussion about what sounds better is legit, but other than that, music is for the ears, and I want to pay the artists for their imagination and work, not the company that puts some vinyl or polycarbonate plastic in my place. The world is too full of stuff anyway. 

My attitude exactly.  I can't understand why folks need vinyl or plastic. If you pay for telephone service or cable TV or streaming music or internet, you're paying for nothing other than 1's and 0's -- not physical things.  The 1's and 0's of these services flow straight thru your ears (or eyes) and into the bit-bucket.  At least with MP3's (or other such formats), you own a copy of the 1's and 0's forever, and they consume an insignificant amount of physical space to store them -- even with multiple backups.

I will still occasionally purchase a CD if I can't find it in MP3. All my other CDs and LPs were purchased back before the digital technology matured.

So to answer the OP's question...
     MP3 albums - 529
     CD albums (from way back) - 360
     LP albums (from way, way back) - 231

I am definitely NOT a completionist. I rarely like everything an artist has ever produced.

Posted By: chopper
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 08:11
Originally posted by wiz_d_kidd wiz_d_kidd wrote:

My attitude exactly.  I can't understand why folks need vinyl or plastic. If you pay for telephone service or cable TV or streaming music or internet, you're paying for nothing other than 1's and 0's -- not physical things.  The 1's and 0's of these services flow straight thru your ears (or eyes) and into the bit-bucket.  At least with MP3's (or other such formats), you own a copy of the 1's and 0's forever, and they consume an insignificant amount of physical space to store them -- even with multiple backups.

Maybe it's because I'm old but I still prefer to have something physical (CDs not vinyl). I have a quite a few albums as MP3 only and they're just sitting on my PC and I forget I have them. 
Oh, and you can't get the artist to sign an MP3 file.

Posted By: essexboyinwales
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 08:16
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

I usually buy an average of one CD per day, but sometimes I go completely overboard and buy 30 CD's all in one go. I currently have around 3,000 CD's, although I haven't counted them, but I have counted and catalogued my entire prog collection below, which currently totals 568 CD's:-

Canterbury Scene Total Albums = 14
Caravan (10); Steve Hillage (4)
Crossover Prog Total Albums = 98
Argent (1); Barclay James Harvest (6); Be Bop Deluxe (5); Kate Bush (8); Electric Light Orchestra (8); Peter Gabriel (1); Justin Hayward & John Lodge (1);  Kayak (2); The Moody Blues (16); Mike Oldfield (14); Sally Oldfield (3); The Alan Parsons Project (6); Robert Plant (5); Procol Harum (4); Radiohead (3); Rare Bird (2); Roxy Music (2); Todd Rundgren (5); Supertramp (3); Talk Talk (1); Roger Waters (2)
Eclectic Prog Total Albums = 17
Frumpy (1); Steve Hackett (5); King Crimson (1); Sky (2); Traffic (6); Van der Graaf Generator (2)
Heavy Prog Total Albums = 18
Porcupine Tree (5); Rush (3); Uriah Heep (10)
Indo Prog/Raga Rock Total Albums = 2
Quintessence (2)
Jazz-Rock/Fusion Total Albums = 74
Jeff Beck (5); Blood, Sweat & Tears (5); Chicago (6); Billy Cobham (1); Colosseum (1); Miles Davis (2); George Duke (8); Jan Hammer (1); Herbie Hancock (3); Return to Forever (1); Santana (30); Carlos Santana (1); Solution (2); Steely Dan (3); Lenny White (5)
Krautrock Total Albums = 1
Holger Czukay (1) 
Prog Folk Total Albums = 54
Amazing Blondel (1); Tim Buckley (5); Clannad (6); Dead Can Dance (7); Judy Dyble (1); Espers (3); Iona (1); Jethro Tull (6); Loudest Whisper (1); John Martyn (3); Mellow Candle (1); Mostly Autumn (3); Pentangle (2); Strawbs (7); Trader Horne (1); Trees (2); Trembling Bells (4)
Prog Related Total Albums = 99
Jon Anderson (1); Asia (1); Peter Bardens (1); Black Sabbath (4); Blue Oyster Cult (8); David Bowie (10); Budgie (3); Fairport Convention (6); Flied Egg (1); David Gilmour (5); Roger Glover (1); Japan (1); Jean Michele Jarre (2); Jon & Vangelis (5); Journey (2); Led Zeppelin (14); Magna Carta (6); Mercury Rev (3); Jimmy Page & Robert Plant (2); Queen (9); Rainbow (1); Styx (1); Super Furry Animals (5); Vangelis (3); Wishbone Ash (4)
Progressive Electronic Total Albums = 27
Ian Boddy (5); Edgar Froese (5); Kitaro (1); Mark Shreeve (3); Tangerine Dream (12); Wavestar (1)
Progressive Metal Total Albums = 15
Dream Theater (7); Epica (1); Nightwish (7)
Proto Prog Total Albums = 62
Andromeda (1); The Beatles (5); Deep Purple (2); The Doors (8); The Gods (1); H.P. Lovecraft (2); Jimi Hendrix (5); Iron Butterfly (5); It's a Beautiful Day (2); Jefferson Airplane (10); Nirvana (1); The Pretty Things (2); Spirit (5); Spooky Tooth (7); Tomorrow (1); Vanilla Fudge (5)
Psychedelic/Space Rock Total Albums = 26
Arcadium (1); Astra (2); Group 1850 (2);  Hawkwind (3); Jade Warrior (2); Man (5); Pink Floyd (9); Pond (2)
Symphonic Prog Total Albums =61
Camel (9); Earth and Fire (2); Emerson, Lake & Palmer (1); The Enid (2); Fruupp (2); Genesis (9); Greenslade (1); Kansas (6); Nick Magnus (1); Renaissance (10); Rick Wakeman (5); Yes (13)
Total number of prog albums across all genres = 568

What about all your new-found neo-prog?!!!  You really need to spend your pennies on IQ.....

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 11:22
Unlike many here, I never dumped my records when the CD became the "it" thing to have. I bought a CD player in '84, a really nice Sony unit. Bought like 5 CDs and really was not massively impressed originally. I kept buying CDs for about 10yrs and that got me into the start of brick walled mastering in the 90's, which continues today and is TERRIBLE!!!

I kept all my records in boxes during that time....Then the family came and I put music buying on hold for sometime, really only buying releases by Rush, Genesis, Yes, Pink Floyd, Scorpions, Iron Maiden and a few others. I had around 1200 back in the day, lost around 200 in various house moves.

I also buy a lot of digital albums, although that has slowed down quite a bit. I keep most of my collection in Discogs but only about 50% of it.
I am a completist for several artists, but that does not mean buying bootlegs or non official releases. According to Discogs my most valued records are PT~Anesthetize 4-LP Live box set $335, Santana~Abraxas MoFi version $300, IQ~Road of Bones $300, Riverside~Second Life Syndrome $270, Scorpions~Virgin Killer (original cover) $260, Rush~Counterparts $250, PF~DSOtM (30th Anniversary issue) $230

CDs = +/- 500
LPs = +/- 900
Cassette Albums = +/- 200 (mix tapes not included)
Reel to Reel Albums = 20 (mix tapes not included)

Probably 60% of my records are prog and prog related, the balance is Jazz, R&B/Funk, Classic Rock and Heavy Metal. I keep the majority in record bins I built not by alphabetical order but only grouped by artist. These two bins hold about 625 records, I need to build one more probably, box sets I keep on another shelf.


Posted By: JD
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 11:38
^Tell the truth José, did you stage those front rows? Wink

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 11:48


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: nick_h_nz
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 12:04
Weird the way eyes focus. In the first photo my eyes went straight to 3 Mice, and in the second to The Comet Is Coming. Is the album art for those two album merely more eye-catching? Is it because they are at the sides? I honestly don’t know. But I found it interesting. Now to zoom in and see if I can tell what else is hidden in those piles…. 😜

-------------" rel="nofollow - Reviewer for The Progressive Aspect

Posted By: The Anders
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 12:37
When I do buy music on a physical media today, it is usually because I can not access it on Spotify - which happens quite often - or else because the only version that can be found online is a remixed version. I generally prefer to hear an album in the original mix.

Sometimes I buy the physical album for sort of sentimental reasons though.

Posted By: Grumpyprogfan
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 12:39
Anyone ever own Digital compact cassette, DAT (Digital Audio Tape), or Super Audio CD's or MiniDiscs? 

More formats that are extinct. 

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 13:02
Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Anyone ever own Digital compact cassette, DAT (Digital Audio Tape), or Super Audio CD's or MiniDiscs? 

More formats that are extinct. 

Nope - all formats that never quite took off. Never owned an 8-track either.

[It's just a tad before the time I got interested in buying music, but weren't some albums released on reel-to-reel tape back in the 60's?]

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Mirakaze
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 14:21
Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Anyone ever own Digital compact cassette, DAT (Digital Audio Tape), or Super Audio CD's or MiniDiscs? 

More formats that are extinct. 

How about some phonograph cylinders? LOL

-------------" rel="nofollow - Freelance composer, accepting commissions |" rel="nofollow - Bandcamp page

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 15:18
Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Anyone ever own Digital compact cassette, DAT (Digital Audio Tape), or Super Audio CD's or MiniDiscs? 

More formats that are extinct. 
Yup, had a MiniDisc player for a while. Now it's an iPod Shuffle.

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 15:34
Originally posted by JD JD wrote:

^Tell the truth José, did you stage those front rows? Wink
Ha! Basically, those are my fav artists and kinda in order L to R, top to bottom. I also do not keep my albums in order by oldest to newest or vice versa in each group. I just put back the last one I spun in the front. 

The bottom right row is albums that either I only have 1 album of or I have not made a tag for them yet. I make a group once I have more than 2 albums. So that whole row is mainly individual artists, it's my Misc row.


Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 15:45
Originally posted by Mirakaze Mirakaze wrote:

Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Anyone ever own Digital compact cassette, DAT (Digital Audio Tape), or Super Audio CD's or MiniDiscs? 

More formats that are extinct. 

How about some phonograph cylinders? LOL

Funny you should ask.......I only keep these for decorations, I have about 5 of them I bought at an estate sale for like $4 ea. The lady had like 50 of them.......


Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 15:51


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 15:53
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

GOOD CHRIST MAN !!!!How do you even know what's in those piles?
Helpful hint...if you can get your hands on empty photocopy paper boxes, cut them down to 5" high. Wrap a piece of packing tape around the perimeter (approx one third of the way down for reinforcement) and place the CD's spine up. Makes seeing what you need easier and they are stackable and easy to move.

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 15:58
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Holy Sorting Nightmare Batman!!
So if you wanna play the one in the middle at the bottom of the stack, do you start moving stacks from the outside and work in???? Orrrrrrr what Confused


Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 16:12
Originally posted by JD JD wrote:

Originally posted by Man With Hat Man With Hat wrote:

All CDs for me...vinyls too expensive, impractical, and fragile...mp3s have no substance and I feel physically pained to give away money for nothing.
I agree, I've hated the way things like music, movies and softwares have gone. A serial number or code that lets you get some 0's and 1's. You pay to have your eye flickered or your ear drum vibrated. But JD like the touchy touchy.

Originally posted by Man With Hat Man With Hat wrote:

As for organization...I've said this before but, I can't fathom how people do it alphabetically. My brain wants to explode at the mere thought of having to move nearly my entire collection when I buy a new Acid Mothers Temple CD. [EDIT] but it does the trick for me (and lets be honest that's all the matters).
I can't imagine NOT having it alphabetically. I'm not sure how many you buy how often, but I leave spaces in mine to allow for some integration. I only need to move some levels occasionally.

Yeah...I fully admit it might just be phycological, but paying for nothing is just something my body doesn't like. Maybe if I had more disposable income I'd be less likely to hate it, but I suspect I'll never know the answer to that. 

And haha. I buy often (more often than I should really) but leaving space would just facilitate the need for more overall space for the collection, which can already be snug. But as you said...whatever works for someone works for them. 

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 16:32
I'm totally nuts and a total hoarder. I have tons of papers, a lot of books, a lot of dvds so of course I have a lot of cds too. Would I change who I am? Nope. That said I do plan on downsizing and eventually selling some cds because I admit I have a lot of crap (as in cds that aren't that good). Also, I plan on stopping once I get to around 6,000 cds. They might even stop making them by the time I get close. Who knows. 

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 17:04
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

I'm totally nuts and a total hoarder. I have tons of papers, a lot of books, a lot of dvds so of course I have a lot of cds too. Would I change who I am? Nope. That said I do plan on downsizing and eventually selling some cds because I admit I have a lot of crap (as in cds that aren't that good). Also, I plan on stopping once I get to around 6,000 cds. They might even stop making them by the time I get close. Who knows. 

Jeez.......6,000 CDs Shocked So.......

Figure 70min on a CD x 6,000 = 420,000 minutes ÷ 60 = 7,000 hours ÷ 24 = 292 days hopefully you have a lot of vacation days stored up!! LOL.
More realistically if you listen 5 hours a day you'll need 1,400 days to listen to all 6,000 CDs once. LOL Clap


Posted By: MFP
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 17:09
CDs = +/- 450 albums
MP3 = +/- 400 albums

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 17:10
The photo's are from when we moved and I had refile them. They are actually in alphabetical piles from top left to bottom right. They are all now in cabinets in alphabetical order.


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 17:27
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

The photo's are from when we moved and I had refile them. They are actually in alphabetical piles from top left to bottom right. They are all now in cabinets in alphabetical order.

Thank God LOL.......Even I was experiencing anxiety attacks at your pics! 


Posted By: Man With Hat
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 17:34
Originally posted by wiz_d_kidd wiz_d_kidd wrote:

Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Honestly, I don't really get the attitude that it has to be something material. I mean, OK, I love a nice LP cover, and the discussion about what sounds better is legit, but other than that, music is for the ears, and I want to pay the artists for their imagination and work, not the company that puts some vinyl or polycarbonate plastic in my place. The world is too full of stuff anyway. 

My attitude exactly.  I can't understand why folks need vinyl or plastic. If you pay for telephone service or cable TV or streaming music or internet, you're paying for nothing other than 1's and 0's -- not physical things.  

But with the phone, cable, and streaming services you are paying for a service and/or access to a cache of material. And with streaming music (or TV) you don't own anything. If I'm going to pay money for something that I will own, I need to own an actual something. As I said before, it might be purely psychological, and I'm not really trying to convince anyone to agree with me, just want to try and make my position clearer. 

Dig me...But don't...Bury me
I'm running still, I shall until, one day, I hope that I'll arrive
Warning: Listening to jazz excessively can cause a laxative effect.

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 17:48
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

I'm totally nuts and a total hoarder. I have tons of papers, a lot of books, a lot of dvds so of course I have a lot of cds too. Would I change who I am? Nope. That said I do plan on downsizing and eventually selling some cds because I admit I have a lot of crap (as in cds that aren't that good). Also, I plan on stopping once I get to around 6,000 cds. They might even stop making them by the time I get close. Who knows. 

Jeez.......6,000 CDs Shocked So.......

Figure 70min on a CD x 6,000 = 420,000 minutes ÷ 60 = 7,000 hours ÷ 24 = 292 days hopefully you have a lot of vacation days stored up!! LOL.
More realistically if you listen 5 hours a day you'll need 1,400 days to listen to all 6,000 CDs once. LOL Clap

I don't care about no stinkin statistics. I have the rest of my life to listen to this stuff. Tongue Plus, I have a lot of stuff like Led Zeppelin four I don't need to listen to more than once a year and maybe not even that often. 

Posted By: Hiram
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 23:29
Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Anyone ever own Digital compact cassette, DAT (Digital Audio Tape), or Super Audio CD's or MiniDiscs?

I had a minidisc player around the change of the millennium. Not a small portable one but a rack model. I got it from a friend who was always borrowing money and could never pay back. 

I made "mix-mindiscs" but never had much use for them in the end. I think I saw albums on minidisc for sale in a record store once or twice but never bought any. 

I ended up either giving the player to someone or throwing it away, can't remember. 

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 09 2021 at 23:50
Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Honestly, I don't really get the attitude that it has to be something material. I mean, OK, I love a nice LP cover, and the discussion about what sounds better is legit, but other than that, music is for the ears, and I want to pay the artists for their imagination and work, not the company that puts some vinyl or polycarbonate plastic in my place. The world is too full of stuff anyway. 

I agree with this almost word for word...yet keep buying cds. First of all I don’t trust the internet, external harddrives or a NAS. All those things can go wrong and have done so for me in the past. My buddy’s NAS broke down a little while ago and he lost a lot of music he supposedly couldn’t lose because of the bulletproof design
Mostly I just like to pay the musicians properly for the music..which is naive I know...but hoping the dough gets to them via streaming services is verging on stupidity....and I don’t like the fact that music nowadays has become such an insignificant commodity that large portions of the world feel they don’t have to pay or support their fave artists.
In a Toyota Corolla world there’s not even a way to make the money back from touring, which is where most musicians have earned their keep during the last decade or so.
Truth be told it’d be so much easier if we just did away with money altogether. It’s a symbol of value, nothing more.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 04:30
Originally posted by JD JD wrote:

GOOD CHRIST MAN !!!!How do you even know what's in those piles?
Helpful hint...if you can get your hands on empty photocopy paper boxes, cut them down to 5" high. Wrap a piece of packing tape around the perimeter (approx one third of the way down for reinforcement) and place the CD's spine up. Makes seeing what you need easier and they are stackable and easy to move.

I use wooden 6 or 12 wine bottle crates and do not cut anything at all. This allows for placing other boxes above them and not resting on the Jewel cases or mini-lp formats. 
Alternatively, you could wine cardboard wine boxes as opposed to those all-too fragile Xerox boxes. Much sturdier (designed for the weight inside and protecting it from shocks) and ready for moving out

With a little DYI, those wooden boxes can be used as superposed shelves and the opened top of the crate downsized a bit to make an inner horizontal shelf . Well chosen boxes can make a quite decorative set up in your stereo/living room.

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 05:07
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Honestly, I don't really get the attitude that it has to be something material. I mean, OK, I love a nice LP cover, and the discussion about what sounds better is legit, but other than that, music is for the ears, and I want to pay the artists for their imagination and work, not the company that puts some vinyl or polycarbonate plastic in my place. The world is too full of stuff anyway. 

I agree with this almost word for word...yet keep buying cds. First of all I don’t trust the internet, external harddrives or a NAS. All those things can go wrong and have done so for me in the past. My buddy’s NAS broke down a little while ago and he lost a lot of music he supposedly couldn’t lose because of the bulletproof design .

This is why I have 2 external 1TB hard drives, one to back up the other, ever since one crapped out on me.


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 05:10
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Originally posted by JD JD wrote:

GOOD CHRIST MAN !!!!How do you even know what's in those piles?
Helpful hint...if you can get your hands on empty photocopy paper boxes, cut them down to 5" high. Wrap a piece of packing tape around the perimeter (approx one third of the way down for reinforcement) and place the CD's spine up. Makes seeing what you need easier and they are stackable and easy to move.

I use wooden 6 or 12 wine bottle crates and do not cut anything at all. This allows for placing other boxes above them and not resting on the Jewel cases or mini-lp formats. 
Alternatively, you could wine cardboard wine boxes as opposed to those all-too fragile Xerox boxes. Much sturdier (designed for the weight inside and protecting it from shocks) and ready for moving out

With a little DYI, those wooden boxes can be used as superposed shelves and the opened top of the crate downsized a bit to make an inner horizontal shelf . Well chosen boxes can make a quite decorative set up in your stereo/living room.

You could license the idea to IKEA for a flatpack version!

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Sean Trane
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 06:05
Originally posted by Progishness Progishness wrote:

Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Originally posted by JD JD wrote:

GOOD CHRIST MAN !!!!How do you even know what's in those piles?
Helpful hint...if you can get your hands on empty photocopy paper boxes, cut them down to 5" high. Wrap a piece of packing tape around the perimeter (approx one third of the way down for reinforcement) and place the CD's spine up. Makes seeing what you need easier and they are stackable and easy to move.

I use wooden 6 or 12 wine bottle crates and do not cut anything at all. This allows for placing other boxes above them and not resting on the Jewel cases or mini-lp formats. 
Alternatively, you could wine cardboard wine boxes as opposed to those all-too fragile Xerox boxes. Much sturdier (designed for the weight inside and protecting it from shocks) and ready for moving out

With a little DYI, those wooden boxes can be used as superposed shelves and the opened top of the crate downsized a bit to make an inner horizontal shelf . Well chosen boxes can make a quite decorative set up in your stereo/living room.

You could license the idea to IKEA for a flatpack version!

why would you pay an ugly multinational firm  for something when you can recuperate them for free from supermarkets? ConfusedWink

let's just stay above the moral melee
prefer the sink to the gutter
keep our sand-castle virtues
content to be a doer
as well as a thinker,
prefer lifting our pen
rather than un-sheath our sword

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 07:13
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

The photo's are from when we moved and I had refile them. They are actually in alphabetical piles from top left to bottom right. They are all now in cabinets in alphabetical order.

Thank God LOL.......Even I was experiencing anxiety attacks at your pics! 

This will blow your head up then. This was pre-packing before the move.


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 09:27
I really enjoy reading this thread, and big thumbs up for the pics some of you guys are posting. I’m making some mental notes regarding my own situation and what I might go for. One thing’s for certain though, I’m planning on adding a bit of colour to whatever I decide to go for..or merely buy something peacocky from the get-go.

Regarding the more serious pitfalls of this hobby, I think I fairly early on learned my lesson via Pink Floyd. Up until that point I was a man (small boy) possessed with the idea of owning everything by my fave artists. I then bought The Final Cut and A Momentary Lapse Of Reason..and quite frankly didn’t like them. The latter was a pale imitation of the music Infell in love with over Delicate Sound Of Thunder whilst the former made me want to listen to The Wall. Once in a while I spin those suckers and always end up feeling the same.
Since then I’ve also opened up to many different styles of space is limited...and perhaps more importantly: why would I want to own music that I never listen to?
That being said...I do know a few guys that own 7 or 8 “different” copies of Dark Side Of The Moon...and the rest of their collections pretty much follow suit....which basically is the secret recipe for entirely filling out a basement with but a mere 1000 albums

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 09:36
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

Originally posted by Lewian Lewian wrote:

Honestly, I don't really get the attitude that it has to be something material. I mean, OK, I love a nice LP cover, and the discussion about what sounds better is legit, but other than that, music is for the ears, and I want to pay the artists for their imagination and work, not the company that puts some vinyl or polycarbonate plastic in my place. The world is too full of stuff anyway. 

I agree with this almost word for word...yet keep buying cds. First of all I don’t trust the internet, external harddrives or a NAS. All those things can go wrong and have done so for me in the past. My buddy’s NAS broke down a little while ago and he lost a lot of music he supposedly couldn’t lose because of the bulletproof design .

This is why I have 2 external 1TB hard drives, one to back up the other, ever since one crapped out on me.

That is basically what a NAS is (I believe). Two external hardrives that mirror each other, so if one breaks down you still have all your data intact on the other unit...but like I mentioned, my buddy’s recently broke down, so I’m not entirely sure I trust the design yet.
I am however looking into something similar to hold all the MP3s of my cd library (over half of the collection hasn’t been ripped yet. Not exactly looking forward to the job ).

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 09:50
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

That is basically what a NAS is (I believe)." rel="nofollow -

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 10:01
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

I am however looking into something similar to hold all the MP3s of my cd library (over half of the collection hasn’t been ripped yet. Not exactly looking forward to the job ).

If you've got the hard drive space, then rip them to the lossless .FLAC format (to give near CD quality sound) instead of the 'lossy' MP3.  You'll be amazed at the difference in sound quality, especially if you've got a decent soundcard and some good speakers.  [I started this project (around 9,000 tracks ago) at the beginning of lockdown, and still haven't quite finished.]

Curiously I find that good old Windows Media Player is one of the simplest tools for ripping CD's, tho it can be done in most other media players/organisers (a bit of a pain to do in VLC I found).

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 10:02
^I am fairly incompetent when it comes to computers
Merely going by what I remember my buddy telling me.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 10:03
Well if you want any technical hints or tips, don't hesitate to ask me.

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 10:07
^thanks I appreciate it. I do have a few contacts but it’s nice to know that there are folks in the know here as well.
Regarding soundquality though: There’s no difference between FLAC and MP3 320
You can do a blindtest via Foobar2000 and many other similar platforms. Just remember to volume match the files before you do so. Or else the FLAC will be ever so slightly louder and effectively sound better. Louder always sounds better...even when we’re not registering the difference in volume.
I am a complete neanderthal when it comes to IT, but I spent a good amount of time down the Hi-Fi rabbithole until a friend of mine showed me the way out. He works at a professional sound studio and invited me in for some blindtesting sessions..and I am forever grateful. The FLAC vs MP3 320 though was something I did at home

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 10:32
Which actually brings up a pretty good subject: storage space.
If you like me, and probably many others out there, have compiled quite a vast collection of cds/LPs and want to digitalise the collection..without compromising the sound quality, it’s perfectly alright to use MP3 320 or AAC256 as both are transparent to the human ear. The ‘stuff’ that’s missing is already missing from the sound when you hear it in FLAC. It’s the sounds that are masked by the sounds that are much higher in amplitude. That’s at least a part of it as I recall
Anyhoo..when you have so many cds it invariably ends up at quite the storage space if you’re going for FLAC.

It’s also very deceptful out there. Certain audiophile streaming platforms fx are offering albums that genuinely sound ‘different’/better to what you’ll hear over something like a Spotify 320 connection....but it has nothing to do with the reasons they’re telling’s because the album is from a different master/mix/remaster..and well sometimes they cheat and implement a little DSP/EQ without letting you know.
So many reasons why many folks get audio nervosa..and it simply isn’t worth it. Science is on our side

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 10:42
Well my current rig has 2x2TB (internal) hard drives dedicated to media storage. To attach another hard drive I'd have to use a USB storage caddy - as I recall there is one lurking somewhere in my odds & sods cupboard.

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 10:55
I do awfully miss sitting in front of a computer now that I think of it. It’d be so much more comfortable visiting PA over my iPhone that I am using now.
Definitely high on the to-get list and I need something similar to what you’ve got methinks. I am planning on visiting my “IT-buddy” over the summer, who also happens to be an old friend of mine, and I figure he can lead me the way

And now for something completely different:
I am getting a little tired of ‘unusually designed’ cd “cases”. Holy moly! Trying to fit those suckers in with the rest of the collection is like placing a sausage between two carrots. May look great but they are often too tall to fit on the shelf. Some of them are like small labyrinths you need to navigate before you reach a cd wedged hard down inside what looks like the back of a book. Every time you take the cd out you scratch it a little bit. Smartypants

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 11:06
For a desktop model it's much better to go for a custom build tower unit (which mine is) as anything 'off the shelf' tends to lack features - even an optical drive is considered an optional extra nowadays - personally I couldn't live without one!

Those speakers are by Creative by the way, and pack a real punch!" rel="nofollow -

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 11:12
I meant a similar storaging solution I’m a looong ways from building my own computer
Plus I really only use a PC for frequenting PA and surfing the net. I don’t game or anything similar.

Thanks for the link to the speakers

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 11:13
I did not mention in my OP how many digital downloads/albums I have, which is about 3,000 albums mainly in hi-res 24bit as well some DSD albums. These are not cheap relative to the cost of mp3 or iTunes downloads, but I'm more into the sound quality and not wanting to miss out on music that has been truncated from 16bit/24bit to a low fi mp3, I might as well listen to the AM radio.....Confused.

Sitting down to listen to music for ME is an experience I want to enjoy, not to just pass the time. I work from home and music plays 10 hours a day via all my digital albums on shuffle play, it's 100% background music. But come Friday/Saturday night around 7pm, I sit on the sofa in front of the analog rig, pull out 5-6 records and spin them with 100% attention devoted to the music and emotions coming from the speakers.

I don't care about physical space when it comes to my music collection, I doubt I get anywhere near the 1200 albums I had before since many of our beloved artists are dying or retiring. And it's not like in the past where I auto bought albums, more picky today. I probably have enough space to hold 3,000 records in my music room, my wife would have no problem with me amassing such a collection and building a wall of shelves. She totally understand that I love music and its been in my life since before I was 10....but I am one that stresses when I dig thru my bins and go "dang have not heard that in 2yrs!!" As well I am one that will spin DSOtM, Moving Pictures, LZ 1,2,3,4 once a month....brilliant music is brilliant music. Clap



Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 11:19
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

I meant a similar storaging solution I’m a looong ways from building my own computer
Plus I really only use a PC for frequenting PA and surfing the net. I don’t game or anything similar.

Thanks for the link to the speakers

Just to clarify that tower unit was built by my local friendly computer shop - I used do self builds, but can't be arsed nowadays.

The speakers cost about £120 (2 years ago) which is a bargain considering the sound quality that comes out of them.

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 11:21
^^There are plenty of things where we disagree José, but I still love you buddy
Especially when you say sweet things about the music that we both love so dearly. I’m the same. Off-time is basically my music time..and it never gets old. I never tire of listening to music. On any given day I can locate a shiny disc that will send me off to Goosebumps City

Edith: If I ever find that I am being forced out of my apartment by the sheer size of my’s probably the right time to find a house

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 11:47
[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 12:10
When I get on a roll without distractions I can rip 10-12 CD's per hour.

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 12:12
Originally posted by Sean Trane Sean Trane wrote:

Originally posted by JD JD wrote:

GOOD CHRIST MAN !!!!How do you even know what's in those piles?
Helpful hint...if you can get your hands on empty photocopy paper boxes, cut them down to 5" high. Wrap a piece of packing tape around the perimeter (approx one third of the way down for reinforcement) and place the CD's spine up. Makes seeing what you need easier and they are stackable and easy to move.

I use wooden 6 or 12 wine bottle crates and do not cut anything at all. This allows for placing other boxes above them and not resting on the Jewel cases or mini-lp formats. 
Alternatively, you could wine cardboard wine boxes as opposed to those all-too fragile Xerox boxes. Much sturdier (designed for the weight inside and protecting it from shocks) and ready for moving out

With a little DYI, those wooden boxes can be used as superposed shelves and the opened top of the crate downsized a bit to make an inner horizontal shelf . Well chosen boxes can make a quite decorative set up in your stereo/living room.

Can you show me pictures of this wine box concept?
Also, I don't stack them. I have them sitting on a rack in my office.
Many of them are several years old so they hold up well enough to keep them semi-organized.
I just slide it forward and tip it down to read the spines and extract the CD's.

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 12:13
I obviously need some secretaries

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: rik wilson
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 13:06
I got excited seeing everybodies' devotion to their music collection. Having managed three record stores between 1970 and 1981 in Columbia,S. C. and Houston,Tx.; I have accumulated a good collection, as well. I have two rooms for my music and my collection. I have about 7,000 cds (4,000 prog);4,000 lps; and 800 mix tapes of current  purchases from 1976-2009. Now, I just make mix tapes of  prog- I'm up to part 158 so far.
 My largest single artist collections are KING CRIMSON ( 325 ) ; SOFT MACHINE and splinter bands ( 191 ) and PINK FLOYD ( 247 ).Sort of a completeist on these groups. I started with Mersybeat,then 60's garage pre-psychedelic,San Francisco psychedelic.Detriot early 70's metal bands, glam rock, space rock, and PROG of all avenues.Fortunately my stores carried import albums and provided a broad base education.I love music and I LOVE to play music...currently I'm B. WILDERED (esoteric ,space,psychedelia ) and  A RAT KNEES (acid punk with a loud metal edge ).

Posted By: Nogbad_The_Bad
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 13:07
Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

I obviously need some secretaries

Administrative Assistant is the correct term these days. LOL


Host of the Post-Avant Jazzcore Happy Hour on

Posted By: Guldbamsen
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 13:20

I’ve given up on titles. The children I work with are constantly given new titles/names/categories.

“The Guide says there is an art to flying or rather a knack. The knack lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.”

- Douglas Adams

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 15:24
Originally posted by Nogbad_The_Bad Nogbad_The_Bad wrote:

Originally posted by Guldbamsen Guldbamsen wrote:

I obviously need some secretaries

Administrative Assistant is the correct term these days. LOL

"....just bring me a cup of black coffee, hang up my coat and hat and tell everyone I'm in meetings till 4PM...."


Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 15:41
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile


Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 16:07
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 16:48
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 
No lecture, I had too many happy laughs for it to be a lecture in my post. More a mathematical schooling than a lecture on your collection.
That math is what keeps me from going looney-toons and buying all the albums I see in the store. At some point I know there would be albums I would not listen to more than 2x. There are people I know that have dbl what we all have put together in just records.....I have a buddy who has 7,000 LPs, sure there are duplicates but that may only be around 300-400 of the lot. He admits there is stuff he has forgotten about that he has, he has one 12x14 room dedicated to holding his records on floor to ceiling shelves....Insane!!!
He also admits he only listens to about 10% of the collection within a year span.....That's uber money to be sitting on shelves. 

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.


Posted By: Grumpyprogfan
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 17:09
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.
First thing I do is smell the new disc. Part of the ritual. Is it called a doobie anymore?

Posted By: Lewian
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 17:27
Originally posted by Grumpyprogfan Grumpyprogfan wrote:

Anyone ever own Digital compact cassette, DAT (Digital Audio Tape), or Super Audio CD's or MiniDiscs? 

More formats that are extinct. 

MiniDisc here... at one point it seemed a wise move to use them for the stuff I had used cassettes for before, like recording from the radio, doing mixes, exchange of out own music. This didn't really work out, or, say, only for one or two years, except that I used an MD-Recorder for field recordings for quite some time. The most annoying thing was that when I got my Vortexbox, the bloody MiniDisc recorder, despite digital in principle, would not allow to export to any other digital format directly, so that I could not just copy the MiniDisc music there without going analog in between.

Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: June 10 2021 at 17:43
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 
No lecture, I had too many happy laughs for it to be a lecture in my post. More a mathematical schooling than a lecture on your collection.
That math is what keeps me from going looney-toons and buying all the albums I see in the store. At some point I know there would be albums I would not listen to more than 2x. There are people I know that have dbl what we all have put together in just records.....I have a buddy who has 7,000 LPs, sure there are duplicates but that may only be around 300-400 of the lot. He admits there is stuff he has forgotten about that he has, he has one 12x14 room dedicated to holding his records on floor to ceiling shelves....Insane!!!
He also admits he only listens to about 10% of the collection within a year span.....That's uber money to be sitting on shelves. 

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.

Well, a schooling is more or less the same as a lecture. Trying to teach someone or shame them. Anyway, there's people who have way more than I do on here so go give them the math homework too.Wink That figure 6,000 was my upper limit. I'm not even there yet anyway. However, I see where you are coming from so I might change it to 5,000 or 4,000. We'll see. I'll probably wind up selling a bunch of stuff anyway. I have a lot of stuff I bought for really cheap(mostly prog metal)that I haven't even really listened to much. The stuff I don't plan on keeping I'll sell(if possible)and the rest I'll keep. So far most of it is crap. Lol. Anyway, please no more math! Wink

So having a collection that is too big you might not get to hear everything enough but if it's too small you get sick of hearing the same stuff all time. I guess you just can't win. Confused

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 09:13
Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 
No lecture, I had too many happy laughs for it to be a lecture in my post. More a mathematical schooling than a lecture on your collection.
That math is what keeps me from going looney-toons and buying all the albums I see in the store. At some point I know there would be albums I would not listen to more than 2x. There are people I know that have dbl what we all have put together in just records.....I have a buddy who has 7,000 LPs, sure there are duplicates but that may only be around 300-400 of the lot. He admits there is stuff he has forgotten about that he has, he has one 12x14 room dedicated to holding his records on floor to ceiling shelves....Insane!!!
He also admits he only listens to about 10% of the collection within a year span.....That's uber money to be sitting on shelves. 

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.

Well, a schooling is more or less the same as a lecture. Trying to teach someone or shame them. Anyway, there's people who have way more than I do on here so go give them the math homework too.Wink That figure 6,000 was my upper limit. I'm not even there yet anyway. However, I see where you are coming from so I might change it to 5,000 or 4,000. We'll see. I'll probably wind up selling a bunch of stuff anyway. I have a lot of stuff I bought for really cheap(mostly prog metal)that I haven't even really listened to much. The stuff I don't plan on keeping I'll sell(if possible)and the rest I'll keep. So far most of it is crap. Lol. Anyway, please no more math! Wink

So having a collection that is too big you might not get to hear everything enough but if it's too small you get sick of hearing the same stuff all time. I guess you just can't win. Confused
Don't be so sensitive, we are talking about music not about how many guns, cars, motorcycles or houses we own. 
Trying to shame youConfusedConfused??? I don't think so........If you feel that way then don't go over to other music sites where this topic of how much music is too much is very popular discussion, but nobody feels shamed or schooled or lectured on how much they own or don't own for that matter. 
Like I said, me having dbl or triple what I currently have would be easy but I am more into I want to listen to my collection not just look at it. Please don't take that as how I feel about you having 4-6,000 pc collection, whether you play it all or look at it all is your decision. 

Just chill dude...go play some music!!! Clap


Posted By: AFlowerKingCrimson
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 09:38
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

Originally posted by AFlowerKingCrimson AFlowerKingCrimson wrote:

[which is about 3,000 albums]

Hmmmm, let's see 3000 albums means how many hours times ten plus five subract three and then divide by seven? Tongue
LOL........although since these are all my digital downloads and I shuffle play at least 10 hours a day and don't pay much attention to what is playing........ummm I don't care!! Big smile

Yes, but you still might only hear YYZ every once in a while and not as often as you want. Tongue

I just find it funny how you were lecturing me about excess and you yourself have over 3000 albums. 
No lecture, I had too many happy laughs for it to be a lecture in my post. More a mathematical schooling than a lecture on your collection.
That math is what keeps me from going looney-toons and buying all the albums I see in the store. At some point I know there would be albums I would not listen to more than 2x. There are people I know that have dbl what we all have put together in just records.....I have a buddy who has 7,000 LPs, sure there are duplicates but that may only be around 300-400 of the lot. He admits there is stuff he has forgotten about that he has, he has one 12x14 room dedicated to holding his records on floor to ceiling shelves....Insane!!!
He also admits he only listens to about 10% of the collection within a year span.....That's uber money to be sitting on shelves. 

I don't consider my digital collection part of my "collection", since you can't see it, touch it, hold it, smell it or roll doobies on it.

Well, a schooling is more or less the same as a lecture. Trying to teach someone or shame them. Anyway, there's people who have way more than I do on here so go give them the math homework too.Wink That figure 6,000 was my upper limit. I'm not even there yet anyway. However, I see where you are coming from so I might change it to 5,000 or 4,000. We'll see. I'll probably wind up selling a bunch of stuff anyway. I have a lot of stuff I bought for really cheap(mostly prog metal)that I haven't even really listened to much. The stuff I don't plan on keeping I'll sell(if possible)and the rest I'll keep. So far most of it is crap. Lol. Anyway, please no more math! Wink

So having a collection that is too big you might not get to hear everything enough but if it's too small you get sick of hearing the same stuff all time. I guess you just can't win. Confused
Don't be so sensitive, we are talking about music not about how many guns, cars, motorcycles or houses we own. 
Trying to shame youConfusedConfused??? I don't think so........If you feel that way then don't go over to other music sites where this topic of how much music is too much is very popular discussion, but nobody feels shamed or schooled or lectured on how much they own or don't own for that matter. 
Like I said, me having dbl or triple what I currently have would be easy but I am more into I want to listen to my collection not just look at it. Please don't take that as how I feel about you having 4-6,000 pc collection, whether you play it all or look at it all is your decision. 

Just chill dude...go play some music!!! Clap

No, I'm not upset I just thought you came across as a little preachy that's all. Certainly not the only one on here. Heck, I'm sure I come across that way sometimes too. LOL I'm perfectly ok with having some stuff that I only listen to maybe once or twice a year at the most(or even once every other year) so it's not a big deal to me. I'm big into variety and not just prog so for that reason I like to have a lot of options. I can't say how big I want my collection to get but I don't want it to be too big(but not too small either). Like I said before I currently have a lot of stuff that isn't that good(and or not rated highly)and so at some point I will probably be getting rid of a lot of stuff so I can make room for more. YOu did get me to reconsider how much I want though so maybe I'll just stick with around 5,000 instead of 6,000. Tell you what though. Go to the gnosis website(gnosis2000) click on statistics and see how many albums those guys have. It won't tell you how many records they have but it says how many ratings they did and some of them have rated upwards of 10,000 and one who did over 30,000.

Posted By: progaardvark
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 10:49
The thing with all these numbers is when you approach thousands and thousands of LPs, I sometimes wonder if the floor supporting it can handle the load. Obviously it would if your on your bottom level with a concrete slab underneath, but upper floors do have some weight limits. Isn't it something like 40 pounds per square foot? 

So, if anyone is pushing that limit, it might be worth spreading the collection out across several rooms or doubling up the floor joists to increase the load support.

i'm shopping for a new oil-cured sinus bag
that's a happy bag of lettuce
this car smells like cartilage
nothing beats a good video about fractions

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 11:04
Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

[EDIT] Isn't it something like 40 pounds per square foot? 

God I hope not, Think about a single body standing in one spot. You take up about 1 sq/ft of 'land'. This is sometimes called 'point loading'. I'm sure regular household dwellings have something like 150 lb/sq/ft load capability anyway (I could look it up but I just cut the lawn and I'm really hot). But also if you think about how most people store their collections, most are in shelves or racks along a wall. Being 'close to the edge' Wink the floor joists have a much better load capability than out in the middle somewhere.

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 11:34
Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

...we are talking about music, not about how many guns, cars, motorcycles or houses we own. 
I don't own any guns, cars, motorcycles or houses, but I do own around 3,000 CD's, although only 568 of those albums are listed on ProgArchives, and considering they're all safely stored Close to the Edge of the walls on the upper floors, there's always room to acquire more.  Smile

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 12:40
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

...we are talking about music, not about how many guns, cars, motorcycles or houses we own. 
I don't own any guns, cars, motorcycles or houses, but I do own around 3,000 CD's, although only 568 of those albums are listed on ProgArchives, and considering they're all safely stored Close to the Edge of the walls on the upper floors, there's always room to acquire more.  Smile

Wow that's some cataloguing system if you know it's precisely 568!  [I'm impressed.]

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: Catcher10
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 13:06
Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

...we are talking about music, not about how many guns, cars, motorcycles or houses we own. 
I don't own any guns, cars, motorcycles or houses, but I do own around 3,000 CD's, although only 568 of those albums are listed on ProgArchives, and considering they're all safely stored Close to the Edge of the walls on the upper floors, there's always room to acquire more.  Smile

I would say maybe 60% of my records are porg-porg related, the balance is jazz, classic rock, R&B/Funk and blues.


Posted By: Psychedelic Paul
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 13:18
Originally posted by Progishness Progishness wrote:

Originally posted by Psychedelic Paul Psychedelic Paul wrote:

Originally posted by Catcher10 Catcher10 wrote:

...we are talking about music, not about how many guns, cars, motorcycles or houses we own. 
I don't own any guns, cars, motorcycles or houses, but I do own around 3,000 CD's, although only 568 of those albums are listed on ProgArchives, and considering they're all safely stored Close to the Edge of the walls on the upper floors, there's always room to acquire more.  Smile

Wow that's some cataloguing system if you know it's precisely 568!  [I'm impressed.]
Not only I have I counted them, I've catalogued my entire prog collection too on Page 1 of this thread, although I've still yet to acquire any Neo Prog, as Essex Boy in Wales reminded me.  Smile

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 13:21
I used to keep databases of my physical music collection (starting back in the 1970's with cardfiles) before eventually transferring it all into a digital database, but now the bulk of my collection is in a well organise digital format, I don't really bother with creating spreadsheets or databases any more.

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

Posted By: JD
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 14:12
Originally posted by Progishness Progishness wrote:

I used to keep databases of my physical music collection (starting back in the 1970's with cardfiles) before eventually transferring it all into a digital database, but now the bulk of my collection is in a well organise digital format, I don't really bother with creating spreadsheets or databases any more.
Ahhh, card files. Now there's some nostalgia !
I certainly don't catalogue my digital collection, but my physical ones I have on an Excel sheet with cat #'s, price paid (when known), value as per discogs, and any interesting notes regard the item (signed, coloured or special packaging etc.)

Thank you for supporting independently produced music

Posted By: Progishness
Date Posted: June 11 2021 at 14:15
Yep, one card per album (including the track listing, label + catalogue number, release date, and any other details I deemed to be relevant), or two cards per double album.

"We're going to need a bigger swear jar."

Chloë Grace Moretz as Mindy McCready aka 'Hit Girl' in Kick-Ass 2

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