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Tillerman88 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Tillerman88 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2019 at 03:45
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Dark psychology has to do with hypnotizing humanity to forget the cosmic laws of the universe. 
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

This furthermore connotates a universal cause and effect known as the wheel of karma however it is very prevelent that those who allow themselves to be controlled are also using their freewill in this case to avoid responsbility but are still karmically responsible for the actions they carry out whether they understand it or not   ................

Sorry but "hypnotising humanity" does not apply to those allowing themselves to be controlled (unless you intended to mean unconsciously allowing themselves to be controlled.) 
Would you please explain this incongruence?

Edited by Tillerman88 - August 10 2019 at 03:55
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Frenetic Zetetic View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frenetic Zetetic Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 10 2019 at 03:34
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I'll try to keep this short since i can easily go on a tangent :)

Fiendish Freuds works for me! (good 1! HI 5 ;)

Climate change is related to dark psychology because the drive to keep the power differntials in place results in keeping technologies centralized so that those who have been in power can remain so.

Dark psychology has to do with hypnotizing humanity to forget the cosmic laws of the universe. Natural law is the universal, non-humanmade, binding and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior.

Natural law is a body of universal spiritual laws which act as the governing dynmaics of consciousness.

Historically those who have held the secrets of spirtual laws have kept them from the masses in order to give them a power differntial over the majority of humanity and have used these to reign with impugnity.

The methods of centralized power control are the polluting forces of the planet that are destroying it. 

All solutions such as free energy and the like have been invented long ago therefore science is not the issue at hand. It is the power differential that disallows greener technologies from being implemented.

These power differentials result from one side, the elite, believing they are superior and sent here to control us, therefore disillusion and greed are the driving forces of consciousness (thus dark or evil or service to self)

The other side of the equation is the majority of humans that buy into the systems of control ie. governments, corporations etc that have been calling the shots. This results from a sense of inferiiority. 

The dark psychologists are masters of wielding these mind games and creating "daddy" issues for the masses who need to look to a higher power to survive because the majority lacks the vital knowledge of these univeresal principles.

It is therefore imperitive for the survival of the planet for the masses to understand the occult laws and principles that have been kept from them in order to balance out the power differential into one that is an even playing field and only then can we implement the more sustainable ways of living on this planet.

In short, climate change and other environmental issues are a SYMPTOM of this psychological and spiritual war that is coming to a final showdown therefore the solution is to de-occult the world so that the masses can take back their power which will result in a restructuring of all systems.

I apologize if my years of research condensed into short rants doesn't resonate. It's not exactly easy to condense a wealth of connecting the dots into a few blurbs. Hopefully i gave you somewhat of a clue where i'm coming from. This is why i don't chime in too often on topics like this but it is becoming more essential than ever that humanity breaks free from the clutches of those who have steered us for waaaaaay too long.


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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2019 at 21:00
^^ btw natural law can be an ambiguous term. In the true sense it means respecting free will and the rights of others. Rights are actions that do no harm to other sentient beings. It can all be boiled down to a single commandment. DO NOT STEAL. Do not steal another's life (kill), another's security (rape or trespassing), another's property (theft), etc. This furthermore connotates a universal cause and effect known as the wheel of karma however it is very prevelent that those who allow themselves to be controlled are also using their freewill in this case to avoid responsbility but are still karmically responsible for the actions they carry out whether they understand it or not much the same as if you jump over a cliff that the laws of grivity will dictate your fate regardless of belief, intent etc
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2019 at 20:31
I'll try to keep this short since i can easily go on a tangent :)

Fiendish Freuds works for me! (good 1! HI 5 ;)

Climate change is related to dark psychology because the drive to keep the power differntials in place results in keeping technologies centralized so that those who have been in power can remain so.

Dark psychology has to do with hypnotizing humanity to forget the cosmic laws of the universe. Natural law is the universal, non-humanmade, binding and immutable conditions that govern the consequences of behavior.

Natural law is a body of universal spiritual laws which act as the governing dynmaics of consciousness.

Historically those who have held the secrets of spirtual laws have kept them from the masses in order to give them a power differntial over the majority of humanity and have used these to reign with impugnity.

The methods of centralized power control are the polluting forces of the planet that are destroying it. 

All solutions such as free energy and the like have been invented long ago therefore science is not the issue at hand. It is the power differential that disallows greener technologies from being implemented.

These power differentials result from one side, the elite, believing they are superior and sent here to control us, therefore disillusion and greed are the driving forces of consciousness (thus dark or evil or service to self)

The other side of the equation is the majority of humans that buy into the systems of control ie. governments, corporations etc that have been calling the shots. This results from a sense of inferiiority. 

The dark psychologists are masters of wielding these mind games and creating "daddy" issues for the masses who need to look to a higher power to survive because the majority lacks the vital knowledge of these univeresal principles.

It is therefore imperitive for the survival of the planet for the masses to understand the occult laws and principles that have been kept from them in order to balance out the power differential into one that is an even playing field and only then can we implement the more sustainable ways of living on this planet.

In short, climate change and other environmental issues are a SYMPTOM of this psychological and spiritual war that is coming to a final showdown therefore the solution is to de-occult the world so that the masses can take back their power which will result in a restructuring of all systems.

I apologize if my years of research condensed into short rants doesn't resonate. It's not exactly easy to condense a wealth of connecting the dots into a few blurbs. Hopefully i gave you somewhat of a clue where i'm coming from. This is why i don't chime in too often on topics like this but it is becoming more essential than ever that humanity breaks free from the clutches of those who have steered us for waaaaaay too long.
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Polymorphia View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Polymorphia Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 09 2019 at 18:35
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

To quote the Vorlons from Babylon 5..." Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.'"

I suspect that the truth isn't completely on one side at all but more in the middle somewhere.
But regarding 'climate change', I find it very hard to think that humans are not affecting the climate and atmosphere on earth since the beginning of the Industrial Age. We have been pouring garbage into the air and water and on the earth itself for at least 200 years...we certainly must have affected some patterns and environmental aspects by now. Whether or not it's causing the level of change some think it must be causing more than what the naysayers think.

Well put. Keep in mind i've only been debunking CO2 as the culprit behind the changes. The reason i feel this is important is because it takes the focus off the things that REALLY ARE doing the most damage to the Earth's biosphere. Humans are definately causing the sixth mass extinction. Without a doubt. However if we want to solve these problems we need to focus less on recycling and fictitious schemes such as a new green deals through the likes of the governments of the world and rather learn how dark psychologists have tricked we the people of the earth into giving consent to our indentured servitude. This requires leaning natural or cosmic laws that govern morality much like physics dictates the laws of gravity, electromagnetism etc. The occult hierarchies have known these principles for millennia and have chosen to use them to dumb us down into slaves. It is impossible to delve into TRUE solutions of envirnomental destruction without tackling these more personal metaphysical principles therefore envirnomental destruction is a symptom of collective aggregate cosmic moral laws being ignored. 
I am rather lost as to how you would draw a throughline between these sinister shrinks and climate change. Are you arguing that climate change is a physical process that has physical causes rooted in our decision making processes which are somehow guided by these fiendish Freuds? Or that these wicked trick cyclists are affecting natural processes directly? If CO2 is not affecting the environment as you say, then how would you propose humanity is affecting the environment?

(Sorry if the euphemisms seem condescending; "dark psychologist" just seemed to be ripe for nicknames)
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dr wu23 View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote dr wu23 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 08 2019 at 11:39
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

To quote the Vorlons from Babylon 5..." Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.'"

I suspect that the truth isn't completely on one side at all but more in the middle somewhere.
But regarding 'climate change', I find it very hard to think that humans are not affecting the climate and atmosphere on earth since the beginning of the Industrial Age. We have been pouring garbage into the air and water and on the earth itself for at least 200 years...we certainly must have affected some patterns and environmental aspects by now. Whether or not it's causing the level of change some think it must be causing more than what the naysayers think.

Well put. Keep in mind i've only been debunking CO2 as the culprit behind the changes. The reason i feel this is important is because it takes the focus off the things that REALLY ARE doing the most damage to the Earth's biosphere. Humans are definately causing the sixth mass extinction. Without a doubt. However if we want to solve these problems we need to focus less on recycling and fictitious schemes such as a new green deals through the likes of the governments of the world and rather learn how dark psychologists have tricked we the people of the earth into giving consent to our indentured servitude. This requires leaning natural or cosmic laws that govern morality much like physics dictates the laws of gravity, electromagnetism etc. The occult hierarchies have known these principles for millennia and have chosen to use them to dumb us down into slaves. It is impossible to delve into TRUE solutions of envirnomental destruction without tackling these more personal metaphysical principles therefore envirnomental destruction is a symptom of collective aggregate cosmic moral laws being ignored. 

I simply don't know enough about CO2 to say what it's current and future impact is but I don't think that proposing global warming and climate change is  some kind of hoax by scientists as many right wing conservatives think. I have no doubt we are affecting the planet....but how much and when will it be too late is certainly open to question. I do think we need to look hard into the matter without bias from either camp.

Regarding the 'dark psychologists' , 'occult hierarchies' , and 'metaphysics', and 'cosmic moral laws'.......that is an esoteric ( 'out there') approach and one I don't think is very amenable to basic least on an everyday level since most people are simply not up for such 'deep issues'.
While such esoteric  things certainly affect the human condition, depending on one's philosophy/ideology, I'm not sure in the immediate time frame it can be of help to solve the pollution issues facing us now.
I think I understand what you are driving at ( I have spent some time in the past delving into various occult and metaphysics) though I suspect some would think you are falling down the rabbit hole by invoking such strange  aspects.

Edited by dr wu23 - August 08 2019 at 11:47
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Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Just curious, what field do you work in? Obviously there is a great deal of bona fide science out there changing the world for the better. However it is limited to the minuscual perceptions of the human senses and imagination. Scientists like Rupert Sheldrake are revolutionary in bridging the physical with the metaphysical. While it's true that the spirtual realms cannot be measured with the same means as something tangible on the periodic table or the energic displays governed by the known laws of physics, much can be deduced by pure logic and mathematical reason similar to existential quandaries such as the square root of negative numbers.

I'm a statistician. This puts me in the nice position to have collaborated with scientists from many fields (not climate science though). Statistics is hard, even for statisticians, and it's quite essential for science. I have seen much wrong statistics in science, and that doesn't even touch the issue of the trustworthiness of the data.

One thing that I wanted to add is that science is essentially a social, collaborative and communicative endeavour. The idea that one person can get to the bottom of things on their own can't work. The amount of established scientific knowledge is huge. Ultimately we can't make all the observations and evaluations on our own. What we believe relies always to a big extent on trust. We trust some sources and informations and discard others, or we can't find anything to believe.

Science is also paradoxical. On one hand science relies on critical thinking and on the rejection of dogma, but on the other hand it is impossible to get at the level of proper understanding what goes on without accepting some things that a single person can't check on their own. So science needs to encourage controversy, but there needs to be a limit in order to make it possible to move forward, find out something new, draw consequences.
The human nature will always get in the way of proper science; people can make money and get famous if they claim the right things. Science is vulnerable to meddling interests and also to plain human stupidity, psychology and egoism. However, science is huge and many people contribute to it, and science has always the potential to call out a manipulator.  Within science, we need to fight for this and cannot take for granted that it will happen, but I don't think a one-man-band from outside has good chances to do better. We need to listen and to encourage controversy but at the same time we will always try to build on what's already there, and it is no surprise that people who do that sometimes react dismissive to those who attemptto tear down what is seen as fundamental. I have seen my fair share of corruption and egoism in science, but usually in such cases there is dissent, and often that dissent may win or at least survive. My perception from the inside is very, very different from the idea that this is all guided by some more or less hidden world elite. Science gets things wrong, at least temporarily, but it still has some mechanisms to correct itself or at least allow pluralism until things are sorted out.

By the way, I'm not an expert of Rupert Sheldrake's work, and I was probably too negative in my earlier posting. He has some very interesting stuff, and I do realise that some people try to defend their position by discrediting him, often in unfair or stupid ways. However to positively establish his morphic resonance ideas he won't succeed as a "loner against the establishment" and rightly so, because science is communicative and he needs to be convincing. He needs to get through to those who are open enough, and in science you will find them (if what you present is convincing enough).

I have by the way similar experiences pointing out the weak statistical arguments behind some of the key works that were used to convince the world that homeopathy is no good. Many scientists don't like that (homeopathy is among the top belief systems to be branded "pseudoscience") and I had to deal with a good number of ignorant counterarguments, all by otherwise intelligent scientists. People would try to convince me that positive studies that I had seen either don't exist or are methodologically flawed without having read them. However, that homeopathy is criticised unfairly doesn't make it true, and you can find as much ignorance on the other side.

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Frenetic Zetetic View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Frenetic Zetetic Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 08 2019 at 02:29
Originally posted by Easy Money Easy Money wrote:

When it comes to man's pollution and its effect on the earth, you basically have two different camps:

1) politicians like trump and many others, and the corporate interests they represent, for instance oil and coal.

2) meteorologists, in other words people who were so interested in climate as a young person that they decided to make it their living and they are so competent in this endeavor that they can actually make a living at it. Its not politics that attracts people to meteorology, its an interest in how the world works.

Personally I find the second group to have a lot more integrity regarding this issue.

Great! I absolutely agree! However, there's one problem: the reality of human behavior when under stress.
If your mortgage payment, children's financial future, and your personal debt/financial freedom hinged on not losing your much would you prioritize stretching/obscuring/going along to get along to avoid being homeless...?

Those "very vested interests" you're appealing to go both ways. Everyone loves to claim humans are selfish, but everyone conveniently forgets that goes both ways. People do insane sh*t to protect their money on both sides of the coin.

I'm not asserting this is objectively happening, but to present it in a dichotomy like that and act as if one is a clearly more rational path to "truth" is, well, irrational in its own premise.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote NutterAlert Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2019 at 12:08
what a strange thread....

I feel sorry for the Earth, the goldilocks planet, maybe the only planet with life on it (although the moon has life now the Israeli's have crash landed a load of Tardigrades there). You'd have thought in such an amazing place the inhabitants would live in peace and harmony 

I subscribe to Douglas Adams "B Ark" plan... but they would have to be a f**king enormous vessels to fit in the extremists, brexiteers, murderers, rapists, nationalists, racists, hairdressers, telephone sanitisers, marketing executives and all politicians....

then the Earth would be a happier place and the Tardigrades would breathe more easily 
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Easy Money Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2019 at 11:52
When it comes to man's pollution and its effect on the earth, you basically have two different camps:

1) politicians like trump and many others, and the corporate interests they represent, for instance oil and coal.

2) meteorologists, in other words people who were so interested in climate as a young person that they decided to make it their living and they are so competent in this endeavor that they can actually make a living at it. Its not politics that attracts people to meteorology, its an interest in how the world works.

Personally I find the second group to have a lot more integrity regarding this issue.
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siLLy puPPy View Drop Down
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2019 at 09:34
^ certainly can't defend anything the Heartland Institute has done. Presented his video simply as a source of info that many others also share. If i had time i'd do a better job at presenting a more thorough case study of why i've come to my conclusions. I'll save that for my own website but you are correct to bring that up because involvement in any shady institution raises red flags and dilutes the message.
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote Easy Money Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2019 at 09:17
I think Don Easterbrook and the Heartland Institute would be about the last place to get un-biased information. They are just defenders of corporate interests and industrial pollution for short term profit (expensive clean up comes later). Defending tobacco corporations is about as low as it gets in corporate defense.
Easterbrook did not defend the tobacco tycoons, but that is the kind of work Heartland does and endorses, anything for profit.

Edited by Easy Money - August 07 2019 at 09:19
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2019 at 08:15
^ unfortunately you have to explore past the scant links and videos i presented to come to these conclusions. That video by Easterbrook was a public hearing not designed to really be on the internet. It would be nice if someone made a comprehensive comparison between the different claims with all the data cited and how it was obtained. 

Personally i don't "believe" anything per se, i simply operate under a spectrum of probabilities and those change as new verifiable data is presented and then there's always doubt in if it's accurate or tainted or whatever.

It may seem i have overcomplicated this but dealing with Earth sciences is very much like dealing with a human being. Everything is connected. The nervous system and the endocrine system work in tandem. Same with the climate, geology and other subtle planetary functions that we haven't even named yet. Unfortunately these rabbitholes take you into the world of metaphysics since the driving force of anthropogenic changes is clearly based in psychology.

To understand NASA you have to listen to whistleblowers who have spilled the beans about the black budget projects and that is beyond the scope of this thread. I plan on compiling all this info on my own website so no need to get too deep here however as it stands now i'm just not convinced that CO2 is the major culprit in planetary climate change at least not at the dangerous levels it is purported to be and for sure there are NO POLITICIANS who will solve this. Government is slavery.
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China emits more C02 than America and EU combined.   How would increasing American's CO2 taxes stop China from emitting CO2?   Remember, China gives millions to democrat and republican members of congress.   
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote progaardvark Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2019 at 05:40
Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

Originally posted by progaardvark progaardvark wrote:

^Here is Keith Strong's credentials:

The source of these videos is Keith Strong's own YouTube channel:

I'll certainly check into more of his claims but those videos didn't convince me. Merely refuting without giving sources doesn't resonate with me.

OK, point taken. Where are Easterbrook's graphs taken from? Point to me where in the peer-reviewed literature he obtained these from. He provides no references to any articles in his presentation and gives no sources as to where his graphs are from.

But since we're talking about credentials, doesn't Easterbook's association with the Heartland Institute set off red flags in your head? It sure does in mine.

Everything registers red flags in my world. It's just another consideration but not necessarily a creditential breaker. No organization is pure. I'm sure there have been mistsakes made but his associations extend far beyond that one institution. Organisations are fluid entities with different members carrying out different agendas.

Does it matter that the Heartland Institute received a good chunk of it's funding from the fossil fuel industry? I don't know, it bothers me.

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

I could go on ad infinitum about these topics but many things dude rebutted (and he is far from the only one who has tried) were mixing apples and oranges. 

Is it apples and oranges when Strong shows clearly that Easterbrook is cherry-picking data in his graphs? It's curious how so many of them stopped in 1998. Several times Strong shows graphs over a longer period of time that show the exact opposite of what Easterbrook claims.

This was the guy who predicted global cooling was just around the corner. 18 years ago!

I don't think he clearly pointed out anything. Showing graphs and talking isn't citing sources, getting into the rational behind the conclusions. Easterbrook's conclusions can be explored further whereas this guy's can't be just by these videos anyways.

I don't recall seeing Easterbrook cite any sources in his presentation. Easterbrook did the same thing. He showed graphs and talked. I will agree that Easterbook's conclusions can be explored further because there are plenty of debunking sites that show he is wrong.

Let me add one more thing. I did look over Eastbrook's full publication list. I DON"T DOUBT that he's an expert in geology (particularly of the Pacific Northwest) and will leave it at that. 

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

There is much evidence that it is the sun and other external sources given that the entire solar system is undergoing similar changes.

I think this explanation from NASA is pretty straightforward that it isn't the sun. Further, we should be in a cooling period based on current sunspot activity. Instead the warming trend continues.

NASA seems to be a source that is utterly untrustable. I'm not going to get into the reasons why because i don't want to spend a lot of time. NASA for example has been forced to admit that it has been using climate manipualtion by spraying aluminum, lithium and barium into the atmosphere after lying about it for years. There are many other reasons i find NASA to be nothing more than a shill for other black budget projects.

Fortunately, NASA provides a handy FAQ covering this topic:

If you're going to make claims that NASA is "utterly untrustable," then you need to back that up with peer-reviewed literature. But OK, I understand you don't want to get into why you think that. It would be another really long topic that would take a lot of time to write on your part and digest on my part.

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

There are many scientists who believe the melting of the Arctic and Antarctic are due to volcanic activities.

That's not what that article says.

Actually it does if you follow some of the links. Not the best article for the claim but offers a glimpse into the realities of vulcanism. I don't have time to create a UN styled presentation here so admittedly not presenting you with the best of the best.

I did look at the links, and they don't make that claim. The article only states "What’s worrying is that volcanic activity could have a major compounding effect on Antarctica's already diminishing ice." It doesn't say that the volcanoes are causing ice melt. In the future they might.

Originally posted by siLLy puPPy siLLy puPPy wrote:

In the end, nobody including Easterbrook has all the answers. The complete dismissal or complete acceptance of any one culprit would be a mistake IMHO. It's all about finding an equilibirum that allows the biosphere to exist without a propensity of instability. However this has been and always will be a volatile planet with many aspects of the multi-dimensional universe that will elude our limited perceptions and with that in mind we must simply adapt to the forces that dictate our reality.

I'm mostly in agreement on general terms here. However, the body of evidence on anthropogenic climate change seems pretty solid to me. It's enough in my view to warrant doing something about it now before it gets much worse.

Here's where i disagree but in the terms where anthropogenic change is the culprit, it's not as black and white as we'd like. As individuals we do not have true democratic input into the decisions of how energy is produced, how the military and industrial complexes chose to carry out the need for total energetic spectrum domination nor do we have any input into the weather modification technolgies used against us. Have you ever delved into the projected goals of such documents as United Nations Agenda 21 and 30?  You'd be shocked to learn that much of what is happening has been purposefully administrated as to usher in a new world order that maintains the power of the 1%. So in other words, using words like anthropogenic distributes the blame of these crimes against humanity amongst all of humanity instead of focusing the blame on those who actually make the decisions and take the initiative to alter the world's biosphere for their own purposes. 

Remember that all the solutions have been created long ago. An in depth analysis of just what the great Nikola Tesla invented already in the 1800s will reveal many technologies that have in effect been steered in a more sinister direction and used against the world's population for various agendas that aren't in your or my best interest. This is all a rabbithole that will take you in many directions. Luckily i structure my existence in a way that i study these things in depth on a daily basis and even if i'm not successful in convincing you or any others, i've certainly been convinced myself by many of the claims i've made. I'm not here to convince you of anything. I'm just adding my 2 cents worth to let you and others know that there are those of us who don't buy into the popular paradigms. I have no agenda other than going where the research leads me. No finanical interests, no political aspirations etc. I'm looking for solutions and that has taken me into the world of the occult, political corruption and dark psychology.

The only comment I will say about this response is that it is beyond the scope of this topic (at least for me). I simply do not have the time to follow you down into your rabbit hole to make out heads or tales of what any of these two paragraphs are supposed to mean. 

I will agree the so-called 1% have a good deal of power in the world and have lined the pockets of many politicians. As to their influence in science, it would seem they are more interested in funding disinformation think tanks that tend to support climate change denialist claims than what the science shows. At least that's what it seems like to me.

Anyhow, you could start another thread on the themes of those two paragraphs and I will gladly read them, but I doubt I would participate much as it is a bit "out of my bailiwick." My bailiwicks are in library metadata and gibberish.

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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote someone_else Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2019 at 02:20
Originally posted by omphaloskepsis omphaloskepsis wrote:

My main point?   I don't believe Politicians can solve Global Warming by taxing workers for trillions of dollars.

  Is there anyone who believes politicians can solve Global Warming?  Do you believe politicians will become filthy rich handling trillions of CO2 tax dollars?    

I'd say Nee to that (Neen has become a bit old-fashioned lately). I think the whole CO2 scam is based on the fact that the surface temperature of Venus with its carbon dioxide atmosphere is about 480°C. But Venus is a bit closer to the sun and its atmosphere has a pressure of 90 bar at surface level.

Edited by someone_else - August 07 2019 at 02:30
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote DamoXt7942 Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 07 2019 at 02:14
I understand there are various opinions for (or against) global climate change, but please discuss it with respect for others. Thanks a lot.
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Say No, No, No No, Stop, Hands, HandS Up, Just Say No

Edited by siLLy puPPy - August 06 2019 at 17:48
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote omphaloskepsis Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2019 at 17:42
My main point?   I don't believe Politicians can solve Global Warming by taxing workers for trillions of dollars.

  Is there anyone who believes politicians can solve Global Warming?  Do you believe politicians will become filthy rich handling trillions of CO2 tax dollars?    

Edited by omphaloskepsis - August 06 2019 at 17:43
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Post Options Post Options   Thanks (0) Thanks(0)   Quote siLLy puPPy Quote  Post ReplyReply Direct Link To This Post Posted: August 06 2019 at 16:36
Originally posted by dr wu23 dr wu23 wrote:

To quote the Vorlons from Babylon 5..." Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.'"

I suspect that the truth isn't completely on one side at all but more in the middle somewhere.
But regarding 'climate change', I find it very hard to think that humans are not affecting the climate and atmosphere on earth since the beginning of the Industrial Age. We have been pouring garbage into the air and water and on the earth itself for at least 200 years...we certainly must have affected some patterns and environmental aspects by now. Whether or not it's causing the level of change some think it must be causing more than what the naysayers think.

Well put. Keep in mind i've only been debunking CO2 as the culprit behind the changes. The reason i feel this is important is because it takes the focus off the things that REALLY ARE doing the most damage to the Earth's biosphere. Humans are definately causing the sixth mass extinction. Without a doubt. However if we want to solve these problems we need to focus less on recycling and fictitious schemes such as a new green deals through the likes of the governments of the world and rather learn how dark psychologists have tricked we the people of the earth into giving consent to our indentured servitude. This requires leaning natural or cosmic laws that govern morality much like physics dictates the laws of gravity, electromagnetism etc. The occult hierarchies have known these principles for millennia and have chosen to use them to dumb us down into slaves. It is impossible to delve into TRUE solutions of envirnomental destruction without tackling these more personal metaphysical principles therefore envirnomental destruction is a symptom of collective aggregate cosmic moral laws being ignored.
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